Member Reviews

Stella thought she was in love, but it turned out she was the other woman. She is done with men and relationships. In walks Jack. He is the brother of the wife in the whole other woman scenario. He want to find that horrible woman who hurt his sister. He never expected to find Stella. There are always two sides to every story. Jack is also a wounded soul who is not interested in a relationship. Sometimes it takes the one thing you think you never want to heal the broken parts of your heart. I thought it was a great story and being set in Scotland, how could you not love it?

Lucy King's His Best Mistake was an adorable book about finding love again after a devastating heartbreak.

Short, sweet and to the point, “His Best Mistake” is about finding love in an unexpected place.
Stella Grant and Jack Maclean met in the most unusual and dire circumstances. In Jack’s eyes, Stella hurt his sister and based on that, Stella’s character is questionable. On the other hand, Stella felt she was the victim and Jack’s hatred of her is unfounded.
Still, even with everything against them, the chemistry between them cannot be denied. And, on a snowy night, when a snowstorm was raging, Jack made “His Best Mistake.”
And now, Stella and Jack are faced with the consequences. The problem is, even if they are willing, their collective past are bigger hurdles than they thought.
“His Best Mistake” is Rated T for Teens.

Although there were some interesting twists on common tropes, I found it difficult to finish this novel. Tighter dialogue & editing could have made this story great.

Enjoyed reading Stella and Jack’s Love story about misconceptions and finding love in unexpected places. There’s an instant attraction when Stella and Jack meet but Jack’s on a mission. Mission gets sidetracked and they have to face the consequences. Recommended read

I enjoyed reading this story, only negatives I can really say about it is that I found it rushed. it wasn't a long story, it was straight to the point (which is what i like most times, just not in this case).. I wish it had been longer and went into more detail about them falling in love, would have liked to see that slowly progress instead of it happening so fast. Will definitely be on the look out for more of this authors books

I am going to be completely honest, I hated it..The supposed hero was a jerk and ass and I understand that you lost the love of your life, but even though you may never forget her, you need to move on or leave the heroine alone, your family has done enough to her and he needed to have a spine and defend her over your idiotic malicious sister. Hated her too, wake up and smell the roses you fiance is a cheating douche. The only one I thought was passable was the heroine and she honestly deserved someone better.

Jack and Stella were great together. A bit heavy at times but the witty banter made things interesting.
So, I was a bit worried when I started this one—it was so close to becoming a DNF—because I’m not a fan of cheating or fiancé stealing (yeah, I don’t read blurbs, so I had no idea) but thankfully I kept reading and realized things weren’t as they seemed.
Jack’s decided to confront the woman he believes stole his sister’s fiancé and an heirloom Russian signet ring. He didn’t plan on being stranded at her house, which happens to be off-grid in the Scottish Highlands, or attracted to her, seeing as he hadn’t felt that way once in the four years since his wife died. When Stella rescues Jack from his car and brings him into her home, she never imagined she would fall for him, especially since he was a Maclean, or fall into bed with him. Now they have to deal with the repercussions of that night and work through their fears while dealing with their feelings for each other.
This one totally surprised me. I was expecting something light with a dash of drama but this one was rather intense and angst-filled. And it worked.
Jack and Stella started off on the wrong foot—he was angry and blaming her for screwing up his sister’s life and she was basically over him and his attitude from the start—so when they find themselves stranded together it makes for an interesting encounter.
I liked Jack and Stella. They’re both a little broken and they need to figure out how to mend but it’s going to take some work. Jack’s still working through the death of his wife and the fear of what caused it so when Stella ends up pregnant from the night they spent together, his fear takes over. He’s also beating himself up over the fact that he slept with the woman his sister believes ruined her life.
Stella’s working through abandonment issues brought on by her parents and trying to figure out how not to fall in love with every guy she meets. So, when circumstances force her to move into Jack’s house, she’s struggling a bit. She’s trying to figure out how to open up and let him in while not falling head over heels in love with him.
I really liked Stella and Jack together. They just brought out the best in each other. He was quick to stand up for her and make her feel worthy and she made him want to slow down and enjoy life more rather than just throwing himself into work. I only little complaint was that while Stella was spilling her secrets to him, which was hard for her to do, Jack kept things bottled up and she more or less had to beg for a crumb of information.
The romance started out with the whole insta-lust thing but it slowed down as the plot progressed and they took their time getting to know each other. I understand why they were cautious; their issues were valid so it wasn’t just angst for the sake of drama.
While I enjoyed the book, the epilogue felt rushed and jumbled. I just wished it would have been evened out a bit.
Overall, I was pleased with this one. A few things could have been smoothed out but it worked. And it had just that right amount of angst and humor to make this one fly by.

Stella has been staying off the beaten track while the dust of her life is settling. That is, until Jack shows up unannounced and uninvited. Like a tsunami, he comes out of nowhere and is a violent force. His anger is expected, but he is not willing to let Stella defend herself at first. Once she begins to explain how she had no idea her ex was also his sister's fiancé until it was too late and she was a victim too, it caused him to pause. Will he be willing to accept this? Or will his anger still boil over toward her? I did enjoy this book.

