Member Reviews

The Dream Daughter by Diane Chamberlain is a little different from Ms Chamberlain's usual stories. What remains the same are the excellent characters we grow to love and hate to part with at the end of the book. The Dream Daughter is difficult to put down and there may be a few tears along the way. I was given an early copy to review.

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Only months after her husband's death in Vietnam, Carly Sears learns that the baby she's carrying has a fatal heart defect. It's 1970 and there's no cure. Her brother-in-law, Hunter, is a physicist who has always had many secrets about his past. He tells Carly there is a way to save her baby, but it will require a leap of faith. Will she risk everything she knows and loves for the life of her baby?
I love Diane Chamberlain's books and the Dream Daughter was impossible to put down. I like that she added a little sci-fi element to the story with the time travel and portals. Thank you to Diane Chamberlain, St Martin's Press, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this fascinating book. I will highly recommend it to my friends and family.

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I am somewhat skeptical to books that involve time travel. The characters were easy to like in this story, but what drew me in was the storyline and the situation it presented. The mother and child relationship warms your heart in this story.

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Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read The Dream Daughter by Diane Chamberlain in exchange for an honest review. I find myself mostly reading historical fiction, but when I need a change I love picking up a Diane Chamberlain book. Once again Diane Chamberlain did not disappoint! She has become one of my favorite authors. This time travel story is magical, it is about what a mother will do to protect her unborn child. Time travel novels can be confusing at times but I think Chamberlain did an amazing job keeping things flowing. I loved the characters, the suspense, and the love I felt reading this book. From the beginning until the very last page it kept my attention. I did not want it to end and hope there will be a sequel one day. The only reason I am not rating this five stars is because the main character Carly is pregnant with a daughter who has a complex congenital heart defect called hypoplastic left heart syndrome. I have a daughter with almost the same diagnosis and I think this should have been researched and portrayed more realistically. This particular heart defect is a life long disease and it was not portrayed that way in the book. That being said don't miss this beautiful, feel good story! It is a must read!

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This book took me by surprise. I loved it, I love fiction but steer away from time travel. But, author Diane Chamberlain has written a book with characters that you care about.
The overall feature of this book is time travel, but mostly it is about love. Love of a sister, love between a wife and husband and most of all motherly love.
The book travels from 1970 to 2013. Carly (1970) has just lost her husband to the Vietnam war. She is pregnant and is told her baby has a heart defect and nothing can be done. The baby will not survive.
Too her surprise and disbelief her brother in law has the capability of sending her to 2003. During that time travel she has the opportunity to receive in vitro heart surgery to save the life of her unborn child.

This is my first book by author Diane Chamberlain. But, will not be my last.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an advance copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Slide over. Sit a spell......

Truth be told, I didn't find myself drawn into the first few pages of this novel. The Dream Daughter has Diane Chamberlain handing over a heavy-ladened sandwich on a bendable paper plate. After the first bite, you begin asking yourself what, indeed, is in this hard-to-describe secret sauce that keeps you salivating for the next bite?

This, dear readers, is not my usual fare. I'm not drawn into the likes of time travel, although it does intrigue me. What makes all the difference in the world is that it is penned by Diane Chamberlain. She creates believable characters with believable drive. And what is at the core of all things in this universe is the gut-wrenching reality of we humans with the lost opportunities that slip through our fingers. Regrets that gnaw at us for a lifetime. Or, perhaps, do we have the capability to grasp that golden ring and change the barreling course of the inevitable?

Carly Sears carries within herself the weight of grief so profound that even words are empty vessels. It's April of 1970 and Carly harbors the knowledge that her newly wed husband, Joe, will not be returning from the Vietnam War. Her emotions are in turmoil as the onset of a pregnancy finds limited joy. This child is a mother's monument to the love she shared with Joe. That is why the news of a fetal heart defect is met with such shock and disbelief. How can she bear another loss? In the scheme of all things, the universe is just asking too much.

Carly tries to find solace from her sister, Patti, and her strange, secretive brother-in-law, Hunter. Now here is where Chamberlain asks you as readers to open all the spickets. And, heaven help us, you'll find yourself munching bite after bite of that aforementioned sandwich. Hunter proposes that Carly travel in time to 2001 for a scientific breakthrough with in-uteral surgery to save the life of her child. Book it, Carly.........

Chamberlain provides us with profound scenarios mirroring the onset of the digital revolution happening in America during this time period. We become risk-takers along with Carly. She is forced to take on situations in which she lacks the skills sets. It's akin to opening up packages in which we have no control of the contents. And Chamberlain does it masterfully. Even though we know that there are no "do-overs" in life, just the mere thought of a chance is a powerful, powerful thought.

