Member Reviews

This AID assessment is pretty thorough in all categories and would be a good check list for parents visiting their mediated between the developmental ages of newborn through nine years of age. It's during that she group that things drastically change or become more apparent and with this AID assessment readily available at check ups the process of eliminating autism spectrum or related disorders more convenient. Even assessing the degree of symptoms would beneficial to pediatrician in finding the correct doctor to get a more thorough evaluation done. I think it was also interesting that sensory integration was included. That to me is fantastic because sometimes sensory processing disorder can often get masquerade as a autism spectrum disorder but it is separate and by having that included also helps the doctor understand what the major areas of focus are and what can be done about it. I liked how it also could be used for psychological assessment. Often children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders have other disorders that make handling certain issues difficult because only one area is being treated. This gives a broader range from the typical assessment of autism checklists that are usually presented. It allows for family history to be useful in gaining better insight and if a geneticist needs to be seen. Overall, I think this would be beneficial in all clinics.

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As a mum of a child with severe asd and epilepsy, I was interested in reading this book, I also hold a level 7 diploma in autism studies. It is a comprehensive list of behaviours associated with the autism spectrum, however without a checklist or level checker at the end I'm not sure how this is helpful for a doctor or parent, as these are all questions that are asked during an assessment appointment. As a possible red flag indicator it would be good, but as before, something comparative would be helpful, as in if you score 'this', you should get checked..

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This inventory covers all of the important aspects of family history, birth history and early development. It covers gross and fine motor skills, sensory issues, communication (with a focus on social communication), special interests and other behaviours that we know are often present in children with autism. It does not, however, capture anything more significant than other existing inventories and there is no suggestion of what to do with this information or how this information may assist a clinician in developing a treatment program. This type of document does not lend itself well to the Kindle format. Thanks to Future Horizons and NetGalley for the ARC.

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