Member Reviews

The villain known as the Gentleman is making his move, seeking revenge against the powerful Benedict family for his own reason, and now his sights are firmly set on Knox, the middle, saintly brother and his secret wife. Charleston is a dark and dangerous place for anyone on the shadowy villain’s list.

Deadly Secret is the second book in the Sons of Broad series. It definitely needs to be read in order.

In the last book, things got dire for the youngest Benedict brother, Keaton and his longtime love Tillie, but it was no picnic for middle brother Knox who’s secret wife, Bea, ended up in the crosshairs of a killer to stop her from discovering clues to a long buried secret involving Tillie’s dad and the Benedict family.

As most who read my reviews are aware, I have been less than impressed with the prequels and the first book in the series. I did wish to continue because the overall suspense plot- this big buried secret has me intrigued and I also was curious about the situation of the quiet Knox being secretly married and also see Kipling, the oldest square off against Alyssa in their duel of wits.

I wouldn’t say Deadly Secret was a vast improvement as far as overall enjoyment, but I did feel it was developed better. Maybe this is because it doesn’t have first book in a series syndrome and could just jump right into the story and maybe its because the players are already married and so jumping into the middle of a story when I didn’t get their meet up and relationship progression worked better. Again, there wasn’t much character and relationship development, but it wasn’t devoid of it, either.

And, argh, Bea was one of those heroines who impressed me for all the wrong reasons. She’s not a kid and she’s a lawyer, but she made the dumbest decisions that put her and others in danger. She spends the whole book pushing Knox away to ‘protect’ him whch did put him in danger scrambling to protect her, anyway. She makes decision after decision that don’t make a lick of sense (to be fair Knox wasn’t exactly brilliant, either, at times, though he and his brothers were better equipped to deal with the danger). I thought I was going to lose my mind when she got warned about a certain person as a threat and she just leaves the protection of others, dosen’t tell anyone where she’s going, and gets in the car with the one she was warned against. I didn’t hate her, but I sure got tired of wrong-headedness. She and Knox were good together when they were working on stuff and working on being together.

I did learn that I was right about Jade, at least, and I’ve got a strong suspicion about The Gentleman now. I do plan to continue on with Kipling and Alyssa’s book which I suspect will be the best one in the series the way those two spark in each other’s presence.

So, it was mildly engaging, and I found it improved over book one. A few spicy romance scenes, a complex revenge plot, and it never hurts to have three attractive brothers together. Give it a try if you like.

My thanks to St. Martin’s Press for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Deadly Secret by Tara Thomas is book Two in the Sons of Broad series.
This continues to be a exciting suspense romance dealing with the mystery killer. This book has brought Knox and Bea into the forefront.
I must say this book does keep you on the edge of your seat wanting to see what will happen next. This book does end setting up the continuing story into the next book called 'Broken Promise'.
Excised to read the next installment.

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Brought to you by OBS reviewer Heidi

Knox Benedict has been on edge ever since Bea was attacked and her broken body dumped on their doorstep. Ever since, Bea has been pushing him away and he has no idea why. His brothers are starting to see just how much Bea means to him, but they don’t know that Bea and he got married in secret four months ago! Bea didn’t want her father to know and ruin her chance at a seat on congress when she runs next year, so Knox agreed to keep that knowledge hidden.

“Lena walked into the dining room with a plate of pancakes for both Knox and Bea. “Work for this family for fifty years, you’d think they’d have the decency to tell me when they got married. I’m only giving you breakfast so I can make sure you have enough strength to make babies.”

“Good morning, Lena. Thank you for breakfast,” he said, knowing she was only half kidding.

“Lots of babies,” Lena repeated. “And soon.”

During Bea’s attack she was told to stay away from Knox. She’s afraid of him being harmed so she’s been pushing him away, but the threats keep coming. Knox refuses to sit on the sidelines any longer while someone tries to hurt his wife. He’s vowed to protect her, whether she wants him to or not!