Enjoyable read. A bit unrealistic. It didn't seem to flow as well as I would have liked. But enjoyable none-the-less.

Stella had just finished a painting she had been working on. But it was still crap.Stella didn’t understand how she could wield a pencil with deftness a skill that had given her both a career and a sideline Stella loved. But put a paintbrush in her hand and it all went to crap. But this painting like the other twenty four were merely a means of therapy and destined for the fire. Stella didn’t deserve a quick and easy fix for she had slept with a man engaged to another woman but Ben- who was really Brad- had told her he was single when she asked and she had no reason to doubt him. The guilt and shame had been unbearable for Stella but there was also the hurt as she had really liked Ben/Brad. Stella had even thought he might be the one. Stella was starting to recover she had even managed to smile. It was New Years Eve when Stella found out she was the other woman. No one knew where Stella was -only Mrs Murray who ran the local shop where Stella went once a week for supplies. The cottage was isolated. Then Stella saw a car come toward her cottage. Then it swerved and ended up at a terrible angle in the ditch. Stella ran out to the car as the driver was all caught up in the airbacks and Stella got into the glovebox for the male driver and got a knife and gave it to the driver to cut himself free. Then the car wouldn’t start back up. Then Stella asked the man why he was in the area and he said he had been looking for her and gave her name. He said he had hired someone to find her. He said his name was Jack Mclean and then Stella connected him to Cora - Brad/Ben’s fiance. Jack was Cora’s loving older brother. Jack was a hotshot currency trader with his own company and billions of dollars. Stella had read an article about Jack and he was a force to be reckoned with. In the pursuit of his goals he was single minded and relentless. Now he was here on a mission. Stella said they better go inside When Jack’s sister said she was going insane knowing nothing about the floozie who had seduced her fiance. Jack told Cora he would remedy that. Now Jack was stuck with a woman he despised. Jack wasn’t feeling charitable to the woman who had destroyed Cora’s self esteem , broken her heart, and destroyed her happiness. Miss Grant didn’t deserve mercy she deserved to rot in Hades. She also may have stolen a family heirloom. Jack was determined to crush Stella’s soul into a dust. Jack had told Stella he wanted answers and as much as she could Stella would give them. Stella was as much a victim as Cora. Stella had met Ben/Brad at a wedding she was working. Stella was a court artist but on weekends she does quick sketches at events it was more quirky then photos. Brad was a guest and flirted with her. Brad/Ben asked her and she gave him her card. A couple of days later Ben called her. As time went on when Ben.Brad canceled on Stella he had reasonable excuses and Stella thought she was in love with him. What a fool she had been. Jack had lost his wife four years ago this week and he had never actually dealt with the rage and guilt. Usually he drank himself into a stupor for this one week then the rest of the year he had himself under control. But this week he just barged out to Stella never even considering she may be innocent in this and he did value fairness but he wasn’t being fair to Stella. Stella and Jack end up having a one night stand and then Jack still leaves. Even when Jack finds out Stella is pregnant he guards his heart.
I had mixed feelings about this book. It had a little bit different take on romance. This was bad but not great either. I liked Jack and Stella together but they bumped heads together a lot. But also Jack still guarded his heart even though Stella was pregnant. Also they went to bed rather fast with her having been hurt from Ben/Brad. This was also fairly predictable. But it did have a twist or two. I didn’t like Cora at all especially after she knew the whole story and it really wasn’t Stella fault. I didn’t really connect with Jack. Jack had been celibate, but all of a sudden he has to have Stella. This dragged for me at times. So as I said I had mixed feelings.

His Best Mistake (The Maclean Family Legacy Book 1) by Lucy King
This is Stella Grant and Jack Maclean’s story.
I was drawn into the story from the beginning. I loved Jack and Stella’s characters even though I wanted to smack Jack. As you get to know the characters you get a better understanding of why Jack and Stella have trouble trusting and the fears they have.
This is an entertaining and sweet story of two people that need some happiness in their life.
I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

I liked this story, it has a solid plot line and a really strong female lead in Stella.
I did find it a bit unrealistic that two people with so much emotional baggage, could just get over it all in they ways they did. I wish that Jake had been a bit stronger and emotionally deeper, <spoiler> I was all ready to be shown hidden depths only for him to find that the pain he though would be unbearable just wasn't and never mind, NEXT... I really found it hard to believe that the of hospital trip wouldn't have brought up some memories. I would have like him to have worked through more of his issues and without this is I had doubts about the longterm stability of the relationship even as they presented the happily ever after picture. </spoiler>
I felt that the cast list of just the two main characters and meeting just one/two other characters (though I guess we heard about 5 more) was a little restrictive.
Finally, I agree with other reviews that the book cover kind of spoils some of the story twists.
While the book wasn't faultless I enjoyed and and wanted to keep going to see how it ended. I enjoyed the authors writing style and I would consider reading the next book in the series.

