Member Reviews

This book was exactly what it set out to be: a sweet, quiet story that lands every predictable note right on time.

Heartland was a novel that I knew that I would love from the reading of the synopsis. And it didn’t let me down in the least when it came down to the plot and characters involved. This book was such a sweet treat!

I received a copy of this story from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
I read this as a palate cleanser while on vacation so I wasn't expecting much but I was pulled in from the first chapter! Grace was someone I felt naturally inclined to cheer on. It was lovely to watch her overcome different hurdles and grow. I have a lot of connection with the ideas of picking up and running, what home means, and how to define success so I found myself more personally invested than I thought I'd be.
I adored the grannies, as they came to be called! It was nice to see older women cast in the role of supporting best friend. It lent a bit more charm to this story.
While Tucker seemed handsome and wonderful, I do think the bits between Tucker and Grace rested too much on the surface. Sure, there's history there but we didn't get to experience it and we didn't really get to see Tucker's side of things too much. I think it would've been more of an emotional ride had their storyline delved deeper.
Also, there were themes I could've done without. They didn't put too much of a damper on my enjoyment but they will make me hesitant to recommend this book. I'll have to have a good read on who I'm talking to.
All in all, it was an enjoyable read!

There was something sweet and warming about this small-town romance. A romance that takes you back to that first time you fell in love. Learning to see the past with the future and seeing your future in your present. Grace and Tucker was sweet and refreshing at the same time. Heat Land was more than just a girl/woman coming home. It was her chance to fall in love a second time with her hometown and the one true love that would carry her further and any career would ever take her. She had to learn to open her heart, body, and soul to the possibilities. This was hitting bottom and slowly rising back to the top.This was learning that some decisions have ramification well past what one can see. Grace and Tucker had that special something that allowed for them to be apart but not really apart. Life had something more in store for the two of them.
I very much enjoyed the small town atmosphere, the reconnection to roots, the link between two souls, and most of all the characters. This was more than just a romance it was a love story with oneself and life. Grace had her second chance in more than just love. She was allowed to find a way back from a decision that affected more than just her life. Kimberly Stuart gave me a journey and life lesson. My first read from her but will not be my last. Love. Faith. Dreams. Fate. Connection.