This was an okay read, but the version I read needs a major editing session! There were missing words and wrong words that didn’t make sense in the sentence throughout this book. I felt I was constantly guessing which words were supposed to be there and it got rather obnoxious. Also, like the previous book, this story still changes scenes without any indication or page break. I did read an uncorrected proof of this book for this review so these things may be fixed before the final book is released. I hope so anyway!

There wasn’t as much steamy sex in this book as there was in Darkest Night, but there are a couple of intimate scenes. This book focused more on the threat to Bea then the sex or romance though.

We get to see more of Jade in this one as she is trying to stay ahead of the gentleman’s goons, but she’s not doing a very good job of it though! The Benedicts don’t seem to trust Jade, but Bea believes in her and wants to help her any way she can.

The big secret is revealed at the end of this book, although I saw it coming a mile away so it wasn’t so much of a shocker to me, but more of an ‘I knew it!’.

All-in-all this book was okay, but nothing earth-shattering.

I can only assume Kip and Alyssa will be the focus of the next book, and considering how Kip flirts with her it should be a fun ride.

*OBS would like to thank the publisher for supplying a free copy of this title in exchange for an honest review*

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3.5 stars-- DEADLY SECRET is the second full-length, and third instalment in Tara Thomas’s contemporary, adult SONS OF BROAD romantic suspense series. This is attorney’s Knox Benedict, and Bea Jacobs’ story line. DEADLY SECRET can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story line is revealed where necessary but I recommend reading the stories in order as there is an ongoing and continuing plot throughout the series.

Told from several third person perspectives including Bea and Knox DEADLY SECRET continues to focus on the threats against the Benedict family, and their connections to an unknown source. Weeks earlier Bea Jacobs wed Knox Benedict in a whirlwind Vegas wedding but upon their return Bea received a series of threatening messages that force our heroine to walk away from the man that she loves. Fast forward to present day wherein the threats against our story line heroine begin to take on a more personal note, forcing Bea to go to the one man she was trying to protect. Enter Knox Benedict, Bea’s husband, and the man she has not stopped loving. What ensues is the protection and security of our story line heroine, and the potential fall-out as the enemy is closer than anyone could have imagined.

The actions of Bea Jacobs are questionable at best but nightmares, PTSD and continuing threats play a major role in our heroine’s decisions and the direction upon which she chooses to follow. All of the previous story line couples return including Janie and Brent from the introductory serial novellas; Keaton and Tilly, brother Kipling; housekeeper Lena; Officer Alyssa Adams; assassin Tom, and the story line antagonist- a man known only as The Gentleman.

DEADLY SECRET continues to untangle the mystery behind the threats against the Benedict siblings; their origins, some of the backstory, and history about a family mired in secrets, betrayal and vengeance. The Gentleman is determined to destroy the Benedicts including the women whom they love. Kaja Jade Mann returns as The Gentleman’s hired assassin, a reluctant assassin whose own life begins to unravel as she ventures closer to the truth about her past. Tara Thomas slowly and methodically answers some of the questions while adding to a growing list of the who, what and why. The premise is engaging and suspense filled; the characters are energetic and animated; the romance is a rekindling relationship between two people pulled apart by threats and intimidation-the $ex scenes are passionate and seductive. The quick jump between points of view is, at times disconcerting, as there is no break in between the opposing perspectives.

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The second Sons of Broad book is a gripping story that has readers cheering for the good guys and hanging on to the edge of their seat in anticipation of what happens next.

Each of the stories in this series is a standalone romance but get the most enjoyment of the series the books should be read in sequence due to the fact that the overall plot takes place throughout and each book reveals a little more information as each couple faces dangers and tries to find out who the enemy is and what they want. This ensures that readers keep coming back for more because the characters are strong and compelling and the readers can easily relate to them while the stories are full of suspense building thrills and surprising twists that keep readers guessing.

So far, I have really gotten caught up in the whole spine tingling mystery of the story as the bad guy must have one devious mind and must have spent a long time plotting the downfall of the brothers. Knox and Bea’s story is has lots of emotional turbulence and their relationship is a rocky slope full of tension and sizzling attraction that keeps pulling them together. This keeps readers in suspense as they wonder which way their relationship just must go. Several astonishing facts are discovered proveing that secrets can be deadly which keeps everyone on pins and needles. Also, there was never a dull moment as the bad guys continue their attacks throughout the story as well.

