Member Reviews

I feel like I know Kim Long, the Heroine in Bridal Girl. When I read Blogger Girl, Meredith's first book in the Blogger Girl Series I related to Kim in so many ways, from the writing of reviews to the dealing with publishers and trying to live your true, honest self. Not only are Meredith's books totally relatable, they are smart, funny and full of real life. In Bridal Girl Kim, now author has to deal with so many things coming at her, much like we all do when we live our dreams or strive for what we want, plus an impending wedding! Its always a fun fiasco- family, friends, book deals! Chick Lit or Rom-Com, whatever your choice of verbiage, Meredith Schorr writes from the heart, and adds a lot of humor, smarts and real life experiences where you feel like you are a friend, in the book, rooting for Kim! I can't recommend this book enough. I think what many people need to know about the chick lit genre is that is funny, it's fun, the heroine is strong, smart and not perfect. It's all of us, Kim Long is us,  trying to do what we love, while LIFE happens. If you like Jennifer Crusie or Jen Lancaster you will absolutely love Meredith Schorr. I will read anything she writes, and I'm a tad picky. The series rocks, it can also be Stand alone and and are fast, fun reads. Meredith has become my go to chick-lit writer. She's my "save me after this intense thriller and bring me back to crazy normal" author. 5 stars and already anticipating her next novel.

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I loved this book! While you don't have to read the first two books to enjoy this one, I think it definitely helps as you see the progression of the friendships, relationships, and even rivalry between authors.

I've followed Kim's career in this series and have often wondered what it would be like to take a blogging career and become an author. Granted I do not have the writing skills (or desire) to write a book but admire those that can and do create those works for us to enjoy.

Kim is still insecure about her writing and keeps reading reviews and if they are negative takes it to heart. I get it, the book is her baby and anything negative is hard to read. But at the same time, not all books are for everyone. It was nice to see her growth and understanding of that as the book progressed.

Then there is her relationship with Nicholas, the fiance. They both have moments where you want to shake them and tell them to grow up...but that is what makes the book interesting, the conflict and communication snafus.

I found myself laughing and crying throughout the book and it was the perfect book to read at that moment in time. If you like chick-lit I think you will enjoy this book.

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The book review at the beginning of this book starts the new chapter in the life of Kim Long—blogger, new novelist, and soon to be bride. I have loved Kim since I first met her in Blogger Girl and have watched her mature and grow as her life changes.

Kim finds herself struggling with all the demands on her right now, the wedding that is not planning itself and the novel that is not coming along like she would like. And she's got deadlines for both! But she still has her wonderful, quirky group of friends who help ground her when she starts spiraling out of control and loses all confidence in herself and her relationship with her fiancé.

I just absolutely loved Bridal Girl, and adore this whole series. This is chick-lit at its best! And I can't help wondering if there will be more books coming, because in real life, the story doesn't end with a wedding.

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Kimmie Long is a published author, on the path to marriage and embarking on her second novel. Everything's looking great—until her life slowly dissolves into pieces. Between the few bad reviews of her first novel that are shriveling up her new book's plot and focus, Nicholas' ex-girlfriend crashing every single wedding preparation event, and her inability to purchase a dress without a major fiasco, Kim is unraveling at the seams and realizing she bit off more than she can chew.

But Kim has friends. And they've got her back.

I loved, loved, loved the third book in the Blogger Girl series, particularly the secondary characters, who are—for the most part—wonderful and amazing. Hell, even Hannah of all people was kinda likeable. Nicholas even grew on me and was a supportive partner who tried to recover from his mistakes, push Kim to do better and comfort her in things got terrible—and bail her out of horrible situations (um, Kleinfelds, for example). Their relationship has definitely grown and matured and it was lovely to read.

One of the things I like about this series are the acute and clever insights into the world of writing, publishing and balancing a work-life-write lifestyle—which comes with a couple wink wink moments as the characters talk about the transition between authoring and blogging and also the wonderful advice of never reading your own reviews. The tie-ins between Kim's life and her books plot are also deliberately ironic, as her editor throws out an add-a-pregnancy-to-add-depth with the explanation that "chick lit doesn't need any dark elements of abortion or adoption talk" while at the same time a secondary character is dealing with an unexpected pregnancy. I'm very thankful that there were no cases of murder, arson or strokes, that ties in with the book to "spice it up," as I don't think my heart could take it.

I really hope that there's a spin off book about Hannah and Fred, because I need it now!

I received this book from NetGalley for an honest review.

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After getting to know Kimmie Long through Blogger Girl and Novelista Girl, I have to say that I had pretty specific hopes for BRIDAL GIRL by Meredith Schorr. This book is my favorite of the three. The humor is on point and shows the opposite of a Bridezilla for a refreshing twist. It is awesome how the wedding brings out the claws in the wedding party though and all the situations that Kimmie ends up experiencing with her friends and family were so enjoyable to read (especially since they are happening to someone else!) I simply adored Nicholas in this one as well. This book is great Chick Lit – it has an engaging storyline with developed characters (that you like and dislike), and romance with the right amount of detail. I’ve said before that I love this genre for its humor and escapism and I really think that Meredith Schorr will forever be a part of my favorites list. I just feel good after I read her books.