A standalone novel of reconnection and rediscovering what's truly important in your life.
This ARC was sent to me by NetGalley and Howard Books and Simon & Schuster for an honest review.
My Take
Oh, this was so, so lovely. I was riveted, especially with that opening hook, lol. Okay, part of the love may have been Grace's passion for design and sewing such beautiful creations, as it reflects my own love for clothing and creating, so fair warning *grin*
Yes, it's a Christian novel, and the first one where I didn't feel hit over the head with it. Absolutely lovely. The characters are amazing, and exactly the kind of people you want around you…even a few of those New Yorkers *more grinning* Stuart's descriptions of the setting and Tucker's fears were emotionally evocative.
A good part of the inspirational is Grace's desire [and mission] to help the people of her small town, of the whole state, of Gigi's encouragement, Tucker's honesty and wholehearted support, and the help from their friends — and that's what truly makes someone a Christian.
It was obvious what the "bad" guy's actions would be, and the journey to and through it was still a compulsive need on my part to follow the naive Grace's journey to enlightenment. It's a passage we all should pursue, of reflection on one's self, the good, the bad. I sure loved it when Gigi would point out the positives of all those negatives Grace focused on from her perspective in first person protagonist point-of-view! Another trick we should remember when we're thinking of all those personal negatives, is to try and list a positive for each negative. You'll be amazed how quickly the positives outweigh the other!
LOL, Pete's comments about Tucker's disposition and appearance…omigod…I can't help but love the honest transparency.
Disclaimer: These quotes may not end up in the final publication, but they're too good to ignore!
"'Remember clogs and how we hate them"'
'I do remember. A sister never forgets.'
'I'm leaving the sisterhood. …"
"You also remind me of her when you pout. That part isn't quite as sweet and precious."
There are a number of small treats in here that add to the whole. How wonderful Grace's parents sound! Grace's enthusiam for food, lol, she is a treat! That subtle explanation of Gigi's 70s-era sewing — very nice. And Flyover, *laughing*; I love, love, love the inspiration for the name. The lesson Grace learned from her job at Milano, and how she tries to change that atmosphere. Oh, yeah… I also enjoyed that background on how those ad campaigns are put together. Hmmm…
That twist in Grace's job hunt was brilliant, and the concept raised all sorts of excitement for me, thinking of where Grace and Gigi could go with it. Of course, the betrayals brought that necessary emotional conflict into the story. I was in tears at the end!
Oh, wow, do take special note of Grace's "elevator speech" at the end. It was inspired and brilliant…I'm takin' notes!
If you need a quality cozy romance with this blend of past history, current events, and future dreams…pick this up!
The Story
Grace knows this is the start of something big, of where her dream will finally be realized...until that dream is cut short.
When Gigi calls with an invitation, being broke with no job sends Grace flying home, desperate to get back to that dream. One she realizes in a totally unexpected way that engages her grandmother and her friends.
And Tucker. He was perfect, just not enough to override Grace's dream until he begins to share his own experience in trying out the big city, causing Grace to reflect, to compare.…
The Characters
Grace "Iowa" Kleren is from small town Silver Creek with big dreams that require New York City. The independent Georgina "Gigi" Hanson is Grace's wonderfully supportive and, lol, very sociable — oh yeah, baby, boom-shakka-lakka! — grandmother who runs an informal dress business. Nigel is Gigi's phone.
Tucker Van Es, a successful building contractor, had been Grace's boyfriend for years before she up and left ten years ago. Pete Miller is one of his men. His uncle Sal is struggling with his cattle farm. Natalie Connors is an incredible defense attorney and his girlfriend.
Goldie is Gigi's best friend and sidekick who is technologically savvy and quite the colorful *eyebrow waggle* lady who runs Goldie's Emporium at the flea market. Goldie's husband, Frank, has had his problems. Madge and Bev are widowed twins who finish each other's sentences. Myrna Hopkins, the front door greeter at church, has more important things on her mind. Edna Kuiken had been the English teacher.
Sewing Club is every Tuesday night in the fellowship hall. Flyover is an amazingly successful business that adds Irma and Gert from First Methodist and Shirley from Silver Creek Reformed to the line.
Small-town life means you know everyone, as Grace takes us on a nostalgic tour of the McCullough farm, the Williams' split-level, that repaint punishment at Jenna Gray's, the game at the Achenbachs' with the enthusiastic Alex Nichols, the home where she grew up, the Chickadee owned by Martin where Grace waitressed in high school, that lively Morrison barn.
The school where Matthews was principal and that the bitchy Erin Jackson (her husband, Les, had an unfortunate event with his Harley), David Beloit's crayon habits, "Two-Ton Tillie" Markers who is trying to change her past, where Hunter Olsen had been the real valedictorian, and Dan DePhillips who got into a fight were fellow students.
Mr Jenkins runs a portable donut stand. Roger runs the hardware store (I think he might be Goldie's nephew). Sofia works at La Condesa, a fabulous Mexican restaurant…sorry, I need to break for lunch…that food sounds too good! Beatriz Molina is either the chef there or the owner…or both. Miss Evelyn who runs the post office can't help but run the numbers. Callie Downing thinks cats love her. The Hardings had run a bookstore for three generations. Cassie Velton had run a clothes shop, while Marv's Hardware…well, 'nuf said. Old Mr McNeely has a grudge against Grace and Tucker. Pastor Simpson is with Gigi's church.
The Anthem is a restaurant in LaGrange. Betty Lou's Window Show is closed now. Blanche works at Triad Fabrics and Textiles in Omaha where Lorraine is her sub.
New York City
Milano is a premier fashion house where Grace has slaved for the past six years as a design assistant. Isa is one of Grace's best friends whom she met at the Fashion Institute of Technology and who started as a junior visual merchandiser. Luca Beneventi is another friend, an Italian who is all about the clothes and…oops…I think his Yorkie, Yolo, is even more important than the clothes, lol. Anyway, Luca is the technical designer who puts the designs into action.
James Campbell is Grace's Harvard Business School-educated boss and sweet on her. Nancy Strang is the formidable head of fashion design and James' boss. Buckley is Nancy's admin. Javi is a senior designer. Akeyo is a model.
Saffron is a new fashion company where Moira will be an assistant, Chase and Eleanor are assistant designers, and the investors are Suzanne Billings, Michelle Epstein, and Max Grundwald (his wife, Julia, raves about the designs; her friends include Sophie/Sophia, Joyce/Joy, Maria, Janice, and Gwyneth). Hedda Lang is the formidable daughter of Lionel Lang, the owner of Solomon's, a venerated and fashionable department store chain. Agnes is her assistant; Claude is the accounting guru. Aaron De Castro is the senior fashion buyer for Solomon's.
Noemi is James' personal chef and followed by Jean-Luc. Amelia had been the wonderfully inspirational nanny. Gianni, an old friend of James' mother, works at GQ. Tatiana works at Second to None, the best consignment store in the city. Catwalk is an online fashion magazine everyone wants into. The Gansevoort Hotel is too fabulous for words.
The Cover and Title
The cover is an intensity of color where a sweetly dressed Grace is holding hands with a casually dressed Tucker standing on a country road with their backs to us, absorbed by the view of the plains before them under a lightly royal blue sky with their own Midwest aurora borealis above them. The title is angled across the top third in a scripted white with the author's name at the name in a pale yellow that complements the three lit candle pillars, two at their feet and one in Grace's hand. Just looking at this cover is enough to soothe and bring peace to my heart.
The title is where Grace finally finds herself, in her Heart Land.

