Member Reviews

alice is about to head off to university and leave behind the best job ever. before she leaves she wants to finally make a move on her cute boss. the one she's had a crush on ever since she started. harry is a hot nerd, in my head i basically pictured harry styles with glasses.

in cinderella and the geek, these two crazy kids are crazy about each other and cannot manage to communicate enough to figure out that they are entirely on the same page. i was both charmed and irritated with these two. when they are in sync the romance really clicks and there is so much promise to their story.

but they overthink themselves into fights somehow. once they figure out that they are doing this, they manage to get their act together.

**cinderella and the geek will publish on february 19, 2018. i received an advance reader copy courtesy of netgalley/entangled publishing (embrace) in exchange for my honest review.

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A very enjoyable read! Harry & Alice are wonderfully awkwardly adorable together. The witty banter and awkward moments between the two of them had me smiling all the way through the book. The two have been lusting after each other forever and with Alice leaving for university soon, she knows it's now or never. When the perfect opportunity to spend time with Harry presents itself Alice steps up to offer Harry her help. This leads to one epic, glorious nice together. Will they find a way to make it more?

I definitely recommend this one.

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What an absolutely delightful read! This book goes down as one of my favourite reads now.
Having never read this authors books before; I was pleasantly surprised by the story line, the character fit and the book overall.
Cinderella and the Geek is really a heartwarming story of love between Harry and Alice.
Harry is the well known and successful bachelor who owns the company Alice works for.
Alice; is the virgin who has been admiring Harry for 8 months and is carefree, ambitious and friendly.
Together they make a story come alive and reveal a true fairy tale.
Praise goes out to the author for this fantastic read

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To start off I need to say that Alice and Harry have potential to be great characters. The way they were written could have been better. They were a bit too clueless throughout the whole book. Some cluelessness is good but this one had way too much. If they were having a business and intimate relationship they should have been able to talk to each other more. The fact that they both always assumed the worst of each other made me nuts. The scenes when they were on the same page thought-wise were fantastic. I neeed to read Caleb's story. I will try more by this author. I received NetGalley ARC at no charge for which I voluntarily provided an honest review.

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3 1/2 stars

If you're looking for a cute love story to cuddle up with on a cold February night, Cinderella and the Geek is it.

Harry and Alice have been fancying each other for months but neither have acted on it until the time draws near for Alice to leave for university. Then, fortuitously, Harry is nominated for Sexy Geek of the Year award and needs a date. Who is the obvious choice? Alice, of course.

Alice gets to dress up, this is supposedly where Cinderella comes in, and she and Harry soon discover that they both have been enamored with each other.

Unfortunately Harry's insecurity derived from a previous relationship and an inability to communicate and misinterpret on both of their parts takes over. While I put all of that down to New Adult syndrome, I can understand that it might be frustrating to read.

Now, the part I don't understand is how Cinderella and the Geek can be part of a British Bad Boys series. If you see that and think you're going to be reading about a "Bad Boy," unless a grown man getting his nose out of joint equates with being a bad boy, you're going to be disappointed. Harry may be a little oblivious, but he's not Bad.

I have to admit that some of the satisfaction garnered from this read was that I was imagining David Tennant as Harry. And, I know, he's Scottish and blah, blah, blah, but that's what the brain did--and I didn't mind.

So if you want a quick, sweet read that you really don't have to think too much about, try Cinderella and the Geek. (And imagine Harry as David don't like David Tennant.)

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Alice works for Harry’s gaming company and though they both are attracted towards each other, they are scared to rock the boat. But everything falls in place just a month shy of Alice leaving for University.
Cinderella and the Geek was a light, fun read. Their awkwardness and insecurities though adorable were a little tiresome at times. Miscommunication and misunderstandings make the crux of this story.

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Alice and Harry are adorably awkward, and each has their own insecurities and hang ups. Alice works for Harry's online gaming company and is indispensable to him and his partner Caleb. Alice and Harry are also both attracted to each other but unsure if they should make a move. Everything comes to a head right before Alice is set to leave for University.

