Member Reviews

I loved this book!! Oh my goodness. It was emotionally charged and touching. I could not put it down. So what if time travel is a fantasy? It was a great escape for me. Well done Ms. Chamberlain. Thanks to St. Martin’s Press and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I received an advanced readers copy in exchange for an honest review

So you have to be careful for what you wish for. I wanted this one because I was under the impression that this woman wrote thrillers. This is not a thriller sentimental women’s fiction about time travel. I said what I said. I don’t even know if I could truly rate it, As time travel and sentimentality are two of my least favorite tropes, I’ll just give it a three to give it something because it was absolute hell for me to read but I also recognize I was not the right audience, and those of you who actually read the blurb might like it.

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I don't want to give away what the book is about, but suffice it to say that this book is very different from Diane Chamberlain's other books. I loved them all, but I loved this one the most. Okay, I'll tell you a little. It was about a woman's love for her unborn child, and that love is so strong that she is willing to do anything to give that child an opportunity to live. And I do mean... anything. It's a fun read, and I loved how well the author kept everything straight. Overall, though, it's a heart-filled story about a mother's love. I cried at the ending. Yes, it pulled on my heart strings, but really I was crying because it was over and I wouldn't have any more pages to read. It was one of my favorite books in a long time, and I'm grateful to Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read it.

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Thanks Netgalley for the ARC of another amazing book of Chamberlain’s! She has become one of my favorite authors, but this was one of her best! I didn’t want to put it down which hasn’t happened in a long time cause sleep usually wins these days lol. I highly suggest this book to ANYONE !!

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Wow! I loved everything about this book. A story of time travel, family bonds, and mother daughter devotion told in a flowing, impossible-to-put down way. I highly recommend it. Thank you NetGalley and Ninjas for the early edition read, all opinions are my own.

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WOW.....what an amazing book. Diane Chamberlain has done a terrific job of “time traveling “us between 1970 (Vietnam War time), 2001 (Months before 9/11) and 2013 ( Summit, NJ -with current technology advancements). The characters are engaging and the time transitions between 1970; 2001 and 2013 are seamless. This is a well written book, in which the heroine will stop at nothing to save her “Dream Daughter”, including time travel and experimental fetal surgery. Once I started this book I couldn’t put it down. I have now added Diane Chamberlain to my “must read list”. Pick up The Dream Daughter - you won’t be disappointed!

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iane Chamberlain does it once again. I don't know how she manages to come up with these stories.

This is a story one a mother's love that knows no bounds. It was a love that would do anything to save her child. I have never before been a fan of books that involved time-travel but Diane Chamberlain has changed all of that.

This is a beautifully written story that I could not put down. I read it in less than 2 1/2 days because I had to know what happened to this family.

I received an ARC from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I really enjoyed this book! Carly Sears has lost her husband in the Vietnam war and her unborn daughter is diagnosed with a heart condition. Carly would do anything to save her daughter and the love of her family is deep. The story moves around from 1970 to 2001 and 2013. The characters are relatable and easy to build a connection with. It is truly an emotional read and a wonderful story of a mother's love.

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This is my first book by this author and it will definitely not be my last!
This book had all the feels!
Carly is working as a therapist in 1970, when she meets her future brother in law at a rehabilitation center!
Carly and her husband Joe and Hunter and Patti are the closest of friends. When Joe dies in the War , Carly finds out she’s pregnant and that her baby has a serious heart defect , that unfortunately can’t be fixed in 1970, the technology hasn’t been discovered ... yet!
Hunter has to make a choice, it could save Carly’s unborn child but just may cost him everything else!
This book is told from
Carly’s and Hunter’s Points of view, alternating between 1970, 2001 and 2013
The Changes and the history is beautifully written and I couldn’t put this book down
Fans of Diane Chamberlain will love this book and first timers like me will find a new author to binge read!

