Member Reviews

Second full-length story in the Sons of Broad series, Deadly Secret features Bea Jacobs and Knox Benedict. Bea is the half-sister of Brent, hero of the serial in three parts, and Knox is the second of the three Benedict brothers.

The series really needs to be read in the order and I put in my previous reviews the important elements linked to the series’ common thread. It’s pointless I repeat them here.

So I’ll talk about the next part of the suspense I found frustrating on several points. First the fact we know directly who must kidnap Bea has good and bad sides. The good: no surprise for the reader. I hate them so that’s fine with me. The bad: the progression of the action seems slower and seeing the heroes going round and round in circles is really frustrating. Especially after the minion charged with kidnapping Bea succeeds in entering the familial circle. I understand the heroes, as heroes, don’t have anything to distrust him as they don’t have the elements we as readers have, but seeing them being hardly suspicious…
And near the end of the book, the heroine has a 200% TSTL action… I wanted to murder her at this moment. Or at least I was thinking she deserved to die at the end to the bad guy. I understand we were nearing the end of the book and the suspense had to be solved but still the author could have come up with something else. All in all it’s what had me take off one star to my final rating.

The Gentleman goes on with his vendetta against the Benedict brothers and this time he goes after Bea who began opening a file that could harm him. On the other side he’s looking for a member of his organization who succeeded in fleeing and the same minion must find him. A negative point about the suspense: we know from the beginning of the book that he finds her but we don’t know why he lets her go away.
Bea will face this person and it’s the second weakness of the book: our heroine trusts this person, stating it loud and clear… all the while never listening to her warnings. We were in the extreme contradiction and that deserved the novel a lot.

On the romance side, Bea and Knox appear a lot in Darkest Night and we know they have deep feelings for each other. We learn here what it is exactly. Once more we have a couple who knows what they want but the biggest problem for them comes from the outside and the threat against our heroes leads the heroine to take some decision without telling the hero.

We see the secondary characters who are present since the beginning of the series. No new people to see, which isn’t bad because the author would spread herself too thin otherwise. Here we stay focused on the plot about this much talked-about Gentleman. When we close the book, we don’t really know what will happen next and the veil is lifted on the secondary character I was talking about in my review for Darkest Night. A false suspense as I already said.

Once more in spite of the suspense weaknesses I had an excellent time with this book I couldn’t put down till the end. Its writing is really addictive.

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Deadly Secrets is a book 2 in the Sons of Broad series. I am enjoying this romantic suspense with its twist and turn I found myself easily engaged from the beginning. I look forward to seeing what happens next

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Bea, Brent's sister is an attorney and she has tangled with the Benedict family on many occasions, not all of them pleasant. She was beaten by the psychopath that they are hunting and left on the Benedict's porch.

Knox is the epitome of rich playboy. But he and Bea are hiding a whopper of a secret...they are married. They did the whole elope to Vegas thing but kept it quite to keep her father, a domineering and bigoted Reverend.

So when from her hospital bed she tells him to stay away he is hurt and confused. Fast forward a few months and Bea had kept her side of the bargain with her abuser, she kept away from Knox to keep him safe. But events are unfolding and pushing the pair back together.

There are some great nail-biting moments. With danger closer at hand than they think and explosions and fires and sneaky visits from Jade, there is lots going on!

Can't wait to see what happens next!

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Whew! This was an action-packed, fast paced read! I was sucked into Bea's story and I couldn't put this book down! The reader got a glimpse into Knox's life during Darkest Night, but we didn't get the story. Now, we get to see what was really going on for them. We learn the secret they haven't shared with anyone and it's a doozy! We got a glimpse of Bea in the first book, but I enjoyed getting to know Bea and Knox and watching their relationship evolve. The reader sees more of what happened to her and her recovery. I also enjoyed getting to know Jade in this book. She wants to change and she knows she can trust Bea. But the reader senses the fear and the danger lurking for both Jade and Bea. The Benedicts are a strong force and are prepared to help each other out. While I liked the first book, I enjoyed this one even more. I liked the mystery/danger aspect and the romance was just right! I'm definitely looking forward to the next book in this series!

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2 <b>stuck</b>stars
I feel this book makes me so confused!!
do I just not like romantic suspense anymore?
I thought it was fun and intrigueing.
I feel this book like the last one isn't fully developed.
it truly would have worked better if the characters were high school students because then we could accept the immaturity and bad decisions but it doesn't fit with what happens.
it seemed cartooney
like maybe from <I> Scooby Doo</I> where they willingly chase after a bad guy without thinking ... hey maybe this is a bad guy!

