Member Reviews

I have been obsessed with Diane Chamberlain book since 2014. So far I’ve read 20 of her books including this one. I follow Diane on Facebook and I knew that her next book was going to be a time travel novel. I was extremely nervous. She had never written anything with a this kind of element before and I had no idea how it was going to work. I’m not a huge sci-fi fan and time travel can often can be confusing. Going into this book I thought this book was going to be a big flop for me. Boy was I wrong.

This book is addicting! I couldn’t stop reading! I’m a third grade teacher and most school nights I’m lucky if I read anything. I read this whole book in one sitting on a school night. If that doesn’t say everything already, keep reading this review. The pages just melt away like butter. They are so easy to take in and Diane includes so many elements that make you want to keep reading to find out what is going to happen next. So many times, I kept saying “One more chapter” because I had chores around the house to do. Well one more chapter turned into reading the whole book. I couldn’t put it down.

The characters and settings were really unique. It was interesting to see how characters translated or changed based off of the time frame they were set in or transitioned to. It was obvious when we had a 1970s character in a present like time frame or a present time frame character in the 1970s. It just showed how good of a writer Diane Chamberlain is. When we were in 2001, I felt transported back to when I was 11 and what the world was like then. I found myself really caring for and empathizing with the characters and freaking out whenever events would occur for them.

The sci-fi elements made me the most nervous going into this book. I was scared they would either be too confusing, unrealistic, and not done in a way that I could understand. Diane Chamberlain wrote it this time travel in a very simple way that will let contemporary fans and sci-fi fans alike to access this type of story, which I really appreciated.

Overall Diane Chamberlain will stay one of my favorite authors. If you haven’t given her a chance yet, this is the one to try! I will continue to gloat and rave about her. My viewers of my youtube channel always ask me which one I recommend, and I will be recommending this one for a while! Can’t wait for her to come up with something else!

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The Dream Daughter is a moving novel illustrating that a mother's love knows no boundaries....

Carly has been dealt two blows within a short time-frame. The year is 1970, and she has just been informed that her husband has been killed in Vietnam. The child she is carrying has been diagnosed with a heart defect and will either die before or shortly after its birth. This child is her only remaining connection to the man she dearly loved and she will go to any lengths to save its life - including traveling into the future where the medical care is available. 

Remember the cult classic Somewhere in Time? It was a fabulous novel made into a movie starring Christopher Reeve. I was one of its devoted followers and watched the movie over a dozen times. I love time travel when it is done well; after all, I doubt it will be much further into our own future that it is possible. Things that I once thought of as "space age," now are my reality so time travel isn't a leap of faith for me. The Dream Daughter is one of those rare books that does do time travel well. 
Diane Chamberlain creates a story of familial love, a mother's desire to protect her child both in the present and in the future and she does it in a manner that is completely realistic, well developed and, most importantly, thoroughly engaging. As readers we can feel the compassion, fear and hope that Carly feels. We come to understand her actions - both in the present and future. I laughed with her, cried with her and was angry with her. It is a heartbreaking tale at times and, in fact, my heart did break throughout the story. But there is more to this domestic tale than sadness; it is one of hope and wonder. That an author can pull this off so well is a testament to her incredible writing skills. 

Because a majority of the story is told in 1970, there is a lot of what is now our history, but Carly's present. I was amazed at the way that Chamberlain handled the events of that era. It was a time of the Vietnam War, Watergate, the rise of the Beatles, the Kent State massacre and so much more. All of these events play a large role in the storyline, as does the 911 World Trade Center tragedy. It was interesting to read about these events from the viewpoint of historical context.

While I thoroughly enjoyed The Dream Daughter, there were a few minor detractions. Of course it is not written from a scientific standpoint so if one is looking for the science of time travel you won't find it here. There also were times that I felt there was too much minutia and, rather than pulling me into the storyline, it made those sections of the book drag. Despite those minor irritants, however, the book is wonderfully written with characters that will not be soon forgotten. I wholeheartedly recommend it. 

