Member Reviews

An honest review thanks to NetGalley. You must read the other two books in this series before starting this third one. I reread the previous two books before starting this one and it is such a better experience if you know what happened last as this continues right after the previous books ending. I love this series and am always thrilled with Ryan O'Connor. For me this book ends on a very big precipice, Ryan is hanging in the balance of multiple life decisions, I most definitely need the next book as soon as possible!

This series just gets better and better. I hate waiting for the next book to come out. When the book ended I actually said, "No." I couldn't believe McLeod ended it that way. Of course it was 3AM because I read this in one sitting and couldn't put it down. I then had to go to BSB to see if it was in the "upcoming" books. Nothing... was so sad. I really hope McLeod is working hard getting book 4 out (or already finished, fingers crossed) because this one will drive you nuts. These books really are fantastic. This book has several moments where my heart just hurt for the characters. McLeod writes hurt really well. When I finished book 2 I was really wanting to see more of Hannah and Rory and this book delivered both. I hope book 4 will gives us even more. I could start this entire series over right now and still be happy. How many series can you say that about? This review is so hard to write because I want to just tell you all of the crazy things that happens in book 3 but I would hate to spoil anything because it is just that good. I know I verbally said things out loud like, "Oh my god" and"WTF" and "I can't believe it" during this reading. The last 1/4 of the book had me feeling anxious. I finished around 3 AM and couldn't go to sleep. When books like this happen you want to hurry up and write your review because you want everyone to read it, but you can't think of anything that is good enough to say. Buy them all right now. Read them. This series is exactly the reason I need to wait for the series to be finished before I start because waiting is torture. We need audiobook versions of all them.. pronto..

I honestly don’t know what to say other than, wow! There is so much going on in this and what a huge cliffhanger! Can Ryan please take a long needed/deserved vacation?! Seriously, when’s the next one coming out because I’ll read it right now!

This is one of my favorite series out there, and one of my favorite authors. This is the third in the series, and it continues to move along at a blistering pace. Ryan and Allison are still everything they were in the first two books, but now trying to be together while everything else professionally is falling apart around them is tough. The relationship continues to have trials and some of their biggest issues are put to the test in this one. I also loved the progression of Ryan's relationship with the Secret Service and how it doesn't always paint them in the best light. The whole thing is enthralling and I look forward to the continuation of this saga.

This is the third book of the series and yes, I would advise you to start at the beginning. But this by far the best of the three. Seriously I loved it and really want some more.
You can't help but like Ryan and Allison. They have been there throughout and are very well developed. The other characters are good for helping the story develop and progress. It is definitely a roller coaster ride. Some questions are answered some are not. So I'm guessing the series is going to be continued. If not I'll not be very happy.
I'm not going to add the basics of the story because I keep being told I say too much and reveal spoilers. So i'm just gonna say this. In my opinion it is the best book of the series so far. And yes, I would definitely recommend it. Enjoy!
*ARC provided by publisher via NetGalley*

Ryan remains sexy, kick ass, vulnerable and enthralling. This series remains solid in the third volume and I continue to expect a great deal. Also, sizzling intimacy is always, always welcomed.

“Crikey” i’ll have some more of that if you please!
Bloody loved it, you don’t come across good well written books like this very often, i totally recommend this series so far but this most definitely the best out of the 3 books, I found this to be addictive, even made me late for work!
I loved Ryan and Allison’s relationship and it was so refreshing that when they did argue they didn’t break up for weeks, they just made up like normal people do, Allison did get right on my tits with her muteness but I did like her, I did catch on pretty quickly with what was going on with her but it didn’t stop me from screaming in my head “just fricking tell us”.
Anyway dead exciting, great characters and steamy sex, what more can us addicts ask for!

An excellent addition to the series on Agent Ryan O'Connor and the characters all develop well. Ryan is still finding her way into a stable relationship with Alison and she upsets things repeatedly - sometimes intentionally - but there are a lot of genuine painful moments in this. There is also a lot of laughter. Ms McLeod plots well and writes with a nice pace so that you do indeed turn the pages at a speed to find out what happens. There are no spoilers here but the central conflict is very neatly developed and the anguish is captured well. If you haven't read books One and Two then I'd suggest you start there, though the book does stand alone.
Recommended if you enjoy lesfic with a bit of a bite and some depth.
I was given this book by Netgalley in return for an honest review.