I liked the small town English setting and that it was populated with family, friends, and coworkers who added some humor and amusing moments to the story. The author also did a good job showing how both Alice and Harry's lives growing up shaped who they are now.

This book doesn't strictly follow the Cinderella story, but there are a few elements mixed in. The plot also moves at a good pace and I appreciated that there wasn't a lot of filler scenes thrown in.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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*I received this book through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*
1.5 stars

I absolutely can't believe I read this whole thing. I'm so annoyed with this book...

[Slight spoilers]

So, anyone who has been reading my reviews should kind of know by now that I'm pretty lenient with romance novels I read. Yet, with this book there is no way for me to be kind.

Let me tell you that the biggest conflict between the couple is how they don't talk to each other. They both have assumptions about their relationship and how the other feels about their relationship. In fact, one of them assumes they are in this for the long haul and the other doesn't like PDA while THE OTHER person assumes they know this is temporary until they leave and that the other person doesn't like PDA.
And yet, their assumptions about their relationship and the fact that they never talk about anything serious <b>is never brought up</b>, even in the resolution when Alice realizes she shouldn't have assumed Harry knew/wanted the relationship would end. SHE LET HIM TAKE THE BLAME

So... I'm so frustrated. The whole conflict for me were these assumptions and they are never addressed. HOW?!?!
And then I think about it more and I find little problems:
>How did a 18/19 year old get a admin position at a start-up company? How did she previously work at a law office?
>Why is nothing besides their relationship talked about by like everyone, yet nothing serious is discussed???
>What else filled this romance only focused book? Why couldn't there have been outside problems?
>Why were none of their fears about being in this relationship (what certain friends/bosses would think, LDR not working) addressed-- AT ALL?
>Why did they not ask each other "soooo.... are we dating? what is this?"

I don't understand what I just read or how I possibly got through it all.

I should probably talk more about character development and growth, the setting, the plot, but seriously... I'm so frustrated over the "plot" and romance development (I mean... no development??) that I can't even remember if I liked characters or why. Side characters? Introduced and used only for a lead to talk about their relationship, except the mother who provides a sense of guilt in Alice.

But, I like giving positive remarks about all books I read...
And I mean, I did finish reading this...
So, I guess it is easy to read and flows well. I flew through this book, but that might be because the characters kept thinking and saying the same sentiments over and over.
I also liked the geeky and video game aspects of this book. These are the things I really wanted. This book have been better if <i>more of these themes were included.</i>

Do I recommend this? Not unless someone really wants to read about a main character who is a geek.

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Cinderella and the Geek is a book that will make the inner geek scream in pain or fall in love with the awkwardness these two characters bring to the pages. The story is filled with cringe worthy moments that will have readers wondering if this is even possibly happen in the real world. Christina Phillips is able to make some award winning banter though out the story between the two lead characters that will keep readers laughing out loud and cringe many times wondering did they just say that?

However it over took the main story several times leaving this read to flip though the pages quickly feeling as if I had already read that scene before.

Readers will enjoy reading as the two characters have to learn to communicate with each other and the world around them.

However it over took the main story several times leaving this read to flip though the pages quickly feeling as if I had already read that scene before. Maybe another swing though the editors hands could fix those few too many returns?