I received a copy of The Dream Daughter through NetGalley for an honest review. My thanks to St. Martin's Press and to the talented Diane Chamberlain for the opportunity.

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I went into this book with very little knowledge about it. In fact, what little I did know made me drag my feet when it came to picking it up. But boy, am I glad I did!

Caroline Sears is devastated to find out that her unborn child has a heart defect. Her bother in law, who happens to be a time traveler, suggests that she travel to the future for her baby to undergo life saving in-utero heart surgery. But things do not always go as planned.

This book seamlessly goes back and forth between the 1970s and the 2000s. The author does a wonderful job laying out and describing the different time periods as to avoid confusion. The pop culture references of the two different time periods are informative and often times, funny. The characters are very likable and extremely well developed. Although the story starts out a bit slow, once it gets going, it hooks you until the very last page.

Yes, this book involves science fiction/time travel, which I'm not the biggest fan of, however, this beautiful and heartbreaking story is mostly centered around love and hope and loss. The depths of a mother's love knows no bounds, and as a mother myself, I clung to Carly's journey and heart every step of the way.

***Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for providing me a complimentary e-copy of THE DREAM DAUGHTER in exchange for an honest review.***

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I just reviewed The Dream Daughter by Diane Chamberlain. #TheDreamDaughter #NetGalley 

Diane Chamberlain is one of my go to authors and she does not disappoint with THE DREAM DAUGHTER. This unique and fascinating story was just what I needed. A break from the norm and to step into a place of wonderment, what if's and a lot of Oh wow's. I wont spoil a thing, it's an experience, a page-turner and a stay up late promising yourself one more chapter. I love how this author gets me thinking and pondering what I might do. It's got all the feels and a big Bravo from me for a brilliant and even more so now: The inimitable Diane Chamberlain. 5 stars. High recommendations and I'm still thinking about it. Just beautiful.

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Thanks for the early review copy!

I recommend this novel to fans of contemporary novels. It was well-written and interesting novel.

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This book stretched my concept of time. We meet Carly, who finds out early on that her baby is very ill. Her brother-in-law, Hunter, comes to her with a solution that she thinks is totally crazy. Since the alternative is not acceptable, Carly goes for it. After all, Hunter is a physicist and should know what he's talking about.
We go on a journey with Carly to save her baby girl and then to make sure her daughter has a great life. The narration goes back and forth between Carly and Hunter, each of them expressing both doubt and confidence in what they're trying to do.
I'm a Mom, so I identified with Carly right away. What mother wouldn't go to the stars and back for her child? I truly loved this story.

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Thanks to net galley, Saint martins press, Diane Chamberlain for this ARC. At first I wasn’t sure I would enjoy this book as I am not a reader of time travel but I’ve read a few of her works, so considering it’s one of Diane Chamberlain’s I decided to give it a go. I first met Diane Chamberlain at signing at page 158 books in Wake Forest, North Carolina. She was so warm and caring and a great on the spot story teller. Having said that, I was excited to receive this ARC. I loved this book! It’s So different from all the other Diane Chamberlainwritings but I really enjoyed it. I love her character of Carly and her reactions within the different eras. . The ending was exciting and I wasn’t expecting it. I think this will be one of those books I’ll read a second time. !
I am reviewing on Goodreads,, Facebook, Twitter and Amazon when reviews are allowed.

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Diane Chamberlain does it again! Easily one of the best books I've read this year! What if one moment in time could change your future and your past? Carly finds herself in this situation with one decision. I hate when books are predictable but I wanted this one to be predictable because I couldn't think of any other outcome that would work but Ms. Chamberlain found a way. I've barely finished this book and have already started telling friends they must read it!

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Diane Chamberlain is one of my absolute favourite authors. I was ecstatic when I was approved for this book!

This is a first for Diane Chamberlain..a different type of story but yet the same kind all at once. I don't want to give too much away. The story is fantastic! The blurb on the book was perfect. I must admit that I only skimmed it. I purposely did not want to hear too much (as I'd heard rattles throughout the book community already.) I automatically read anything by Diane Chamberlain. I'm glad I was so delightfully surprised!

The year is 1970 and Caroline (Carly) is pregnant and so very sad. She has recently lost her husband in a horrific way. She is now living with her beloved sister and brother-in-law. But something may not be right with the baby. Her brother-in-law proposes a solution. But could it be a miracle or the most ludicrous insane thing ever?

This book is packed with a lot of deep, meaningful emotions throughout the whole story. It's the same type of classic Diane Chamberlain but with a new twist to her story. Her writing is on par as usual. I could not put this down! I so highly recommend it!