Although I received a copy of this e-book in exchange for a review (via netgalley), all opinions remain my own.
While there were parts of this book that were very predictable and clique I still found it very heartwarming and fun to read. It was a sweet book and wonderful story line. Stuart had a way of making lovable characters who made you want to root for them, despite their flaws and shortcomings. You wanted to see them win. Even when you saw a loss coming and you knew what was going to happen, you cheered for them and hoped you were wrong.
This is another one of my mom's "popcorn romance" books. Light, fluffy without too much for your brain to work on. Great for summer poolside reading.
Plus it had a little bit of God thrown in there too which is always good for this Jesus girl!

Contemporary Christian romance from a new-to-me author that is heartwarming and delightful. Grace Klaren thinks she has finally made her dream come true. A small town girl with fashion on her mind finds her way to big city New York with plans to become a big name designer. She left her true love Tucker whom she'd known since childhood to chase her dream. But after six years of working at a top of the line fashion house her dreams comes crashing to an end when she is fired. Going back to Silver Creek Iowa is the last things she wants to do but at this point she has no choice.
Filled with lots of laughter and few traces of tears, this was a touching story of learning that sometimes what we want isn't what we need or what will give us true happiness. Grace learned the hard way that there is no place like home. She also regained her relationship with God which she had lost when her parents died in a freak winter storm car accident. I loved Gigi she was exactly what every person wants their grandmother to be like. Gigi's group of elderly friends was a hoot and added a wonderful, supportive dimension to this romance. Tucker was the perfect gentleman, and he definitely knew how to romance a woman.
Hoping to see more from this author.
**I received a complimentary copy of this book from Howard Books through NetGalley. Opinions are mine alone. I was not compensated for this review.

This charming story was so interesting and enjoyable! Ms. Stuart provides the reader with a fascinating tale of what it means to go home even when there is nowhere else we can go and how to pull ourselves together to live again. This story focuses on Grace who lives and breathes fashion. Grace lives in New York, but due to circumstances must go home to small town Iowa where everyone knows everyone. In Iowa, she stays with her grandmother and together they mend Grace’s life back together. Hunter, an old friend, reappears in her life. Will Grace make it as a fashion designer? Will Grace be able to make it back to New York or will the small town life become her haven? This book was entertaining and charming! I highly recommend this book!
***I was given a free electronic copy of this book from the publisher. This is my honest opinion. Even though I received this copy free, this is my own opinion.

