Member Reviews

I was intrigued when I was offered an ARC of the Dream Daughter by Diane Chamberlain because it is a story about time travel, which is one of my favorite type of books. I was not disappointed!
If you were given the opportunity to save your unborn child by traveling 30 years into the future would you do it? This is Carley’s dilemma as she contemplates leaving 1970 and traveling to 2001 with the help of a prior traveler. She is hesitant to leave her family behind but she knows it is the only way to be sure her baby will survive. This book is full of suspense and drama. The writing is excellent and I absolutely loved it. .
I am grateful to the publishers, St. Martin’s Press, for sending me a copy of this book. This is my unbiased review.

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I loved this book! I started it in the evening and woke up early to finish reading it the next day. I didn't want to put it down. Diane Chamberlain does a wonderful job of developing the characters in this novel and I couldn't help but cry more than a few times. As a mother, I could understand how Carly was feeling the entire book. And the other characters in the book were just as touching. I would definitely recommend this book!

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I love Diane Chamberlain’s stories, but I was a bit apprehensive going into this one due to the time-travel element. I decided to put my hesitation aside and trust that this book would be every bit as good as I have come to expect and I am very glad I did.

Caroline (Carly) is pregnant, but her baby has a heart problem and will not live, once born, without intervention. The year is 1970 and medicine is not sophisticated enough for this problem, but 2001 is.

I can’t even begin to imagine the heartbreak Carly must have felt receiving this devastating news from her doctor. A mother’s love knows no limits and she will do anything to save the life of her unborn child. She decides to embark on a journey that she never thought possible, testing her in ways she never expected, and changing her life forever.

I enjoyed reading about Carly’s time in the 2000’s. Imagine the shock of fast-forwarding 30 years! So much has changed – the music, technology, prices, modern conveniences, and so on.

As I approached the middle of this story I could hardly bring myself to put this book down. I was so touched by Carly’s love for her daughter and I just had to know how it would end.

Let’s face it, time travel is a bit out there and not very realistic, but if you just sit back and let this book transport you I believe you will enjoy this story just as much as I did.

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Diane Chamberlain never disappoints!! I couldn't put this book down! I was wary, because I don't really buy into the whole time travel thing - but I gave it a chance, since I have thoroughly enjoyed her other books. Felt like the characters were my friends - the ending was slightly disappointing - but maybe that's because I didn't want it to end.
Highly recommend.

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I received an ARC of this novel from Netgalley in exchange for my review. I am a huge fan of Diane Chamberlain's writing so I was very excited to have the opportunity to get a first look at her latest novel, The Dream Daughter. Chamberlain always has a way of taking a story apart and showing the reader all the sides of complicated issues and this story was certainly complex!

Caroline (Carly) Sears has had a tough string of events. She has lost her parents, and now her husband is MIA and presumed dead in Viet Nam. When she finds out that she is pregnant with his child, she wants to do everything she can to protect her only tie to her husband. During a routine exam the doctors discover that Carly's baby has a heart defect and won't live even days after it is born. Devastated, she turns to her sister and her husband, Hunter for advice. It was actually Carly who introduced Hunter to her sister. Carly, a physical therapist, met Hunter in the hospital under mysterious circumstances.

When Carly learned the diagnosis for her baby, Hunter decided to let Carly in on his secret, he is actually a time traveler from the future, and in the future, doctors could fix Carly's baby. Now it is up to Carly to decide if Hunter is telling the truth, and if he is, should she risk everything to save her unborn child?

I must admit, I was a little thrown by the time travel element. The flipping back and forth in time was an interesting plot twist and it led to many more questions than answers at times. This is certainly a story worth reading, but it won't stand as my favorite Diane Chamberlain story.

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“Dream Daughter” is not your typical Diane Chamberlain novel, but fans of her evocative prose and brilliant characterization will not be disappointed.

