Member Reviews

This is obviously part 3 of Seth & Amanda's serialized story by Lisa Renee Jones. This is not a standalone novella. I am going to treat this as a review of the entire Poison Kisses Story so here is your warning... DON'T READ THIS IS YOU HAVEN'T READ THE OTHER 2 BOOKS.

Poison Kisses as a whole was an interesting story that involves Seth from the Dirty Money series and Amanda who was the girl who got away. It is filled with espionage, poison, lots of sex, and a repetitive cycle of I love you, I hate you & trust me, I don't trust you. What I loved about this series is getting to know Seth more what annoyed me was how mysterious Amanda was. Luckily, in this final part we got to know more about Amanda and her past. It was nice to actually know the character & learn what makes her tick. I loved the fact that she has a cat and I enjoyed the elements that that brought to the characters in the story. Surprisingly, my favorite character out of this story is Bear, Seth's handler on this case. I loved him & really hope that Lisa considers writing his story.

The plot line this whole story was interesting but it did drag on a bit in part 2. One thing that frustrated me simply because it isn't Lisa Renee Jones' normal is the use of cliche phrases. It frustrated me how many times each character said a catchphrase. I almost expected them to start having a theme song at times. I did love the espionage elements & the chemistry between the characters. The entire story had me wondering what was going to happen next & I appreciated how different from my normal romance is was.

All in all, it kept my attention and I enjoyed it. I would rate this serialization a solid 4 stars.

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This one starts up directly after the second novella so they must be read in order! Things get so twisted as Seth and Amanda try and find out who is friend or foe in this finale with a bang. I loved that it was from Amanda’s PoV so we can see how things are feeling in her head instead of Seths. I have to say I loved the suspense and the twists that gives this novella series so much depth and this one did not disappoint. You learn so much more of what had happened and what is happening to cause them to be running for their lives!
Overall, this was a great series. Leaves room for more and I honestly want more. I love the raw and grittiness of Amanda and Seth together.

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~ I received a copy from the author through Netgalley for an honest review ~

Action Packed. Fast Paced. Sexy

These are the three things that characterizes Lisa's work.
I must say I fell in love real hard with Seth and Amanda, their strong development and will is most certainly something that stands out real fast when reading.and getting to know them.
In the final book of this standalone trilogy is all about fighting to ind out the truth, solving the mystery to who is behind Amanda's and her parent's set up, but also about saving people.
Secrets are being disclosed and trust issues come to surface once again.
I loved every page of this book and that's a fact !

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Poison Kisses: Part 3 is the conclusion in the Poison Kisses Series. It cannot be read as a stand alone so please make sure you read Part 1 and 2 prior. It picks up after Part 2.

I think this was the best installment for me. While I've liked the entire series, I liked that we get Amanda's POV. There is some repetitiveness when you first start the book but don't worry, it's not like that at all. It's really just to set you up to her POV. With her version, I was able to get to know her more and understand just how strong she really is. Sure, she's a scientist and a former CIA agent but Amanda is one tough cookie who ultimately has always needed love but didn't know it. 

Poison Kisses: Part 3 provides us with the most action and thrilling drama out of all of them. I don't want to give anything away but their mission becomes multiple missions and many people are involved. They have to face some hard truths and some potentially dangerous situations. 

Seth and Amanda's love for each other has not died down in the past three years and being back together has show them that they were meant for each other. The entire time that they are trying to save the world, they are showing each other what love means to them and how much the belong together. It was fun to see their tough acts break a little big. Especially with Seth and Julie, the cat. Haha. 

Overall, I enjoyed this book and this series. I wanted more from Seth since the Dirty Money Series and this allowed me to get his and Amanda's story. It's full of hate to love with some CIA and terrorist drama that keeps things interesting. Give it a go!

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Oh wow! I knew when I finished part 1 and immediately picked up part 2 and then in the same day picked up this one it was going to be good but WOW this one was the best of the three! Part 3 pretty much concentrates on Amanda's side of the story and we finally figure out what is going on and wrap it up with a nice bow. I was quite satisfied with the ending and, thank you Lisa for leaving it open for Seth and Amanda to eventually go on assignment if you want to take them there.

