Member Reviews

Franny Bluefort, A rough and tough city girl with dreams of dying in opulence on her deathday. Court Icefort, who seeks a life outside the pain and cold cruelty he found in Vorkter Prison, where he ended up after beginning life surrounded by wealth and family. Mykal Kickfall, a rugged yet passionate Hinterlander who will do just about anything to protect the ones he loves. These three teens couldn’t be any more different from one another yet they are connected in ways no one else in the world are. Not only are their senses linked but they have something else in common as well. Something huge. Something impossible. Or so they thought. All three of them have dodged their deathdays.

The Raging Ones is a completely unique and imaginative tale. The world building is interesting and different. The characters are diverse and layered. The romance is not the one you would expect but it’s beautiful in its simplicity. You will not find any insta-love in this book. I flew through this novel in a day and a half and by the end I was immersed so deeply in this story I had a hard time coming back to reality. The ending has such a heartbreaking cliffhanger and I am not sure how I will cope with the wait for the sequel. I simply must know what happens to Franny, Court, and Mykal. Each of these characters have carved a place in my heart and I call this book a resounding success. Thanks to Krista & Becca for sending this lovely book out into the world. And please put me out of my misery and finish the next one!

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In a freezing world, where everyone knows the day they will die, three teens break all odds. Franny Bluecastle, a tough city teen, dreams of dying in opulence, to see wealth she’s never known. Like the entire world, she believes it’s impossible to dodge a deathday. Until the day she does. 

I'm going to be very blunt with you all here, but this was not one of the books I was most looking forward to reading. The title and cover were interesting, but but I wasn't so sure about the plot description provided by NetGalley. So while, I was happy to have the opportunity, I didn't go into the book with high expectations. But, goodness gracious, was I wrong! This book hooked me in from the start and refused to let me go. 

The world that Krista and Becca Ritchie created in The Raging One is stunningly unique. While there are small connections to our world, it's a mostly unfamiliar world that we're introduced to. The people all know their deathday as soon as they're born and are broken into three classes based on their deathday, Babes, Fast-Trackers and Influentials. Your class decides your education, career and how you should be treated by others in the world. The world really shines a light on our own more-subtle class system and the way we treat labor-intensive workers today. 

The three main characters of the book, Franny, Court and Mykal alternate perspectives in this book. They each have their own unique and engaging voice and interesting personal development they must go through as the story progresses. There is a definitely romantic chemistry between some of the characters that really peaked my interest and was part of the reason I felt so engrossed in this story. I won't give away any spoilers, but just be aware that the relationship between these characters is a large and import part of the plot line. 

While the world and the characters of The Raging Ones had me completely hooked into this book, I did struggle with the plot. It had a great concept, but there are so many parts of the story that it takes a long time for the authors to set it up. The plot felt fairly slow-moving, especially at the beginning. It was still an interesting plot, but I mostly read on because of the unique world and engaging characters. 
The Raging Ones is the first book in the Ritchie Duo's The Raging Ones series.m The Young Adult Science-Fiction book is an amazing start to the series, with a truly special world and hooking characters with tantalizing chemistry. For me, the plot was a bit slower than I would have preferred, but I was still happy to read along for the world and characters alone. I'm really looking forward to the next book in this series! 

The Raging Ones will be available on August 14th. Pre-order your copy now online or through your favorite local bookstore.

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3.5 stars

I actually ended up devouring this one, and this is one of this book's greatest assets.

It's so palatable and extremely entertaining to read. I was totally absorbed in the story and could not put it down--which is more than I can for the other books I choose sleep over.

I stayed up till almost 2 AM binge-reading this book in one enormous sitting. It was fantastic. I was thrilled. I shed a few tears (I'm much more emotional at night than during the day.)

It was just really entertaining and engaging and interesting. Krista & Becca know how to keep their reader reading the book, even though in retrospect, there were a few flaws.

I did think the worldbuilding and science-y bits could have used more work. I was definitely a little confused about the planet and some of the ways the different "castes" were divided. It did make sense how they planned it out once I got the hang of things (if you have a shorter life, the government won't put as many resources into educating you).