I started this novel expecting to read about Caroline Sears (“Carly”), a recent widow, who discovers that her unborn daughter has a heart defect and will most likely not survive outside the womb. This is a compelling plot and Carly, who lost her husband to the Vietnam War, is immediately likeable. But then Carly’s brother-in-law, Hunter, who Carly first met as a physical therapy student a few prior approaches Carly with an idea. The technology to operate on Carly’s daughter does not exist in 1970, but it will in 2001 so what if Carly could travel to 2001 to get the necessary operation?

While the idea of time travel would seem implausible in a weaker writer’s hands, I had no difficulty imagining Carly using a portal to arrive in New York in 2001, and I loved sharing Carly’s surprise of our 21st century dependence on computers and other technology that was nonexistent in 1970. As Carly undergoes the operation in 2001, the reader imagines Carly will return to 1970 with baby in tow, end of story. Instead, unexpected twists keep the reader guessing to the final pages. Keep in mind, Chamberlain sent Carly back to New York in 2001 for a reason.

I could not put this book down. Whether you have read all of Chamberlain’s book or are new to her writing, you will finish this book unable to stop thinking of the characters and what ifs were you to be able to time travel too.

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For readers that live time traveling stories, this will be quite enjoyable. It reminds me a little of "Back to the Future." How far will a mother go to save her unborn child? Can traveling to the future help? Lots of imagination went into this book.

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THE DREAM DAUGHTER by Diane Chamberlain is an emotionally gripping and multi-layered story of love, family and courage under unimaginably difficult circumstances. I didn’t know anything about the storyline before starting THE DREAM DAUGHTER and I am so glad I started it with no preconceived notions whatsoever. The author crosses genres with a captivating novel that had me completely engaged right from the start. The inclusion of the element of time travel made the story even more complex and compelling. The author expertly moves between eras and locales with vivid imagery and detailed references to the events and culture of the 1970s and 2000s. The character development was outstanding. I felt like I knew each character and could feel what they were going through. There were plenty of unexpected twists and turns and the perfect amount of suspense to keep me flipping the pages. I truly enjoyed this imaginative and engrossing novel and highly recommend it. I look forward to reading more from Diane Chamberlain. Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the chance to read an early copy.

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The Dream Daughter is another example of why I look forward to each edition of Buzz Books. If I had only read the book description, I probably would not have given this more than a passing glance. I am not someone who gravitates towards books about time travel and that aspect was prominent in the book blurb I read. However, the excerpt(the Prologue and the 1st chapter from Part One) from the Fall/Winter 2018 edition of Buzz Books grabbed my attention and I put this book on my want to read list.
Carly Sears has received some very upsetting news. She is pregnant and learns her baby has a heart defect. The doctor tells her there is nothing that can be done medically and the baby has little or no chance of survival. Carly is devastated, as this baby means everything to her. When her brother in law Hunter presents her with a scenario that changes her daughter's fate, it sounds so ludicrous that she fears he is having a mental breakdown. With no other options available, Carly has to trust Hunter and she takes a leap of faith, sending her on an unimaginable journey(and what a journey it turns out to be).
I found the character development exceptional and I loved the fact that the time travel aspect, though crucial to the story was not the main driver of the plot. A very enjoyable story about a mother's love and for me, wow, what an introduction to Diane Chamberlain.
I received a DRC from St. Martin's Press through NetGalley.

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This book had my heart in a vice from page one. Every time I thought it was going to loosen its grip on me, Chamberlain amped up with another twist and curve in the road. Oh I ached for Carly. I loved Hunter. I wanted everything to work out, and yet in a book that deals with time travel, does anything ever work out?! The way Chamberlain wove time travel into a women's fiction, nonfantasy/sci-fi story was brilliant and believable. Each twist took me on the emotional journey with each and every character. Any holes in the story were well flushed out, which is difficult to say in a time traveling story and typically doesn't happen. But she made it all feel possible and real, like this could be me or my neighbor or my friend.
And what a fascinating way to deal with the events that happened with 9/11 and the Vietnam War. And the scene at the Vietnam Wall gave me goosebumps all over my body.
I've been desperate for a book that I could lose myself in and absolutely, whole-heartedly enjoy. This book was it. Much needed and so, so well-done.

