Member Reviews

The premise sounded interesting and could have made for a fantastic story, but unfortunately this book didn't really do it for me. I found both characters immature and did not really connect with either, the author kept telling me they had great chemistry but I just didn't see it, and didn't really see why they would be into one another. The writing wasn't as engaging as some of the author's previous works. Overall not a very memorable read sadly.

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I couldn't really connect with the characters in general and even though they had great chemistry I just...didn't feel anything for them.

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A fairly dull and cliché riddled offering from an author I had better expectations of. It never really held my attention, a lot of the writing was stilted and the basic proviso was fairly unimaginative. I think it was supposed to be a redemptive arc but as I never really cared about Elizabeth Stone and her hockey career I just couldn't get invested in her redemption. I had initially thought that a book about sports injury and recovery would right up my street having been there done that, but it never really deals with the mental side of injury and recovery.
Not really worth my time.

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At the moment I seem to be reading books that I can't seem to make up my mind with. I really don't know if I disliked this book or loved it.

It's a really nice romance story between a physical therapist and a hockey player. I wasn't keen on how some of the secondary characters were treated. Especially the fiance.

Yes, I would recommend this book because it is a nice romance and the chemistry is there. Bryant has a really nice writing style which is easy to follow. Enjoy!

*ARC provided by publisher via NetGalley*

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My first time reading a Kris Bryant book, and to be honest I wasn't too impressed.

I wasn't that fussed on either character and felt more of a budding romance and suitability between Hayley and Rachel rather than with Stone.

Quite a weak story line but plenty of adult contents.

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I have long enjoyed the author's works and this, her latest publication, was perhaps, the most emotionally evocative. It took very little for me to get invested in the work that Hayley was attempting to do with Elizabeth to help her recover and for their dynamic to become a valuable literary escape for me. I found the second half of the book to be the most absorbing and I was heartily enthused about the conclusion. Ms. Bryant is becoming a must-read.

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I have read a few of Ms. Bryant's books and have found them to be a pleasant escape. However, this romance was just a difficult read. Two major problems. First, I found it hard to believe in the story. Hayley is engaged to somebody but upon meeting Stone, she cannot stop thinking about her.
There is no build up in the relationship. Stone treats Hayley poorly. The other problem I had was the story being told in the first person. For me, it caused the storyline to be rough and difficult to read.
I rate this book 2-1/2 stars out of 5.
I was given this ARC in return for a fair and honest review.

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Flipping heck and It was going soooo well, that was the most stupidest reason for a blow off ever, now I know it’s fiction but that just took the chocolate biscuit, if someone did that to me and came crawling back I’d tell them to do one no matter how much I liked them, the reasoning was just too unrealistic for me to believe.
Nonetheless I enjoyed most of this book and there was a few pluses for me, the chemistry was definitely there and the sex was super sexy, both characters were likeable apart from them both acting twatish in parts and the banter I loved!

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There isn't much I can say that many haven't already said. This is simply a fun book to read. I really enjoy this authors story from beginning to end. From the great chemistry between the main characters to the love scenes. Wow, is all I can say. Very difficult to put down. A must read.

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Dr. Hayley Sims, is an expert physical therapist. Her life seems to be going in the right direction.She enjoys her job, plus she's engaged and planning to wed a fellow Dr. But not all is as good as she thinks. Her seemingly perfect life starts to unravel and to complicate matters she finds herself devolving feelings for her patient Elizabeth Stone who's hoping to continue with her life as a hockey player. Ms Bryant knows how to write a very good story. Really liked this book. Looking forward to her next book.

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There were such beautiful feel-good moments, unbelievably hot sex and emotional intensity that took my breath away in ‘Touch’. Kris Bryant excels at making the reader feel warm and fuzzy. Hayley is a physical therapist whose newest patient is superstar hockey player Elizabeth Stone. After a bad accident Stone needs to get back to full fitness or her career is over. The problem is they are Dr and patient and that’s a no-no. As the attraction grows they have to decide how to deal with it. Hayley is getting her life back on keel and has to ask herself if the complication is worth it. Stone is used to getting what she wants but she might have met her match. I loved their story. Highly recommended 5 Star read!

I was given this ARC by Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books in return for an honest review.

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I’ve finished the book....finally. I am really sorry to say that I found this book laborious to read, it just did not seem to have been written by a seasoned author. There was no flow to the book and the dialogue and narration seemed stilted. The story itself seemed fair, but it didn’t get much chance to shine because of the quality of the writing.

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A nicely paced and well written romance. It was an enjoyable read and I liked the characters, but it was also a bit shallow. I think the story either needed to become a thriller (with definite scope for a menacing ex girlfriend), or the central characters needed more depth. It was too one-sided; leaving one half of the romance a bit sketchy ultimately made it hard to care about both women.

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I liked this book. It's a simple romance novel with great chemistry between the main characters. The seemingly necessary break-up seemed forced and silly, but the rest of the book was nice and likable.
I'm looking forward to listen to the audiobook version of this - but I think the narrator is very important in this one as she can add an extra star or remove it too.

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I like this author a lot. To be honest, this wasn't my favorite book of hers though. I thought the whole relationship went really quickly. Too quickly. Hayley is engaged and immediately can't stop thinking about Stone. I thought there would be more of a slow build with even the attraction when you're with someone else to that level. Even Hayley's friendship with Rachel was like they were bff's instantly. I don't want to spoil this book for anyone, so I'll also say non-specifically that I thought Stone was nuts in her actions with Hayley as well, since it all seemed, again, too quickly for me.

Side note, I'm one of those people that can't handle not knowing what the characters look like in the beginning of the book. Some people I'm sure could care less, but it helps me visualize them right away. All you know is Hayley is 5'6 and Stone is taller for most of the book. I would have liked to know specifics in some roundabout way from the start.

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This is my first lesbian romance fiction from anyone other than Melissa Brayden. I loved it as much as I loved reading her. The story of two passionate woman in love is really touching. I love happy ending stories. The narration is beautiful. The romantic ones are steamy as well. This is my first book by Kris Bryant. I'm planning to read more.

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Hayley is a physiotherapist, she usually works with kids but at her boss's instance she takes on a Hockey player, Elizabeth Stone. The two struggle with their attraction which is only complicated by a doctor-patient relationship. Will love prevail over a hockey player's busy schedule and Hayley's complicated personal life?

This is not a cheating story, I nearly put it down several times because of this, but it's not like that. If you're like me and this turns you off a book, don't worry and keep reading, this story is well worth it. I enjoyed this much more than the last book I read by this author. The POV worked really nicely and the story was well balanced and well paced.

I loved Hayley's growth in this story, really really loved it. Her job was really fascinating as well, the kids are so cute. Nice love story and a very sexy one at that. The ending was sooo sweet, I awwww-ed out loud!

I received an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I really enjoyed this book. The pacing was good, I love the characters. Looking forward to this author's next book.

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