Member Reviews

Deadly Secret

**received an ARC in exchange for an honest review**


The second installment of the Sons of Broad series will keep you in suspense. Tara Thomas keeps the action going with Knox and Bea’s story and does not disappoint. Their story is unique and action pack and will continue to surprise you at each turn. With each book this series continues to keep your attention.

Bra is still terrified that someone is going to finish the job they started when she was attacked a few weeks ago, except she is scared for Knox. They have threaten his life if she doesn’t stay away from him and stop looking into things she shouldn’t. But staying away from Knox is harder then it looks especially since he is her husband.

Knox doesn’t understand why Bea keeps pushing him away. Ever since she was in the hospital she acts like she doesn’t care but he knows she does. He will keep waiting until she finally says she needs him and he will show her that he is still all in.

Knox and Bea will not only face threats on their lives but more secrets will be uncovered. Will they be ready?

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This is book 2 in the Sons of Broad series. You have to read the previous books first or you won't understand what is happening in this one. There is a bigger story ARC that is going on for the whole series. This one is about Knox Benedict, the brother of Keaton in book 1, and Bea Taylor, who is the sister of Brent from the prequel novella's to this series. This one covers how Bea was attacked and what led up to it and the events after it.

I had a really hard time getting into this one. I really liked the previous one and was hopeful with this one but I just couldn't connect with the characters in this one. That being said, the writing was still really good and the main story line is still good and leaves you wanting to know more. For me it was just a feeling of connection to the main characters this time. I will still read the next one, because I definitely need to know how this all ends up!! Especially with the slight cliff hanger at the end!

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Danger follows Bea when she has to investigate her secret husband Knox Benedict's family business, Knox wants Bea back in his life, but with the truth comes the dangers and somebody is watching and waiting to kill, can Knox protect the one woman he loves.

I couldn't put this one down, it's intense and exciting, I loved it.

I received a complimentary copy from Netgalley and I am voluntarily leaving my own honest opinion

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This second full length novel in the Sons of Broad series was an enjoyable read.
However, it did get off to a slow start for me and it wasn't until the second half that I actually got hooked in.
But there was enough intrigue, mystery and suspense to keep this story interesting. Not to mention, there is the ongoing thread regarding 'the gentleman and Jade. Which has definitely got more intriguing. Especially with the secrets Bea and Knox exposed and I now have an idea as to who 'the gentleman' really is. And I'm certainly invested enough in this series to want to find out if I'm right and what happens next. And I would recommend Deadly Secrets to others.

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Deadly Secret by Tara Thomas
Sons of Broad Book #2

I had hopes that book two would be more to my taste than the first book in this series but came away feeling, once again, that the story was not for me and that perhaps it would appeal more to a NA reader or someone who has not read as many books as I have. I found the plot in need of more substance and depth. The H/h romance left me wondering why they were together at all since they didn’t seem to have much of a backstory or connection. The villain was evil but he, too, needed more information to be shared about him. All in all I found the story simplistic, issues were dealt with too easily, times I was to be worried I wasn’t and the only thing I came away with was wanting to know more about Jade…and perhaps the villain known as The Gentleman. Since I am interested in finding out about these two people I have given the book a bit higher rating than I first thought I would.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC – This is my honest review.

2-3 Stars

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In the second book of the “Sons of Broad” series the Gentleman is once again in pursuit of his prey. This time it is Bea. Even though she barely survived the attack in the previous book of the series, it seems that her suffering is still not over and neither are her nightmares and panic attacks. And it isn’t only her life that she fears for, but also that of her husband, Knox Benedict, a husband and marriage that no one knows about. But with no end to the threats that she receives, will Bea be able to find out who is after her and why?

Knox Benedict is devastated to see his wife being pursued by a psycho. What he doesn’t understand is why she is keeping her distance from him and drawing away. He is determined to find the person behind these threats and protect Bea till the death. But there is more than what meets the eye and there is a link between these attacks and his family’s past. But what is it?

It seems that we are getting closer and closer to finding out the true identity of the Gentleman and the reason for his animosity towards the Benedicts and those they love. This series may be categorised as a romance, but I find it to be more of a suspense novel. Yes, there are a number of love scenes, but they definitely don’t overshadow the suspense and excitement. Can’t wait to read Kipling’s story!!!

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4 Star Read!!!

I have been hooked on the suspense with the Sons of Broad series! I loved Bea and Knox and the secret they have going on. Bea was a little hard to like at the get go, bust she grew on me. I am usually not a fan of cliff hangers, but Tara does such a good job that I can handle it with this series. Has anyone figured out who the Gentleman is???? Gah I wish I could break this mystery.