This was an outside the norm read for me. Typically I steer clear of heavy drama and the blurb for this one hinted at OM/OW drama which would usually be off putting for me. But it also had the surprise/unplanned baby trope going for it and I love when babies are thrown in the mix.
This was a surprisingly good book. I didn't immediately love either MC but I ultimately did fall in love with them. They both had some serious baggage that they brought with them and they both had some hard realities that they had to face. Stella broke my heart with her family history and Jack didn't have it easy with the guilt he'd been living with for the last four years.
I will say that the instant connect these two had made it easy to root for them. They both had their moments but the conflicts made them more relatable. This was a comfy read (the drama was minor and not at all the focal point of this story) and I loved the hope and optimism it had not only for the main characters but for supporting ones as well. --> I'm talking about Cora. If you read this, you'll know what I'm talking about!

I let this story stew in my brain for a bit before writing this review thinking I might change my mind after some thought. Really, I didn’t. His Best Mistake is a story that falls into the “good story” rating for me – I didn’t love it, didn’t hate it either but was somewhere in-between. I’ll round it up for the postings, but this story is really a 3.5 star rating for me. And mainly because of those characters the series is named for – Jack and Cora. Because this copy of mine is an e-ARC I would have finished it anyway, but if I’d bought it only Stella’s presence would have kept me reading to the ending.
Stella had been believing she’d found a new boyfriend, when in fact she was the other woman in his life as Ben or Brad was actually already engaged. For me, it was Stella’s strength and personality that carried His Best Mistake. Jack was a character I could not connect with. Yes, he’s had a horrible tragedy in his life, there’s no discounting those emotions. Yet I couldn’t find that spark in him that said he’d gotten over himself and truly now loved Stella. And Cora – well, the less said about my thoughts on her the better… which might make reading the next story in this series a challenge. I want to believe that people can change – I guess we’ll find out.
Jack and Stella got off to a rocky start but eventually found their happy ending. Maybe if I’d found Jack to be more relatable I would have enjoyed his story more. As I said, it’s a good story simply not one that rocked my world. But you need to figure this out for your own reading choices – remember, this is how I reacted, not how you might react so make up your own mind on this story.
*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

His Best Mistake is the first book in The Maclean Family Legacy. Jack and Stella have an intense chemistry that kept me turning the page. I am anxiously awaiting the next book in this series. This is my first book to read by Lucy King and I look forward to reading more of her books.

Stella’s character was so likable and her and Jack’s chemistry rated right up there with the best couples of romance, what keep me from loving this book was trying to figure out what a lot of the lines meant, it just kept me in the dark to much, maybe a translator could have been used.
I did have a lot of compassion for Stella and her angst and her family life or the lack of.

His Best Mistake by Lucy King is one drama driven story. From the ex-boy cheating to falling for said ex-boyfriend’s fiancée’s brother, this story moves form one uncertainty to the next for Stella. It is a quick read with events working out at the end.
While Ben/Brad could come across as the villain in the story somehow his fiancée, Cora claims that honor. A more distasteful character is hard to find. Her brother Jack is not all peaches and cream either. I found his actions should be distrustful and confusing to Stella. Stella is finally a character in the story that I liked. She is falsely accused, stands up for herself, but is still sweet and sensible too. Overall, it is an okay read with one character you would like to know. One which is questionable and two you want to avoid.
3.5 Stars
The publisher through Net Galley provided a copy.

A well written and an easy to read romance novel with little angst, a lot of passion, a bit predictable plot and a heroine who carried the story with her strong character.
This was the age-old story of accidental pregnancy after a one night stand that should have never happen. There's the billionaire, the strong heroine who grew up alone, and family who causes drama. There was nothing that I didn't like about the story, it is a good, solid tale about falling in love and dealing with your past.
Jack Maclean was not as strong and confident as I would have preferred. He is stuck in his past, he has not dated since his wife died four years ago. A wife who was pregnant and was the love of his life since the tender teenage years. He is lost in his mind, has no idea what he wants from the future, I felt like he was unraveling right in front of my eyes. He was not in touch with his feelings, would rather avoid them or talking about them giving Stella Grant a challenge to get through to him.
But Stella was well equipped for the challenge. She had made a mistake in the past by trusting a wrong man and Jack didn't seem much more promising prospect.But Stella is strong, professional, capable to take care of herself, successful with her career, and in no need of Jack to rescue her or to take care of her or the baby on the way. It is Jack's choice just how much involved he wants to be with the baby.
Stella and Jack fumble with emotions, communications, and family drama surrounding them. They try to get to know each other and learn as much of each other as they are comfortable with sharing, it just seems that Jack's limits are tight and involve no feelings what so ever.
Scorching hot passion, difficult emotions, the enticing setting of Scotland countryside alternating with the busy London, provided a good, solid romance story, a great getaway for an evening.
~ Three Spoons