**Received this ARC for review from the publisher via NetGalley**

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The super, amazing finale of Poison Kisses has arrived, and once again, Seth and Amanda are pitted on opposite sides of a gun barrel.
At the end of part 2 Amanda had been left reeling in the aftermath of a text messages she accidentally intercepted on Seth’s cell phone. It made her question everything about her and Seth’s new budding relationship and whether she could truly trust him.
This final installment is told in Amanda’s POV, after Seth hogging the limelight for the first 2 novellas, we get a little bit of a recap of the events from those previous books as seen from her eyes and then continue where part 2 finished off. We have flashbacks placed strategically throughout the story, helping to fill in the missing pieces from when Amanda and Seth were apart, and from earlier with her parents.
It was helpful to see where she was coming from, and just how much Seth affected her. I knew she was a kick-ass heroine but she really shines here and doesn’t hold back, not even when she has to face a truth she’d rather not comprehend.
Seth is horrified when he discovers that Amanda has seen the message that was sent to his phone. She’s all set to shoot on sight when he catches up to her and it takes everything he has to convince her to trust him again.
He knows it’s hard but it’s something she’ll have to do if they are going to work together.g
The clues keep building to where the toxin is being kept, and Seth and Amanda are hard on it’s trail. More information surfaces about what happened three years ago and the trap closes in on the bad guys.
I really loved this story and was happy with how it ended. Even the opening for more from these two, or just in this ‘Dirty Money’ world.

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This finale is superbly delivered and nicely wraps up the loose ends from the first two parts of Poison Kisses.

This part is told in Amanda's POV and starts off with a flash back of what happened on that fateful night, three years ago. It then continues from where it left in the previous book.

Amanda is heartbroken at what she has just discovered and she is conflicted between the past and the present. Seth has to gain her trust once again even though the revelation is damning. They still have a way to go to stop the villain from reaching his evil goal. Too many lives are at risk and the best way forward is to work together. In the process, they uncover the secrets behind the mysteries and some of the findings are gobsmacking. The corruption within the authorities knows no bound and every step they take is dangerous. Knowing who to trust is frustrating, but together, they are a force to be reckoned with. In more ways than one!

Poison Kisses is an intricately crafted plot. The mystery, the danger, the betrayal and the suspense make for a compulsive read. Seth and Amanda are strong and engaging characters. Their love for each other is very palpable and so beautiful. Bear and Julie make a valuable contribution to the story and it's so nice to catch up with Brandon and Emily. I devoured and savoured every part of this story.

I was kindly issued with an eARC and the views expressed are my personal opinion.

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Well, this one turned out to be the best of the three parts for me. We finally stopped with the around and around BS (although the first bit was a bit repetitive). But overall this three book series was my least favorite by this author.

I usually love this author's books. She knows how to write a fantastic story without all the cliché tropes and OW shit. So you can imagine my shock when I opened part one super excited to read it only to be smacked in the face with a sex scene between our hero and some skank (I am just kidding she was probably a very lovely person *lol*). I know what you are thinking; Eve you are just too picky! I admit I AM sometimes. Especially when it comes to POINTLESS OW stuff, and that was the case here because does that OW plays a part later in the book? NO. Do we ever even see or hear about her again? NO. It added ZERO to the story. In fact, the hero is all up in Amanda's business a mear few hours after having his dick in this OW. So what the f-ck was the point of that scene? Did I need even to read that? I didn't. Strike one...

Now, I could have gotten over that IF during those three years apart the heroine had been getting herself some. If it's good for the goose it is good for the gander I say. Well HELLO, cliché number two. The heroine stayed all shiny and fresh never to welcome another penis (instead she got a cat <-- like that isn't sad AT ALL *lol*) while of course as you can see from my comments above the hero got around and around and around. Strike two...

I think in this case my expectations got the better of me and the clichés that this author usually does a fantastic job of avoiding colored my feelings over all three parts. I'm sure had the author left out that pointless opening scene my rating would have been higher. Maybe that isn't fair on my part, but pointless OW and cliché topes are getting be a HUGE pet peeve of mine lately.

That said, I am sure my overly picky a$$ will be in the minority. C'est la vie...

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Fantastic end to this 2 part book and Seth's story. When meeting Seth in Dirty Money you knew there was a back story and we were able to see what that story was and see what was waiting for him.

Amanda his long lost love also a CIA agent who because of an operation gone wrong she left without a word. He has been searching for her for three years, unable to find her until the CIA comes knocking on his door for a new assignment. He may be retired, but..... with his status he will always be someone they go to for missions.

The CIA has found her and they need her help, but don't know if she is dirty. In these books you get to see the past, the present and then what the future holds for them. Secrets are exposed, answers found and a new understanding of what life should be is found.

