Member Reviews

This book is a bit different in the way it's being released, instead of one long novel it is being broken down into three novellas that can be read in an least that is how I have read it. All three books are available now. It's up to you how you would like to enjoy them, separately or all together.

We finally get all the answers and then some! This installment picks up right where the second one left off, and YIKES it was a doozy, I was seriously expecting the Princess of Poison to let Seth have some of her infamous touches that would lead to some serious hurt but I have to say that I was really happy when she saved that for someone else. I'm not going to give anything away but there are many facets to this case they are trying to solve and we get to the heart of it all in this third and final installment of Poison Kisses.

Was I happy with the way things turned out? ABSOLUTELY What I liked even more is that there is room to grow, I can definitely see more books with Seth and Amanda and I would love that! The chemistry between the two is scorching hot but what is even better is that they work well together, it's rare to find a couple that can be together twenty-four hours a day seven days a week and still not only get along but crave one another and that is what we have in this couple. So I am seriously hoping that we will follow them along on their next journey.

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4 stars!

*Poison Kisses: Part Three contains spoilers for the previous books in the series and cannot standalone.

You know you are in for a crazy ride when a book opens with a gun wielding heroine whose aim is on the hero’s head. After the bomb that was dropped in Part Two, I was crazy excited to see how the conclusion of this series would play out.

In Part Three, we finally get Amanda’s point of view after being in Seth’s head during the last two books. Seeing the betrayal through her eyes kicks things up a notch. She wants to pull the trigger but she wants answers more. She also needs to complete the mission before innocent lives are lost and time is not on her side. She knows they must work together more now than ever if they are going stop Dr. Ross but it's not going to be easy.

I like being in Amanda’s head. She’s a mess after seeing evidence that turns her world upside down, but she is stronger and braver than ever. I love that she acknowledges her vulnerabilities and accepts them while diving headfirst into the action.  The conflicted feelings she experiences are intense, overwhelming, and completely understandable. Seth is there for her through all the pain, and I loved that he fought to bring back the trust that was broken and the love they thought died. His unconditional support is what she needs to move on from the past and he proves to her that they belong together.

"This man is the Mr. Jones to my Mrs. Jones those around us believe us to be, but he has become so much more. He is my best friend and the man I love when I swore I’d never fall in love, for too many reasons to list."

Seth is still a complete badass and I love how he takes control of the mission. He does what he needs to do and kicks ass when getting the job done.

"I'm CIA. We do whatever we want and say we didn't."

With Amanda’s flashbacks we get a clearer picture of what happened and we finally get the answers we so desperately wanted. The way the story unfolded was full of suspense, mystery, and excitement. There were twists I didn’t see coming and though I enjoyed the ending, I thought it wrapped up a little to neatly, resolving quickly and too easily as they got their HEA.

However, new information is given at the very end leaving the story with room to continue.  I am curious to see if Lisa Renee Jones will take things further and I hope she revisits Seth and Amanda, especially because they like to be in the thick of things and there is always other action packed missions.

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The conclusion to the Poison Kisses 3 part series and told from Amanda's point of view, this is a thrilling, suspenseful, hot romantic read! Intrigue, mystery, and twists and turns keep you turning the pages as fast as you can! Seth and Amanda seem made for each other and boy do these two have sizzling chemistry! Hated to see the story end, but loved the conclusion! Highly recommend!

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Poison Kisses Book 3 by Lisa Renee Jones is the final book in this series and picks right up where book 2 left off with the continuing story of Seth and Amanda. This series has it all with lots of mystery, betrayal and of course the hot romance. I love this author’s writing and I highly recommend this book and this series.

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I have to be honest. While I love LRJ and can’t wait to get Seth’s story, I’m not a huge fan of breaking this into three books of less than 100 pages each. The only redeeming factor is that all 3 books are releasing this month.

So, I am familiar with Seth and enjoyed his back story, but at times the jumpiness of the plot was hard to follow. We have present day, but we keep flashing back to 3 years when he first meets the Poison Princess. In this installment we have more of the present threat and more back and forth of who to trust and who not to trust. Not sure if it’s the way the book is laid out, but there was more of the author telling us they had a connection rather than me feeling the connection. I can’t put my finger on it as to why I felt that way, but the characters weren’t as deep as I’m used to. I think it would have been better to keep it in one novel rather than 3 smaller novellas.