Bea and Knox go through a lot of turmoil and in the end are they really what each other needs? Find out with Deadly Secret! I am a sucker for this series!! Oh the drama <3

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So far, this is my favourite of the series!

I felt like everything in this novel hit the right note. There was this great balance between the suspense, the mystery and the romance. At no point did the plot ever feel stagnant because there was always something happening. If we weren't learning more about Knox and Bea's relationship we were learning more about the overarching mystery of the series or someone's life was in danger.

Knox and Bea were the best characters for this particular story. I immediately liked them and their adorable romance. If you've read the novellas, you'll be happy to see Bea get more of the spotlight in this book because she is such a strong female lead. She's got a lot of fight and brains about her but she also has a big heart. Knox was more of a mystery but I instantly became a fan after he was introduced. He's a great compliment to Bea and he's such a sweetheart. I thought their romance was perfect for the story and it never overshadowed the overall plot.

As for the plot, I really enjoyed it. I found the suspense and tension was there from start to finish. It isn't afraid to take things to that next level so you never know who is safe or what will happen next. Again, I loved the fact that we get these tiny snipets of the mysterious Gentleman throughout. It just adds to the suspense when you know that the villain has various plans in motion before the characters do.

I did find that the big twist at the end was somewhat predictable but I will be the first to admit that the larger mystery (and how that twist fits into everything) is still unknown to me. This book did a great job leading us into the finale and I can't wait to see how this will all wrap up!

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Deadly Secret by Tara Thomas is the second full length novel in the romantic suspense Sons of Broad series. There were also three prequel novellas to the series that featured one couple then the first installment moved to the first of three Benedict brothers and his significant other. Now we’ve moved onto Knox Benedict and his wife, Bea.

While the main characters in the series keep changing as it goes on the series has an underlying plot that continues on with each story so it would be best enjoyed to just start at the beginning of it all. The author is also keeping previous lead characters involved in the books so those that do start at the beginning will be updated on where they are as the story moves forward in each book in the series.

Now as far as this installment of the series I’d have to say that it had a set up that I do enjoy with the main couple having a past so while the books are very fast paced it doesn’t feel as if it’s an insta-love when they were already married and coming back together. Of course in Bea and Knox’s case it sounds a bit like they rushed into things in the past but there was still something already there when we join them which made me a bit more comfortable with their chemistry and a bit more believability.

I would warn readers that absolutely hate cliffhangers thought that Tara Thomas has certainly done that yet again. She’s doing a great job tying all the books together and keeping the action intense with each read but again when finished I felt there is just so much left and would love to move onto the next book right away but it’s unfortunately not here yet to enjoy just yet.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

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Book two in the Sons of Broad series, this is Knox’s and Bea’s story. With more intrigue and drama, I found myself drawn right in! Bea and Knox are very likeable and definitely had chemistry, however, I did not fully agree with Bea’s reasoning for closing Knox off. I want to know who The Gentleman is and I have to say that I usually figure it out but this author is doing a wonderful job of keeping me guessing. Love that!! The ending was totally awesome! Cannot wait for the next book!

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Knox and Bea are back at it. Still trying to find out who is trying to take Bea and the Pennington Family down. Still trying to decide whether to let everyone know that they are secretly married. Still trying to stay alive. They are slowly unraveling the clues and finding the shocking answers to secrets they never knew existed. Interesting read.

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This is the second novel in the Sons of Broad series and it definitely should be read in series order. However, don't expect a resolution at the end of the story because there is still another book to come in the series. There is a HFN resolution for the main couple, Bea and Knox, but until the culprit is revealed, I'm not sure that anyone associated with the Benedict family is safe. One of my only complaints of this story is that the characters ignored crucial information that has been handed to them and repeatedly put themselves in danger because they ignored the information. I'm not talking about missing clues, I mean these characters were directly told about dangers and they still ignored the warnings. But even so I am looking forward to the final story because I have an idea of who might be behind all of the killings, and I want to know if I'm right. Considering I saw the "big surprise" at the end of the story in the first few chapters, I probably am!

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This is the second book in this series by this author. This is a romantic suspense read. This book will have you on the edge of your seat from start to finished. The story flows really well and really easy to follow. The characters are complexed and well written. This book picks up after book 1 finishes. This book offers plenty of suspense, surprises and very hot and sexy scenes. I can't wait to read more from this author in the future.