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I was so excited to get book two of this series & it didn't disappoint. Now I can't wait for the next book. This one focuses on Bea & Knox. We find out in this book that they had been married in secret but Bea is trying to break it off because the Gentleman is threatening to hurt Knox if she doesn't. She is being told to quit researching Tilly's father's files. Of course she ends up doing neither & this leads to lots of action. Jade also is back & an integral part of the story. Highly recommend this series & look forward to more!!

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Deadly Secret
Sons of Broad #2
Tara Thomas
5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Still on the edge of my seat throughout this whole book. And of course I have to wait till the next book to find out who The Gentleman is that has been killing people and what he has been trying to cover up.
Tara Thomas has done an amazing job switching over to the Suspense genre. She definitely keeps you on your toes and you never know what to expect next. And she has made it so difficult to figure out who the killer is.
Can’t wait for Book 3 Broken Promise to come out so I can finish this series and find out what happens next.
Thanks NetGalley for the arc in exchange for my honest review.

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Deadly Secret book #2 in the Sons of Broad a romantic thriller, written by Tara Thomas and published under the St. Martin’s Paperback brand. When Bea was hired by Know to investigate a secret, Know and Bea didn’t know how deep the secret went. Now that Bea’s life was in danger they must act fast to uncover the secret that has something to do with the Benedict business Empire.

I really enjoyed this story. The story was well written, and the mystery was gripping. So many twist and turns. Again, the henchman was known well before he was introduced but again there is a mystery person behind these deadly attacks that have yet to be unsolved.

Like the last book, I read Hidden Fears. Deadly Secret too ended on a cliffhanger but with a big reveal that you will see coming from a mile away. While the mystery of who is behind the attacks on the family is clandestine. The hours of pleasure you will receive by reading this book wasn’t. Deadly Secret was an entertaining read, with a dynamic set of characters. That any fan of reading mysteries will find very pleasing.

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I didn't know this was a ongoing series book, so I'm completely lost on what's going on.. I need book one before I can review this properly..

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This second book in the Sons of Broad series is the story of the romance between Knox and Bea. They are secretly married and Bea is being pressured to stay away from him. It seems like Bea is getting to close to finding the secret The Gentleman is trying to hide.

Bea is suffering from panic attacks as a result of an attack on her. She is also being shadowed by someone who is constantly trying to frighten her. She can't keep away from Knox though. He is the one she calls when she wakes from her nightmares. After the villains try to kill her by setting her father's house on fire, she moves with Knox to Benedict house where there should be stronger security. Unknown to her or to anyone else, one of the guards has been compromised which bring the danger into a place that should be safe.

As Bea and Know continue to go through papers that Tilly's mother saved, they uncover a family secret and come closer to figuring out who The Gentleman is and why he wants all the Benedicts dead.

We also find out more about Jade in this episode but the revelation was telegraphed even in the previous book and didn't come as a surprise to me. I am still wondering who The Gentleman is and, hopefully, all will be revealed in the next book which should also be about oldest brother Kipling's romantic fate.

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Knox Benedict always travels the path of straight and narrow, never veering, never taking risks, and never doing anything that is not according to the plan... then he met Bea, and secretly married her. She is his dark little secret, the one that he will move heaven and earth to keep, so when danger leaves her wounded on his doorstep he is instantly ready to make them pay. But what he doesn't know is that Bea is keeping a little secret of her own, one that the attacker said would cost her everything if she mentioned it, so her only option is to push her husband away, and act like she doesn't want him around. Fortunately for her Knox doesn't believe this sudden change in his wife, he knows it is motivated by something else, and he plans on learning what it is... no matter the cost! He won't lose her, she is the one constant in his life, and he intends on keeping the vows he made...

From the first page Deadly Secret you will be pulled right back into the lives of the Benedict brothers, and their spellbinding tale will have you teetering on the edge of your seat all over again! This suspenseful little tale picks up right where the previous novel left off, and not only does it continue with the backstory and games being played by the Gentleman, but it also sheds a deeper light into another one of her Benedict brothers' lives and the woman who has managed to capture his heart! In this one you will meet Knox, and his secret wife Bea, and the moment you meet them you will be taken with them and their interesting little situation, it's filled with passion, sparks, and loads of danger, so be prepared to have your world rocked!! And if that is not enough for you, then the cliffhanger with leave you reeling... and dying for the next installment!! Highly recommend this one, it's an action packed thriller sure to keep you enthralled from start to finish!!