I guess the whole worldbuilding and science just felt less science fiction and more fantasy to me, even if it is on another planet. It wasn't really explained as much as sci-fi, and there's not really any scientific basis for the sci-fi bits--it was more unexplained.

And I think there's a lot left to be explained in book 2 (because OMG THAT ENDING), but I also wish we did get more science in this book.

The plot was also a little unclear on the goal of why the three main characters wanted to be on the spaceship launch. I liked that the book had an aim and a goal for the characters, but it seemed like the book took a really long time in explaining why they wanted to get off planet so bad, especially when their chances were slim to none.

Despite some of the execution errors, I still found this book to be honestly kind of cool.

It might not be your traditional sci-fi, but I really liked reading the relationship between the main characters and I didn't find the three points of view to be cumbersome. It was honestly really endearing to read because I expected a two guys & one girl scenario to end up as an angsty love triangle mess, but it wasn't like that!

1. THE GAYS!!! It was a m/m relationship, guys. Why has nobody talked about the very obvious main character queer romance in this book?

2. Franny, the girl, was such an awesome & supportive friend and I just really liked how she wasn't a source of conflict. That was so refreshing to read.

I think the whole linked idea was pretty fantastical, but it was fun to read the implications of them being connected and able to sense feelings (physical and emotional) of the other characters.

And what really hooked me on this book, besides how entertaining it was, was the ending omg. That cliffhanger!!! I can't believe it!!! How could they do something like that to us? SO CRUEL.

I'll definitely be picking up book 2 because this book was honestly a huge blast, even though I did feel like the execution could have used some work. Overall, I really enjoyed reading and would definitely recommend to anyone looking for an enjoyable, get-out-of-your-mind sort of exciting adventure!

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Content Warnings: Physical Violence, Torture, Suicidal Thoughts and Drug Use


The Raging Ones truly caught me by surprise in that I wasn’t expecting it to make me the 4th person in the bond our main protagonists share! Told in multiple POV, we get introduced to Court Icecastle and Mykal Kickfall first as they’re preparing to enroll for consideration into the Space Program that would allow them to keep their secret. In a world where everyone is given their Death Day at the time of their birth, there are also classifications:

Influentials: their life expectancy surpasses 100 years of age which marks them for greatness. They get the best educations because it is believed their contributions to the world are of high value. Most are adopted into families in other countries that can provide them with as much. Influentials are the elite, wealthy, and basically V.I.P.’s in this world.

Fast Trackers: have a life expectancy between 13-29 years of age. When born they are returned to their mothers to live free & fun lives. They are most commonly recognized for their colorful hair, piercings, slang, addiction to certain drugs…they live fast & hard in the little time they have.

Babes: life expectancy is between infancy and 12 years of age. They also are returned to their mothers to live innocent lives never leaving their childhood.

Court Icecastle is a Fast Tracker raised by Influentials, he is able to pass as a Influential himself and hopes to use this as a way into the StarDust Space program. Court Icecastle’s Death Day has come & gone leaving him very much alive with many questions and much more guilt. To make matters even more interesting, Court is bonded to Mykal Kickfall. Bonded in a way that lets them feel everything the other is feeling no matter the distance. Mykal has also survived past his Death Day & life brings these two together, Mykal a “Babe” comes from a distant land. He’s had a completely different upbringing & is a bit rough around the edges. Court makes it his mission to educate & train Mykal who he is now connected to for the StarDust enrollment exams. Years pass & the date quickly approaches for the entrance exam when all of a sudden both Court & Mykal feel a third connection. Franny Bluecastle is at deaths door when her connection to Court & Mykal activates. Franny a Fast Tracker living fast & hard is ready to die, it’s her Death Day after all and all she wants is to spend her savings on a room in one of the most well known hotels for V.I.P’s. Things don’t go quite as planned for Franny who is overcome with emotions, thoughts, feelings, and sensations that are not her own when she meets Court and Mykal. From this point on it’s edge of your seat, pulse pounding action with a Romance to satisfy all those who live for that A+ TOP quality angst! *need more*