Broken Promises will be released in June and I can’t wait to find out what happens next.

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This series is really interesting and you really need to read in order (not a standalone!) That being said, definitely want to pick this up and give it a read. This installment I started in the afternoon after working all night, took a short nap, and then continued reading until finished. I couldn't put it down! Knox is the middle Benedict brother and he is secretly married to Bea who was attacked in the first book and still being harassed and threatened. When these threats turn deadly their secret finally come out to their families and they continue working together on project from the first book (Tilly's dad). All this togetherness cements what was meant to be, love really does happen quickly in this family but it is a strong one. Wonderful characters and interesting story line. Another cliffhanger and looking forward to book three!

**Received this ARC for review from the publisher via NetGalley**

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This is the second book in the series and I do recommend reading them in order. This is a fast-paced read with plenty of twists, turns and loads of suspense. Bea and Knox are great characters and the story really draws you in from beginning to end. Looking forward to finding out more about the mystery man, The Gentleman and why he is out for revenge. A good read.

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Une fois de plus Tara Thomas parvient à maintenir le suspense le plus total sur l'identité de ce fameux Gentleman. Nous commençons à avoir des éléments de réponses mais je ne suis pas encore parvenue à faire le lien entre ce meurtrier sanguinaire et les Benedict.

Bea Jacobs est la soeur de Brent que nous avons pu découvrir dans les nouvelles précédents ce premier tome. Nous savions qu'elle était avocate et qu'elle avait été engagée par les Benedict pour résoudre un énigme concernant le père , décédé dans un accident. Nous l'avions donc naturellement retrouvée dans le précédent tome et nous avions découvert qu'elle avait été aux prises d'un des hommes de main du Gentleman. Il semblerait que dans ce tome notre meurtrier se rende compte qu'il va devoir se salir les mains plus intensément et effectuer lui même ses missions s'il veut aboutir à ses fins. Bea est donc une jeune femme plus que fragilisée dans ce tome et elle est en proie à de nombreuses crises de panique. Tout comme Tilly, elle a subi un traumatisme et a frôlé à de nombreuses reprises le danger. Elle va devoir renier ses sentiments pour sauver ceux qu'elle aime mais elle devra aussi elle même sauver sa peau. Le gentleman sait donc exercer la bonne pression pour l'intimider au possible et pour continuer de distiller la peur en elle.

Cependant cela ne l'empêchera pas de continuer son enquête car elle semble être en possession d'informations dont elle ne semble pas avoir conscience. Celles ci sont d'une importance capitale et c'est bel et bien ce secret mortel qui lie tous les personnages au Gentleman. Nous avons des éléments de réponses et je dois avouer que le dénouement final , je ne l'avais pas vu arriver. Je me posais des questions sur les raisons de ces agissements qui ne pouvaient pas s'expliquer uniquement par une envie de fuir le diable mais par tout autre chose dont cette personne n'a même pas conscience. Bea va donc devoir accepter de se mettre en danger et de mettre en danger celui qu'elle aime car elle prend bien conscience que peu importe ce qu'elle fait, elle est coincée et ne peut pas résister. Toute la tension narrative réside dans le fait de savoir à qui elle peut faire confiance et de qui elle doit se méfier. Alyssa est évidemment de retour ( et le dernier tome lui sera consacré) car elle sera en charge de l'enquête. Elle détient certains éléments qu'elle doit taire mais on peut compter sur elle pour protéger du mieux qu'elle peut les Benedict.

