Member Reviews

Absolutely Brilliant! It was heart-breaking at times, but I loved every minute! This book takes you to another world—several actually! The entire book was captivating, but I absolutely could not quit reading the last several chapters. It was my first book by Diane Chamberlain, and not at all what I expected. I have to admit that it was the cover that caught my attention and I didn’t read much of the description. Once I realized it was about time travel, I was certain I would’t enjoy it. I was wrong...this is the BEST book I’ve read this YEAR!

“A rich, genre-spanning, breathtaking novel about one mother's quest to save her child, unite her family, and believe in the unbelievable.”

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for this ARC, in exchange for my honest review!

#TheDreamDaughter #NetGalley

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I certainly never thought a story based around time travel would be my cup of tea, but this one was! Loved the family connections, the history, the love story. I really enjoyed all of the surprises throughout the novel, and it was hard to put down. Loved it!

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I’ve read three Diane Chamberlain titles to date and what impresses me most is how different they are from each other. The Dream Daughter deals with time travel which is one of my favorite themes if they are well written. This book most definitely fit that bill.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Diane Chamberlain for an ARC of this book.

Oh, Diane Chamberlain. Why do all your books make me cry??

I absolutely LOVED this book. It's so beautifully written, and it makes you FEEL. This book is not like all her previous books, it has a science fiction feel to it but it works wonderfully. I loved it.

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My first Diane Chamberlain book and I was not disappointed. Carefully written to make the sci-fi aspect seen believable. The only question in my mind from the first time jump was why Hunter didn't remember 9\11. I doubt anyone living that day would ever forget. Carly's emotions were right on though. I felt every fear and tear with her. Well written!

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All I have to say is if you could play with time travel would you? Would you for love, medical or just because.

In a wonderfully written story about love, sacrifice and what if. Loved this book!

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The Dream Daughter is my first read by Diane Chamberlain. I loved it!! I was instantly hooked with Chamberlain easy writing style and flowing words. I was intrigued where Chamberlain would go with the time traveling subject and boy, did it ever work for me! Caroline, or Carly, was married with her husband in fighting in Vietnam when she finds herself pregnant with her first child. Sadly, Joe is killed in action and Carly is left to deal with their child all alone. As the story unfolds, you find out baby Joanna has a heart defect and will die shortly after birth, This is where the impossible becomes possible. Hunter, Carly's brother in law, tells Carly she can time travel to the future and save her baby. Without giving too much away, this story is amazing! Every time I thought I had it all figured out, Chamberlain throws you through another loop! I will definitely be recommending this book to others and I will be checking out additional works by Chamberlain! Special thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest opinion. #TheDreamDaughter #NetGalley

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When I saw a Diane Chamberlain book available for request I couldn't wait to ask for it. Diane is one of my very favourite authors so I didn't even read the book description. All of her other books have been excellent so why should this one be any different. . Once I saw that the book involved time travel I did think I might have made a mistake as that isn't my kind of reading. How wrong I was !!! This book is totally amazing and I loved every bit of it. What a brilliant story . I can't recommend it highly enough

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Beautifully written story about giving up the world as you know it and the love between a child and mother. I felt to my core the difficult decisions the main character faced throughout the journey of this story. As usual, Diane does not disappoint in creating a novel I could not put down.

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I was pleasantly surprised by this book! Skillful writing led me into the surprise that I was going to the SciFi whelm that I normally avoid. At this point into the story, I was hooked and sincerely invested into the outcome of the characters and their lives. Tender and thoughtlful dialog, masterly written, kept my interest, throughout the book. And with so many twist and turns I did not lose interest. I could not help but think, that the book would be a great Hallmark movie!

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The Dream Daughter by Diane Chamberlain is a historical/science fiction novel about a young woman in the 70’s whose husband dies during the Vietnam War. A few weeks after his death, she discovers that she is pregnant and that the baby has a major heart defect. Her baby will not survive once out of the womb. Carly is devastated as this baby is all that is left of her husband. Her brother-in-law is not exactly who is says he is. He is a traveler from the future and he persuades Carly to go to the year 2001 where she will find medical help for her baby. After proof that Hunter is from the future, Carly accepts to make the time travel to save her daughter. Once born, Joanna is very sick and cannot travel back with Carly. Carly must leave her daughter to go back to the past but promises her that she will come right back to bring her back to 1970. But time travel can be tricky, and Hunter must calculate the portal very carefully taking into consideration all the possible disturbances that could alter Carly’s journey. He forgot one thing… he is returning Carly to the future in New York on the morning of September 11, 2001. When Carly lands, she quickly discovers that she is in New York, right where she was supposed to arrive, but the year is 2013. Devastated, Carly contacts Hunter’s mom and tries to find her daughter who is now 13.

I don’t want to share more and give away the entire plot. This is a fantastic novel which will bring you on a very poignant journey. Every mother will recognize the emotions Carly is experiencing and understand the hard decisions she must make. Wonderful story!