Thank you to #StMartin'sPress and #Netgalley for my copy of The Dream Daughter, on sale October 2, 2018.

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Who is Hunter and can he really help Carly's unborn child? And how? This lovely book was unexpected in many ways, chiefly because I wasn't expecting Chamberlain to do time travel. BUT, she does it very well. Carly is new and pregnant widow who is told her child has a horrible heart problem and will die. Her brother in law, Hunter, who has a mysterious past, convinces her there is a chance to save the child but she must trust him. Would you have trust someone who was talking to you about gateways in time and that to take advantage you must step off something 16 feet in the air? Brave woman Carly. You'll find yourself turning pages far past when you planned to stop reading. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. This is well written and quite engaging.

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A wonderful well written book. So many tragedies in this woman’s life. What a mother does to protect her child even if it means she has to travel into the future. Didn’t think this was my kind of book but I would read it again.

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The Dream Daughter was one of my most highly anticipated books of 2018 and it did not disappoint. I am a huge Diane Chamberlain fan and always look forward to her new releases. Although I would probably have not chosen a book about time travel otherwise, Chamberlain rarely lets me down. "Fantasy" kinds of books are not my thing but this was so much more than that. It was a true Diane Chamberlain book with family drama, amazing and relatable characters, all surrounding a story about moral issues. She was able to explore the mother-daughter bond, what makes a family and adoption issues in a new and amazing way.

It had me on the edge of my seat while also constantly making me think "what would I do in this situation?". You are able to see the story from multiple viewpoints because she does such a wonderful and in-depth presentation of the main characters. This was very different from a lot of her past books with the time traveling aspect but it stayed true to her roots with the general concept and flow of the book. It ended up being one of my favorites of hers and I have many! Thank you Net Galley and St. Martin’s Press for providing me with an ARC of this book. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher, St. Martin’s Press, through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

This book grabs the reader’s attention right from the start. It begins in 1970 but moves to 2001 and beyond – through time travel. This book is not your typical time travel book. There are many twists and turns that keeps your attention. In typical Diane Chamberlain fashion, it is a book you can’t put down. When you do put it down, you don’t want to. I thoroughly enjoyed it and highly recommend this book.

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I had the pleasure of reading a early copy from #Netgalley , A beautifully written story about a mothers love , faith and strength it takes to help her unborn baby , even if that means time travel..The author takes you through time , great research on the simple things a person would need to know if time travelled . was really good , I finished in two days

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In the 70's, Caroline has lost her husband to the war and may also lose the child he's left in her because medicine still hasn't progressed enough to save her unborn daughter. That's when her brother in law Hunter shares a secret—he can travel in time, and he can send her to the 21st, where they could save her baby, but he can't go with her. It's a challenge she'll have to take on her own.

This isn't that much of a time travel novel. Here, we have a law a person won't go back from her fifth trip, so Caroline wouldn't be able to come and go as she wants. I did think it lacked the thrill this trope gives you, but that law added a danger we don't usually see in similar books. Caroline has to do it right and alone, because Hunter has already used up his quota. This was interesting, thrilling and frustrating all at the same time. But I also think that if there's such an important rule, the climax should have been about going against it. Unfortunately, even though we do see more about that, it was just in the background.

I liked the title because it called to me but I'm not sure how much it connects to the story either. It's not like she dreams of her daughter as if she's real or anything. I wonder if The Future Daughter was unavailable, lol.

But okay, the thing is that this was a very nice book to read. It was definitely not about the time travel, but the dilemmas here present were so heartbreaking! It was a book that really made me connect to the main character's problems. Also, we see her having to make a handful of difficult decisions. Even though I wouldn't have taken some, I think I understand them all. It's very rare for me to be on this level with a character's chosen path. Still, gosh, this is a cruel story. Imagine losing your husband and being about to lose his child, and of course stuff happens making it all even more complicated... How can this writer be so cruel!

