Member Reviews

Omg talk about a roller coaster read wow this book kept me on the edge of my seat threw out I just couldn't put it down this writer keeps you hooked and once your hooked your not letting go I found this book thrilling the characters were fantastic and well thought out and the little clues all the way threw keep you guessing until the end this book stays with you long after you close the book this book is well worth the read I promise you wont be disappointed

Great read! Looking forward to reading more by this author! I highly recommend this book and author to all!

A Mother’s Sacrifice was a great, easy to read brilliant story by Gemma Metcalfe. A great psychological thriller that hooked me in from the first few pages. My first book by this author but certainly not my last.

Unfortunately, I have not been able to read and review this book.
After losing and replacing my broken Kindle and getting a new phone I was unable to download the title again for review as it was no longer available on Netgalley.
I’m really sorry about this and hope that it won’t affect you allowing me to read and review your titles in the future.
Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity.

Great thrilling novel which kept me turning the pages, would highly recommend to others. Brilliant writing, plot and characters.

A few years ago, the only genre of book I would read was thrillers, so it can be said that I have read a fair few other the years. It takes a lot to grip me. This one had me from the off.
It begins with a mysterious person watching a new couple who just gave birth to their baby stating at the end that the baby will be theirs.
It is a multi-persprctive story with an ending that will leave you screaming (in a good way, don’t worry!) Louisa is a new mum. Someone is trying to expose her past. But what is it exactly that she is trying to keep a secret? I dont want to give too much away because it’s a thriller, and let me tell you, you will be thrilled by this one. I will say, one of my favourite things about this book is the way that you discover the truth at the same time as the main character.

A MOTHER’S SACRIFICE is a psychological drama thriller by author Gemma Metcalfe. This is the first novel I have read by this author, and it won’t be the last. It was a very emotional dark read that had my full attention.
The story opens with a woman holding a baby on the edge of a bridge…if that doesn’t get your attention!
After successful fertility treatment, Louisa and James bring their newborn son, Little Cory home from the hospital…the beginning of a new future for the family.
The story is told in the present, but there are flashbacks to Louise’s past and some disturbing facts.
Louise suffers from mental health illness.
The author releases Information on a need-to-know basis, thereby increasing the tension and intrigue. I needed to know the outcome.
After her mother’s suicide when she was a child, Louisa’s life took an even darker turn. But meeting James changed everything. She can trust him to protect her, and to never leave her. Even if deep down, she worries that she has never told him the full truth about her past, or the truth about their baby.
But someone knows all her secrets – and that person is watching and waiting, with a twisted game that will try to take everything Louisa holds dear.
This is a well-developed book, from the clever title and front cover, to the ending. Believable characters come alive as you read each small detail unfolding. This is a dark tale of intrigue and suspense. A definite page turner.
Many thanks to the author, HQ Digital via Netgalley for my digital copy.

A Mother's Sacrifice by Gemma Metcalfe is a disturbing and chilling psychological thriller full of twists and turns.

I loved this book, it is a great thriller that makes you question the characters throughout. I found that sometimes the storyline with a little disturbing but it all just kept building and adding to the story.
I found many of the chapters ended with a mini twist that kept you engaged and made me feel like I just had to keep reading, I was so keen to know what was going to happen next. This book was a true sleep stealer as I just wanted to keep reading to find out what direction it would take next, a great book that I would definitely recommend.

This story was beautifully written, as a mother it shook me to my core. The author speaks about how a mother will do near anything for her kids, and I can totally relate to that. This book was incredible.

Loved, loved, loved this book! Really enjoyed the writing style and the characters. The detail and description in the story were just right, I could clearly visualize each scene. I had to keep reading just to find out what happened next. The ending, well let's just say you will never see it coming.

It’s been a long time since I read a book in one day but I managed to with this one . Oh my word, what can I say apart from how flipping brilliant this book was . Talk about a rollercoaster of a story . A superb psychological thriller with loads of suspense .

An addictive read that certainly kept me guessing through to the end. In hindsight, a lot of the clues are there but it would take an extremely perceptive reader to notice them at the time. Very enjoyable read.

Honestly I did not know what to make of this book. Just as soon as I thought I had it figured it, there's another twist in the plot. I didn't expect the ending, and was left flabbergasted - it was so well written!