A big thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for this brilliant ARC of The Dream Daughter by Diane Chamberlain. This wonderful book will be available at your favourite bookstore on October 2, 2018.

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Loved this book! I have to admit that I was a little skeptical in the beginning but then I could not put it down. It kept you on the edge of your seat and I didn’t want it to end.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

I fell in love with Diane Chamberlains books a year or so ago and have become obessed with her stories.
I received this ARC as was thrilled.

The Story was not what I was expecting at all, and as I got more into it, I almost hit a point of "Are you serious? Am I really reading about this?. But I kept going and I'm so glad I did.

Its 1970 and pregnant Carly has just been told her unborn child has a heart defect and there is no much hope that anything can or will be done. Hunter (her Brother in Law) has a shocking secret and actually thinks he can help her.

Carly will do anything for her child. ANYTHING and finds herself in a world where nothing is familiar. This story is about love, faith and family.

Do not let the "sci-Fi" ingredient turn you off. while, yes its a little far fetched, its beautifully written and becomes the background. Not the main focus of the book. Diane Chamberlain has just a wonderful way with words and connects with her readers is a way so many can not.

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I really enjoyed this novel. It pretty much hooked me from the beginning. As a wife and mother, I felt I could really relate to Carly and the difficult decisions she was forced to make. It made for fascinating reading because I couldn't wait to find out what Carly would do and how it would turn out. I did get a little teary in some spots, which is not common for me.

Time travel can be tricky to write as it can often come across as hokey and unbelievable. I thought this was well-done. My biggest complaint about the book is the title. I don't really understand the "dream" part of it. I will confess I was a little worried I would get to the end and find out all of Carly's experiences was one elaborate dream! Thankful that was not the case. A different title wouldn't have had the effect on me.

I really liked the writing and I felt the novel flowed very smoothly. This was my first Diane Chamberlain and I would definitely read more of her books.

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Reading the Dream Daughter was pure delight ! I have read several novels by this author and was expecting a similar writing style and plot. I was pleasantly surprised to read this novel because the story was so different from anything I have read by any author. The character development was terrific. I really cared about the welfare of each and every character . This novel also explored the topic of time travel in such a unique way that I actually considered that this could occur! The topic of adoption was also part of the novel and was handled in a very loving and positive way. Anyone that is interested in reading a different type of novel that is extremely well written should tead this novel. I do not think you will be disappointed !

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The Dream Daughter by Diane Chamberlain


The Dream Daughter by Diane Chamberlain is a heartfelt and captivating tale of a mother’s love. Caroline Sears learns that her unborn baby has a heart defect in the 1970s, and she is bereft. Her brother-in-law Hunter, however, is guarding a secret that will change everything.

This book is a fantastical novel that spans time periods and is much more than a love story. It is rich in character development. It is sure to be a winner for fans of books (or movies) like The Lake House. This was my first read by this prolific author, but it certainly won’t be my last.


Diane Chamberlain is the international bestselling author of twenty-three novels. She lives in North Carolina with her partner, photographer John Pagliuca, and her sheltie.


“Chamberlain writes with supernatural gifts…fate, destiny, chance and hope combine for a heady and breathless wonder of a read.” —Pam Jenoff, New York Times bestselling author of The Orphan’s Tale

“Can a story be both mind-bending and heartfelt? In Diane Chamberlain’s hands, it can. The Dream Daughter will hold readers in anxious suspense until the last satisfying page.” —Therese Fowler, New York Times bestselling author of Z

Many thanks to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an unbiased review.

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This book was absolutely amazing. It exceeded all of my expectations. This may be the best book of Ms. Chamberlain's that I have ever read.

Carly is living in 1970 and learns that she is pregnant with her late husband's baby. She is told that there is something wrong with her baby's heart and that there is nothing the doctors can do to save her baby's life. She is heartbroken until she learns from her brother in law that there may be something that he can do for her...

This book has a slight sci-fi angle to it but it does not overpower the story. I would tell anyone who is wary of sci-fi to read anyway, they will not be disappointed. There are twists and turns and I never knew where the story was headed. It made me think about what I would do in Carly's situation, and it is true that there is nothing a mother won't do for her child. The ending was perfect.

I highly, highly recommend this book for all readers. This is one of the best books I read this year, hands down.

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Enjoyed the time travel aspect and feel it was done well. Sometimes that can get confusing for the reader, not so in this case. Characters were well developed and likeable, and I felt there was good interaction between them all. Dialogue was believable as well. The story was well paced and I loved the ending. Another great read form this author, who I have been a fan of for over 20 years.

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I love Diane Chamberlain’s books! Absolutely love that she’s still writing and producing better books than ever! I still think about this book every once in a while!

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I'll start off by saying I'm not usually a science fiction lover.. But I did love reading this book. This is my first Diane Chamberlain read (though I have a bunch of her books in my TBR shelf) and I'm so excited to read more from her!

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