Court Icecastle- has a ton of secrets, never smiles, and carries a whole lot of pain buried deep within. Court is a Fast Tracker who can pass for a Influential and really only has 1 goal in mind. That is until he meets Mykal, it’s more than just a bond…Mykal is his soulmate & there are reasons for which he can’t quite act on these feelings ;)

Mykal Kickfall- A Babe who lived past his death date & comes from a land where people still hunt for their food. He’s most comfortable in the outdoors chopping wood. Mykal is all physical strength but he also has a HUGE heart & in it he’s managed to find a special place for Court. I LOVE MYKAL TO PIECES! he accepts Court as he is but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t enjoy trying to get him to smile <3 Also, Mykal is the one to come running whenever he smells danger to either Court or Franny, fiercely over protective in the best of ways!

Franny Bluecastle- A Fast Tracker who pretty much fits all of the stereo types known for FT’s & doesn’t know what to make of being linked to Mykal & Court. She has a different relationship with them both & I love that she never gives up on Court when it comes to getting him to lower his walls.


There’s so much to love in The Raging Ones but my favorite aspects of this book had to do with the bond these three shared. It wasn’t just talked about, Krista & Becca Ritchie took us through the good, bad, and the ugly with these characters. The moments that should remain private but instead are shared 3 ways and the complications that arise when they come into physical contact with one another. The confusion that comes into play when you have 3 different personalities feeling everything the other is feeling and wondering if that was your own emotion or not. The world building was A++ and by describing each of the different types of people in this world we got a more fleshed out look as to what’s valued most & what is considered expendable. The romance is by far one of my favorites this year!!! there is so much angst for some very valid reasons but I was seriously shipping hard at the start of this book! Underneath it all, we also get a look at a society intent on putting their eggs all in 1 basket…in the hands of Influentials. All others are seen as lesser than because of the short lives they are destined to live. The ending left me with eyes WIDE open! to say that I am HIGHLY anticipating the sequel has to be the understatement of the year! I can’t wait to be reunited with Court, Franny, and Mykal & see what and where their adventure takes them next…

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3.5 stars

I am a longtime fan of the Ritchie twins and was excited for their debut YA novel. While I didn't love it, I still enjoyed it. It was very different from much of the YA out there and definitely has made its own niche. Court was my favorite part of the book and I think he'll be a fan favorite. Despite these positives I felt a bit of a disconnect from the novel and didn't love. But I think many readers will.

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Before I start, Thank you so much to Krista and Becca Ritchie, Wednesday Books & NetGalley for this ARC.

I am NOT OKAY, can it be 2019 already??

The Raging Ones is told In multiple POVs; Court, Mykal and Fanny.

Life on Soltare-3 is calculated, by calculated, I mean, every person knows the exact day in which they will die. Some die as children (Babes), teens – young adults (Fast-Trackers), and the rest until old age or beyond (Influentials). This is how it has been for centuries since the discovery of being able to read death days…until now. DUN DUN DUNNNNNN.

Court is a very serious, tall, intelligent eighteen year old boy who has been through a lot in his past. Getting through that hard exterior and learning about his character is a journey in of itself.

Mykal is a soft-hearted but fierce boy. He is large, quite muscular as he grew up on the land, hunting and doing laborious work.

Fanny is a live life full, fast, and hard type of a girl. She lives and breathes the lower city life and she is a sharp female who won’t let anyone push her around.

These three have done something that no one else on the entire planet has…they have lived. They lived past their predicted death day and are in the unknown. For some reason, having dodged their death days they are all connected. They can sense each other, body and soul. It is incredibly intense at times and intrusive at others, but they are stronger together than they are apart. Running from past demons and current problems, they journey to a program that offers a small few a chance at something new…an outer space mission.

The plot was so unique and spectacularly done. I thoroughly enjoyed Mykals POV, probably the most of the three. He was serious, caring, angry and so darn funny I could barely contain myself. There is a scene involving a seatbelt that would not, could not snap close, I just about rolled over laughing.