I was captivated from the beginning! The prologue was so gripping that I couldn’t wait to read the rest!
Through the whole novel I was sat in suspense knowing the next chapter would be just as fabulous as the last, becoming frustrated that I had to do real life chores!
The story is full of twists! The suspicion falls at everyone’s door and the actually person whose biblical version of events turned out to be a shocker!
Gemma Metcalfe An amazing novel that wowed me from the very first chapter! X

How far would a mother go to protect her child? I believe a mother would do anything in her power to keep her child safe? The opening prologue has me confused as it opens with a mother holding her child getting ready to jump off a bridge. How is this protecting her child? What has happened that this mother thinks this is the only way to protect her baby? I had to find out.
This is the story of Louisa and James. Louisa gives birth to a son Cory who is in distress, but luckily survives. The rest of the story is told in various time periods, then, now and after as well as different POVs. We learn about Louisa's difficulty conceiving, unsuccessful IVF attempts and finally using a sperm donor. Louisa always had a desire for someone who would love her back unconditionally. Her past and background was well explained and her sad youth was revealed throughout the novel. She is ecstatic that she finally has a baby, but it does not last for long. She is sure that someone is trying to steal her baby. Everyone else thinks she is suffering from postpartum psychosis or the very least depression. As the story moves forward, the reader believes her and there are a variety of suspects who are trying to drive her crazy. The author did an amazing job adding the sinister voice who was terrorizing Louisa. Her POV is intercepted with whoever means her and her family harm. There is no identity attached to this menacing threat so along with poor Louisa we are left scratching our heads in confusion. I thought I knew what was going on, then I changed my mind, several times. She did such a great job in creating doubt.
Gemma Metcalfe did a great job creating empathy in the reader. I wanted Louisa to sort everything out. I was telling her what I thought she should do, but she didn't listen to me. Her husband James was so loving, but could only take so much. He wanted to help her, but she wouldn't let him. All Louisa wants is for someone to believe her. The suspense was taut throughout this story. Once I got into this story, I could not stop reading. When the ending arrived, I was shocked and surprised. Unfortunately, I was not a fan of the ending. That is the only reason I only gave this book 4 stars. As for the question asked at the beginning of the review, you will be amazed at the answer revealed in the psychological suspense story. The publisher, HQ Digital, generously provided me with a copy of this book to read. The opinions/ideas shared are my own.

*mouth agape*
What just happened? No, seriously *shakes head* - that ending just blew my mind! *waves arms*
I have never read anything by Gemma Metcalfe before, but if you’re looking for an edge of your seat-esque thriller which plays with your mind, then your quest is over!
*screws up face*
Psst! C’mere *beckons you over*, between you and me, I think the author’s kinda twisted *nods head knowingly* We could TOTALLY be friends *smirks*
Honestly though, this is the type of read where you’ll become so absorbed in the story that you’ll jump at the least little thing. Trust me, I know this from experience *snorts* It’s a spine-tingling, hair on the back of your neck raising, read.
I’m also going to christen this author as the Queen of The Red Herring. As the story unfolds over Now, Then and After, you have to separate fact from fiction, truth from a lie. Ack, you catch my drift! I kept second-guessing myself, and in the end it didn’t make a jot of difference; I was still wrong *shrugs*
But, when all the pieces slot together, as I said above, MIND BLOWN *boom* ...
I’m officially hooked - I can’t wait to see what the author has in store for us next. In the meantime, I’m going to download her debut, Trust Me, to tide me over.
So, yeah, in case you couldn’t tell, I loved it *snorts*

I really enjoyed this book but felt somewhat let down by the ending. I prefer endings to the up loose ends and I feel like I was still left with many unanswered questions. Despite this it was a very thrilling read and excellently written.

Well that was one gripping suspenseful thriller for sure. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this, which was very clearly written and all of the characters were all well portrayed and believable.
The storyplot had me guessing throughout as to who the guilty party is, there were lots guessing that's for sure as I kept changing my mind as to who it was. The characters were so well played that it was hard to know who was lying and who wasn't. I literally couldn't turn the pages fast enough so as to find out how it all ends.
As for that ending, well that was certainly a shocking one, so was not expecting it at all.

Wow- what a story- this book literally had me on the edge of my seat the whole way through!!!!!
The story of Louisa who has battled infertility to have a healthy baby boy- and the weeks that follow the birth.
In her mind she is absolutely convinced that someone is trying to take her little boy- and nobody will believe her- and at times you actually wonder is she mad or is this really happening??
I do think this book was left too wide open- too many questions will never be answered and thats quite frustrating- so I really hope there is a 2nd book.
Due to the unanswered queries and ending I have to drop this to a 4*