Member Reviews

This is a romance between Physical therapist Hayley Sims and professional hockey player Elizabeth Stone. They first meet in Hayley's practice, Stone in need of therapy as a result of an injury. There is some initial chemistry but Hayley has a fiancée and there's the obvious doctor-patient relationship restriction. As time goes by their feelings start to run deeper, will they have their happily ever after?

'Touch' is written in first person in present tense, a style that might take some time to get used to. It's only Hayley's point of view so the reader doesn't have the chance to get much into Stone's headspace apart from a good deal of telling by the author. My main issue with this book is that some parts of the plot seem a bit rushed and others a bit unrealistic. These issues somehow stopped the natural flow of the story and weakened the main characters' chemistry. It's an ok read but I enjoyed Bryant's book 'Taste' much more. 3 stars.

ARC provided by Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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I have read nearly everything from this author, and I have enjoyed them all. This one is my favorite, but it is close near tie to Forget Me Not. I though the chemistry between Stone and Hayley was written very well. They are a hot hot couple. When I first began the book and realized Hayley was in a relationship already, I wondered how in the world Bryant would pull off a breakup, and a new forever love in one short novel. She pulled it off. I think she is better for dropping Alison and wonder why she didn’t do so sooner. Both main characters were great, but I really enjoyed Hayley. Bryant backed the mains up with good secondary characters and for me this book was a win.

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Book received from Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

I’ve read a few of Kris Bryant’s novels now and I’ve enjoyed all of them, this one included. Dr Haley Sims is physical therapist in a practice which deals with children under 12 only. At the request of her boss she is asked to take on an adult professional hockey player who is difficult. At their first meeting Stone is angry and aggressive but with each subsequent session her mood improves and Haley finds herself becoming attracted to her.

Haley is supposed to be sending out wedding invitations to her and Alison’s impending wedding but she’s dragging her feet but hasn’t quite found the words for the reason. Written from the first person point of view, Haley’s thoughts and actions are in the foreground. Some of the characters seemed quite incidental and I didn’t ever really understand Alison as a character. Rachel was also a little shallow in the storyline.

The chemistry Bryant creates between the characters is electric but there are some intimate moments where something is missing. That might be from my irritation at Stone rather than the writing. For the most part this is an easy read, it flows well and I’ll definitely be reading more by Kris Bryant.

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Dr. Haley Sims knows who she is and what is important to her, pediatric physical therapy. Elizabeth Stone, knows who she is and what is important to her, recovery and ice hockey. This is a romantic read about aging and coming to terms with what is important. What is important varies from person-to-person and both Haley and Stone discover people and relationships as important.

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An honest review thanks to NetGalley. I did like this book, it was a great read and romance. The chemistry between Stone and Hayley was off the charts, and you could feel it come off the page. The reason this did not get five stars was because of Alison. There seemed to be no problems between her and Hayley until she was ending it. I was a bit blindsided, and then Stone appears, then the issue with Stone and Allision. I felt as if Bryant was bringing in all of these problems for the characters to work through that didn't make much sense overall. Even with these issues I did really like this book, you will enjoy.

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This book was alright. I was not a fan of how the fallout happened and why they suddenly moved into a relationship however to each their own.
I keep hoping her books will be like some of her earlier work such as Forget me not. Read this on a scribd subscription when it becomes available

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<a href="" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="Touch" src="" /></a><a href="">Touch</a> by <a href="">Kris Bryant</a><br/>
My rating: <a href="">4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
An ARC rec'd from NetGalley/Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.<br />Doctors, sports, sex and romance are all nicely covered in the author's latest book with leads Hayley and Elizabeth. I am a fan of Ms. Bryant's work and "Touch" allowed me to forget life and reality while I read her book. <br />For that she gets 4 stars.
<a href="">View all my reviews</a>

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It was a nice book to read but it didn’t leave me completely satisfied. The story and the characters felt flat throughout the story. I did not feel the “undeniable” chemistry between Stone and Hayley and I understood that she was not completely happy in her relationship but it seemed a bit unrealistic that she would leave her fiancé for Stone.

I usually like the main character as the narrator of the story, but I didn’t really enjoy it here.

Overall, it wasn’t bad but it will not become one of my favorites.

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I am a big fan of Bryant's work and was looking forward to reading her next book. Unfortunately this one didn't hit the mark the way her previous books have for me. The story didn't flow well for me where it felt more like certain things happened at specific times based on a schedule instead of it naturally flowing with the story.

I was not a fan of Stone, I really tried but just found that she was an ass at the start and towards the end. She was pushy and felt that she never thought about Hayley and her feelings. I thought Hayley forgave her too quickly.

I did think the characters had good chemistry.

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Meh. The longer I think about it, the less I liked it.

My annoyance stems from one source: Jealousy. The MC leaves her fiancée for several reasons, but one of them was her jealousy. Then she turns around and finds it endearing in her new love interest. What?

Then towards the end the issue comes up again when the love interest is jealous because the MC‘s friend is pretty. The MC puts her foot down, thank god, but in an era where we‘re talking about (and puzzling over) the phenomenon that is fragile masculinity, I really don’t need comparable behavior in lesfic. This totally reminded me of a scene in a bad hospital TV show from the 80s I saw the other day or whiny Phillip in S2 of The Crown. It wasn’t attractive there and it isn’t attractive/cute/healthy here.

The sudden end did not help in getting things to a good place for me again.