I requested an advanced copy from NetGalley, and voluntarily read and reviewed.

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Deadly Secret by Tara Thomas was a suspenseful book. Although I hadn't read the previous one or the novellas, I didn't have many problems following the mystery in this one.

Bea and Knox are complex characters that work well together once Bea comes to her senses and fills Knox in on what happened to her. Suspense, romance and a smoothly paced plot made this book difficult to put down. Ms. Thomas' descriptive narrative made it easy for me to imagine all types of scenarios about the Gentleman and his connection to the Benedict empire.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book from St. Martin's Press via NetGalley. All of the above opinions are my own.

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In this last installment, the suspense keeps building as the imminent danger creates chaos, pain and heartache.

Janie's realisation about the identity of the murderer comes a little too late. Brent is frantic and fears for her safety which doesn't look promising. Alyssa, her best friend is in a state of shock, but knows where her loyalty lies. This time, the hunt is on for the murderer. He is a dangerous chauvinist! Can Brent and Alyssa salvage the situation and bring Janie back where she belongs?

As everything comes to a head, justice is done, but the orchestrator behind this devious plot remains at large. His identity and objective remain a mystery.

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading Brent's and Janie's story which ends on a beautiful note and would fully recommend.

I was kindly issued with an eARC and the views expressed are my personal opinion.

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Suspenseful, romantic and the evil that is a cliffhanger. Another great book by Tara Thomas.

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I still do not understand why in the heck I am still reading this.. Bea is supposed to be an attorney and smart but she does the most dumbass moves.. my god I am being spoon fed crap, you knew who Jade was immediately, you knew who Tom was working for, and Jade warned Bea and she still gets in the car..come on!! Really, really.. I am so disgusted with myself.

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3.5 stars

The first book in the Sons of Broad series was an okay read for me. I was glad that I enjoyed this book more than I did the previous one. The characters acted more mature, and I felt a connection between them even though this couple is already married, and how they met is told in a couple of sentences instead of a flashback. For me it wasn't necessary for me to really see how they met and because I was more interested in solving the case/mystery that continues from the previous book into this one. I am still not sure what is going on and why the Benedict family is targeted by this Gentleman.

There were a couple of times the main characters didn't do anything with information that warned them. They kind of went head-first into a dangerous situation and it was obvious what would happen next. This total disregard to the warning was unbelievable to me and could've been handled much better. If the author wanted the characters come face-to-face with the bad guys, she could've found another more logical way to do it. This is one of my book pet peeves, especially in romantic suspense books, and that it why I rated this book 3.5 stars instead of 4. However, there was a twist at the end which has me excited for the next book in the series. I can't wait to see how this series will end and get all the answers to my questions.

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I did not enjoy this series, the was story was not engaging and it did not hold my interest

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Knox Benedict has a pretty big secret. He married Beatrice and didn't tell anyone. After she was attacked she pulled away from him and he let it happen. Thinking she needed space and would come back on her own terms.

That isn't what happened. She was forced back to him because of threats to her life and he was done being separated from her.

Bea is a lawyer and was helping Knox with a family problem that ended in her being targeted. She was told to stay away from Knox or he would die. She tried to be strong for so long but at some point she had to admit she needed help.

I enjoyed the writing style and story. I gave this 3 stars because I didn't like the romance. I didn't feel like Knox and Bea meshed well at all. Sure they got along but I didn't see the connection like Keaton and Tilly's. Other than the the story is intriguing! There are more questions coming about and I can't wait for the answers. Though one of my theories has been proven correct.

I can't wait for Kipling and Alyssa. Cause let's face it, they're meant for each other.

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It's been awhile since I've binge read an author. But Tara Thomas has me hooked and I've read all of this series so far. I'm not patiently waiting for book 3! I am looking forward to finding out about The Gentleman - I have so many ideas darn it!

I don't want to give anything more away but to say the characters are fabulous, the suspense is gripping and carries over between books, While you can read out of order, you learn pieces that may help you later in each book.

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Deadly Secret is filled with mystery and suspense, and both were well done. The characters were quite good, too, but there is something about the writing that made me not be completely wowed.

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