Knox Benedict est le frère le plus calme des trois. Nous avions découvert Keaton dans le précédent tome et même si j'ai hâte de découvrir ce que cache Kipling ( et je pense qu'il va envoyer du lourd) , j'ai aimé le côté apaisant de ce héros. Il est une force tranquille qui parvient à apaiser Bea par sa seule présence. Il fait partie d'une famille qui est sous la menace du Gentleman mais il parviendra sans cesse à garder son calme alors que la situation ne s'y prête pas forcément. Il a accepté de tenir secret son mariage avec Bea mais s'il l'a fait c'est dans le but de ne pas susciter de nouvelles tensions. L'amour est évidemment présent et à aucun moment on ne doute de la sincérité de ce jeune homme. Il a son rôle à jouer au sein de sa famille mais il saura aussi déterminer le sens de ses priorités. Ce que j'aime une fois de plus est le mélange des points de vue dans les chapitres car nous avons conscience des pensées de tous les personnages principaux lors d'avancements importants de l'intrigue. Il ne va pas hésiter à aller déterrer les secrets familiaux pour comprendre ce qui est arrivé à ses parents et les conséquences que leur mort va engendrer. Parviendra t-il à échapper aux griffes du Gentleman? Pourra t-il protéger la femme qu'il aime tout en préservant l'unité familiale?

Bref, j'ai de nouveau passé un très bon moment avec la trilogie de Tara Thomas. Ce nouveau tome nous permet d'avancer dans l'intrigue tout en gardant certains secrets pour nous donner envie de continuer notre lecture. On retrouve dans Deadly Secret les personnages des précédents tomes et ça fait vraiment plaisir de les retrouver. Le suspense perdure et nous espérons que la chute du Gentleman ne saurait tarder.

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This is the third book I have read by Tara Thomas, and I enjoyed Deadly Secret a great deal. I received a digital ARC from the publisher via Net Galley with the promise to read and review in advance of publication. My opinions are my own and are not influenced by that fact.

Deadly Secret is a fast-paced, exciting read. While it doesn't meet the traditional criteria for a romance, it definitely does as a thriller. I totally enjoyed the plot and the building of tension. The story pulled me in from the start.

Bea's character is a bit hard to like all the time. She vacillates a lot when it comes to Knox and what she thinks would be best for him. I did feel her fear and anxiety throughout the book, though. She does tend to leap before she looks!

Knox is known as the saintly brother, and he is a good guy. I liked his character a great deal. He handles Bea's mercurial personality very well. Many men would probably want to wring her neck at times.

Since Bea and Knox are already married, although they did it in secret, I didn't get to see them fall in love, but the chemistry is strong, and there is so much going on, I really didn't miss it.

My biggest issue is Ms. Thomas's constant head-hopping. I found it VERY annoying, and it happens from one paragraph to the next. She needs to do a better job of transitioning from one character/scene to the next.

The focus of this book is plot-driven, and it's done very well. Ms. Thomas is clearly a master of suspense, and it comes through loud and clear in Deadly Secret. I'm glad I decided to read this book, and I can't wait to read more in the next installment. I do want to mention this is a cliffhanger, so make sure you are prepared to be left intensely curious as to who the Gentleman actually is. Happy reading!

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Deadly Secrets is a book 2 in the Sons of Broad series. It is a full length novel and in this book, the main characters are middle brother Knox Benedict and his wife, Bea. The Sons of Broad series featured 3 prequels and as of right now two full length novels. The first book featured on the Benedict brothers and now we get Knox and Bea’s story.

The couple in this story are already married so the readers do not get their dating journey. They seem more composed and mature. How they met and ended up together is basically told in a few sentences. I will admit I would have loved to have more of a flashback of their past but that is just a want, it isn’t wasn't necessary for the case to be solved. The villain known as the Gentleman is making his move, seeking revenge against the powerful Benedict family; reasons that are still unknown but are slowly starting to get slightly clearer. His sights are on Knox and his wife, Bea. All I can say is this killer is not playing around and anyone who gets in his way, better watch out. I don’t want to give away any spoilers but this is full of action and intrigue, romance and suspense. I liked this story as much as I have liked the other reads in this series and I am dying to read more by author Tara Thomas. I cant wait to see what happens next in this series.
My Rating: 4.6 stars *****
“I received an advanced copy of this book from the author at no cost to me."

