Member Reviews

I think the premise of the book sounded very interesting, but the story itself turned out to be completely different from it.
I found the main character really annoying and frustrating, and the love story unbelievable and unrealistic. I wanted to like it, but I struggled to continue reading it. The writing wasn’t that great, and sometimes I didn’t know what was going on. I feel the interactions between the characters sometimes didn’t add anything to the story and were there just so we knew our protagonist had friends and family.
Like I said before, I wasn’t the biggest fan of the romance, mainly because it happened very fast and was so insta love-y.
I had high expectations, but I ended up quite disappointed.

I wasn't a fan of this book. I don't think this book Matched what the book blurb was at all I was expecting a completely different book. Spoiler? This book is a retelling of Pride and Prejudice and I really have a problem with Darcy which I didn't realize until I read this book. I don't like Redeeming the guy who's a jerk just because he doesn't know how to express his emotions and his feelings for the girl. I don't like the guy who says that he doesn't like the fact that he has a crush on the girl. I think this book might work for someone who's a fan of Pride and Prejudice but it's not what I would recommend.

I don't usually get into the general fiction young adult literature, preferring the fantasy and sci-fi genres; however, this book surprised me. Knowing the books the bookish boyfriends are modeled on may ruin some of the surprises, but it also adds some depth and connections you may not otherwise see. This was a cute, romantic novel that managed to be dramatic without going over the top.

I LOVED this book. It was fun and had me giggling as well as easily falling in love with the characters. I highly suggest it for people who would like a fun, easy read.

This book was fun and witty and such a quick read for me. The story drew me in from the first chapter. The family dynamic was awesome and being a huge bookworm it was easy to connect with the main character. The side characters did a great job of supporting the plot. I do hope I see more books from this author in the same series perhaps? ;)

This was definitely a cute and fluffy contemporary read for me. And I found that it actually reads more of a middle grade book than an YA book. The writing was more juvenile than I was expecting. But don't get me wrong it was still a fun read. Who hasn't dreamed about one of their bookish boyfriends coming to life, and even though I have read Pride and Prejudice and saw the story coming I think it would be great for young readers who have not read it and might in the end get them interested in one the most famous classic books printed.
All in all I would recommend this book for younger teens or anyone who is looking for a light and fluffy beach read who might have a soft spot for Pride and Prejudice.

It took a little while for me to get into this book. Merrilee’s internal conversations distracted me. After I got used to it, I enjoyed the plot unfolding to parallel Romeo and Juliet and Pride and Prejudice. I think the characters would be a great example to teach archetypes in literature. Fielding is a classic, brooding love interest and the perfect Darcy. This ended up being a charming book for hopeless romantics.

I’m sorry but this is one of those books I couldn’t get very far into. When the main characters sound like boy crazy ding dongs I just can’t....... There is an audience for this type but not for me. I will get it for our collection because I do know several who would love it.

Cute and fun, if not a little predictable.
This was a great, light romance - but I felt like most of the secondary characters weren’t well fleshed out, and the story felt a bit shallow and at times, predictable.
It was also a little frustrating because Merrilee was like the very definition of a manic pixie dream girl. She was a little *too* quirky, and her “ugh too bad I, with my classic standard Westernized version of beauty, am found to be adorable and cute by everyone - ugh I wish I was sexy” thing was majorly eye roll worthy.
It was great to read a cute, and lighthearted romance, and I really enjoyed the hint of magical realism. However, I definitely felt too old for this book, and had a hard time relating to Merrilee, and would have loved more insight into any of the secondary characters.

As cute and lighthearted as this story is, I found myself scanning a lot of it because it reads a little younger than I was expecting, though it’s understandable because the protagonist is a sophomore. But it’s a lot of fun, and all the book allusions are a nice touch. Thanks, Netgalley, for the ARC.

I DNFed this book. From the beginning the main character was just irritating constantly rating all of the male characters and feeling so low about herself but jealous of her best friend. Everyone seemed to want to talk to her and it just ended up reading like a romance fanfiction. I liked Toby and I wish the other characters had as much depth and mystery about them. There were parts of the book that I liked but the writing style, the awkwardness and the main characters just made me not want to invest in this book enough.

Merrilee is an adventure of a girl. As she starts her first year at a prestigious private school, she navigates relationships with her two sisters, best friends, new friends, and boys. Boys who eerily feel straight out of the classics. Her life follows the twists and turns of a couple very familiar plot lines, but we sit on the edge of our seats to see if she makes her own choices and writes her own story. I believe that Tiffany Schmidt has written a book that appeals to so many of us who love our stories and create them into our own. She portrays a realistic, yet whimsical main character who has all the quirkiness and attributes of a teenage girl and a heroine. I feel like Merrilee’s daydreaming and thought process was so fun to follow and that she is a teenage girl who finds her tropes and learns to embrace them. You don’t have to be completely familiar with the allusions to Pride and Prejudice or Romeo and Juliet, but it makes it so much better if you are. Even though it might have been predicatible at times, this story was truly heartwarming. If you’re looking for a quick read and young adult romance, this is such a fun story to pick up.