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The more I think about it, the more I appreciate this book. It is truly unique—a bit romance, a bit women's fiction and a touch of science fiction. Caroline was likable and believable, a mother motivated to protect the health of her unborn child above all else. So motivated that she chooses to travel through time so her baby can receive life saving fetal heart surgery. But when she is forced to go back in time without her newborn baby, the story really takes off. I won't reveal any more as the story is so fresh and unique you should experience for yourself.

I enjoyed it immensely and I found the ending to be satisfying and just right. I need to delve a bit into Chamberlain's backlist when I find the time.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an advance copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Diane Chamberlain has quickly become one of my favorite authors since receiving an arc copy previously. I was excited to see that she had a new release coming and to receive a copy again.
I feel like this book; was very different in her normal writing style. I am not a fan of the time travel storyline. I feel like the numerous times that Carly was told not to interfere with peoples lives and yet she still got involved. However, had she not interjected herself into those lives of Hunters mom and Joanna and her family - they would not have met up in the future. As heartbroken as I was that her trip back threw her to 2013 instead of 2001; things still had a way of working out. Had she gone to 2001 as intended and brought Joanna home; she would not have been able to have the surgery required a few years later; due to more heart complications.
The end felt rushed; from the moment where Carly finds out that her husband did not die; but rather was a POW and ended up coming home. At the same time I was glad to see that the 5th trip for Hunters mom was trip to 1970's to be with Hunter and his new family. As well as the fact that Joanna was able to finally come to Nags Head and see her birth mother. Even though took her years to do so.
Overall; I thought the book was very well written and flowed together; even going between the years with the time travel. I would still recommend the book to anyone and especially Diane Chamberlain fans. Just was not one of my favorites by this author.

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Wow! What a change from the usual Diane Chamberlain book! I had not read the description of the book before opening it which was fun. It took me a bit to get into it, but when I realized it was about time travel - it grabbed me. I very much liked most of the characters in the book with the exception of the main character Carly's sister, Patti. She annoyed me with her selfishness. The book follows the story of Carly in 1970. She is widowed after her husband dies in Vietnam and finds she is pregnant with a baby with a heart defect that will cause the baby to die soon after birth. Lots of questions and opportunities arise as she heads out to save her baby - to keep part of her husband. There are a few twists and turns along the way, that caused me some anxiety as I read, but the story wraps up nicely - maybe a little too nicely, but there is closure. It's a worthwhile read!

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That last line! Literally, the last line of the book.........I was skeptical at first, the concept of "time travel" is too corny for me to really be interested in but the premise of this book sounded like a real heartstring puller and it is. It's not hard to empathize with her and you can really feel the desperation she has about saving her child. I love the reconnection and the ending was a total win for me. I would have liked to see a little more of the physics in there but that's just my brain and it wasn't necessary. All-round a good book. Well written, clear timeline despite the jumping back and forth in time, easy to read characters.

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My Review: 4.5 stars

The Dream Daughter is about family and just what one would do to save his or her child, while simultaneously believing in time travel. For those of you that I just scared away, come back. Fiction is all about suspended reality, so just go with it. You won’t be sorry. Diane Chamberlain has become one of my favorite authors as she continues to deliver novel after novel that are highly readable and completely different from one another. She’s got no formula, just good storytelling.

There’s a bit of suspense, faith, trust, courage, hope, romance, science and a lot of love. It pushes the boundaries for her loyal fan base as it crosses genres with sci-fi light. For a book I enjoyed so much, this is all you’re getting. It’s one of those novels where it’s too easy to give the plot away and the book blurb does that quite well.

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One of my favorite authors has done it again! The Dream Daughter by Diane Chamberlain was a story that I didn't know I needed, one I wasn't expecting, especially from this author, but I absolutely loved it, so much so that I was a little upset when it ended-I wanted to go on more of the journey with these characters. I seriously hope and pray that this book becomes a movie one day.