Special Agent Ryan O’Connor is recovering after being shot in the line of duty. Physically she’s coming along fine, but mentally it’s a bit tougher. Her girlfriend Alison also works in protective detail, and they’re getting on really well. Ryan’s still on desk duty but her return to full duty is just around the corner, and things are looking up for her.
When Alison’s boss starts harassing them both, and one of the people on Ryan’s watchlist is released from the psych ward, she knows that trouble is brewing. Can Ryan keep it together when it hits the fan?
The main character in the series is clever, dedicated and determined to be as good if not better than the men with whom she works. She knows it is the only way to garner respect in such a male dominated field. Ryan’s role is to find threats to those the Service is protecting, and to contain them. Her lover Alison is just as good as an agent, but is working in a different detail, protecting the President’s daughter. The two are bound to collide professionally, as you can imagine.
I have to say, and I think I’m on my own here when I glance at other reviews, that I didn’t like this book nearly as much as I liked the other one I’ve read in the series. This one had some of the same strong and capable characters, but the plot felt too pushed from crime into relationship drama to remain effective in a crime genre.
It reminded me of the coroner shows where the cops don’t actually do their job of investigating, but the coroners seem to do the interviewing and get in danger and tackle the bad guys. Mildly diverting, but so far from the normal processes that it defies belief. And I think this is the problem with this book.
(spoiler) Ryan has a familial relationship to the person kidnapped, but is allowed to be the lead on the case. She has a massive emotional fight with her girlfriend in the middle of it all, when they are on a very tight countdown to rescue someone. It just doesn’t make sense. I can see why you’d add it in for drama in a TV series, but it just didn’t work for me in the book; it took me out of the story space. There were a few other aspects that pulled me from the story too, as I stepped around the chunks of disbelief scattered on the floor of the world created by McLeod, such as Ryan being the only person to tackle the bad guy at the end.
This is third book in the series by McLeod. She has a background in protective detail, and it usually shows in her work. In the first book there was an excellent sense that the processes of the organisations and thought processes of the agents feel real. The first book in the series is Actual Stop, reviewed by me here (4.5 stars https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1673061602) and the second is Worthy of Trust and Confidence, which I haven’t read as yet.
This was an entertaining book, but definitely start with Actual Stop. It’s a ripper read.
Advanced reading copy provided by NetGalley for an honest review.

Like the other books in this series, it is a great read. It is captivating, sad, thrilling and had great characters - even the supporting characters are great.

This book was definitely a roller coaster of emotions. Allison continues to grow in my eyes in that she continues to be the rock in the relationship which I wasn't expecting when reading book 1. I continue to find Ryan endearing with her big heart and humour making me laugh at the oddest of times.
The series has definitely grown with this book providing a number of twists and turns that I was not expecting. I loved every minute of this book and found myself struggling to put the book down!
The ending felt cut so short but in looking at McLeod's website it seems the series will continue hence the lack of anything feeling tide up. I'm anxious to read the next book and see what direction Allison and Ryan's journey will go in.

Fun, intriguing and overall a great series. I really enjoyed this read. It's the third in the series and I highly recommend you start from the first. It makes it that much more enjoyable.
The author will keep your interest from beginning to end. The characters are engaging and the story will make it difficult to put down. Wonderful detail, exceptional writing and simply, a good book. My students will enjoy reviewing this at our monthly book group.

This is the third book in this series following Special Agent Ryan O’Connor. She's recovered from a shooting and looks forward to being back on full duty again. Everything with her girlfriend Allison is going great so when she's blindsided by a ghost from her past when her whole existence is badly shaken. Ms Mcleod's writing just keeps getting better and better. Great series that I hope keeps coming. Great read.

This book was a real let down. After reading the description I thought it was going to be really good but I was wrong.
I wanted this book to be more gripping. It is also very slow, I waited ages to see if anything was going to happen but nothing did.
Is this a book where you get to the last page to find out what is going on?
It feels like the story was missing something although not sure what.
It would have been nice if we could have had more about the twins. It would have been nice to have a story with twins especially with them both being special agents.
A real let down.

In books with characters of the secret service, federal agents, police officers, members of the army, etc, I always have problems to understand some parts related to acronyms and particular jargon in general. Normally this fact does not bother me, although it costs me to follow the plot a bit. In this book this has happened to me although it has not completely ruined my desire to finish it.
Which has almost happened with the two protagonists. First Allison with her secrecy. Then Ryan with her surprising ingenuity in some moments. Of course, Ryan seems to be the only "normal" person in the entire story, maybe by the fact that the book is related in firs person grom her poin of view. But really, both have put me on nerves on more than one occasion.
Just a thought, without wanting to spoil the plot, the final action scene reminded me of the "Hitchcock" movie "Torn Curtain." It is not easy to kill a man.
Returning to the book, this is the third of a series, so the plot follows what was developed in the previous two. Although it is possible to read and understand almost everything without having read the previous ones, there are many references to the other two in this one.
And as a summary, first, warning that there are some quite violent scenes, although this is normal in an action book, and second, it is an entertaining and fast-paced reading. It should also be noted that the book does not have a closed end, as there are several aspects that are not resolved, pending a new chapter.