Just when I thought I knew what was going to happen and assumed it would be predictable, I was thrown a couple of curve balls and I was so happy for it! Expect the unexpected with this book because down to the very last paragraph I was hanging on the every word and shocked by what I read. Absolutely floored that I could not immediately read the next book.

This book is easily a 5 star read for me, but if I am being critical, I had to give it a 4.5 rating ONLY because there are some scene transitions that are not clear/smooth and were slightly jarring until I realized the scene moved to a different room or space without breaks. Keep in mind that I am reviewing an Advanced Copy, so this could have possibly been edited at this point. Either way, it does not disrupt the story, just gives a small speed bump in the flow.

To say I was deceived by this book would be the understatement of the year! This book took me for a ride, and I really thought I knew where it was going to end, but I couldn’t have even fathomed what I read next. MAYDAY. Bravo Krista and Becca, Bravo indeed!

Within the story there are multiple layers of emotions that are explored, from our 3 main protagonists as well as from smaller side characters. I really enjoyed experiencing what they were feeling, and why. The way in which these characters were introduced and how they were incorporated into the lives of the protagonists really worked out smoothly. There is a slight romance aspect present in the book, but it is not the focus of the story.

I don’t really know what else to say without spoilers, so if you’ve read this definitely give me a shot. I need to talk about it!!

Go pre-order this book, or better yet, buy it on AUGUST 14th when It releases!!

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What an amazingly epic journey! Mykal, Court and Franny are unique and captivating characters. This book was unlike any other book I’ve ever read. It was engaging and spellbinding. I was entranced from the very first page. The characters are complex, flawed and loveable. The story arc moved at a quick pace without distraction or hesitation. Throughout the whole book, I kept trying to figure out what was going to happen next, but I literally could not. The story moved at a breakneck pace yet was still able to keep me engaged and invested. The bond between the three main characters, was intense and in-depth. I could actually feel their pain, their grief and their love. This book will have you reeling until the very last word. The cliffhanger was brutal yet beautiful in it’s brutality. I am in awe of the writing, character development and finesse in which this book was written. The passion and heart at the core of this story is breathtaking, real and raw. I cannot wait until the sequel!

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When I first heard about this book, the concept kind of reminded me of the Netflix's show, "Sense8" which immediately caught my attention since it's a show I really love. And since I've never read something quite like that before, I was instantly intrigued and excited to read this book.

This book is nothing like "Sense8", not really. Which is completely ok with me because while that connection that makes them all able to feel each other in a way that is not normal at all is similar to that show, that's where the similarities end. In this book, each person knows from the moment they are born the exact day they will die. It's aptly called, "death day". Depending on how young or old you get to live until, will determine your status in that world. Everyone wants to have a death day very far in the future because that means that you will live a life of luxury. However, most have death days that leave them dying before they are 25. Our three main characters all had death days that should've guaranteed they'd never live past 18.

But for some unknown reason, all three cheat their death days.

And are now connected together to the point that they can sense each other.

The book is told in the three main character's alternating POV's and we get to intimately know Court, Mykal and Franny as they try to navigate why they cheated their death days and why they are connected in this way. I found it all really interesting and the details showing us exactly how they were feeling and how that connection felt made it all feel very real. I could so clearly imagine everything they were experiencing and feeling and seeing too. The attention to detail in this book was good and helpful, especially when being introduced to a new fantasy world.

I found each of the characters very interesting and I really found myself growing attached with them as I continued reading. I love that they are all so different and yet through this shared connection they start becoming close and realizing that while on the outside they look like unlikely friends, they are so much more than that. I loved Franny's courage and determination, even though she would probably argue that she was weak. I loved Mykal and how sweet and soft he was and how he had the biggest heart ever. And I loved Court, who at first glance seems cold and closed-off but it's only because he feels too much and is trying to do the right thing all the time, even if it causes him pain.