Highly recommended series

I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book

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DNF 10%

I found this book to be incredibly confusing. Character POV's change with no indication of a transition. There are two many players being "introduced" without any background being given. Too many things are going on at once, especially in the first chapter.

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This story is full of mystery, intrigue and a very good plot. As I read all three stories. I found myself feeling attached to the characters and feeling every emotion possible. I have had a long book slump but these books have made me feel like a reader again!

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Well this is book 2 of the Sons of Broad series and the author just keeps screwing up a GREAT story with poor plotting IMHO.

We have Knox and Bea who are secretly married but spends almost the whole book trying to stay away from him to "protect" him and it got boring and stupid pretty fast.

I have to admit I gave up in the middle of chapter 2 when I could see where it was going and skipped ahead to the last 2 chapters (some I almost NEVER do) and got the end of a great story and missed almost ZERO. Turns out in checking the first paragraph of a few chapters I skipped there were a couple of interesting facts and some more stupidity but I LOVE the story or it would have gone on the "Did Not Finish" pile.

I am REALLY looking forward to the next (hopefully last) book and seeing the culmination of this story but I have to say this is looking more and more like it should have been 2-3 novellas combined into 1 novel and a ton of useless crap cut out.

3 Stars and I can't stress that this IS a great story but the writing style and IMHO wasting a lot of reader time keeps me from giving it a much higher rating for a really good story.

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Continuing right after Darkest Night, Deadly Secret is not to be missed. This follow up novel is just as action packed as the first one and it is a zinger. With dark secrets, strained family ties and a villain hiding in the shadows, I devoured this book from cover to cover. Then I wanted more.

The main character in this book is Bea, half sister to Brent from the prequels. She is a lawyer with a rather unChristian like Pastor for a father. I am thankful I have never met a pastor as heinous as this one. Still, humans are flawed and religious figures are not exempt. From the beginning of this story, there is something odd going on between Knox and Bea. I figured they are secret lovers. It is more complicated than that and it worked really well as a subplot. Speaking of subplots, I liked the Jade subplot that is threaded throughout the series.

What I liked about this series is how it takes little twists and turns. Did I anticipate most of them? Yes. And I liked that they kept the story flowing and a reader thinking. I am actively engaged to figure out who the enemy is as well as how each character relates to each other. I wouldn't say everything is predictable; I would say that the story is well written to lead the reader to the expected result before it is revealed. Still, the main villain is nicely hidden and keeps me racking my brains to figure out who it is and if it is a character we have seen yet.

From a romance perspective, Bea and Knox are well matched. I am a bit disappointed with Bea in how she handled matters but I can understand her fuzzy logic. Knox is a saint as his nickname suggests. He is a sweetheart and of the brothers, I am hard pressed to pick my favourite. Each of the brothers are admirable. They are really quite lovely. Warning, reading this book may make a reader want to dive right into the next book. Kipling is the oldest brother and it appears he will be the last. He weaves in and out of each of these books. He is a bit of a curmudgeon which is his charm. His support of Bea and Knox keeps the consistent brotherly love and bonding we see through the series.

Through all the romance and family reveals, there are still killers on the loose and an evil plot to foil. It will be interesting to see how this series concludes. Will just one more book be enough? I am hoping this series rounds out to a quartet. This romantic suspense is recommended to readers who enjoy star crossed lover themes.

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This s is book two in the Sons of Broad series.

Knox and Beas story continues and what a story it is too. I was on the edge of my seat reading this. I cannot wait to read more and find out who the Gentleman is.
It’s hard to write a review without spoiling in, especially a series. If you enjoy suspense reads then I definitely recommend you read this.

A really well written story full of suspense. The secondary characters add so much to the story. I’m looking forward to reading book three in this series.

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I really enjoyed Knox and Bea's story. You should read the first book before this one, there is some crossover that you will understand more if you read Darkest Night.

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This was another great addition to this series. I enjoyed it quite a lot. The mystery aspect continues to be well done, and I am DYING to know who the GENTLEMAN is! Both main characters were likable. Although Bea drove me nuts for the first 25% and later in the book, I was left scratching my head at her TSTL move in regards to Tom. But I continue to love all three brothers.

Really the only small issue I had and have had with all the books in this series so far is the POV changes can be confusing at times. We go from one person talking to the next paragraph being someone else that has nothing to do with the previous conversation. I find it a bit jarring and befuddling at times. But after two books and three novellas, I have learned to go with the flow. Therefore yours truly is giving this one a solid thumbs up.

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