Hero 4 | Heroine 3 | Steam 4 | Plot 3 | Overall 3.5 Stars
Suspense | His POV | MF | cliffhanger | lacked depth

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Those you love, know how to hurt you. Those you love, know what to hide, because they know what is unforgivable to you. Now that I know what Seth hid from me, I want the secret to be the lie. I don't want to kill him. I don't want to leave him. I guess that is why they say there is a fine line between love and hate. I love and hate that man with such passion, that it damn near hurts. But now, as we face down our shared enemies, as we are lead right back to an explosive discover about my family, and to the night Seth and I parted ways, we will both be exposed in every way. And it's time for me to decide if I plan to love Seth Cage for the rest of my life, or kill him, before he kills me.
***Part three of the three part Poison Kisses Serial****
The conclusion of this exciting and sexy serial.
As I predicted in my review of part two, this last part was full of events and a wrap up to the storyline. Having read about Seth in the other series it was good to get an insight into him and his past. I really liked Seth and Amanda together they are strong, smart and have great chemistry and not the kid the Poison Princess can create.
This was a quick, great serial and thoroughly enjoyed it.
*I voluntarily read an advance reader copy of this book provided by the Author.*

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Told from Amanda’s perspective, the author flashes us back to ‘that day’ to get her side of the story. And it was just as I thought ;) The lies, betrayals and truths start making themselves known and it takes Amanda and Seth finally standing united to put the pieces together. Will anyone be standing with them when everything is revealed? Fingers crossed for Bear!

This installment was more fast-paced than the previous two and kept my adrenaline high while I waited to see the chips fall where they may. The author did an incredible job of leading us down the rabbit hole and I loved that the couple was much more solid than before, making their story exciting and worthwhile. I’m just hoping that Bear gets his own story too!!

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While Seth is talking to their handler, Bear, a text message is sent to his phone which Amanda intercepts and not only does it bring her pain it causes her to question Seth’s motives. A standoff occurs but will she trust her heart or her head?

This is a fitting end to the story told from Amanda’s perspective as she reflects on the events of her past and what has brought them to this point as they try to unravel what really happened and why.

The twists, action and suspense continues but now that Seth has Amanda back in his life he will ensure that nothing will separate them again no matter the cost. They will finally have their second chance at love and Seth is not about to let anyone or anything come between them this time around. The twists, action and suspense continue. I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader copy of this book.

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Btw. book #3 is told in Amanda's POV.

It starts right where the 2nd one ended: Seth runs back into the hotel room to stop Amanda from seeing that message on his phone.

But it was too late of course. She's seen it and she's pointing the gun at him.

She needs answers or she'll kill him - even if it will kill her too, because she's always loved him more than anything. But of course we very quickly talk things out and start trusting each other again.

And of course we still have to find the crazy poison killer and we have to make that antidote and we have to save the world and Amanda and Seth's happily ever after!

Lots of stuff to fight through - but we'll get there! ☺

Now that I've read all three books ... I can say that I really enjoyed Seth's story. It was sexy, exciting, mysterious.

But what I didn't love-love was that it was a three-part thingy. I'm not a fan of a series of books. Because I always forget what happened. Lisa is amazing in that she always tells us about what happened in the last book in the beginning of the new one. So I should be a fan of a series that is released within a few weeks, but weirdly I'm still not a fan. I want all of the story to be in one book. BUT - that's just me, other readers probably won't mind!

People who were wondering about, or even already loved Seth in the Dirty Money series will love him even more now. He's a great guy trying to save his woman and the world! ☺ READ IT!!!


ARC received for an honest review

I am probably in the minority here, but this one just really didn't do it for me.

25% in and I was all "really, we're back in the middle of book 2 again?". I like Seth, I am still unsure on Amanda, and their story kept on going round in circles.

And after 3 books of build up to something big, there was..... nothing. It all just was resolved, and I was left wanting.

I wanted more drama to end it all, I wanted more bang for my buck, but to me the end was just a whimper.

But this could just be me.

I did enjoy the series, it was just that this final installment fell flat compared to the other 2 parts.

I look forward to seeing what Ms Jones brings us next.

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I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book. Wow! What a roller coaster of a ride this series has been. The conclusion of Seth and Amanda's story was more exciting than I imagined. They finally are able to get past their feelings of trust and betrayal (both brought on by lies others fed them) and finally work together to uncover the truth. Along the way they open up to one another and are able to explain how what they were told by others forced them to make decisions they otherwise would not have. In opening up to one another they are also able to express the love they still have for one another. I will say the mystery of who was behind what drove them apart in the first place I did not see coming. This final part was just as packed with action, suspense, danger and drama as the first to parts if not more. I absolutely fell in love with Seth and Amanda and I was rooting for them from start to finish. Seth definitely met his match in Amanda. Wonderful HEA!

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This is the satisfying conclusion to the Poison Kisses novella trilogy. This story was action packed, full of suspense, steamy romance, and answers! Amanda and Seth find out their truths and we get answers to the big mystery, some of which were surprising. The addition of Julie was sweet and touching. Now that this story is over I would love to see more of Bear. This is a must read, fast paced trilogy.

