Member Reviews

The final book in the prequel wraps up at least part of the story with one of the villains revealed and it turned out to be exactly who I thought it was in the first novella so pretty obvious. The action was pretty intense although I'm still not sure how Janie was so easily caught by the villain. I'm not a fan of the novella approach and breaking down what would be one book into three smaller ones. However, with that said I am very intrigued about who the Gentleman is and that my issues with the novellas will be resolved with a full length book where we can have more character and relationship development.

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This is the third part of the novella that was written to introduce readers to the Sons of Broad series. While this does wrap up one storyline, it does not resolve who the criminal mastermind, The Gentleman, is. Honestly I had already figured out who was after Janie in the second book and I quite frankly think that Janie's career as a cop should be over considering she missed all the clues! Definitely would have preferred this story to be told in one novella rather than breaking it up into parts as the author did. However, I am still looking forward to the rest of the series because at this point I really want to know who is behind all of the killings.

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The final installment, the Twisted End, for the serial prologue of the new Sons of Board series is an intense, savage, and chilling story with the revelations about the culprit mastermind called The Gentleman, and the hints of the drama and tragedy to come in the future stories in the series.
The kidnapper and killer of the young ladies have to reveal himself to Janie, Brent, and Alyssa to follow the new orders by The Gentleman. He is whom I thought he would be, and the fight for survival is brutal and frantic.
The relationship between Janie and Brent has been developing throughout the novellas as it does in this installment. Their connection is true and tight, the chemistry and passion, as well as tender caring and fierce protection, witness their deep feelings for each other. There is nothing they wouldn't do to keep the other safe. One of the things I like the most about Janie and Brent is the way they are equal in their relationship, they are a team, partners, lovers, and friends, and I loved that.
I really wish these three prologue novellas would have been one tightly built title, where the intensity of the crime and action as well as the depth and strength from the romance and friendships would have had a chance to go deep and spread wide and be as explosive as it could have been.
But despite my personal lack of interest when it comes to serial stories, these three prologue novellas managed to bring up the curiosity and interest towards the future full-length books in the series. I want to know more about the man Bea was meeting at her office, I want her and Alyssa find their future partners in love and life as well.
A sharp, vicious, and fierce Twisted End properly set my anticipation high for the book one in the Sons of Board series.
~ Four Spoons

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Twisted End picked right up where Shattered Fear ended. With the revelation of who was terrorising Janie and her subsequent kidnapping. And so this novella was fast paced and fairly exciting. As well as being quick, easy to read and enjoyable. And I'd certainly look out for more books from this author and series in the future.

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With the third prequel novella leading up to the new Sons of Broad series, we continue to follow Janie Roberts and her realm of danger as the bad guy gets too close to comfort in his quest to ruin her and continue his reign of terror! This book somewhat adds to the excitement building up for the first full-length novel to come.

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Seriously these Novella's written by Tara Thomas are amazing! Brent and Janie's story concludes with Twisted Fate. These books have been keeping my mind reeling and running non stop. Do you still get the romance? Of course! But the action and the drama will have you on the edge.

You start off where you finished from the last book. Janie's life depends on how much time it will take Brent and Alyssa to find her. Mac is evil. I was suspicious of Alyssa. I am hoping she is a true friend for Janie. The story is far from over with this series. When the end is near, you know that there is so much more to come.

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3.5 stars The third of the three novellas that introduce us to the Sons of Broad series. These three novellas need to be read in order and set up the series to follow. Police officer /investigator Janie Roberts, and wealthy playboy Brent Taylor’s continuing story line. I am enjoying these stories so far and look forward to the first full book

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This is part 3 of a 3 part serial to introduce the Sons of Broad series. You have to read the first 2 novellas in order to understand what is going on in this one! If you don't, you will be completely lost! This is the conclusion of Brent and Janie's story.

I loved the way this story played out! Brent and Janie proved they would do anything for each other in a big way! The twist was definitely one I didn't see coming until the very end of part 2 and even then I didn't expect this person to be the way they are in part 3!! This was a great setup for the new series! I just wish instead of being broken up into a 3 part serial that it was all in one book. Parts of it were a little slow but the farther in you go the better it got. Definitely worth the read! I really can't wait to see who G is!! The build up is killing me!!

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In this last installment, the suspense keeps building as the imminent danger creates chaos, pain and heartache.

Janie's realisation about the identity of the murderer comes a little too late. Brent is frantic and fears for her safety which doesn't look promising. Alyssa, her best friend is in a state of shock, but knows where her loyalty lies. This time, the hunt is on for the murderer. He is a dangerous chauvinist! Can Brent and Alyssa salvage the situation and bring Janie back where she belongs?

As everything comes to a head, justice is done, but the orchestrator behind this devious plot remains at large. His identity and objective remain a mystery.

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading Brent's and Janie's story which ends on a beautiful note and would fully recommend.

I was kindly issued with an eARC and the views expressed are my personal opinion.

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Twisted End is the third of three prequel novellas that are opening up Tara Thomas’ new romantic suspense Sons of Broad series. The three novellas definitely need to be read in order together as they are all one continuing story line.

In the first novella readers were introduced to detective Janie Roberts who had been working undercover as a bartender while working a case searching for a killer. Janie had met the handsome and charming Brent Taylor and became involved with him even though he may have been a suspect in the case.

After starting the relationship with Brent Janie had been fired from her job with the police force but then found herself the target of the serial killer. As the relationship grew between the pair so did the danger with the killer.

