Member Reviews

Theatrically Well Drawn…
Five theatrically and well drawn cases, adventures from the case files of a Sherlockian. Cleverly formatted and uniquely presented, fun and forthright. Each tale commands attention, each interesting and engaging. This is a modern take crafted in an engaging manner making for most entertaining reading.

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An enjoyable book - I liked the modern take on ‘Sherlock Holmes’ and this was like four short stories as this includes four cases. However; they felt a little under developed and predictable so think I would have preferred one case and in more detail. I did like the style of writing and characterisation though.

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If you like Sherlock Homes you definitely will like this book. It was an amazing read. I’m giving it 4 1/2 stars because it’s such a creative book

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I thought I would love this because I’m a huge fan of Sherlock Holmes but I struggled to get through this. I can’t really pinpoint why though, the writing was fine and I didn’t find a clear reason to not want to pick this book up but I found myself having to force myself to pick up my kindle to read it.

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I dived into this book because I love solving murders. The story didn’t disappoint with every page I turned. It kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time sat and read it. The characters were very believable and interesting to say the least.

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I don't normally go for the more modern take on Sherlock Holmes, although I have been thoroughly spoiled by the BBC series by Stephen Moffat and the great Mark Gatiss. The short stories in this collection are very well written with a style similar to the originals. Holmes tales. The main character, Christopher Sherlock Webster (Sherl), applies the same basic principles as Holmes did to solve cases as a private investigator. In a brilliant (and amusing) marketing bid, his partner decorates the office in Victorian style...leading many clients not to take him seriously at first. Each story is a quick read and very enjoyable.

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This read almost like fan fiction, which isn't always the greatest. It seemed to be the author's attempt to be just as successful as Doyle, which is a feat that many authors cannot achieve. There is only one Arthur Conan Doyle and there will only ever be one.

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Well thought out pack of punches told from the perspective of a modern incarnation of Sherlock Holmes. The mystery stories were pleasantly surprising. Told from Holmes' rather than Mo's POV- it gives a refreshing insight that doesn't make it feel like a Doyle wannabe. Highly recommended.

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A modern—or a few years ago, anyway—version of the great detective goes into that same business when his friend offers him start-up money. His father was such a fanatic that his middle name is Sherlock, but that’s about the only qualification he has as the two go around solving some relatively simple crimes.
Anyone familiar with Sherlock Holmes knew how the first story would end. The local cop in the second story is way too loose, telling civilians everything about the case. At least one of the characters notices, but a not very satisfactory answer is given. Basically it feels like a halfhearted attempt at recreating Arthur Conan Doyle, which is an impossible thing to attempt, let alone achieve. It wasn’t bad by any means, but it didn’t engage me; not even the inclusion of aliens managed to pull me in.

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I started this book a couple times, it didn’t grab me right off, but this weekend, I finally just sat down and read it. The story is a combination of 4 or 5 short case studies done by amateurish detectives, Christopher Sherlock Webster “Sherl” and Morris Rennie “Mo”. A couple buddies whom decided to open a detective agency due to an unexpected cash flow and Sherl’s father’s obsession for Sherlock Holmes.
I don’t like to quit a book once I start because I always hope it will get better, unfortunately this one didn’t. I was expecting a British novel told in the British way of speaking with the complexity of Sherlock Holmes mysteries, this book is not even close to that level, on any aspect. These mysteries were not complex nor deeply entertaining. I was very glad when it was over. At the end of each case, they did go over the clues as to how or why Sherl and Mo had figured them out, but none of them were unsolvable nor deeply involved.
If you want a highly entertaining investigative story, look elsewhere. This was not a book that I can highly recommend. Giving 2**’s for effort.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Thistle Publishing through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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A good quick fun read. A few short investigative cases for a modern day Sherlock. Probably not your cup of tea if you're looking for hardcore detective novels, but it was fun and entertaining.

Recommended for something to read while commuting.

