Member Reviews

LIES THAT BIND is unfortunately not for me. I had tried this book and set it down in hopes of one day coming back to it, but now it is time to mark as DNF. I'm sure other readers will enjoy!

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I requested this, not realizing at the time that it was the second in a series. The publisher was kind enough to send me the first book as well, but I did not enjoy that as much as I would have liked to. I got about halfway through this one before I had to stop. I really didn't care for the story and the main character bothered me quite a bit.

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**Keep in mind this is book 2 in a continuous series that can't be read alone- make sure to pick up book 1 Proof of Lies first!**

"Usually, when a girl met the parents of a boy she liked, she worried about making a good impression—wearing the right dress or trying to look intelligent and well mannered. I, however, threatened the Reys and accused them of murder while trying not to be kidnapped."

..."How was I going to tell him that? OMG, your parents are so adorable! And they kill people! We had such a great time!"

In the midst of such serious subject matter this random gem of side commentary really spoke to me. It was ridiculous and humorous, but yet at the same time still scary and too intense for a teenager to have to deal with- which basically sums up everything thrown at Anastasia this entire series.

This installment should have been a happier story than the first one since reasons, but instead, I felt on edge the entire book, not able to trust anyone. I had a huge dosing of paranoia from Anastasia, her emotions bled through the pages at me and I could not help but feel her desperation, sorrow and stress. Diana crafted such a believable scenario and characters that everything felt real, like this was truly happening and I was sucked in.

The one negative thing about this book was Markus. I loved him so much in the first book but overall I felt like he was kind of a swarmy jerk in this leg of the adventure. Gone was the debonair boy who would run into any scenario for Anastasia and in his place was a playboy jokester who wanted an easy conquest. I am not sure what happened to his personality but I didn't like who he became. Side note, Charlotte will always be my number one character (besides Anastasia) and she is the soul sister to Anastasia's heart.

I read this book in a day because I could not put it down, so happy that the next book is out and I can jump right in. This is the perfect series for anyone looking for action, adventure; showing the dark world of spies, corruption and lies.
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This book suffers from the 'second book slump' and is more of a transition between the other books, but it does add a few things to the story. I still enjoyed the characters and story, but this one was slower overall, and had less as far as progress. It seems to be headed to an explosive finale, but for now, we pick up where the first book leaves off, and Anastasia continues to look for answers, and to find the truth, and who to trust. The group travels around the world some more, and we do get some fun sense that show us a little more about the characters, and continues to add to their realistic personalities. There's also a few surprises in this one, and it's a fun read that's well written for the most part, still I'm ready to see how things turn out for Anastasia.

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Lies That Bind was the second book in the Anastasia Phoenix trilogy, and I enjoyed it as much as the first book, Proof of Lies.
Lies That Bind followed Anastasia as she worked towards uncovering the truth about her parents and Department D. It was full of suspense, suspicion and a tad of romance.
I love the characters, especially Markus and Charlotte, and the storyline was, as always, fast paced and just my type.
All in all, I've been thoroughly swept into Anastasia's world, and I'm eager to read the Book 3, End of Lies!

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I did not finish this book. I had a really hard time getting into it. The characters and the plot were really boring to me. This book just wasn't for me.

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I liked the first book in this series, although I felt it got off to a slow-ish start. The globe trotting continues as Anastasia and her friends try to solve the mystery involving false childhoods, crime and the mysterious Department D.

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4.5 Stars

'Lies That Bind' is the exciting second installment in a young adult mystery/thriller series that fans of the genre are sure to love. The story continues to follow our main character, Anastasia, a teen who thought she knew the people she loved and trusted turned out to be nothing but lies - and dangerous ones. In this book, Anastasia realizes that she can never really move on with her life until Department D is destroyed for good - and it's up to her to do it. I thought the plot was fascinating and loved following Anastasia on her quest for the truth. It takes her across the globe and deep into the past - all of which I loved. The author wrote a tight mystery with lots of thrills and twists that keep the reader guessing at what the truth and what's going to happen for the majority of the book. That's a huge plus for me, as most mysteries can't keep me as engaged anymore. There were times, however, that seemed to drag on a little bit - but that wasn't a big detriment for me as a reader.

I liked getting to know Anastasia even better and watching her grow as a person throughout the story. She's down to earth, smart, resourceful, determined, and fiercely loyal to the people she loves. She endures a lot throughout the novel, and she goes through many different emotional stages as well. Her character is definitely complex and unique, which is a nice change from most stereotypical teen characters. Another huge plus for me was the author's choice of writing style. The book is told from the first person point of view - from Anastasia's perspective. I'm a huge fan of this style and I'm so happy that the author chose to tell the story this way. It wouldn't have had such a good impact on me as a reader if it had been done in a different manner. Since Anastasia tells the story, we get to know her on a deeply personal level - which allows us to connect and identify with her early on and throughout the book. I'm definitely eager to see where the author will take Anastasia next. I definitely recommend this book to fans of mysteries, thrillers, suspense, contemporary, action and adventure, and even romance.