Known Threat is book 3 in a fantastic Secret Service series. I implore you to read the first 2 because it will be so worth your while to get to know Agent Ryan O'Connor and her equally appealing supporting cast. The plot continues where we last left her healing in the aftermath of the shooting, the startling arrest of her boss, and the building connection with Allison now that she's suddenly back in her life. Many questions are answered and new layers are revealed but in unexpected ways that dare to question everything Ryan has come to know about her career and the people she thinks she can trust and rely on. There are several bombshells and plot twists you won't expect that push Ryan to her breaking point, repeatedly. The thrill of the action-packed suspense coupled with the intensity of Ryan and Allison's affair was an immensely fun rollercoaster ride. I'm hoping for more adventures from this amazing universe of characters.

Well, this one started a little slow for me, but it could be that I didn't realize it was a series and I haven't read the first book - so I didn't have the background that might have allowed me to jump right in. But I have to say, after the first couple of chapters, I was hooked and couldn't put this one down.
Known threat is well written with likable characters and a good amount of drama and police procedural. There is a bit of romance, action and even a touch of suspense thrown in for good measure.

Known Threat is a fast paced adventure novel. It us told from the perspective of Agent Ryan O’Conner. The main plot deals with the mistakenly kidnapping of her twin sister, Rory, by a recently released psych ward patient who thinks the President’s daughter is his wife.
The characters are multidimensional, some with personalities that you would like to have on your side no matter what, and some characters that you can’t help but strongly dislike. The dynamics of these characters either facing off, interacting in a professional manner, or even sharing emotional angst, combine to make this story very engaging. The author writes in such a way that you cannot help but read your fastest to discover what will happen next.
Overall, this was a great read and I look forward to other books by this author.

Wow! This was really good, like really good. I’m a little blown away right now. What happened to McLeod? I mean I liked her writing before, but it improved so much over the span of these three books. Well whatever she is doing, she needs to keep doing it because this book was damn good!
This is the third book in this series, and to answer the question do you really need to read these in order? Yes, I highly recommend it. I think you might still enjoy this book if you just picked it up, but this is an ongoing series and this book would not be as powerful without reading the others. Book one is an okay book. It’s a 3, 3 ½ star book. It absolutely has some issues, but I still enjoyed it. Book 2, was much better and just hit the 4 star mark for me. But this third book is so much improved and just better, I’m really impressed. I did not want it to end.
I’m not going to go into a description; I don’t want to spoiler anything. This is a pure action romance book. I was hooked from page one, and could not stop reading. The action was great, especially at the climax of the book. I was literally sitting on the edge of my seat gripping my Kindle.
I thought the romance part was good for an established couple in a series. We had a good steamy scene, but also some relationship angst. A big secret finally comes out, that many of us readers were waiting for. And even though you could kind of see it coming, I still did a mouth dropping “Oh my God”.
The main character who’s POV we are in is Ryan. She is slowly becoming one of my favorite lesfic characters. It’s getting to the point where you are connecting with her to the point you can almost feel what she is going through. And I think what I like about Ryan, is a lot of the time she reacts how I think I would. Have you ever yelled at a character after they did something you don’t agree with? Or wish they would have said something different? Well, I don’t have to yell at Ryan. Most of the time I think to myself, yep I would do or say that. It’s a funny thing but it makes me like her even more.
I only had one little issue simmering with this book. I thought there was one point things were a little too unrealistic and I was going to take a few points off for it. But then what happens… McLeod actually explains a little later in the book why it happened. Why it was not unrealistic and actually makes perfect sense. She damn well outsmarted me before I could even complain. I’m impressed!
I know this is getting long but I also have to mention, not only does this book have some heart pounding action, it also makes you feel. Between the “OMG” moment of the secret, to the heartbreaking brutal truth near the end. The last few chapters my insides were squeezing so much I thought I was going to be nauseous. I always love a good book that makes you feel, and this absolutely did. I just hope McLeod can make things look better in book four.
If you have read the first two books, absolutely grab this one, it’s by far the best of the series. If you are new to this series, start at book one. It does have issues, but the rest of the series is so worth it. McLeod, if you read these, please don’t make us wait long for book four.