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I read this book a few months ago and forgot to review it, which is a good thing because it's months later and I still remember it, it's a great book if i remember it so quickly, since i read so many books. This one was pretty easy to follow, the time travel aspect was pretty neat, i liked the the story took us, and it's written by one of my favourite authors. I definitely would recommend this one

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This is a moving story which explores love between sisters, love of a mother for a daughter, love by a wife for a husband and the ties which unite a family. Add to this the element of time travel which enhanced the story and did nothing to detract from the heart wrenching emotions felt by this reader. There were times when difficult choices needed to be made. I thought the characters were believable.The ending was surprising and seemed almost perfect.

It is 1970 and Carly has just learned that her husband had died in Viet Nam. She is distraught but comforted by the fact that she is expecting his child. It turns out the fetus shows signs of a heart defect. There is no cure and the child will die.

Hunter, her brother-in-law has a secret. He is the son of an astrophysicist mother who developed time travel. He worked closely with her in her experiments years in the future, and has the knowledge and ability to send Carly ahead to the year 2001 when operations to repair heart defects in unborn babies are possible. Carly has a reasonable distrust of Hunter's claim and his offer to help, but her desperation to save her unborn child overcomes her apprehension and leads her to take the chance on the medical advances of the next 30 years. She follows Hunter's instructions and a leap of faith and the baby's life is saved.

The plan was for Carly to return home back in 1970 with her beautiful newborn little girl. Due to complications she keeps missing the window of opportunity when the leap back in time is possible. She must return to Hunter and her sister without the baby. The plan is that she travel immediately through time once more to 2001 and come back with her baby girl to her home in 1970. Hunter makes the appropriate calculations but forgets a crucial historic fact. Due to an atmospheric disturbance, Carly finds herself in the year 2013 when her baby girl must be 12 years old. This leads to much excitement tinged with sorrow.

Does she stay and foster a friendship with a young girl who is secretly her birth daughter or return to an empty life in 1970?. She learns some surprising, unexpected news which leads to her final decision.

It was interesting to realize the vast strides in technology and medicine between 1970 and now. I remember being sent to a room in the early 1970's and told to do the calculations for my thesis on a computer which took up the entire space of the room. So very intimidating. Little did we know that we would be carrying more powerful computers in our pockets. Personal computers and other modern tech gadgets were, to my knowledge, not even contemplated in science fiction. Carly was dazzled by some modern inventions, but is that an incentive to remain in the future?

I wish to thank NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the advanced copy of this compelling, heartwarming and thought provoking book.

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Carly is a mother who will do anything for her unborn child especially after the loss of her husband in the Vietnam War. After all, her baby is the only thing Carly has to remember her late husband. The Dream Daughter takes readers on a time traveling journey to save her baby.

Although the premise may sound hokey, it is actually a genuine story of a mother trying to find the best medical care for her sick child. With the help of her brother-in-law, Hunter, Carly makes many sacrifices, as most parents would, to help her child. The plot and characters are flawless. This is the first Diane Chamberlain novel I have read, but it certainly won't be the last!

Thank you NetGalley for the arc of a great book!

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Once you allow yourself to get past your natural disbelief that time travel is impossible, The Dream Daughter sucks you in to its magical web.

This is not usually the kind of book I read, generally preferring to stay rooted in the same decades, but this is a marvelous story about the power of love, devotion, and facing one’s fear of the unknown, because to do so can bring rewards beyond imagining.

I received this book as an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley.

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This is a fabulous book. Diane Chamberlin created characters that came alive in this story. I felt Carly's longing to see her daughter and the fear she overcame that allowed her to step into an unknown future. Carly is a character I would like to meet in real life. She was so brave and her willingness to do the unimaginable to save her daughter made her a very sympathetic character.

Don't be put off by the time traveling. It enhanced the plot and was presented in such a way that it made the story believable. We live in a world where there are new discoveries every week. Fifty years ago there was no such thing as fetal surgery. Today it is possible to repair a defective heart while the baby is still developing in mom's uterus. Wouldn't you take a leap into an unknown to save your child's life?