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This book started out good and interesting but after like half of the story it dabbled along and got kind of boring. I liked the characters in the beginning.

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3.5 Stars

Another enjoyable read by Kris Bryant. I found myself totally able to relate to Hayley and her predicament. The fact the story is told in first person and completely from her point of view, meant I became a lot more invested in her than Stone. I didn't dislike Stone, I just never felt I got to know her.

The conflict, or should I say person who caused strife, came as no surprise. It's a tried and true plot device that's been used many times.

For those fond of some hot loving, there's a good dose of spice to whet the appetite ;)

All in all, this is a well-rounded story many readers of lesfic are bound to enjoy.

Copy provided by the publisher, Bold Strokes Books, via NetGalley.

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I'm rarely surprised after reading so many books in this genre but I'm happy to say Touch did that for me. It's easy to forget how important character development is until the familiar formula is broken. In summary, Hayley sets herself free from her controlling fiancee, and while we are well aware that Stone is that typical extraordinary sexy jock that women lust over in droves, she admits to her previous player antics but swears she's ready for something substantial and lasting. It's the unpredictable journey these two take together that is unique and different from the usual formula. In short, without giving away the pleasure of discovering that for yourself, I can say it's the maturity of the these two remarkable women and the maturity of the writing that endeared me to them and their romance, even when it inexplicably derails just as it nears its crescendo. That's why I was so bummed when their story felt like it had an abrupt and too neat and tidy finish. I desperately wanted more of their story and it felt cut short. Still, I devoured this story and loved every minute I spent in their romantic journey.

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3 1/4 Stars. I’m a fan of Bryant. I have read all of her full length books, and was looking forward to this one. This was a perfectly fine romance; it just wasn’t quite what I was hoping for.

Physical therapist Doctor Hayley Sims mostly works with children. She has given up working on injured athletes since they can be a PITA. But when her boss asks for the favor of helping a women’s professional hockey player, Elizabeth Stone, Hayley can’t say no. Stone is a little cocky, but also sweet and attractive. But not only is dating a patient a no-no, Hayley just happens to be engaged. As sparks fly, Hayley most decide what she really wants in her life, and if there is a place in it for Stone.

I enjoyed the premise of the book. I love books with docs, and I also enjoy sports. There was just enough women’s hockey to be enjoyable, but not enough to turn off any non-sports fans. It was also nice to have the book take place in Vermont (where I reside). I actually live very close to an apple orchard, so I thought the book got that right on. You would be surprised how many Vermont books, don’t actually sound like Vermont.

When it came to the romance I had mixed emotions. In the beginning, I found it to be too much “tell” instead of “show”. We are told they have this amazing chemistry, I didn’t actually see and feel it. Luckily, as the book goes on, it finally starts to click and they have a ton of sexual chemistry that is obvious and enjoyable. But there was one last part of the romance that didn’t really work for me. I felt like they were very compatible sexually, but I didn’t necessarily believe it was deeper than that. When the “I love yous” are said, I don’t know if I believed them. This felt more like we are just starting to get know each other kind of relationship, not a for sure forever lasting HEA relationship.

I had a few other problems like how Hayley treated her fiancé and how Stone acts in one part of the book. There were just things that didn’t really sit right with me. I don’t know how to say this last part without sounding insulting, but I found the writing to be pretty simple. Almost like this could have been a debut book, not from such a seasoned steady author like Bryant. Besides the great sexual chemistry, this didn’t really feel like one of her books to me.

I had issues with this that I am not as used to having with Bryant books, but to be clear this was still an enjoyable read. I have a feeling most romance fans will like this. Maybe I just have higher expectations since I am a fan of Bryant. Whatever the reason, this was a little bumpy for me, but I think I would still recommend it for the most part.

An ARC was given to me by BSB, for a honest review.

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I've finished this book and I really can't decide if has been entirely satisfying. The story is overall flat although there are attempts to cause some tension they haven't reached enough level.It starts with a woman, Hayley, in a stable relationship planning their weding and suddenly without aparent causes, not only starts to have doubts but breaks entirely her commitment. Seriously, even if Alison, the other bride-to-be, is so trust fund and top surgeon kind of girl, they don't comunicate at all? Then Stone and Hayley relation starts, first just a professional one, but obviously sooner or latter it has to pass to a personal level. But then is the way that Hayley reacts, maybe by the fact that she is the narrator of the story in first person, that has let me cold. The narrator Hayley keeps telling that the chemistry between she and Stone is undeniable but to me this is not so clear. But the way that Stone reacts in the height moment, I don't want to spoil here, is totally inapropriate and ilogical after the way that she has been described and her acts along the book. And the character of Rachel don't has made much sense to me in the story. One thing I've enjoyed quite is the sex between Stone and Hayley, but it also is pretty unimaginative.

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I’m a huge Kris Bryant fan! I have really enjoyed all of her books. Touch, begins with Hayley taking n a new patient for her boss. Stone, a hockey player, seriously injured her leg and was sent to Elite PT for help. Their is immediate chemistry between the two and it’s wonderful when they finally get together. These two mains are extremely likable and I was rooting for them. I wasn’t thrilled with the fact that Stone ghosted Hayley after their amazing night in the Orchard. One would think that communication would be key. Hayley, after having her heart broken by Stone immediately takes her back when she apologizes. I love a happy ending, but it was just a little silly getting there.

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