The writing was solid, though at times I felt like it could've been tightened a little bit better. Sometimes it felt like there was an overuse of certain synonyms or a repetitiveness of certain ways of describing a feeling/emotion, but overall I loved it and I loved how easy it was to read and how it makes you never want to stop reading. The main reason for the four stars instead of five is that I had a bit of a hard time getting fully invested in the first half. I liked it but it was a little too easy for me to put it down at first and just not want to continue. However I will say that I've been in a bit of a fantasy slump until recently so perhaps that played a part. The second half was so good. It was fast-paced, exciting and left me at the edge of me seat so many times while reading. I finished the book in a few short hours once I picked it back up because I couldn't stop reading and I hadn't even realized that hours had flown by until I finished reading the last page and looked at my clock. It definitely got me invested in the story once I picked it back up and I'm so happy that I did.

Overall I'd say this was a great start to a really great sci-fi/fantasy series and I can't wait to read the conclusion next year!! I definitely recommend fans of this genre to take a chance and try this one!

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I love the twin's writing in general. Very eloquent and sucks you into the story. Just like writing a movie.
The idea of this book is very fresh but in a way it reminds me of "In Time" the movie. Unlike the movie where money determines how long you live. In The Raging Ones, every person born knows when they will die. Told in three perspective, the three protagonists are mysteriously connected emotionally and mentally. The only common thing between them is that they cheated their death. Their plan? Escape. Thrilling, suspenseful, and shocking this book is a refreshing story. Be warn, you will fall in love with these characters.

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Overall I thought this was a great first YA novel! There were some parts that I felt moved too slow, and others where I wished it would all slow down so I could fully grasp what was going down. I also felt like there were portions where there was more tell than show, and I wish it had been the opposite! I give it 3.5 stars.

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The Raging Ones was a fun Young Adult Sci-Fi book. Honestly, I was reluctant when I received this book via NetGalley and went into this with rather low expectations. Something about the title and the book cover feel amateurish and homemade, but this is one little book whose contents cannot be judged solely on its cover. Idioms serve thee well—sometimes.

Rotating through three points-of-view, balanced quite nicely by the authors, The Raging Ones is fast-paced with virtually no lulls in the narrative at all. I am finding that to be rather rare for a lot of Young Adult Sci-Fi lately. From beginning to end, I didn't want to put the book down. I think if my own life had been a little less demanding, I would've easily finished this gem in one day.

The three narrators, Franny, Mykal, and Court, are thoughtfully written characters with great development and potential. Three halves of a whole, equally and complementarily created with purpose, the Ritchie sisters have designed a story with main characters whose parts in the story feel solid and built upon a sure foundation.

The world in which the trio lives is detailed and exciting—in good and not so good ways. From the characters' pasts (detailed in flashbacks and relayed memories) and the constantly changing future, these three exist in a world that is easy to picture but hard to imagine.

I'd be interested in checking out the sequel, as there assuredly is one from that ending, and even though I saw the little twisty ta-da moment(s) coming fairly early on, I was still captivated by the places and people to simply enjoy the ride.

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This is a three star for me. I didn't hate it but I also didn't love it. I did love the premise of this book. Knowing your death day is intriguing and I can definitely see how it would scare someone when they live past it. I mean, in real life we don't know these things, we just keep going.

While the three main characters have passed that day they end up gaining a connection to each other that is frazzling but also sincere. They know each other's truths and lies and it helps their relationship along. In the beginning it's not easy. Especially when you have Court who is so abrasive and then Mykal he is quite charming. They're all very different from each other and they complement each other in different ways.

They're trying to flee the world they know for something safer. Cause passing your death day is extremely dangerous and they don't know the exact implications from it. Court has taught Mykal the way he "should" act in front of the influentials and has to teach Franny once they realize that they have a link to her too.

That link to her is different from the link with Mykal and Court. Which happens to be romantic in nature. Franny is there as a friend for the two, really. There isn't any tension there except for the boys.

There were times I had some issues getting through the book. Seemed a little slow in some areas so it took me a good while to get through it.

