Member Reviews

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This book was extremely practical and helpful! Aside from helpful tips I really appreciated the actual statistics and numbers associate with various aspects of raising children. My husband is a big numbers guy so it was helpful to both of us and pointed us in the right direction to be asking different questions about our son's future when it comes to finance.

Overall great book! Quick read. Can't wait to get my hands on the physical copy to highlight! :)

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The 30-Minute Money Plan for Moms is a shift from the coupon way. You learn how to avoid the trap of discounts, slow music of the grocery stores and possibly skip shopping and get them home-delivered, so you dont do impromptu additions to the list. Catey Hill shows you how to make small goals, so at the end of the year you reach major milestones of building up emergency plan, paying down debts. There are many comparision costs based on area whichs hows, how the place you live in has an impact on home, baby sitting, day care, educaiton costs. Saving for college through opter options are explored. Retail arbitrage done automatically through some apps too, saves some time and money.

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Great book for Mums. Very informative and very interesting to read. Can recommend this one to other like minded mums who are interested in planning and sorting money

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This book is broken down into easy to manage sections, offering sound advice and some resources to further the concepts presented. Moms with infants to college age children are all addressed. The formula is typical of most money management books the difference is in the way it is presented so that it seems less daunting than a lot of others I have read, I am looking forward to using some of the techniques and sites offered in making sounder financial choices.

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Some of the very explained tips and tricks to same money cannot be used outside U.S. unluckily, I will use and save all the other suggestions to make my own money plan so not to starve when I will be old. Problem is that I cannot find a job in the mean time....

Alcuni dei trucchi e dei suggerimenti che l'autrice offre e spiega molto chiaramente in questo libro, purtroppo non sono applicabili fuori dagli Stati Uniti, ma tutti gli altri li useró per stabilire una mia accurata pianificazione in modo da non morire di fame in vecchiaia, il problema principale peró, resta il fatto che non riesco a trovare un lavoro nel frattempo....


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