Member Reviews

This is the last part of Janie and Brent's story and it was awesome!
It picked up and kicked off very quickly from where we left off. Now that we know who is after Janie we get to figure out the why.

This is another short story but is filled with lots of information and definitely drama.

I enjoyed the writing style and the way that this section of the mystery ended. While not everyone is safe these two have finally gotten to say they're done with the death threats.

Can't wait for more!

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Twisted End brings us to the suspenseful conclusion of the three novellas that start the Sons of Broad series. We were left with a cliffhanger at the end of Hidden Fate and this novella picks up right where that left off.

Tara has been building this story us and leaving little clues in the first two books as to who the killer is, and if you've been paying close attention you probably had your suspicions on who it is. I had an inkling by the end of Shattered Fear.

This last novella was very fast paced and the shortest of the three. It is action packed and had my heart racing and my fingers turning the pages to see how everything was going to play out. The reader gets another glimpse into The Gentleman, and based on the little bit Tara gives us on him, I am excited to move on to the first full length book, which will be about Tilly, the girl that Janie befriended at the club where she worked undercover.

Alyssa plays a big part in this final novella, and Tara is torturing me a little with holding off on Alyssa's full story until the third full length book of the series. The second book will be about Bea, Brent's half sister.

These three novellas have been quick and fun to read. There has been plenty of suspense and mystery, but also a great love story between Janie and Brent. I wish that Tara had combined all three of these novellas into one full length story and added more for us on Janie and Brent, but hopefully they will make plenty of appearances in the three full length books.

Hidden Fate is the second novella in the Sons of Broad series and picks up right where Shattered Fear left us. Whoever has been snatching and killing the girls has ramped up their efforts in stalking Janie. Much of this book is Brent and Janie wracking their brains trying to figure out who it could be.

Now that Janie has been released from the police force, her and Brent are left to their own devices of trying to figure out what clues they may be missing. Her friend Alyssa has been assigned to the case and she and her boyfriend, Mac do what they can to provide info to Janie without getting Alyssa in trouble. Janie feels like she's missing something, but can't quite put her finger on it.

Brent has been struggling with a job offer he's been offered in Washington D.C. but now that Janie doesn't work for the force anymore, what is left to keep her in Charleston? Can he talk her into going with him? The feelings he has for Janie are unlike any he's ever experienced with a woman before, and he knows this is the real deal. Does she feel the same way?

We get a few little glimpses of the mysterious Gentleman, who is putting the pressure on the stalker to get things handled, otherwise he's going to demand the stalker's own girlfriend for his "collection" Hmmm I can't wait to find out exactly what this collection is.

Again the suspense builds to a crescendo at the end, and just when Janie comes to the realization she knows who her stalker is, we end on another little cliffhanger!

I like how Tara is building this story up and leading us to the dramatic conclusion. At least, I hope that's where we're heading! I don't know how much more suspense I can take!

On to Twisted End to see what happens!

NetGalley and St. Martin's Press provided me an advance copy of the book in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

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*This is part of a series of novellas, that really must be read in order to get the full effect* It's been awhile since I've binge read an author. But Tara Thomas has me hooked and I've read all of this series so far. I'm not patiently waiting for book 3! I am looking forward to finding out about The Gentleman - I have so many ideas darn it!

I don't want to give anything more away but to say the characters are fabulous, the suspense is gripping and carries over between books, While you can read out of order, you learn pieces that may help you later in each book.

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This is the second novella in the Sons of Broad series, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I received a digital ARC from the publisher via Net Galley with the promise to read and review in advance of publication. My opinions are my own and are not influenced by that fact.

Twisted End is another action-packed suspenseful novella with many characteristics of a thriller. This book is plot-driven as so many suspense novels are, and drew me in from the first page to the last.

We pick up exactly where Hidden Fate ended, so this is definitely not a stand-alone. If you didn’t read the first book, you will be totally lost because it ended on a cliffhanger. Normally I detest those, but this one works.

Janie is dropped into a life-threatening conflict that appears very grim with a great fear that Brent has lost his life, and she is about to lose hers. I’ll not give anything else away, but let me tell you, there is plenty of high suspense that will have you biting your nails!

This one does an excellent job of resolving their situation with a very satisfying and romantic ending, but it certainly leaves the door open for the first full-length novel, Deadly Secret. I feel sure it will be another “grab your seat and hold on” book!

If you enjoy books that run a tightrope and keep you turning pages as fast as you can, then you will love this series as much as I am. I can’t wait to read the next one. Happy reading!

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Twisted End is the final novella of three prequel novellas in Tara Thomas’s new romantic suspense Sons of Broad series. The first two end on cliff-hangers, so spoilers ahead if you haven’t read the first two.

