Member Reviews

Amazing book with great charactization and a really amazing flow. Loved it and will certainly be reading more from this author
4 stars

This reads more like a self published book than one that went through any rewrites and editing (better than anything I could ever do but not something I'd read).

Nope. Nope. Nope. Barely got through the first chapter, and that was pushing it for me because it didn't even try not to be racist.

Revealing Eden just did not sit right with me. I couldn't even finish it. I don't think I will give it any more of my time. So marking as a rare DNF.

I have lost interest in this. I will not be reading and reviewing this book at this time but may do so in the future.

Couldn't download this so I can't really review it. Seems really interesting though, sounds like something I would check out.