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Lies That Bind by Diana Rodriguez Wallach
Series: Anastasia Phoenix Book #2
Publisher: Entangled Teen Publishing, LLC
Publish Date: March 6, 2018
Pages: 322

Thanks to NetGalley and Entangled Teen Publishing, LLC for the ebook ARC of Lies that Bind by Diana Rodriguez Wallach.

What do you do when you learn your entire childhood was a lie?
Anastasia Phoenix is ready to call it quits with spies when she uncovers truths while searching for her sister in Italy. Before she can leave her parent’s crimes behind her, tragedy strikes. As long as Department D exists, no one is safe. Anastasia embarks on a dangerous plan to bring down the entire criminal empire. She is determined to confront the enemies who want to destroy her family. Her handsome boyfriend, Marcus is even connected to the deadly spy network, even though he has been with her every step.
The more she learns about Department D, the more she realizes true danger might be coming from someone closer than she expects…
I give this book a rating of 5 stars. It kept me wanting to read right from the beginning. It was a fast paced novel full of adventure and drama. I found the characters were well developed.
I really enjoy Diana’s writing and I definitely am looking to read more of her novels. I did read the first book of the Anastasia Phoenix series, Proof of Lies. I highly recommend this book and series.

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Diana keeps the suspense and action going in Lies That Bind, her second book in the Anastasia Phoenix series. It does help to read the first book to get a better idea of what is going on, but Diana does a nice job of summarizing what everyone has already been through without taking away from the story.

Anastasia is now in London with her friends when they come upon Marcus’ brother, Antonio, who they had been searching for. Now that everyone realizes they need to take down Department D, Anastasia is having a very hard time trusting everyone around her. And when a friend winds up dead, Anastasia has no idea which way to turn.

I know I am not revealing much, and I really do not want to. Just like the first book, there is so much that goes on and I can’t give you one thing without giving away something important. The world building and the suspense is just as impactful and intriguing as the first book. I love how everything plays out and keeps you glued to the story.

I enjoyed that these characters friendships/relationships build more in this one and become more involved as time goes on. Even though Anastasia has trust issues, things build without confusion, if that makes sense – it builds naturally. I love these characters just as much as I love this story. Diana just a fabulous job of keeping the characters in their role (age, maturity, etc) all the while, keeping the momentum very thrilling.

Overall, this was a great sequel to Proof of Lies and has me anxiously awaiting what happens in the next book!!

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Annnnnd snap...we are back with another stunning edition to the Anastasia Phoenix series; Lies That Bind is Book 2 and written by the hella-talented Diana Rodriguez Wallach.

This book is highly recommended and is one action-packed, fast-paced adventure filled with twists and turns that will leave you reeling. Most definitely a read you don’t want to miss.

Please note that an ARC was generously provided in exchange for an honest review of which this is both honest and completely voluntary.

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This is the one I was waiting for since I had read the first one. This is also a fun and intriguing series to read. Anastasia is main one that takes you on the adventure that continues. This one is a kinda no holds barred in adventure with many things that spiral on. Murder is not shy in this either. Even though termed a youth book it still can captivate any age.From start to finish this one does it good.

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This is one of my new favorite series, that's for sure! I was totally captivated by the first book with the action, suspence, mystery and the dynamics of the fascinating characters! When reading this story, I felt more of a connection to the characters. Which was amazing that I could become so invested in these awesome characters. I loved the story and was totally engulfed in the story and ready for more! The only concern I had with the story was that it was a little slow in some areas but that's a common problem in sequels. It still was a great read and had me completely captivated. I recommend this novel to anyone who has read the first book of the series to check this one out because you see the characters grow in their own ways and you become more connected with them and the story. Lies that Bind starts right where Proof of Lies left off. It could be read as a standalone because it mentions enough of the first book but I recommend reading the first one first to get the full effecr! With a great storyline, this was a highly enjoyable read and I have the head librarian at my book club checking it out! I can't wait to see what Ms. Wallach comes out with next!!!

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Absolutely loved this book! I can’t wait to read the next one!