Janie has been drugged and kidnapped by her stalker. A man whose been kidnapping and murdering women from a local “Gentleman’s Club”. We now know who he is. There’s a mastermind behind of all these crimes though (“The Gentleman”), but the stalker isn’t quite playing by his rules.

It’s a race against time as Janie’s boyfriend Brent and her best friend Alyssa (a cop and former co-worker) try and find her. Janie’s going to do everything she can to try and escape.

Will she get away before the stalker hurts her more or worse? Will Brent and Alyssa find her in time?

I thought these novellas were a good introduction to the series. I’m hoping though that with the full-length novels, we get more into character development with the new characters.

I’m also very curious to find out who the “Gentleman” is. I’m hoping that we find that out in future books (which features different main characters than the novellas).

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Great series! With the corruption in the police department and the killer on the loose I never could figure out the next move. The way this book ended it leaves an opening for Janie and Brent to come back in which I hope they do. I look forward to the first complete book and see if any more answers and given. Honest review in exchange for ARC.

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Talk about keeping you on the edge of your seat!!! Twisted End picks up right where Hidden Fate left off and boy does this story pack a punch. It hits the ground running and will leave you breathless in anticipation. It will answer your questions, but at the same time, leave you with many more.

From crazy twists and moments that had you holding your breath, Twisted End had it all. There is suspense and danger around every corner. You will be burning through the pages quickly, wanting to see how the story will play out. I loved the mystery. I loved trying to figure everything out. And while Janie and Brent's story does come to a conclusion in Twisted End, I for one am looking forward to diving further into this series and learning who exactly "The Gentleman" is.

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This concluding episode deals with Janie's kidnapping and Brent and Alyssa's quest to find her.

Janie has been drugged which leaves her with slow reactions and hallucinations. Her kidnapper didn't remove her phone from her back pocket though and, despite hands tied behind her back, she manages to call Brent which lets him know she's alive.

Alyssa grabs a tablet and tracks Janie's phone which leads them to an isolated forested area. They need to rescue Janie before the kidnapper steels himself to kill her.

After a fight which leaves Janie and Brent wounded and the kidnapper dead, The Gentleman decides Janie and Brent aren't a danger to him. He also kills a couple of young cops and frames one of them leading the police to believe that he was the kidnappers partner.

This series is among the least realistic I've ever read while trying to seem like a realistic story. Janie was kidnapped from a police picnic yet Alyssa doesn't alert the police to the kidnapping. She and Brent go off on their own to try to find her! She does indicate that the Charleston police force is fulled with corruption and she doesn't know who she can trust. But really? There are no officers that she can trust?

I am still curious about who The Gentleman is since he says that he fears Alyssa would recognize him. Hopefully, the full-length novels coming soon will answer that question.

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The final part of the mini-series of novellas leading up to the new Broad series. I hate cliffhangers, so I'm glad that I have all three of these novellas to read. Janie and Brent are getting ready to move to DC, but now know who Janie's stalker is. This wraps up Brent and her story, but now I'm desperate to know who the Gentleman is! I guess I'll have to read the series to find out.

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Twisted End by  Tara Thomas is exactly that. Two heroes are thrown for a loop. A third hero cannot believe that her fiancé turned out to be a serial killer. But the mastermind behind all of it, is still running loose. They are about to be die and it will take all they have to survive. This novella, was dark, fast-paced, and thrilling. I highly recommend it to all.

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Twisted end by tara thomas.
Brent and Janie are at the police cookout picnic. There's a blast janie goes down. Mac has her now. Will he kill her like he said he would? Will brent find her with allyssa with him. She had no idea it was Mac.
A fantastic read. Omg. Love this series. I was hooked and couldn't put it down. Looking forward to the next part. Highly recommended. 5*.

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Twisted End is the thrilling conclusion to the prequel to the Sons of Broad series. Action and danger ratchet up as Janie fights for her life and Brent races against time to her. Loyalties are questioned as secrets are revealed.
Janie continues to amaze me as she fight for her life against a mad man. Even while she is severely handicapped, she has the strength and determination to rescue herself as things get more and more dire. Faced with terrible odds, I can only admire her resilience during her circumstances. I do not think I would have fared as well.
I have to admire Brent as well. With no training and no skill, he is determined to help rescue Janie at the expense of his own safety. I loved that he wouldn't simply stand by and do nothing while the woman he loved was in danger.
While the end of this story gives us a happy ending for Brent and Janie, Ms Thomas has left a lot of loose ends to be tied up. Perfect fodder for future stories in the series. In particular, who is the corrupt cop in the Charleston PD? And who is The Gentleman, this seemingly all powerful man who is pulling the strings of everyone. I can't wait to find out and hope he gets what's coming to him.
I'm highly anticipating the first book in the Sons of Broad series.

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