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This series is great! This is Knox's and Bea's book, Knox the brother who lets people thinks he has his life together is missing one piece, his wife. Bea is running from a killer and in order to keep everyone safe she runs and hides from the life she wants. Knox has to figure a way to keep Bea safe while winning her back plus uncover secret's that is killing people. The drama and mystery in this book keeps me wanting to turn the page to find answers. I'm not one on cliffhangers but with this series, I have to get the answers and have everyone get there hea completely. Can not wait for the final book of this series. Honest review in exchange for ARC.

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Deadly Secret is book two in Tara Thomas’ Sons of Broadway Series. The main character of this thriller is Bea, sister to Brent from the prequels. Bea is a wonderful character but not all of that can be said concerning her family. Her love interest is Knox Benedict, whose family The Gentleman seems to be targeting. Theirs is a complicated relationship, which is an unexpected spin in this series. Danger, murder and mayhem is still stalking them as well as the rest of Charleston.

As with the previous books in the series there is still the main villain, The Gentleman. Now there is also, Jade introduced in the last book. Her part is still unclear, as are her motives or plans. These two are as interesting as the main romantic couple in the book. Then there is the twist at the end, which makes you want the next book to come soon.

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Avid Reader – ☆☆☆☆
M/F Thriller
Triggers: Stalking, attempted murder, murder

Whew! This book is fast paced and has a lot going on. You have Knox, who is determined to figure out what truly happened in his family. He is loyal and alpha male to his core. He is also fierce when it comes to protecting his brothers, their family, and his secret wife, Bea.

Bea is a strong woman who is trying to help Knox figure out his family's mystery. In doing so, she accidentally happens on clues that will lead her straight into the cross hairs of The Gentleman. With each twist and turn in this book, you get to see them figure out more and more to the puzzle.

It's a cat and mouse game that will either be extremely lucrative or deadly. Knox and Bea race against an elusive clock and will have to fight to their last breath to figure it out.

I am looking forward to the next installment.

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First I did not like it, then I liked it, now I stayed in the vacuum.
I like mystery novels and the couple is more cohesive in relation to their relationship, but the rest of the plot is still a big knot, and only in the end the author brings something relevant but will only be better explained in the next book.
I find it so annoying !!!
2,5 stars

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3.5 stars.

Deadly Secret is book 2 in the Sons of Broad series and you really need to read them in order so that you'll understand everything that is going on. The illusive Gentleman is still targeting the Benedict brothers and the women they love. This time around he is after Bea and Knox. We first met Bea briefly in the novellas that accompany this series and revolved around her brother, Brent. Then again in book 1, Darkest Night, when she was found beaten almost to death on the steps of Benedict House. Knox Benedict ran to her side, and it became obvious that there was some type of relationship happening between them.

Jade, the mysterious girl who Tilly and Keaton ran into at the homeless shelter, and then helped Keaton at the end of book 1, features prominently in this book. What exactly is her connection to the Benedict brothers? Why has she reached out to Bea and asked for her help? Will she be able to stay one step ahead of The Gentleman, and his henchman, Tom, who has been placed on security detail for Bea?

I like the twists and turns that take place in this book. I loved seeing the background story on how Bea and Know met and got together. It was great seeing Tilly and Keaton, and Alyssa and Kipling as well as Lena, the faithful housekeeper. Just like in the novellas and book 1, I was anxious to find any clue or hint as to who this man is, The Gentleman, and what exactly his plan is for this group of people.

I felt plenty frustrated with Bea, and really the whole family this go around. Even after Jade gives Bea and the family clues to certain things, and warnings about Tom, they still act like everything is hunky dory and no one is in danger. Even after notes are left, Bea's father's house is torched, lives are threatened. It just didn't ring as realistic to me that this group of people who are supposedly very intelligent, could remain so lackadaisical about everything that was going on. I almost got to a point that the only one I cared to know what was going to happen to them was Jade.

There is no cliffhanger at the end, which was good, we get a happily ever after for now, with one piece of bombshell information, but the reader is already aware of what it is so it's not something that will make you desperate to get your hands on the last book. That book will revolved around the last Benedict brother, Kipling, and Alyssa Adams, the steadfast police woman who has been on the case from day one.