Twisted End is the perfect title for this third installment of the novella set. The danger had been ramped up as the story continue along with the steamy love story. The story was finally finished for Janie and Brent although the author did leave an opening for the full length novels coming soon to the series. When finished overall the novellas made a great introduction to the series to lead readers to Darkest Night which will change the main couple.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

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2 kidnapped stars
Commercial Photography
this novella installment doesn't work.
Does it leave the reader with cliffhangers.. sure
Does it make the reader absorb every word.. not at all
this novella can easily be skimmed and not much will be missed.
I think the author would have had more success combining all these novella's into one book and it would have held my interest more. It felt everything was made to be longer than necessary to hit a novella length. I'm sure these installments could have been 1 book under 150 pages instead of the 3 part serial at 236 pages. There is rumor to be more of this story in later serials but it wont be for me.
I think the author can write a good suspense just that it doesn't work in a serial for me. It would have been rated higher if I hadn't just finished the serial before this because both books truly tell the same long winded story.

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And the end is here. The third and final instalment in Brent and Janie's story in Tara Thomas' "Sons of Broad" series is here. When we last left Janie Roberts she was being kidnapped by the psychotic stalker who she had just found out was her best friend Alyssa's boyfriend Mac. Among a myriad of questions Janie is desperately trying to escape for she knows that Mac isn't the man that she thought him to be. Will she find a way out and reunite with Brent?

Brent and Alyssa are on Mac's trail. With time running out and a huge area to cover Brent is anxious to find Janie. But can he trust Alyssa? A cop and Janie's best friend, how did she not realise what her boyfriend was capable of?

I don't know if we will revisit these characters later on in the series, but I still have a couple of questions left unanswered. Hope that they will be cleared up soon.

An exciting end to Brent and Janie's story!

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What a way to end the novellas story!

The suspense was there from start to finish. I found this installment to be thrilling and intense, bringing together everything we've learned in the previous two novellas. I really had no idea how everything was going to go and that had me quickly turning the pages to see what would happen next.

This novella was a great way to bring Janie's story to a close. You get the resolution for her story all the while you still have some lingering questions for the full novels.

I can't wait to get to the bottom of the mystery in Charleston!

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This is the twisted ending to the trilogy prequel and twisted it is. Janie is kidnapped and hallucinating after being drugged. We still do not know who The Gentleman is (but suspicions are raised). This was full of twists and turns but eventually Janie and Brent do get their happy ending...or do they? Since this is a prequel we will have to see.

If you go on this journey, please make sure you read these in order or you will be lost, hopelessly lost. It was a fun journey to go on for me, though.

**Received this ARC for review from the publisher via NetGalley**

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This book is fast paced just like the previous two.....its intense......and everything I was hoping will not be disappointed and you will run out and buy the main book this is a prequel too....

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So we make to the end and my predictions were correct, for one of the evil doers anyway. So Brent and Alyssa end up saving Jenna, which I really have no clue how she allowed herself to get caught, but regardless. When I finished I was thinking no way, no way could it end like that when we still have questions. Well the good news if you see it like that is that there are 3 more books to read with the remaining cast of these 3 novellas. I probably wouldn't continues but now I need to know who the heck is this Gentleman?

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This isn't the way that you wanted to die? Janie can't believe that Mac is actually the killer, she knew that something was off about the guy but do have killed those girls. Why? She thought that he loved her best friend Alyssa even though she was a cop. Mac can't believe that he has Janie it is time to get rid of her. But the gentleman wants her for himself but Mac can't just let her go without having some fun. Can Brent & Alyssa find her in time before it is too late? Brent can't give up now he loves her and wants to spend everyday with her. Alyssa can't believe that Mac is doing this, she knows that he had gambling debts but what Brent is telling her makes sense now. Can she ever forgive herself if anything happens to Janie. The gentleman isn't finished with Mac yet he is just a small piece of the puzzle, what is his end game? Where to from here for the group, do they get to live another day? A good read not my favorite though. I received a copy via Netgalley & the publishing house in exchange for my honest review. You will need to read these in order or else you won't know what is going on.

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So this novella picks up right after HIDDEN FATE, and it was my favorite of the three novellas. It was non stop action and Janie, and Brent's story is brought to a satisfactory and happy end. That said, the overall baddie storyline with the GENTLEMAN continues on. We are left with a few hints on his identity (I have a theory on who he might be), and we know he has his eye on Alyssa. So I suspect we will be seeing more of him in the full-length novels (Alyssa's at the very least). All in all, I enjoyed all three of these novellas, and I am looking forward to diving into all three of the full-length books. All three of them featuring characters we meet in the novellas. This one gets two thumbs up from yours truly.

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I did not enjoy this series, the was story was not engaging and it did not hold my interest

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Twisted End is the conclusion to Janie and Brent's story, and from the first page you will be pulled right back into their little adventure, and once again teetering on the edge of your seat. In this installment Janie finds herself in the hands of a kidnapper, and it's up to Brent to locate her and save her, with the help of a few returning friends from previous installments. Once she is located and about to be saved things take another unexpected turn, and Alyssa is now in dangerous hands... and things are kicked up another notch, and there are still a lot of unanswered questions swirling around!

This little trio of novellas have been quite fun to sit down and devour, each are loaded with thrilling suspense, a smidgen of romance here and there, and lots of action to keep things exciting! I look forward to continuing the adventure in the next installment, and hope to find more answers!! Highly recommend you check out this series, it's sure to leave you spine tingling!!

Requested an advanced copy from NetGalley, and voluntarily read and reviewed.

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