I don't recommend to those who are simply interested in time travel stories. It's not the focus, you'll probably be disappointed. This is much more like a family drama, which happens to use time travel here and there. It's unusual to go to such lengths for a story but that's what happens in the book. As a drama book, this was great. I confess I wasn't glad with the end but it doesn't mean it was bad. How to put it without spoilers? I'm wondering if the author was trying to be even more cruel with the dilemmas she presents Caroline with or if she wanted to give her some prize after all she's been through. Either options, I felt a about the end was somewhat forced. But if you ignore it, it was a good ending.

Honest review based on an ARC provided by Netgalley. Many thanks to the publisher for this opportunity.

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*5 star book!*

This was my first book by the author and it will not be my last! I enjoyed every page of this book, except the last because I did not want it to end!

What would you do for your child? How far would you go for them? That's the questions Caroline has to face many times throughout this story.

I don't want to give much away but this book will be loved my many people as it covers many genres. It kept me guessing, had me laughing, and even had me in tears at times. I am looking forward to reading more of Diane's books! This one did not disappoint.

*Thank you to netgalley for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review. "

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The Dream Daughter is the first book of Diane Chamberlain's that I have read though she has been recommended to me often. I am so glad this book was put into my hands; I loved it!! Ms. Chamberlain tells this family-oriented story skillfully and with heart. All of the characters are richly described to the point they seem real, and they are very relatable as well. I got so caught up in the story, that I felt all of the emotions of the characters. That's what a good writer can do, make the reader feel as if they are in the story.

In 1970, Caroline (Carly) Sears is just getting over the death of her husband in Vietnam when she learns she is pregnant. However, tests show that the fetus has a condition that is always fatal; her baby will only live for a few hours or days. Her brother-in-law, Hunter, a physicist, tells her he knows a way to help the baby survive if she will trust him. Astounded by what he tells her, she refuses to believe that it's possible until events convince her to try what he suggests.

This book is a quite satisfying read about the lengths people will go to for those they love.

To all of those who recommended Diane Chamberlain to me, you were right! I've got some catching up to do!!

Many thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for allowing me to read an e-ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This was my first Diane Chamberlain novel, so I really didn't know what to expect. First off, I think that the less you know about this story going into it, the more you will enjoy it. It is clear from the descriptions/blurbs that time travel is big part of the story -- but don't let that deter you -- just go with it! More than anything it is a heart-wrenching story about loss, love, and family. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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I am a big fan of Diane Chamberlain & love everything I read by her- so I was thrilled to get an advanced copy of her newest book! I typically don't read books that are about time travel, but knew that Diane wouldn't disappoint!!
It's a beautiful story spanning from the late 1960's to today, showing a mother's love & the lengths she will go to save her child. The characters are rich and it definitely pulls at your heart strings! As you read, you are hoping for and believing in something that you know isn't possible -yet you still hold your breath in anticipation. Thanks again to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC!

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I really loved this book - it grabbed my attention right from the start and held it! There were several surprises scattered throughout the story that I did NOT see coming. I thought the author did a fantastic job with the main character, Carly. I found Carly to be extremely likeable and relatable. My heart broke for all of the tragedy and hardships that she had to endure in her life - she lost her husband and then finds out her unborn daughter has a fatal heart defect - really can it get any worse?! When Hunter proposes a possible solution, she's skeptical at first, but is willing to try anything to save her baby. This was the first book that I have read by Diane Chamberlain - after my experience with this book I will definitely be seeking out other books that she has written. I highly recommend this book!