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Poison Kisses Part 3 really delivered when it came to the rest of Seth & Amanda's story. It starts with a flashback to "that day" and then immediately following it we get back to present time. They are as hot as ever together and I liked that there wasn't any BS to their relationship.

I wasn't a fan of having the book broken up into 3 parts.The novella length wasn't fun for me, but this is probably just a personal preference because I don't like novellas in general.

By the end of the book I really enjoyed Bear's character. I know that Poison Kisses is a spin-off of Dirty Money, but can we have a spin-off of a spin-off with Bear as the main character?? I can already tell I would love him.

I received an advance reader copy of this book that I have chosen to review.

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4.5 stars--POISON KISSES part 3 is the third and final instalment in Lisa Renee Jones’ contemporary, adult serialized POISON KISSES romantic suspense story line focusing on two former CIA agents: 31 year old scientist Amanda Skye aka Poison Princess, and thirty five year old Seth Cage aka The Assassin.

NOTE: POISON KISSES Part 3 contains some scenes of light spanking and discipline.

Told from first person point of view (Amanda Skye) using present day and memories from the past POISON KISSES Part 3 picks up immediately upon the events of Part 2 wherein Amanda believes that Seth has been ordered to terminate the people that she loves. With more questions than answers Seth and Amanda will continue their search for a biological weapon and the people involved but information leads Amanda to believe that she knows who is ultimately responsible, and is determined to take down those in charge. The CIA has placed a target on our heroine’s back, so that Amanda and Seth must remain one step ahead of those trying to take her down including their CIA handler ‘Bear’ who may or may not be assigned to terminate our story line heroine.

Throughout the serial, the relationship between Amanda and Seth is one of second chances but both believe the other is responsible for the pain and suffering each endured following their last assignment. Working together forces our couple to open up and reveal what happened years before-information that surprises our story line couple. The $ex scenes are passionate, intimate and intense.

POISON KISSES Part 3 is the culmination of three instalments that follows Amanda as she battles her head and her heart; and Seth as he pursues and protects the woman he has always loved. The premise is intriguing, intense and exciting; the characters are colorful and passionate; the romance is seductive. There is a another cross-over with the author’s Dirty Money series with the addition of Rick Morgan ( Emily Steven’s brother). Here’s hoping for a future story line for both Rick Morgan and Bear.

Copy supplied by Netgalley





B&N (Sandy_thereadingcafe) posted

CHAPTERS/INDIGO (Sandy_At_The_Reading_Cafe) posted

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The end is here for Seth and Amanda as the past comes the light and truths are hidden behind masterfully woven lies. Amanda fears the past is repeating itself as it seems the Assassin has struck again. Seth knows that convincing Amanda that someone is out to destroy both his and her reputation is going to be a battle to the death; he’s just not sure who’s going to die.

Now that these two seemed to have admitted their love for one another and have fully dived in to trust, only one secret remains: are Amanda’s parents truly dead and who killed them? Who stands to gain from their fall? When the unbelievable presents itself, they have to allow other people in to help them clear their names.

Jones does a great job of weaving together multiple stories and making you doubt what you know is going on as these characters fight for what’s right. I loved watching Amanda and Seth realize there is more to life than killing,even if that IS your life. Only downside: the climax of the stories ARC with our mad scientist out to poison thousands. I was a bit let down for how it all came together. But maybe that was my own brain for wanting a grandiose and explosive ending.

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This is the book 3 and the last book in the Poison Kisses trilogy by Lisa Renee Jones. OMG Seth and Amanda…what can I say about these tortured lovebirds? Their story has been heartbreaking, torturous, electric, sizzling and revealing. I do want to say, since this is the last part to their story you really should read the previous books 'Poison Kisses Part 1 and 2'. This is a short but powerful conclusion of their story along with wrapping up the mystery of really happened.
I loved this book and I found it to be one of the best books of the series although it is at times heartbreaking and not what all I was expecting. I was so sad this was the end of the series but I am so glad that Seth got his story told. I hope there are more stories in this world. I will be on the lookout to see what is next in this world for the heroes and heroines totally rock!

My Rating: 4.6 stars *****
“I received an advanced copy of this book from the author at no cost to me."

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Love Seth and Amanda!
I do love them, but honestly I had a hard time finding that suck in your breath, hard core connection with this series. I think it was due to the fact that it was broken into pieces and I had to wait for the next installment.

I am not a patient reader. I want to know what is happening now and be able to finish as fast or slow as I want to. Having to wait for more just annoyed me and I lost pieces of the story too.