I received an Advance Review Copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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The third in a series and a series would I completely recommend you starting at book one. This series is a book for book readers and a book specifically for book bloggers! Kim Long is a book blogger and in book three she is prepping for her wedding, dealing with her first novel's slow success and trying to write her second book - she has quite a bit on her plate and she is the personality that doesn't ask for help (don't blame her!!).

I absolutely adore these books because they are light and breezy and I can completely relate to the main character. I love that like me she has a full time job and book blogging is a happy hobby and I remember planning my wedding and doing full time job and book blogging and the overwhelming time commitment of all of those things. I completely laughed out loud at moments in this book because I related so so well to it!

If you are a fan of the light and breezy genre of women's fiction or chick lit, this is a perfect addition to your collection for the summer. I would definitely start at book one and start with Kim Long before she is engaged and in the middle of all the things.

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Bridal Girl is the third book in Meredith Schorr’s Blogger Girl series. Kim Long has moved from blogger with her site Pastel is the New Black to novelist of A Blogger’s Life. On the very exciting occasion of the publishing of her first book, Kim’s boyfriend Nicholas Strong proposes. Now they are in the midst of wedding planning as she works on her second novel as well as her real job.

In the course of the seven months the book covers up to their wedding many things befall the couple, particularly Kim. Her editor leaves and is replaced by someone that doesn’t appear to have the same connection. Finding a wedding gown for her petite yet curvy form is difficult, particularly when the ladies of her wedding party have so many opinions. The minute details of wedding planning are overwhelming. In fact, so many things happen that the overwhelmed bride to be and burgeoning novelist is ready to put the brakes on in all. What Kim learns from her caring friends and her loving fiancé is the crux of the story and the messages of love and friendship meaningful.

This is a fun story with sweet undertones and messages of love and understanding. I recommend this book.

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RomCom at it's finest! Bridal Girl is the third in a series by Meredith Schorr, following Kim Long, a legal secretary, book blogger, and author as she plans her wedding to her corporate lawyer fiancé, Nicholas Strong, deals with publishing and promoting her first novel, and continues writing her second novel on a tight deadline. Kim's adventures, mishaps and celebrations paced perfectly throughout the book to keep it moving and entertaining. I didn't want to stop reading and I'm crossing my fingers for number 4. I'm usually more of a mystery/thriller girl, but this Chick Lit novel might of converted me as it wasn't the usually fluffy, too sweet, unrealistic look at life. Kim made us all hope for her, cry with her and cheer with her! Loved every minute of it!

I haven't yet read the other two books in the series, but they are waiting on my Kindle, so don't let that stop you from picking this one up. I enjoyed this book without reading the others, and since I loved it so much, I'm excited to read the first two, Blogger Girl and Novelista Girl.

I received an advanced reader copy for my honest opinion.

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Bridal Girl by Meredith Schorr is the 3rd book in the Blogger Girl series, and it is delightful. Cute, funny, and a nice fast read. This title will make a great pick to just laugh and escape life worries.

I received this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Great read. Very funny but has a strong message about letting things get on top of you and then burying your head in the sand and not dealing with them. 3rd book of a series. I haven't read the first two but that didn't really matter. I will go and read them now though as I enjoyed the author's style and approach.

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Well, Meredith has done it again! This time with Bridal Girl, the third book in the Blogger Girl series.
In this book Kim and Nick are planning their wedding, and well.. let’s just say it’s not all sunshine and roses for them.
I was hooked from the very first page, and sad when I closed the cover on my kindle. I wasn’t ready for it to be over.
Meredith has a flair for chic lit that is just unparalleled. Her blend of quirky characters, romance, and comedy is magic, Every. Single. Time.
If you are a fan of the first two books in the series, you will LOVE Bridal Girl. If you are new to the series, you don’t need to read the first books, but I highly recommend you do!

I received a ARC of this book from the author and Netgalley, the thoughts & opinions are my own.

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LOVE THIS SERIES! This was my favorite of the three so far!

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I loved, loved, loved this book! I loved this so much that I extended silent reading time for my students so that I could also read. Good modeling, right?

I adored the characters and the way the were written with LARGE personalities. I love the friendship between Bridget and Kim. I wanted to bitchslap the sisters at certain points but who doesn’t want to slap a sister at some point?

On a more serious note, I like how the author wrote about real life experiences that are at the same time wonderful and terrible. Planning a wedding is, by far, the least fun thing I’ve ever done, so I felt for Kim during her struggle.

In this book we are learning about the main character’s life an as author. One review of the novel she published lead Kim to consider making her books deeper by adding a death, or something similar. I see this a lot on reviews of books. When you’re reading chick lit, why do we expect thereto be something so deep and profound? What I love most about chick lit is that it is light and breezy; it helps me escape from the day to day sludge of the world. This in no way should impact the review given to the book. You get what you get, and you don’t throw a fit. And you definitely don’t take it out on the author for writing on their genre.