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This was such a fantastic book! I love Diane Chamberlain's 'historical' novels, and this one is one of her best. The time travel aspect is a new avenue for her, but in this book it works (although when she was describing 'jumping and falling' I kept imagining scenes from Kate & Leopold). I let my mind go and dispelled my disbelief around the subject of time travel and am happy I did. My only comment is the title doesn't really reflect the story but given the storyline I am sure it's not easy to come up with a title that truly reflects the story and characters.
Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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This is actually my first Diane Chamberlain book which now that I've read The Dream Daughter  I'm pretty mad at myself for not paying closer attention to her previous books. Rather than go into lengthy plot details I want to just share with you what I loved about this book. To start...time travel...I love this element. I know some people read that and may immediately think no, not for me. The time travel in this book is essential to the story and it's subtle, a small piece of a much larger plot picture but without it, there's no story. With it, the story comes alive. But, there's no science fiction "out there-ness" to the time travel, it just is and I was on board with it from the beginning.

Another thing I loved - the characters! Carly, whose unborn daughter needs a life saving fetal surgery to survive, is one of my favorite characters in fiction this year. I connected with her immediately and I never stopped rooting for her and boy did the author throw some unexpected twists her way. The suspense of not knowing what would happen to Carly and her baby was so on point. Hunter, her brother in law and Myra his mom were other characters that felt like real people to me. Really, that sums up my overall feelings about this book. Distinctive, tension filled, realistic writing that caused me to stay up super late because I had to know what was going to happen next. There are so many surprises in this story and I'll finish by saying...have tissues ready when you pick this one up.

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Another great read from Diane Chamberlain. I was skeptical at first, but through Chamberlains flawless ability to develop such rich, round character's I was hooked. When Caroline Sears receives the news that her unborn baby girl has a heart defect, she is devastated. Her brother-in-law, Hunter is telling her that something can be done about her baby's heart, but it will take a true leap of faith. Caroline struggles with the idea, but will go to any means necessary to give her daughter the best life. It is amazing what a mother will do for their child.
Highly recommended!

*I received an advanced reader's copy of this book in exchange for my honest review

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I received an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Dream Daughter by Diane Chamberlain will be released on October 2nd, 2018 and can be purchased here :

We begin this story in the 1965 in the south with a woman named Caroline (Carly) as a physical therapist helping a man named Hunter who broke his ankle falling off of a three story building. We are then taken on a roller coaster of a story. I am a mom, when my daughter and son were both born, I was in rare form and they whisked the baby away both times. I sent my husband off to follow that baby. I cannot imagine doing it all alone let alone in a different year that I am aware of, not knowing how things are in that year and it being my first baby. This book is filled with so many OMG moments and moments where you just want to pull Carly into a hug and just let her cry into your shoulder. This poor woman finds out she is pregnant with her husband's baby after just finding out her husband died in the Vietnam War. Not only does she find out she is pregnant, but that there is an issue with her baby. Hunter and Carly become family quickly after their PT sessions. Hunter helps Carly with her baby situation. Hunter sends Carly to a time where she can have fetal surgery on her fetus in 2001. I cannot imagine going from 1970 to 2001, get used to the modern accommodations and then have to go back to the past. We live in 2018, where cars practically drive themselves, I can watch TV on demand and can pretty much search for just about anything on the internet at the touch of my fingers. I cannot imagine going back to the 1990s where we had to rent movies and would spend hours in Blockbuster searching for the perfect movie to watch. This book was amazing and left me balling at the end.

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I really enjoyed this book. It was a unique story about time travel. A child is born with a heart defect and there are no known medical cures in the year she was born. The mother is able to time travel with her to a time when great strides have been made in healing a child with this heart problem. There are many twists and turns to the story. I really liked this book. The characters were interesting and likeable. I definitely recommend this book.

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I could not put this book down and read it in one day. What a unique story line and ending. I’m afraid any inkling of what the story is about will be a spoiler so I will leave you with this... read the book!!!

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I have read several Diane Chamberlain books so I was looking forward to reading it. I'm a fan of time travel so it was a double whammy. I liked the book okay but just couldn't get with the characters. I don't think I would have acted like Carly at all so it was difficult to read. That being said, I enjoyed the story and the references to Nam.

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