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as a sequel to proof of lies, lies that bind does not disappoint. picking up the story right about where we left off, the second book opens with anastasia and her friends in london trying to find ways to escape and evade department d, while also searching for other dresden kids and finding a way to take department d down.

there's plenty of suspense, but also some romance and teen angst between marcus and anastasia. because not as much world-building is required, this second book moves at a steady pace. and without giving too much away the twists and turns continue to grow, setting the stage for an epic book three to conclude the series.

if you enjoyed book 1, then book 2 is a must-read. and if you enjoyed maggie hall's conspiracy of us series, this series is right up your alley.

**lies that bind will publish on march 6, 2018. i received an advance reader copy courtesy of netgalley/entangled publishing (entangled teen) in exchange for my honest review.

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I thought this was solid follow up to book one. I still really liked the wide cast of characters we have met. I would love eventually to get chapters from their point of view. I loved how complex the mystery has became and how the tension in this story has became some intense. I also really loved the various setting we were exposed to and all the various exotic locals we go to. I think the mystery is so well crafted and I will def be checking out the last book in this series!

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Set in a world where no one should be trusted. Lies that Bind is the continuation of the  tight gripping story of Anastasia finding the whole truth about her parents and what is the mystery that envelop Department D. 

Just like the first book, Lies that Bind is the perfect book for readers who love action pack ed adventure that will take you to a roller coaster ride. It is a story that you will not expect what will happen nor predict it. I love how it motivates me to read more of it and discover what will be happen and who are the persons behind it. 

The characters are well develop and they are the characters who you wouldn't want to mess with. I love how the story is being told and written. It is not your ordinary story, it is a story that will make you think and analyze. Think and analyze in a way that you will surely want to unravel the mystery that envelop the story. 

The story ends with a nice shocking revelation and cliffhanger that will make you want to read next book. 

All in all, Lies that Bind is a book that you will enjoy every bits and a book that you wouldn't want to miss.

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Thank you to Entangled Publishing, LLC and Net Galley for a free copy of this book in trade for an honest review.
This review is also posted in my blog :

Here we follow again the story of Anastasia, her sister Keira and her group of friends in search of the truth. With 1 member added to the team, Antonio, who is Marcus’ brother and previously work for Department D. In case you haven’t read the review on the 1st book, you could read my review :

From the beginning, this is a really fast pacing, full of anticipation and a bunch of conflicts story. For this 2nd part of the series, there’s not too much action until near the end. In this book, the story is progressing into Anastasia and her team of friends trying to bring down Department D using the other Dresden kids.

This book focused more on the espionage theme, only with teenagers as the main character. It feels like reading something from the Mission Impossible story. A bunch of young adult against big bad guys who’s impossible to beat and has every other way to getting back at them, including murder.

What followed later is that Anastasia and her friends are travelling around the world (in style of course) in search for witnesses to bring down Department D. It seems like an impossible idea. How could a group of teenager and young adult bring down an international spy organization? Things looks too smooth at first until one of Anastasia’s friend ended up murdered.

For the characters, Anastasia grows stronger emotionally and seemed more reasonable than the 1st book. At times, she appears strong headed and contradicted her team mates suggestions. However, she made some right decisions and trust her feelings better this time. For Keira, I feel she’s the one who is acting like a teenager. A bit irrational, just want to have a boyfriend and partying (while she can’t do that). This is a bit of a set back while she’s the one who supposed to appear stronger and rational. Marcus on the other hand, is becoming a contradicted character between the 1st and 2nd book. He is back to the teenager’s attitude whilst on the 1st book he acts like an adult. It’s kind of disappointing actually. Luckily he picks up later and back to his old self.

What I like is the relationship between Charlotte and Julian. There seems to be something nice brewing between these 2. Let’s hope some cute thing will come out in the 3rd installment of the book. After all this book needs a good ending after all the incidents that happened.

Recommend for those who like spy story, strong female character, travelling to exotic places and conspiracy theory theme. Although this is a Young Adult genre, but it’s also suitable for adult readers. It's best to read the 1st book before jumping to the 2nd one.

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In an Oyster Shell – A riveting addition to the Anastasia Phoenix series. I am looking forward to the next book.

The Pearls – I love this concept of spy kids cleaning up the messes of their corrupt parents. It will pull at your emotions it’s a little sad at times but very interesting. The premise is good and well executed.

The characters practically jump off the pages. There are quite a few characters but you know who is who and it does not get confusing. The author does a fantastic job of making the characters distinctive and interesting enough you find yourself rapidly turning the pages.

The suspense was intense and I really liked it. Usually, this is where I talk about the romance of the book but I feel the suspense was more prominent. There were lots of twists and turns. It was hard to figure out what was going to happen I like being consistently surprised.

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While I enjoyed this book on a surface level and in connection to the first, it didn’t have anything to it that made it memorable. I wasn’t the biggest fan of the novel, but it also wasn’t bad. Just not the best for me.

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