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I really enjoyed this. The 3.5 star rating is because I am super picky about structure – seriously I have a real bugbear – and that one aspect didn’t quite work for me. Don’t let that fool you into thinking I’m not psyched for the sequel though because I will read the hell out of that. This was very different to what I imagined. I’ve seen predermination termination type stories before but the authors took this to a different level. I loved the friendship between the three MCs and the romance between the boys – oh thank the gods for a gay romance where the girl just wants to be friends – and all three characters were very engaging. The world building was good and the overall story was compelling. I wish it hadn’t been quite so hazy on certain details – how did they dodge their deathdays exactly? – but hopefully we’ll get answers in the next book. Can’t wait.

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Overall, a mediocre read. I liked the world's aesthetic, but the details could've been fleshed out more.

For most of the book I was extremely bored because there was all this info about this fantasy universe and it just wasn't being explained properly or put in perspective. It was too much, especially towards the start when all you wanna do is be invested in the characters and their motivations.

I'm not a fan of the writing style. There's too much telling instead of showing.

The one great thing about this story, though, is the characters. I love their friendships and how they look out for each other. Their individual personalities could be deeper, but otherwise their dynamic as a group is amazing.

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A huge thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin's Press, Krista Ritchie, and Becca Ritchie for the opportunity to read this amazing book in exchange for an honest review.

I debated on a score of 4.5 or 5, and I can't give this book anything less than a full 5 stars! I've never read any books by the Ritchie sisters before, and I saw some reviews where current fans were a bit disappointed. While I think this book could have had a tiny bit more romance, everything was well-executed, the writing is fantastic, and the Ritchie's just got a new fan! I am utterly in love with this book and cannot wait to buy it!

In this far future world set in 3525, Saltare-3, the farthest planet from the sun and therefore the coldest, a world covered in ice where people can't even see the stars, everyone knows their deathday. A scientist discovered the tech to read a person's blood for their deathday. How they will die can be up to the person, or they can let fate decide, but no matter what, "no one dodges a deathday," and that is fact. Except, of course, for Franny, Court, and Mykal. Court and Mykal are the first to dodge their deathdays, and this strange anomaly causes them to be linked together; they can feel each other's feelings, pain, needs, even taste the same food or feel full is the other has already eaten. When Franny is being beaten to death on her deathday, she wonders what cruel afterlife awaits, when Court and Mykal suddenly feel her: another has surpassed their deathday.

One of the important aspects of the world are that there are three sets of labeled people based on the day they are going to die. There are Babes, people who die between being an infant and 12 years of age, Fast-Trackers who often do manual labor jobs and can't contribute much to society since they die between the ages of thirteen and twenty-nine, and there are Influentials, those who live past thirty, even well past their hundreds, living long enough to contribute something to society, to "influence" the world, as it were. Mykal and Franny are definitely not even close to Influential in manner, and Court aims to train them so they can pass the test and get onto Stardust's Saga 5 mission, a mission that will take them off the planet. They can't stay; people will go ballistic and try to run a bunch of crazy experiments looking to find how these three were able to dodge their deathday, because, once again, nobody dodges their deathday. They've tried. Guns jam if they try to shoot themselves on a day that they aren't destined to die. And those who are destined can't be saved, no matter what. It's just not the way of things. People even look forward to their deathdays and plan out how they are going to live out the remainder of their time, or how they will die. No one fears death because everyone knows when it's coming for them!

So space if the best option for Franny, Court, and Mykal, and they have to work together to try to get into the top 5 to be on the mission. Shouldn't be too hard with their special link, right?

The first half of the book gets us inside the first person narratives of all three main characters, acquainting the reader and establishing the world and training to even get into StarDust. The second half of the novel takes 1,000 candidates and pits them against each other in a number of ways, all methods of getting them ready for space travel, and to fine their 30 new hires, 5 of which will go into space for reasons explained later.

I absolutely love the concept of this novel, and the writing style makes the novel smooth and a very fast read. I'm still in awe at how amazed I am by this novel, and hey, it's only the first one! I can't wait to see what happens after the heart-pounding, action-packed ending to this fabulous YA novel!