The story begins when Caroline is asked to help out a new patient at the hospital where she does physical therapy. This new patient seems depressed, one that no one else in the hospital really wants to deal with. When Caroline goes over to him, his entire demeanor changes, he's smiling and ready to do the work. He claims that Caroline is someone that he remembers from a while ago, but doesn't go into much more information than that.

Eventually this stranger turns into a family member when he marries Caroline, also known as Carly's, sister. Hunter, the down and out stranger, is a physicist working during the1970's, but there's just something about him that seems off, a little bit like he knows more than he should. 

When Carly becomes pregnant and finds out that her baby has a heart defect that could potentially end with the baby passing away, she would do anything to save her beloved daughter. That's when Hunter drops the bombshell. He was actually born in 1988, and is from the future. His mother was a scientist who figured out time travel, and the reason he remembered her that day in the hospital was because she showed up at his house when he was a teenager, pregnant and getting help with her baby's heart defect.

Of course, Carly doesn't believe him at first, though the more she thinks about it, the more it seems true, he knows things he shouldn't know, like Beatles songs that haven't even come out yet, and eventually Hunter proves it to her undoubtedly. Soon Carly realizes that maybe she should take a leap of faith, and get the help that her daughter needs. 

I won't go into all the detail about the time travel, it's too much to explain and I think it's kind of fun to learn about it through Diane rather than me. Carly shoots back and forth through time, and has to make some seriously deep and scary decisions for herself and her baby girl. 

I'm usually iffy about time travel books, because I'm a very logical person and find flaws in all types of situations that arise, but this book made it seem so simple, to the point where I wasn't questioning it, I was just along for the ride. I loved every single aspect of this story. The characters made me fall in love, the plot was intense and breathtaking. Like I said, I didn't want it to end. I truly think that everyone will love this book, even if you aren't a fan of Diane Chamberlain, because this isn't her typical novel. Read it and be spellbound! I give this book 5 out of 5 stars, my favorite of the year so far.

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Wow!!! I've got to say, my emotions were all over the place with this book. I was thrilled to be allowed to read an advanced copy of this book because I've recently become such a Dianne Chamberlain fan. I've read book after book of hers and never been disappointed.. This one though, was a tiny bit hard to follow for my liking. It was going along well, then...Bam! A major link got thrown into the story and I actually stopped reading it for a couple of weeks. I decided to give it another go, and I'm so so glad I did. This might not be her best book. Warning: Have tissues ready. It is quite emotional at times.

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The Dream Daughter was an enjoyable and unique read that asks how far is a mother willing to go to save her unborn child. Set initially in the 1970's, the main character Carly whose husband died in Vietnam, finds out that her unborn child has a heart defect that will likely result in death within days of birth. Yes, this book does deal with the idea of time travel which initially put me off a bit. Yet, I have to admit that the way the concept of time travel was woven into this novel was truly magical. Not only does this story draw you into Carly's quest to have a healthy child, but it also draws you into the details of everyday life that we don't really think about anymore. I loved seeing Carly's reactions to things like "Google" or when Carly saw a scene from a soap opera and realized that the same characters were still being played by the same actors. I've often wondered what my own grandparents would think of our current world if they could see it now. Life does seem simpler in the past. I loved how pieces of the story the reader would learn about at one point in time, look different in the story when viewed from a different vantage point. The only place that I think the book could use a bit more depth was in the carving out of the relationship between Carly and her husband Joe. I fell that we needed to see a bit more of their relationship to make her loss and subsequent decisions more palatable. Excellent story!

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4.3 - I always get drawn into Chamberlain's novels, no matter how far-fetched; this one was a fantastically quick read, full of quirky twists and turns

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An intense heartfelt head shaking amazing read with a non-stop bundle of page turning suspense! One heck of a grueling emotional read that holds you captive till the very end! A myriad of emotions, raw, gripping intense and page turning suspense filled twists! An intoxicating read that will take you on an adrenaline fueled ride and leave you breathless loving every heartpounding word of it!

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