Member Reviews
Van Gogh's life is complicated and his artwork is so extensive that it is hard to synthesize into a children's book. Nevertheless, Roig does a good job in presenting the artist's life in such a way that young readers will be engaged and, hopefully, inspired to learn more about his life.
I am not very interested in art, but I have a young son who is, so I picked out this book to read. I began reading it aloud to him, and he was very interested, but about halfway through I stopped reading it to him, as I didn't want him to hear some of the things this artist did to himself. The early part of van Gogh's life was all right for my 6-year-old to hear, but after the artist became mentally ill, he did some things that I don't want my innocent child to know about. It was very interesting to read about and study some of these famous pictures, however.
An educational book about the life of Vincent van Gogh, targeted to children ten years and up. I loved the illustrations in this book, and felt like they were what truly peaked my interest. There's nothing quite like an Illustration done of a world famous painting. I felt like many children will love this book, and I'm hoping that this will be part of a series based on more famous people.
A huge thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for sending me a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I truly appreciate it!
This was a good book for introducing young readers to this artist and perhaps, pique further interest in historical figures and artists.
Awesome book for our homeschool curriculum! We put a high priority on studying classic literature and art in our home. Books like this make it possible. Thanks so much for adding to my children's education!
I am Vincent Van Gogh looks at the eponymous artist's life. Interspersed through the information on his life, and the beautiful illustrations of Garcia, are tidbits about Van Gogh's paintings, and recreations of the most well-known among them. Van Gogh is a tragic figure, wracked by mental illness in a time and place it was neither understand nor well-looked upon. The man was a genius, though not regarded so till after his time.
This introduction is accessible to everyone. It is easy to read, and comprehend, and the artwork is amazing. A must have for any history/arts children's shelf! I read this with my cubs and they enjoyed it. It led to a more in-depth discussion of Van Gogh with the older ones.
***Many thanks to Netgalley and Star Bright Books for providing an egalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Chi era Vincent van Gogh?
Un pazzo? Un genio? Un uomo solo e triste? Un uomo gentile e generoso?
Tutto questo, e molto di più: lo mostra con efficacia questa biografia, che spiega con semplicità ed efficacia i punti focali della vita e dell'arte di van Gogh e del mondo (sopratutto artistico) in cui si muoveva ai ragazzi.
Interessanti e puntuali gli approfondimenti, e ben inserite le opere dell'artista.
Ho trovato solo poco adatte le illustrazioni: molto pulite, molto corrette, molto rigide; avrei preferito qualcosa di più innovativo e fuori dagli schemi, in tema con l'artista che racconta: un innovatore, e un uomo pieno di luce e di buoi.
Per i più grandi (diciamo dai quattordici anni in su), non posso inoltre che raccomandare il bellissimo, bellissimo Loving Vincent, commovente biografia realizzata integrando le opere e la pittura di van Gogh nella vicenda. Un piccolo capolavoro.