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If you like Sherlock Holmes stories, this is the book for you. Sherl and Mo are solving criminal cases. fun to read

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A thoroughly enjoyable read giving a new spin to the well loved Sherlock Holmes stories. Because the book is made up of smaller stories it made it very easy to read as you can dip in and out of it, great book!

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Extremely difficult to get into. I wasn't a fan of the writing style and it didn't really grab me from the start. I didn't really like the main character either.

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I lap up anything Sherlock related and I really enjoyed this series of cases. This was a very entertaining book and I’m looking forward to more from this author.

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This was such a delight to read and I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why I waited to start it. I'm a Holmes fan and now I'm a Webster fan! Without being tawdry or too cliche, this was the perfect brain exercise - and tells me I need to work on my detecting skills because I still can't solve a crime before the famous Sherlocks! I truly enjoyed this foray into Lyon's masterpiece.

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As a massive Sherlock fan, I was drawn in, merely by the title. An interesting take on a modern Sherlock, with the nod to Conan-Doyle's short stories / mysteries. An easy read with a simplistic structure. However, the mysteries were often rather obvious; I found myself annoyed at the lead character for not getting there sooner! Perhaps my expectation was too high; a Sherlock themed novel will never have the same twists, turns and genius. Overall, an easy-going, fun little read, but sadly, forgettable.

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apologies, i did not get around to reading this and giving an honest review
only gave one start purely for the fact that you cannot send this in without staring it.

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Originally published some 20 years ago, this collection features five intertwined investigations, written in the spirit of the greatest detective of all time. The modern-day protagonist originally hated his middle name – ‘Sherlock’ of course – with which his Holmes-obsessed father had burdened him. But ‘Sherl’ gradually develops a similar fixation with scientific deduction, and starts up Baskerville’s detective agency in partnership with a pal. His partner acts as a substitute for Dr Watson, which gives Sherl plenty of opportunity to expound upon his theories. In theory, his speciality is rigid application of the Holmesian method of deduction… although in practice these stories lack the idiosyncratic insights and impressive intellect of Conan Doyle’s original.

Set at the end of the 20th century, each standalone story offers a single investigation into the kind of crime which might’ve attracted the attention of the great man himself – a missing journalist who could’ve been abducted by UFOs; the kidnappers who ransomed the same person twice. Sherl’s stories feature a cast of characters which reflect current concerns: pop stars, animal right activists and a suspicious stalker. They’re written in modern language without any pretentions towards mimicking Conan Doyle’s style, and each episode contains a cornucopia of clues, typically British supporting characters, and plenty of red herrings.

In keeping with the original stories, these aren’t shockers or thrillers, but gently entertaining and pleasantly puzzling mysteries. Initially, Sherl’s discomfort at playing his role (complete with period costume) is reflected in the somewhat uninspired opening investigation – but the writing tightens as the character becomes more proficient in the later stories. So if you’re not immediately struck by the first story, I’d suggest you stick with it.

There are moments which didn’t work for me – when Sherl gets involved in fisticuffs, for instance; that being the more normal role of the Dr Watson character. It also felt a little strange that these investigations were related in the first-person, from Sherl’s perspective rather than being told by the faithful companion. Similarly, I suspect that if you’re a fan of the Benedict Cumberbatch TV series then these will seem somewhat twee and maybe a little lacking in cryptic wit. (It can’t be a coincidence that the figure on the cover illustration looks a lot like BC — don’t be misled! These are NOT stories from the TV show).

Instead, this is a selection of solid mystery stories in the grand old English tradition, even down to uncanny happenings and things that go bump in the night. They don’t lean too far towards nostalgia or intellectual obscurity, nor do they feel like a pastiche of the original Sherlock stories. A pleasant afternoon’s entertainment.


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I wanted to like this more. The short stories (the mysteries) are just far too simplistic. The main character isn't very likable. I just had too many gripes to like this.

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