Member Reviews

4.25 – 4.5 STARS

Seth and Amanda’s tumultuous story continues forward, propelling the reader towards a satisfying resolution in this final installment to LRJ’s “Poison Kisses.” But despite their now united front and combined expertise, well-guarded secrets have a way of shielding the truth, making it difficult for this couple to distinguish the bad guys from the good. And as such, trust continues to be a running, familiar theme throughout.

With their future as a couple hanging in the balance, Seth and Amanda work diligently to stop a madman from unleashing his deadly attack. And though taking down the bad guys is clearly paramount, Seth and Amanda’s reawakened romance rivals it for importance.

When it comes to the arduous, covert journey this couple traveled, the road has been paved with false truths and perceived betrayals—previously shown to us through the eyes of Seth. In part three, however, Amanda’s point of view fills in the missing gaps, giving us greater insight into how the sequence of events ultimately unraveled. Hence, it’s no wonder that any misstep moving forward, would allow distrust to (once again) filter in.

Seth and Amanda’s story has been one crazy, suspenseful, lust-filled ride, and I’ve enjoyed every single moment—right up until this final book’s very last page! Sex. Secrets. Suspense. Without a doubt, “Poison Kisses” is all this and so much more.

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Amanda never imagined ever seeing Seth Cage again. In her mind, she'd left him behind years ago. The fact that he's in her life against isn't lost on her. She needs him, even if she's not willing to admit it. From the moment she laid eyes on him, he stirred her baser desires. To make matters worse, her mind, her heart, and her body still want him. A mutual goal and the attempts on her life have brought them together again. Deep inside, she knows she should have walked away, yet she can't deny that she still has feelings for him. Feelings that grow with every second that passes.

Man, each book in this series surpasses the next. I'm loving it! Book 2 gave us more of Seth's and Amanda's back story. It allowed us to see more into their pasts and the present that now exists between them. This book tidies up the loose threads that existed, giving them a chance to shape a better future for themselves.

It's wonderful to see how far these two characters have come. They've had the odds stacked against them from the moment they met. The two of them never imagined how much their worlds would change in the blink of an eye. They've been fighting for what they believe in, hoping to make their world and that of those they love a better place.

It's wonderful to see just how much all of these characters have changed. I don't think it's the last time we'll see of them either. Lisa has so much to share when it comes to this complex world she's built. I've a feeling she'll be bringing us new and better stories when the time comes. Definitely anxious to see what else will become of these characters and this beautiful world.

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Part three of Poison Kisses continues where Part two ended with a major cliffhanger. Seth and Amanda are living a life filled with betrayal and do not know who to trust. Someone is setting them up to take the fall for so many things going on. The person setting them up wants to separate them to get Amanda on the run, so they can’t take her out. Seth will fight to the death to protect her and clear their names. In this part of the story they bring in many players to help them close this case and get all the answers they are looking for. Amanda is telling the story from her POV and we get to see what is inside her mind. This part of the story has all the action and intrigue you can count on it to have. Seth helps Amanda see who she truly can be and how being with him makes both stronger. Their love is all encompassing, and you could only wish to have something like that.

There is no cliffhanger here and all your questions will be answered when you go out to read the final part of Poison Kisses. They are in a battle to stay ahead of their enemy in this part and they both show us what they are made of. Here is when they build up their relationship by sharing themselves with one another and putting their trust in each other. Who doesn’t love a romance where the two main characters get a second chance to have the relationship they were meant to have. Even though we get some romance we also get some mystery, suspense, and action with a dirty talking couple to keep us entertained throughout the rest of the story. Lisa gives us a wonderful climax to Seth and Amanda’s journey and I hope you enjoy it as well. You will not be disappointed when you read this part because you will see Seth and Amanda come full circle.

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Secrets become truths and lies break trust in final showdown in the Poison Kisses series. ~ Elizabeth @ White Hot Reads

In the opening to the third installment of this series; these two people couldn't be more broken.
Seth and Amanda must still find the killer and in doing so they uncover more secrets from their past. Everything that they uncover is meant to bring them closer together; thru it all can they walk away with their happily ever after?

I personally loved this series and could not put it down. Love, Intrigue and suspense... perfection. What an enthralling ending to a suspenseful story!

***Note - Poison Kisses is part 3 of a 3 part serial. ****

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I loved this series of novellas so much that I read them all in one day.....

Poison Kisses Pt 3 picks right up from the cliff hanger at the end of the second book... Seth is running back from his meeting with Bear to try to stop Amanda from reading the incriminating text message that was sent to him - a message that will most likely smash to pieces any trust that has been rebuilt between the pair. Well, the fact that she's got a gun pointed at him when he reaches the room is a good indicator that she's read the text and made up her mind on what it means!!

Explanations and truths are gonna have to be forthcoming if they're gonna be able to work together to end the threat in Texas and if they have any hope of rebuilding the relationship they once had.

More secrets, mystery, intrigue, twist and turns face the couple on the final stage of their mission - if Franklin working alone, what is his plan and will they manage to stop him in time..