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A time traveling page-turner about how far one woman will go to save her unborn baby. This is now my new favorite book by Diane Chamberlain. Having a special needs son, I know I would do anything possible to get him the best care possible. I instantly fell in love with the main character, Carly, and how she put her "job" as a mother and what was best for her child above anything else. By far one of my favorite reads this year!

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I really enjoyed this book. I don't typically read science fiction but this one grabbed me from the very beginning. I highly recommend it!

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I have loved other books by this author, and this one, just like the others, does not disappoint. I lost sleep, because I didn't want to put the book down! Definitely a great page turner. Highly recommend!

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I read this book cover to cover in ONE day! I was sucked in on the first page and couldn’t put it down. I’ve read every single one of Diane Chamberlain’s books and this is now my favorite one!

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Diane Chamberlain's books are always a treasure to read and this one is no exception to that truth! This is a beautifully written magical story of a mother's love and the entire book was a pleasure. I hated for it to end.

In 1970 Carly Sears has discovered the baby girl she is carrying has a fatal heart defect that cannot be fixed. Her brother-in-law, a physicist, tells her it can be fixed - but in 2001. There is a fetal surgery that could possibly save the baby. Carly braves the unimaginable unknown on a quest to save her child and fix the heart defect before she is born.

Kudos Diane Chamberlain! I loved this book and, even though I couldn't put it down, I read it slowly to savor every morsel.

Thanks to Diane Chamberlain and St. Martin's Press through Netgalley for an advance copy. Truly an enjoyable experience.

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I’m not a usual fan of time travel with a few exceptions but this was so much more! I’ve never read a book by Ms. Chamberlain but I certainly will be adding her books to my TBR list. This book is really about a mother and the choices she will make to ensure that her baby will survive first of all and also to have a healthy and happy life.

The book’s prologue starts in 1965 when Caroline Grant, a PT, meets Hunter Poole in a hospital in Chapel Hill, North Carolina (a place I have visited and loved! ). None of the other physical therapists in the department want to work with him, he has been uncooperative and pretty much non-verbal. Caroline is shocked when the patient actually pointed to her and stated “You! I want to work with you”, “I didn’t mean to scare you, I’ll do whatever you say, he added, I promise”. “You remind me of someone I knew briefly . . . .it feels good to see you”. With this start we are launched into the story.

As you know from the blurb Hunter is a time traveler and has landed in 1965 from the future. He and Caroline along with her husband Joe and Caroline’s sister Patti, form a close bond and the next we read of them is in 1970. Caroline is pregnant and has just learned that her husband has died in Vietnam. Hunter is now married to Caroline’s sister Patti and they have a one year old child.

When Caroline’s baby is found by the “new” science of ultrasound to have a seriously defective heart condition that will prove fatal either in utero or after she is born, Hunter has the idea to send her into the future to have the baby’s heart repaired while she is still in the wound. Not only is this fact difficult for Caroline to grasp but Hunter has to prove that he is actually from the future, not an easy feat. He also has to assure her that she and her baby will be able to come back to 1970.

The novel moves through the present and future and back seamlessly. I was very captivated by the story and finished it in two sittings. What I loved about this book is that the characters were well developed and I really grew to care about Caroline. As the mother of four daughters I know that I would have done exactly what Caroline did, anything that would help my baby survive. The other characters are also well described. The atmosphere in New York City in 2001 compared to 1970 is described in such a way that I could visualize the crowded streets and commuters with ear buds in their ears and seeming to be talking to themselves when of course they were talking into their cell phones, something completely alien to Christine.

There are some warm hearted and funny parts of the story also. When Caroline is on bed rest in New York City and has to find a way to eat and rest, the doorman, housekeeper and owner of a deli down the street do all that they can to help this first time mother with no friends or family to care for her.

Her decisions throughout the story are for the welfare of her daughter and I felt a lot of compassion for her as a mother, great character development here.

You have to be willing to suspend some belief when reading about the time travel but it has a sort of “Back to the Future” feel to it where you really get to know these characters well.

I received an ARC of this novel from the publisher through NetGalley.

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Carly has lost her husband in Vietnam and discovered she is pregnant. Her baby girl has a heart condition not compatible with life. Carly will do anything to save the last piece of her husband she has. Her brother-in-law tells her an incredible story. He is actually from the future and he wants to send her there where there is technology that could save her daughters life.

I am not normally a fan of time travel but this one is told so well I have become a convert. This is the story about a Mother’s love and the incredible sacrifices she will make to save her daughter. It is a heartwarming story that will keep you captivated. There are a couple of twists in the story, one I anticipated. The other came completely out of the blue. The ending is perfect. Thank you to net galley for an advanced readers copy.

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