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Cinderella and the Geek is a sweet and sexy story between practical, organized Alice and gorgeous geek, Harry. As they navigate their feelings for each other outside of the workplace, sparks fly and emotions get entangled.
This is a departure from my usual read but because Ms Phillips is an author I trust, I decided to give it a shot. It doesn't not disappoint. Not only is it a sweet story but it also sizzles with sexiness as it deals with ambitions, career aspirations and personal desires. And it doesn't have all the angst and rubbish drama that characters this age group have in other stories I've read that have made me want to throw my Kindle in frustration.
Alice is a level-hearded sort of girl. Even though she's young, she's also capable and organized. She's managed to organize Harry and Blitz for the last many months she's worked there leading up to her leaving to start university. She's become indispensable to the company and to Harry. But Alice also has some self-esteem issues and misguided pre-conceived notions about relationships and men. She tries to keep things light with Harry even as she falls deeper and deeper for him. There's a part of her that wants him forever but a part of her that's also put a use-by date on him and their relationship. I'm a little disappointed she doesn't communicate better with Harry about her feelings and thoughts even though a lot of her inner monologue was quite strong in her belief of Harry dipped in a heavy dose of her own insecurity. Perhaps it's her innocence and her lack of experience but I think she should have talked to Harry. I do like that she understands Harry so well and sees him for the great guy he is.
I loved Harry. He's gorgeous, ambitious, dedicated and a bit clueless. Harry's got issues too. Or rather, he's got one giant issue hanging over his head from a failed relationship in the far off past. Unfortunately, that does color some of his perspective about his relationship with Alice and his brother. Again, I wish he had talked to Alice about things. Neither of them did a good job of communicating when things got dicey. However, to his credit, Harry did an excellent job of redeeming himself.
At the start of this book, I was debating whether I'd read the other books in the series or not. I didn't know if the stories would be for me. However, since finishing the book and having Ms Phillips deliver a very satisfying happy ending, I'm all in. I am looking forward to the other books in the series and can't wait to see who are next on the list to fall in love.

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I liked this story. It was really cute. The characters were real and flawed and definitely awkward. I really enjoyed that about this story though. I liked seeing the way their relationship progresses and changes. I am new to this author, but I will definitely be looking for more from her.

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There was cringe-worthy dialogue at times that ordinarily I would find it cute and amusing for a young adult novel but I didn't think it worked here. The characters could have been a bit more complex in my opinion, however, I think this is a cute romance read for the beach or a rainy afternoon.

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Not a huge fan of this one. It wasn't terrible. Not at all terrible. It just was too awkward for me to read. Not the writing.. but the conversations and the characters in general. Which I do understand that it's what the author was going for but I cringed so much while reading this book. It was very real life awkwardness and Yeah just wasn't for me.

If you enjoy real life, awkward people getting together then this book is for you. It's also a workplace romance.

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This one was less Cinderella and more miscommunication.
I wished I liked it more than I did.

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A fun fast-paced romantic read that will warm your heart from the beginning.

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This is a cute read. Alice and Harry have crushes on each other, but worry about what would happen if the other doesn't feel the same way or what would happen if it didn't work out. It was a cute, fun read. They're awkward, but endearing. They go through some issues, misunderstanding, but they work it out. I would recommend to others for light romance reading.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own

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This is a fun, light romance for the new adult reader. Alice is a young woman who is working for Harry's company as an office assistant/manager. She is innocent and secretly in love with her boss, Harry. Harry is also secretly in love with Alice, but as her employer, he does not act on it. They are both social misfits and carrying baggage that colors their relationship. While this could have been a heavy story or fleshed out more, instead its a somewhat sweet coming of age story....although, at times, I wanted to reach into my kindle and throttle the two of them for being so clueless.

This novel is a great choice for the target audience - even this older grandma enjoyed it. This is a perfect selection for when you want a light read by the fire or on the beach.

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I love the banter between Alice and Harry. Both socially awkward and both learning the aspects of a real relationship. Through the book they both learn and realize communicating their real feelings for each other was their biggest issue. I thought this read was funny, romantic, and a bit realistic. You can't help but love these two characters.

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I did enjoy this book. Most of the time I just kept yelling at the characters to talk to each other instead of all the assumptions they made about each other.

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***ARC received for an honest review***

An adorable, awkward, realistic about two socially-strained individuals falling in love.

(This was like an NA version of the Sarina Bowen I read earlier this week. Kinda weird coincidence.)

<b>"My social life's always been pretty dire. When I was at school there was the never-ending struggle to maintain an A grade average, and I'm so used to having my nose in a book it feels weird when I don't."</b>

Alice, an assistant at Harry's gaming company, is determined to make a move for Harry before she goes to college in 5 weeks. Harry is crushing on Alice - but worried about rocking the friendship boat. A catalyst brings them together - but their insecurities, issues with communication, lack of relationship experience and goofiness keep getting in their way.

<b>"I kneel before you, bereft of my Exitium shielding. And ask if you'll consider pleading your life with mine for all eternity."</b>

<a href=""><img src=""width="400"></a>

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