As I mentioned in my review of Part 1, I don't normally enjoy a novella series like this but gods, I FLOVED Poison Kisses. Lisa Renee Jones really is a firm favourite of mine, and man, can she write!!


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An intriguing, suspenseful story culminates…

This is the part three of a three part serial featuring an enigmatic character from the Dirty Money series. The serial pieces are scheduled to release a week apart from each other. The story continues from where part two left off, on another serious note of accusation, the surprises just keep coming.

The story has been told previously through Seth’s eyes now it’s in Amanda’s point of view and first she takes us to that dreaded day in the past when she went running from the man she’d fallen in love with after learning she could no longer trust him. An emotional decision made with little time for reflection, time was not on her side. Has she regretted that decision? Was it a war between the facts she’d been given and her instincts? Of course. You can’t fault her for running but she didn’t just hurt herself in so doing but Seth as well. They have a second chance at a life if they can get past the betrayals, the lies perpetrated against them but first Seth will have to answer for the contents of a text message.

Though they don’t have all the information needed for a resolution to that past mission being together has them not just questioning but listening to their instincts, wanting to take that leap of faith with each other as they seek two things: a madman who has no qualms killing many and the true answers to what really happened years ago. Their connection in the past was intense and passionate as it is now, perhaps more so for the years of distance, their love took a bruising but never really wavered, their trust was what was damaged the most and has to be rebuilt but their emotions are a powerful motivation.

Under a truce, in each other’s presence their stories of that fateful day and those since are shared and it’s up to each to decide to believe in the other, to stay together and fight against the establishment that trained them to obtain freedom from the kill order still in play. Can they find their target in time to save a city? Can they trust their CIA handler? This was an intriguing, suspenseful story with great characters and a surprising conclusion. I would have enjoyed it more read as a whole book inside of in pieces.

An advanced reading copy was obtained from the publisher via NetGalley.

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Espionage, murder, poison and passion
I received Poison Kisses Part 3 as an ARC in exchange for an honest review. This is the final book in the Poison Kisses Series. Unlike parts 1 and 2, which were written from Seth’s point of view (POV), part 3 is written from Amanda’s POV. The beginning is a recap of an incident, but then moves on to conclude the story.
While concluding Seth and Amanda’s story, new characters were introduced and others from the Dirty Money Series play a role in this as well. Whether or not other characters get their own stories is yet unknown. Lisa Renee Jones, in my opinion, has left the door open for that. Once a CIA agent, always a CIA agent.

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I love the way this author writes, if I could give this a 10i would! When you are sucked into a book on page one, you know you’re in for a great ride. Poison Kisses 3 the the final installment (sadly) of Seth and Amanda’s rollercoaster relationship and CIA quest to find the bad guy who is trying to take out thousands by poisoning the water system, or so we think. Loved the chemistry between these two, loved the side characters, loved the storyline, loved everything with this book, except that it ended way too soon! Would love a full length book extending the travels with these two, I think it could go on forever! Very well worth the read.

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC copy of this book.

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3.5 stars

Quick and to the point. Lisa Renee Jones doesn't leave you hanging in the conclusion of Poison Kisses. An elaborate setup, murder, and a terrorist plot will have you questioning who to trust, deciding if a life on the run is worth it, and who is behind it all.

I enjoyed Poison Kisses. It's a different approach to Ms. Jones' writing. I had fun but it felt over too quickly.

reviewed for Sweet Spot Sisterhood

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This review applies to both Book #2 and #3

Seth and Amanda are still trying to stay alive and ahead of the bad guys seeking to kill them. They have a job to do and they must succeed or a lot of innocent people will die. As they continue their fragile alliance, the past keeps surfacing. Trust is not easy even though they love each other. This love/hate relationship will just have to simmer in the back burner as they try to find the elusive killer before he strikes again.

The story is enhanced by the 360 degrees outlook on the past and the present predicaments. Both POVs (Seth and Amanda's) further intrigue us into finding out the answers to all the questions and secrets. Great thriller with an ending that leaves us wanting more.

I am voluntarily reviewing these books. I thank the author for sharing a copy with me.

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Well, hello Amanda's POV.

I really enjoyed getting the details of what happened from Amanda. It gave a different angle to the story as well as a different perspective on what happened, not only in the present, but 3 years ago.

Again, this starts about 4 seconds after the previous title ends, and with a little sum up of the previous book, by the author. I love that Lisa Renee Jones does this. Not because I wasn't paying attention to the others, but because I might have not put enough importance on an event that the author wants me to have noticed, and this is the perfect chance to make sure I am on the same page going in.

I enjoyed this title, the twists and the turns, as well as the ending which I thought was both satisfying and realistic.

I enjoyed all 3 of these books, the plot was fun, and interesting and I had a great time reading them...even if reviewing them is not the easiest thing to do for all the spoilers.

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Part 3 and the suspenseful conclusion to Seth and Amanda’s story. People we love know how to push our buttons and I think these two pushed each others to the limits. This is a powerful conclusion not all will expect and well worth the read. I will be recommending Poison Kisses to other readers.