Now about Part 3 of the story. As usual, this author brings the goods. She is amazing at crafting stories that play with your emotions and grab your senses.

It pains me to give this series a 4 star review. It was not the story at all as a whole, but rather the brokenness of it all. I need to get the feels and the heart pounding emotions all at one setting.

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4-4.25 stars. This was a great conclusion in this trilogy of novellas! This was part 3 of Seth and Amanda's story. Seth is a former CIA agent, now working in private security and investigations for Shane Brandon (from the Dirty Money series). When he was in the CIA three years ago, he spent three months undercover with Amanda, another agent and scientist, posing as man and wife on a mission. Amanda is a poison specialist with the nickname Poison Princess, and Seth is a well known contract killer agent known as The Assassin. While the two were undercover, they fell in love and began a real relationship, but when the mission goes wrong, Amanda runs and disappears. Seth has spent the three years since searching for her to no avail, angry and bitter that Amanda could possibly have double-crossed him. Now, Seth has been contracted by the CIA to go to Amanda, who they have found, and get her to help them with a matter of national security, a terrorism threat to poison the public water source. When Seth and Amanda come face to face and are forced to go on the run together, they must face their past and decide whether they can trust each other. Or will one of them be forced to kill the other to keep themself and their country safe?

This is a sexy, suspenseful spy story. It was very Mr. and Mrs. Smith. I loved the spy theme and thought it really suited Ms. Jones' writing. I loved the mysterious, unpredictable feel of the book. I really loved both Seth and Amanda. I especially liked that Amanda was not portrayed as a bitter, cold, witchy woman, even after everything she had gone through. She was strong but still sweet, smart and down to earth. Seth adored her, but was not overprotective and still respected her strength and abilities. In part one, neither of them know whether they can trust each other and both feel betrayed by each other in the past. In part two, they have resolved most of their trust issues and are working together to figure out exactly what happened in the past to split them apart and how to solve their current problem. In part three, Amanda and Seth have solidified their connection and love again. I loved them together. I loved how they adored each other, were finally able to fully trust each other and were able to be vulnerable with each other. We do finally get Amanda's POV, which I loved, too.

I had the pleasure of reading an advance copy of all three parts of the Poison Kisses trilogy so I had the opportunity to read them back to back. I definitely recommend reading them that way. To me, this was one book split into 3 parts. I did not think the parts stood alone very well. Also they are short, so don't expect three full length books. If at all possible, I recommend reading the books back to back.

I love Ms. Jones' romantic suspense and this trilogy was one of her best. I was sucked in from the very beginning. I could not put the book down until I had read all three parts to Poison Kisses. I will definitely be adding it to my re-read list. I felt like this story would make a good movie too. I very much recommend this sexy, exciting, suspenseful trilogy and look forward to more from Ms. Jones in the future!

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Poison Kisses 3

*received an arc in exchange for an honest review**


In the last installment of Poison Kisses we will finally have the answer to who killed Amanda’s mother and what happened to her father. Also Amanda and Seth will finally come to terms with their feels for each other and find a way to make sure that Amanda’s name is cleared and her kill order is no longer in effect. But who will they be able to trust?

Lisa Renee Jones does a great job tying this book together and I love that it was broke into 3 parts. I think it helped build the anticipation while not becoming stale. If you are looking for for a good romantic suspense book, the Poison Kisses Series is a great read.

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"Those you love, know how to hurt you. Those you love, know what to hide, because they know what is unforgivable to you."

In the conclusion of Poison Kisses Part Three by Lisa Renee Jones, everything finally comes together. This picks up immediately where two left off, a gun wielding Amanda ready to kill Seth for lying to her, and him rushing to explain that they were once again being set up. This installment is told from Amanda's POV, and it was intriguing to see what she was thinking, especially since it was her life being destroyed.

I thoroughly enjoyed the action packed tale of betrayal and lies, as we hoped The Assassin and Poison Princess could beat the clock. While I am not a fan of the story being split into three parts, matter of fact I'll have to pass in the future, I did enjoy the intensity and heat of this one. Overall, the ARC of the story was thought out, it was fast paced espionage at its finest, and Seth and Amanda had some great chemistry.

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In this final part of this series we finally get to see Amanda’s POV. The reader gets to see through all the twists and turns that Amanda has been faced with, since leaving Seth. These two have had a long twisted way to go as they build their trust and their bond becomes stronger again, the danger is close and their mission must not fail.
This has it all, betrayal, suspense, secrets, as well as being action packed with sizzling chemistry and romance. Will this mission lead to heartbreak once again? Or will these two finally get a HEA? You have got to read this series to find out! Loved It!
I read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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