I enjoyed every moment of this reading experience. Thank you to NetGalley and St Martin's Press for the opportunity to download an Advanced Reader's Copy of The Dream Daughter. The opinions expressed are completely my own. #TheDreamDaughter #NetGalley

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WOW!!! Best book of the year! Love all of Diane Chamberlain’s books and I love time travel books. When I started reading this book and released it was a time travel book, I could not put it down. Beautifully written!

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I went into The Dream Daughter blind, and I so glad that I did. As I started reading this, my heart was breaking for Caroline. When the story started to unfold and I realized this had to do with time travel, I had my reservations. I do not know if I would have picked this up knowing that, so I am glad I did not know or I would have missed out on a great read.

This story is about the love a mother has for her child and the depths in which she will go to save her life. I was crying within the first few chapters, and on the edge of my seat to see what would happen to Joanna. This also deals with family, love, and loss, and our military. I loved the family dynamics and their relationships with one another.

The time travel was done really well. I actually found myself intrigued with it more than I thought I would have been. It really kept my interest. Even though this was not an action packed story, it still moved along pretty well.

There were some parts that were too detailed for me, and others I wanted more information around. It is hard to pinpoint these areas, as I do not want to give away spoilers. I did find myself skimming some sections around 2013. I think this could have been cut down and still had the emotional impact that 2013 brings to the story.

I absolutely loved the ending of this story. I think it pulls everything together very well and sticks to the story around time travel and how your actions can form the changes for the future.

Overall, I really enjoyed this and I am glad I gave it a chance. If you love books around family, from Diane Chamberlain, or around something that is a little different in the historical fiction genre, then I definitely think you just give it a try.

I won this book in a giveaway

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Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the arc of The Dream Daughter. And to Diane Chamberlain for such a great story.

No spoilers here. I believe you have to just read the book so you can enjoy it as much as I did.

Although this is not my usual read, I know if it’s Diane Chamberlain, I’m going to like it. I did – right from the start. It is a wonderful blend of fiction, drama, life, love. The characters were well developed and easy to like. I got the Time Traveller’s Wife spidey-sense at first, and although the book is about time travel, it’s not at all alike. And its’ very original story worked.

Anyone who likes romance and time-travel – you’ll love this.

I would highly recommend The Dream Daughter as TBR.

3.5/5 fallo

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This is the first book I read by Diane Chamberlain and I liked it so much I went to my local used bookstore the day after I finished it to see what else of hers I could score!
This book is rich in details; you can tell she really does her research. I rolled my eyes at the first mention of time travel in the book (as I wasn't expecting it) - but it was very well done and made for a very unique plot.
I was on the edge of my seat throughout and thoroughly enjoyed the ending. Unexpected, but very satisfying. I wish it was possible to give this book 10 stars!!

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As an avid Diane Chamberlain reader I was elated to receive an advanced copy of the Dream Daughter. I was nervous to dive into it, reading the plot, as I am not a fan of science fiction and couldn’t wrap my head around time travel. However, in true Chamberlain fashion I was instantly immersed in the story and the concept of time travel was a natural and believable element in The Dream Daughter. It is 1970 and Caroline’s husband is missing in Vietnam, she is also pregnant and has just learned that her daughter has a devastating heart defect. When her brother in law, Hunter, suggests that traveling forward in time could save her baby and that Hunter has the ability to both send her forward and bring her back, Caroline considers the risks and benefits. The Dream Daughter crosses miles and years as Caroline does what she deems necessary for her daughter and her connection to her husband she misses dearly. As a mother, I related and sympathized with Caroline and agonized over her nearly impossible decisions. The Dream Daughter was an excellent, tender and thoughtful read.
Thank you to both the publisher and NetGallery for an advanced copy of The Dream Daughter in return for an honest review.

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Another great one from this author. This one involves a family togetherness story with the twist of time travel. Well written, believable characters and enough plot twists to keep it interesting.

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