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4 to 4.5 stars

Seth and Amanda's story comes to a heated and action-packed close as the true game at hand and the players are revealed!

Amanda has to finally make a choice: does she still love Seth and trust him enough to believe he is telling her the truth in denying involvement with the kill orders on her parents? The route to her acceptance of her "yes" answer to both those questions is a seriously hot and sexy scene between them! Seth still has hopes for that future they were planning for, but there is a lot of unfinished business to take care of in the meantime. They have a domestic terror attack to stop and a dirty CIA insider to catch in addition to clearing Amanda's name so that they don't have to live on the run.

The final installment ties up most of the loose ends and includes a few familiar names and faces from the Dirty Money series, especially former FBI agent Nick who has helped Seth on several occasions and who I would love to know more about!

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Welcome to the climactic conclusion to Amanda and Seth's story! The ending is filled with suspense, action and lots of romance which I absolutely love!

Part 3 picks up right where Part 2 left us - the difference is we now get Amanda's POV which was a great touch. Ms Jones takes her readers on another great adventure the difference is the story ARC is both for these great characters as well as the story its self. The choices they make show how much they have grown over such a short time. The story has a great ending and we get to see some familiar faces from the Dirty Money series. The writing is classic Lisa Renee Jones - great action, dialog and an ending that feels well worth it.

All in all I highly recommend the entire Poisen Kisses series - its a perfect read curled up near the fire.

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What a great conclusion to this series. In this book we find out the answers to all the questions from the first two book. Seth Cage and Amanda Larke are working to save hundreds of lives by finding the man who wants to poison the water system. I really enjoyed this story and how easy it was to read.

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I really loved reading the Poison Kisses series. Well it practically was one book broken in 3 parts. Seth was a man of mystery. Now you get to explore what makes him ticks. Amanda is definitely his other half. I was practically holding my breath when I started on the conclusion of the book. The sadness of what happened to these two past.

This book was action packed and had so much drama! The ins and out of the CIA and who are the turned agents had my head spinning. Not to mention Amanda and Seth getting hot and heavy behind closed doors to show how much they trust each other. That was some heated stuff there! I truly loved and enjoyed Seth's story. He is finally where he wants to be. Will he get the woman at the end?

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Btw. book #3 is told in Amanda's POV.

It starts right where the 2nd one ended: Seth runs back into the hotel room to stop Amanda from seeing that message on his phone.

But it was too late of course. She's seen it and she's pointing the gun at him.

She needs answers or she'll kill him - even if it will kill her too, because she's always loved him more than anything. But of course we very quickly talk things out and start trusting each other again.

And of course we still have to find the crazy poison killer and we have to make that antidote and we have to save the world and Amanda and Seth's happily ever after!

Lots of stuff to fight through - but we'll get there! ☺

Now that I've read all three books ... I can say that I really enjoyed Seth's story. It was sexy, exciting, mysterious.

But what I didn't love-love was that it was a three-part thingy. I'm not a fan of a series of books. Because I always forget what happened. Lisa is amazing in that she always tells us about what happened in the last book in the beginning of the new one. So I should be a fan of a series that is released within a few weeks, but weirdly I'm still not a fan. I want all of the story to be in one book. BUT - that's just me, other readers probably won't mind!

People who were wondering about, or even already loved Seth in the Dirty Money series will love him even more now. He's a great guy trying to save his woman and the world! ☺ READ IT!!!

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They have one common goal. Survival! Happiness seems out of their hands, but temptation is an ever constant companion. Can their killer instinct survive their heart's desire? The danger is real. The attraction is strong and the heartache can be deadly. Cliff jumping is an adrenaline rush but a dangerous past time. Therein lies the thrill. Poison Kisses is a risky endeavor, but a rewarding experience.

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Poison Kisses by Lisa Renee Jones is Book Three in the 'Poison Kisses" series. This continues the story of Amanda Skye and Seth Cage. Since this is the last part to their story you really should read the previous books 'Poison Kisses Part 1 and 2'. This is dealing with the concision of their story along with wrapping up the mystery of really happened.
I must say this was the best book of the series although it is somewhat sad to say goodby to their story. It has been a short/quick series but a really good one for me.

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Espionage, deadly poisons and dirty operations run amok in this finale of the Poison Kisses serial.

This is seriously thrilling. With a sharp style and no room for hesitancy, the plot tightens to a suffocating point. Seth and Amanda break through the last issue between them. Trust becomes a hot, deep, tantalizing test that reinforces their relationship and surely made my breathing heavy. What a scene!

The operation in motion reaches a crescendo, unburying the past in shocking ways. I enjoyed the scene with Bear and the piece of paper. Please, read that! Also, I'd love to read his own story and meet the woman who can handle all his glorious size. And Julie... what a phenomenal addition :-D

The threat to the population is handled through the skills and dedication of many minds working together. It shows the amount of thinking that was put into the investigation, how to link all the details and organize the threads into a coherent, smart and satisfying ending. I thought it would go differently, yet it was an interesting move. And the HEA is well deserved.

I'm addicted to this bunch of action men. I hope there are more stories in this world.

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