I am mostly intrigued to find out Jade's backstory and how she ever got involved with The Gentleman. What does he have to do with the Benedict family, and why does he want to destroy them and their women so badly? Will we ever find out what part Tilly's father played in this whole thing? Still lots of things unanswered, so hopefully the last book, Broken Promise which releases in June will provide us those answers.

I have really been enjoying this series. I feel some things need to really be tightened up along the way, and that last book has really got to be a doozy to provide the reader all the answers to the huge list of questions stacking up. It's been a fun ride so far!

NetGalley and St. Martin's Press provided me an advance copy of the book in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

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Great addition to the first book in this series. I really like Bea and Knox. I love how Knox would do anything for Bea, even stay away from her if that is what she wants. I was a little annoyed that it took until the end of the book before they did something about Tom. I also don't get how they don't know that Jade is their sister she looks just like them. I still have no clue who The Gentleman is. I can't wait to see how Alyssa and Kip get together in the last book.

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I can't wait for the finale!

The Sons of Broad series keeps getting better and better as Bea Jacobs and Knox Benedict become the next ones to become embroiled in the mystery surrounding the Gentleman.

Unbeknown to everyone, Bea and Knox are secretly married. Knox is the upstanding brother of the Benedict family and this information alone is out of character for him. However, as deadly details unfold the pair are also pulled into the tangled web of deceit and murder.

Although I'd already worked out the discovery revealed at the end of this novel, it didn't detract from my overall enjoyment of the narrative so far. Ms Thomas has done a wonderful job of incorporating all the characters we've met previously, keeping them relevant as uncovered clues begin to fit together like a jigsaw. All the while retaining the focus on protagonist couple.

I love how the story draws you in as each new clue and twist presents itself. Some of the information is predictable, however, it doesn't lessen the overall appeal and kept me engaged and guessing the whole time. I love it when the narrative actively enticed me into trying to solve the clues while I wonder if I'm on the same train of thought as the author...or not!

Not surprisingly, I can't wait for the final conclusive instalment of this compelling series featuring Kipling and Alyssa and tentatively wonder if I've correctly guessed the identity of the Gentleman.

***arc received courtesy of St Martin's Paperbacks via NetGalley***

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Deadly Secret Tara Thomas

“For a brief second, she thought she was going to be fine, but the panic she’d tried to hold back clawed its way up her throat.”

Honestly this book had me feeling like I was actually living the words that were popping off the pages. This book is like no other I’ve read in a long time. It will have your heart pumping, soaring and at times it will feel like it stopped.

“Tick tock. Tick tock. As much fun as it’s been watching the two of you,” the voice said. “I’m going to call it a night. Pleasant dreams. I’ll see you again soon.”

This book has you feeling hunted, protected, defeated, empowered, loved, heartbroken and hopeful. It is filled with mystery and secrets, a sense of family and disloyalty. You will feel like your heart is in a pinball machine.

“I’ll do everything within my power to protect and keep you safe. I promise. I’ll do anything except live without you.”

Tick. Tick. Tick.

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This is second book about the Benedict family of Charleston. I will admit that when this book first started, I didn’t remember much about the earlier book, so it can definitely be a standalone. As I said, the first part of the book to me was confusing as I tried to get all the characters straight, and figure out where this storyline was trying to take me. About 1/3rd of the way through the book, I figured it out and from there on, this book just sailed for me. Knox, one of the Benedict brothers, and Bea, a lawyer have married in secret and no one knows they are married. I actually liked both characters and thought they felt very adult for their situation. I will admit though that my favorite character of this book is Jade and I really hope she gets her book soon. Even though the reader has a sense of the plot of this book, it held my interest and am looking forward to the next one in this series.

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Deadly Secret by Tara Thomas, book two in the Sons of Broad series. A romantic suspense series. I would read this series in order since it's a continuation of a storyline in the first book. I've enjoyed the characters, dialogue and storyline. I look forward to reading more books in this series and more books by Tara Thomas.

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