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I requested The Raging Ones from NetGalley solely because it was written by Krista and Becca Ritchie. I didn't even read the blurb. If I had, I might not have requested it. I'm not a science fiction or fantasy fan. I try to avoid books in those genres. I'm happy I didn't read that blurb because I would have missed out on something wonderful. Krista and Becca Ritchie may be known in the contemporary romance world, but they're taking the YA science fiction world by storm with The Raging Ones.

The writing in this book was exceptional. I wasn't overwhelmed by the science and fantasy details of the story. I was immediately pulled in and engaged with the setting and characters. I loved the plot. It was so different from anything I've read before. I adored Franny, Mykel, and Court. They had such a special connection and how it was woven through the story was so cool. The supporting characters were all very interesting and had important roles to play.

I loved everything about The Raging Ones. If I could have stayed up any later, I would have read this book in one day. It was that fascinating to me. I loved how the action built. The ending -- well, let's just say I didn't see that coming. It was perfect! I cannot wait to read the next book in this series! Bravo, Ritchie twins!

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This book is something - I didn't know what to expect from this one as the blurb was enigmatic and I didn't know how it will follow. And this book will leave you with thought - What the hell I just read, but that was the idea as it's about discovering yourself and finding your path when you are different.
All people know their death dates. This means that you can even make bets about how someone would die. That made me open my mouth as that was a shocking part.
And here we are - our main characters had ditched their death dates so that made thing intrigued as I had never read anything like that. I hope book 2 will be released SOON!
Characters were sometimes irritating, but as YA they have to be YA characters, right? So I can tell that I LOVED them.
And the twist at the end... I NEED to know what will happen!
And there was LGBT theme in that book - be warned as well as the girl will also play the role there (for now nothing biggie)

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2.5 stars

I struggled with this book from beginning but I persevered because:

1. I love the Ritchie Sisters.
2. YA Sci-fi is something of a sweet spot for me.
3. I thought it would capture me later down the line.

Unfortunately, I didn’t ever become really invested with the three main protagonists and I found the plot unwieldy and difficult to feel engaged with. The plot definitely had potential, it had a loose ‘Logan’s Run’ similarity where humans have a set and predicted death day. This either happens in childhood, before middle age or much later. You don’t choose which of these you are. This story of three very different young people who have lived past their death-day could have been great but it got lost in a foggy storyline.

Court, Mykal and Franny are ‘connected’ and if I can say something positive about this book it is that I did connect to Mykal and Court’s relationship even though it did only have a light touch. Franny’s character outside of her connection to the others felt under-developed. I found the eventual time vying for Stardust anti-climatic.

All in all, I am disappointed and I don’t feel invested to continue with the series. Being a fan of these authors, I will read them again but maybe back in the genre I feel they write so well.

I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.

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The more I read the more I was into this book. I admit I was kind of bored during part 1, even if this was interesting
—a world where you know the day you'll die since your birth, but three people escape their deathday and become linked to each other— but part 2 was what really made me like this book.

At first I was a little troubled with the universe, some of the words not explained right now, I was a little lost but I kept going because I love the fact our three main characters were linked to each other, could sense each other (think Sense8). Then the real deal started in part 2 with new characters introduced and the plot becoming just more gripping.

My favorite part was the relationship between Franny, Court, and Mykal. I love how they came to care for each other and became more close. Their relation may feel forced because of the link at first but they support each other and I really, really, really like these relationships. Really.

There was a lot happening at the end and I was a little lost again even though I really liked it. It made me want to have book 2 right now.

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I absolutely love Krista and Becca Ritchie. They are two of my favorite authors and their writing, as a duo, is the very best. The Raging Ones was very well written. The story was not something I'd normally read (genre wise) but since it was by my two of my favorite authors I thought I'd give it a go. Unfortunately, the story was just okay for me. I think it has to do with the genre. I would definitely recommend this for people who enjoy fantasy books.

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