Once again Lisa is able to give us a story filled with suspense, a little mystery and then of course some passion. Great addition to her books!

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Poison Kisses: Part 3 starts where Part 2 left off. So, yes you need to read part 1 & 2 first. This is a spin off from Dirty Money Series and you don’t have to read it but, it is a very good series.

Thank you! Lisa Renee Jones in doing the recaps at the beginning of the book. She has done this on several of the books that I have read by her and it is always helpful.

The suspense in Poison Kisses is so good and Seth and Amanda have so much chemistry together.

Amanda is the “Poison Princess” her choice for kills is “poison”. And, Seth is known as “the Assassin”. Seth and Amanda are both ex CIA agents. Seth accepted an assignment to kill Amanda but he says he took the assignment so no one else would get it. I don’t want to say more because I don’t want to give anything away.

I really enjoyed Poison Kisses: Part 3 and I give it 4.5 stars. Loved the 3 part series. And, I just know there will be more. I can’t wait!

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"I'm CIA. We do whatever we want and say we didn't."

The only problem with that is determining the good guys from the bad guys. And when someone is trying to kill you, and you don't know who it is, you can't rule out the agent you're in love with, right? When the bullets start flying, who determines if you are the target or just collateral damage? What an amazing finale to this action-packed addictive serial told from Amada's POV. Now that she's come out of hiding, she fills us in on all the missing facts that led to her 3-year absence.

Some previous events are recounted with additional details filled in, giving us a clearer picture of where her head was at when she made the decision to leave her job, and her heart.

Amanda was raised by CIA parents. She's been in the life from birth. She was conditioned to sacrifice everything for her country, including her life. When a threat from her past resurfaces, she finds herself right back in the thick of danger. Willing to put herself in the line of fire to battle her enemies and to protect lives. But the evidence against her is strong, assuring that she's living on borrowed time once the benefit of her specialized skills is no longer needed. Will she be able to prove her innocence before the man she loves does what he's been ordered to do? "Seth is the Assassin. He is my poison." That's saying a lot since she's the 'Poison Princess' and she doesn't have an antidote for how he makes her feel. There's not a single formula in her lab that can take away the pain of losing him.

As new players are introduced and more secrets revealed the suspense builds. Time is running out and danger is getting closer and closer as they scramble to learn the truth before it's too late. People from their past resurface and the facts become cloudy. What's true and what is staged to appear that way? Who can be trusted? Who will be left standing at the end of this epic finale? Does love really conquer all?

Lisa has turned me into an espionage aficionado, keeping me on the edge of my seat, anxious to turn the next page while expecting the boogyman to jump out at me when I do. What a rush! I also kinda have a new crush I'd love to see more of. Fingers crossed there'll be more #Bear in my future. Should we start a petition? The line forms here...

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4.5 stars

What a shocking and stunning conclusion to Seth and Amanda's journey!

Once again Seth and Amanda are at a point where their trust in each other comes into play. Seth insisting that he did not try to kill her parents while Amanda thinks he did. After some very good negotiating skills by Seth, Amanda finally believes him and now they are working to figure out who actually did it all the while trying to stop Franklin. The love and trust that they have for each other is evident.

I was not expecting that ending but excited for them both.

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I love how LRJ brought Amanda & Seth to closure concluding their story, or did she, leaving just a "Whisper" of a door open for more adventures from them possibly in the future....YEAH!!!

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Seth and Amanda knows what’s at stake when it comes to protecting their country. Now knowing betrayal wasn’t as what it seemed, they come together to figure out who was behind it all and to save lives while saving each other.

“We’re alone without each other, even when other people are in the room. And while I used to believe that alone was good, alone was safe, you don’t know alone until you’ve been something other than alone. And after three years of knowing alone intimately without him, I now know alone is not a good thing to be. And I didn’t just do that to me. I did it to him. And that means I can’t save him without being with him. And he can’t save me without being with me.”

I loved this story! It had pulled me in from the get go. Their vulnerability whether it was in his voice or hers was real and it put me through the ringer! Just gave me all the feels!

Can’t wait for more!

Reviewed by Shay from Mommys a Book Whore

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This is the third and the last installment of the Poison Kisses series. I really hope Lisa writes more about these two characters as I feel like there's more to their story. I loved the entire series as this is romantic suspense and my favorite type of genre. The rest of the mystery is revealed which is wonderful and the story ends well. I received an advance copy of this book from the author and publisher and this is my honest and voluntary review.

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