I had a hard time with polish Boyfrends at first. Marilee, the main character, is 15 and acts like one. While I appreciated how believable the 15 year old POV was, I easily became annoyed with Merilee instead of sympathizing with her. However, the book did get a lot better for me at the 60% mark, and I started t quite enjoy the book. Unfortunately, the last 40% didn’t quite make up for all the problems I hadn’t at first.
3 Stars (full review to come)

A sweet story that combines well the angst and challenges of being a teenager who wants to find love, bookish-style, with the strength of women everywhere who learn to rise above their treatment as a lower-class gender.

This is a very sweet story about a girl who loves books and keeps comparing her life to some of her favourite novels. Romeo and Juliet and Pride and Prejudice make up Merri’s life in all kinds of fun ways. Merri is a great character who develops all kinds of interesting relationships as she takes on a new school, She grows with her friendships, familial relationships and of course romantic relationships, including a first love. I really liked that Merri felt she was living the different stories, that she must be Juliet or that her headmaster was Lady Catherine de Bourgh and that her English teacher is magic and behind it all. I loved that her best friend while being supportive, demanded they Merri cast the whole group as book character and when Merri couldn't, used this to prove her point that Merri was not living the book’s ( R&J and Pride and Prejudice) plot. I felt this book, while labelled Teen is more geared towards 13-15 year olds. They might not get the literary references but that’s what the writing felt like. It would be a great book to start the jump from 9-12 into Teen, but the audience would be girls who love books who would have at least heard about the classics.

Super cute and fun! I really enjoyed it. I liked all the characters, except one: Monroe. The others made me feel as though book boyfriends are truly attainable.
I would also like to see a sequel to follow-up on the two best characters.

This story was cute, but too juvenile for my taste. I experienced the strangeness of a story being both fast, as I was inundated with a vapid barrage of clipped moments for the first half of the book, and also slow at the same time to develop any substance.
This book is quirky and simply an easy read that touches on some serious issues that you could contemplate if you wanted to, but this story isn't really about that.
Rating: 2.5 stars

Bookish boyfriend's is a book for any starry eyed reader. Let's be honest at some point in time every reader has thought "boys(or girls) are better in books". Or found ourselves imagining what it would be like to be the other person in the book getting a relationship with said amazing character. Well this book brings it to life.
Merri gets to live her dream of book boyfriend's and finds out maybe we need to look deeper than just a first glance/dream idea.
I absolutely adored this book, the character, the references, and that it wasn't just cut and dry predictable. I sincerely hope the author gives us a glimpse into another characters story in the future!

Hey guys, I'm back with another great book called, Bookish Boyfriends. Now the first thing I noticed was the cover. I mean come on it's a masterpiece. The next thing I noticed was the title, Bookish Boyfriends. Who here hasn't fallen in love with a fictional character? I mean in my head I'm married to Edward from Twilight. Who wouldn't want to be in love with a vampire? But all readers must face the awful fact once they turn the last page that these guys are just fictional characters and we will never be with them. Heartbreaking I know.
In Bookish Boyfriends Merrilee finds herself in a new private school. Most would be terrified but not her. She's hoping to meet her prince charming and get head over heels in love.
I love how the Author Tiffany Schmidt includes the classics of Romeo and Juliet and Pride and Prejudice. Something we notice is on the cover.
Merrilee is so eager to fall in love that she doesn't notice that there's so many things wrong with their relationship. But with the help of her English teacher she realizes he's not the one for her. At first Merrilee believes that they are Romeo and Juliet in real life but she soon realizes that the story of Romeo and Juliet was a tragic one and not a happy ever after. Her teacher tells her that her story is no Romeo and Juliet but Pride and Prejudice.
I feel instantly in love with the main character. I could relate to her so much because I've always been a lover of books and anything bookish. My Instagram is full of bookish accounts. But I could also relate to wanting to find that special someone who makes me feel the same way as my favorite characters.
I give this book five stars.
I recommend this book to any lover of the classics and anyone who has ever fell in love with a character from a book.

I liked this book. I didn't at first. I found the characters somewhat annoying. But, as the story went on, I liked them more and more.
My favorite part of the book is the references to the classics. I'm always curious as a former English teacher about connecting today's readers with the classics. Novels like this one are one way to bridge the gaps.
Overall, it's a fun read. Great for upper middle school.
I received this book in exchange for my review. My thoughts and opinions are my own.