This book also made me think about how I approach reviews of books. Sometimes it’s easy to say “I hated this book because a,b and c.” Sometimes we don’t stop to think that the author is constantly checking those reviews and taking each one to heart. This book taught me to watch how I approach reviewing in the future. I’m a BIG fan of books that make me think, and this one did just that while telling a wonderful story.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book! I received and ARC and all thoughts are my own.

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I was not familiar with Meredith Schorr or any of her books. But I thoroughly enjoyed Bridal Girl.This book was a nice change from the heavier books that I have been reading. I found the characters well developed and want the trio as my own friends. This is a great book that is fast paced and an easy read.

I received this book as an ARC from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Meredith Schorr hit another one out of the park with Bridal Girl, the third book in her Blogger Girl. This third book has been my favorite of the series so far. All of the characters are as amazing as they are in the first two books, even while they battle their way through new conflicts and stresses. I’m hoping that there is a fourth book in this series! Baby Girl, perhaps!

Many thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the ebook!

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Bridal Girl is a must read, after the first two that is.

I read the book in one night. Meredith hit the nail on the head in the aspect of wedding planning and how overwhelming it is. Kimmie tries her best to balance her life. I loved how Hannah, Bridget and Caroline were incorporated. I wish I had a “Bridget”.:

Meredith definitely kept me guessing. I am usually able to figure books out, but this was a plot twister.

I can’t wait for her next book. Her writing is my idea of a kickback and relax with a nice glass of wine.

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“Bridal Girl” by Meredith Schorr is a heartwarming, witty, delightful and charming novel. “Bridal Girl” is the third book in “The Blogger Girl Series”, but it can be read as a stand-alone. The Genres for this story are Fiction, Women’s Fiction, and Chick Lit.

I appreciate that Meredith Schorr describes her colorful cast of characters as complex, complicated, quirky, dysfunctional, loyal and mostly likable. I love the way the author describes the importance of family and friends, communication, love and hope.

Kim Long not only is marrying the man of her dreams, Nicholas, but is now a published author, attempting to write her second book. Kim is trying to plan her wedding, with the help of the parents, a few closed friends, and other family members that have a problem agreeing with anything. Why is Nicholas’s high school sweetheart suddenly involved in this planning? Why is Nicholas’s sister always with the girlfriend? How will Kim say “Yes” to the dress? Kim has looked at dresses several times, and an emergency of one sort or another comes up.

Kim has a deadline for her second book, and isn’t feeling it. If only Kim could stop reading the reviews and ratings for her first book. With the wedding date approaching, and the deadline for her book, how is Kim going to manage? Did you ever think that planning a wedding could be such a dramatic adventure? I would recommend this amusing and entertaining novel for those readers that appreciate Women’s Fiction. I received an ARC from NetGalley for my honest review.

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As a chic lit lover, it doesn't get much better than a chic lit book about chic lit author! All of the characters are likeable, the story flows well. I was delighted to see Ms. Schorr has more books that I can go back and read, which I definitely will. I was going through a stressful time and this lighthearted read was just what I needed. It made me smile and I worried along with the characters. But mostly I just enjoyed getting lost in their world for a little while.

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Once again, Meredith Schorr has brought me back into Kim's world and taken me away from real life each time because I was so absorbed. I enjoyed revisiting with Kim, Nicholas, Bridget, and even Hannah. It was interesting to see what an author goes through after their first book is published, while they are trying to write their second. I have to wonder if this was based on Meredith's life because all her books seem effortless. Like she magically conjured something amazing out of thin air each time.

There were some aspects of the story that I was able to guess at correctly, but other things completely took me by surprise. I like how Meredith kept me guessing until the very end as to how the wedding would turn out or what would happen with Kim's second book. There were other little things that had me gasping out loud! And, of course, I was laughing or tearing up at various times. (Sometimes all at once.)

I don't want to say too much more as to not spoil anything, but if you enjoyed the first two books in the series, you're definitely in for a treat. I only hope Meredith will follow this up with Mother Girl. I can't get enough of Kim!

More casting selections (my review of Blogger Girl has the main cast
Erin: Alexis Knapp
Natalie: Lucy Hale
Tiffany: Hayden Panettiere
Jonathan: Penn Badgley
Caroline: Lyndsy Fonseca

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Kimmie and Nicholas are back, and I couldn't be happier.... I love this couple and couldn't wait to read this book. Fortunately, I was given an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I LOVED this book! It was great to see a new "chapter" in Kim and Nicholas's lives as well as how their relationship changed. The couple experienced lots of challenges, and some comedies of errors, which kept me turning the page. I couldn't wait to see what happened next. I also loved the side stories with the supporting characters. I'm not sure if there is another book planned in this series, but I sure hope so.

As in all of her books, Meredith Schorr's quick wit and snazzy writing style shined through. There were many times I laughed out loud!

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