I love a small-town romance, and second-chance romances are also at the top of my favorite reads list (yeah, it’s a long list but there are certain tropes I don’t pass up). Kimberly Stuart delivers both of the above (and more) in her latest book.
When Grace’s big plans for her future success in the design industry crash and burn, she returns to her Iowa hometown discouraged and disheartened. With the help of her grandmother and friends, as well as a man from her past, Grace fights to find her footing in this new reality.
Grace annoyed me a little bit at times. She’s so focused on success and making a name for herself, she jumps right into an opportunity without taking any time to think about the repercussions. Perhaps that’s simply naiveté, but after her last experience in NYC, I would have liked her to be a little more gun shy before pulling the trigger on the next one that comes along.
And why did no one else have any words of warning for Grace? Tucker tried to emphasize she was the shining star and hinted at his concerns but never outright stated them.
That aside, Tucker is a calming presence among Grace’s tumultuous thoughts and emotions. I appreciated the guy liked to tease, showcasing his sense of humor, but also remained steadfast and confident around Grace.
Then there are the grannies. These ladies are what made this book so thoroughly enjoyable with their playful bickering and sage advice. The epilogue is the perfect ending to this story.
Overall a quick and fun read (perfect for a weekend or a day at the beach or pool) even if you’re wardrobe leans more toward Target and Kohls than designer.
Disclosure statement:
I receive complimentary books from publishers, publicists, and/or authors, including NetGalley. I am not required to write positive reviews. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

I think that Heart Land by Kimberly Stuart is quite possibly one of the sweetest books I have ever read and I adored it!
Heart Land is about Grace, a twentysomething from Iowa who has been working at a premier fashion house named Milano in NYC for the past 6 years. She has been a design assistant the entire time, but her hope is to earn a promotion to her dream job of designer. When the presentation with the head of design doesn't quite go according to plan, Grace finds herself back in her small town of Silver Creek, Iowa where she has yet to come to terms with a few things. She reconnects with a boy she dated named Tucker while there, and when things with her career start to turn back around she must decide if she will stay in her hometown or end up back in New York and break Tucker's heart... a second time.
Even though the author blurb tells me that these stories Stuart writes are only intended to make readers cry once - maybe twice, that is not what happened for me. I teared up SO many times that I highly recommend having a box of tissues close by. Grace lost her parents as a teenager, and having lost my own mother, parts of this book regarding her loss hit me really hard. I also grew up in a farming community in Minnesota so being from the heartland was yet another connection I was able to make.
Christianity and God are also woven into this novel, but not in a way that it will overwhelm you if that isn't your thing. Although I believe in God and I consider myself a Christian, I don't really enjoy reading books that discuss god. I like to keep my fiction fiction and stay away from books that discuss religion too much. The bit that is in this book didn't bother me at all, and really did add to the story since Grace's faith was tested (and kind of lost) when she lost her parents. There is VERY minimal discussion about God, faith and the Bible; something I think someone could glance over if they aren't interested or it makes them uncomfortable.
I seriously think that Heart Land would make THE perfect Hallmark movie; that's what it read like to me and since I love those movies I think it just gave me yet another reason to love this book. It actually also reminded me a little of Sweet Home Alabama in the aspect of big city girl goes back to her small-town roots, and a boy - now man - from her past. It's not exactly the same, but I got a similar vibe.
The imagery that Stuart creates in this book is breathtaking, and I could picture absolutely everything being described right down to the colors of the sky. She is such a fantastic writer, and the flow was simply wonderful. So wonderful in fact that I finished the book in a day, under 4 hours to be exact! So, this is definitely a fast read as well. The only reason I didn't give it a full 5 stars was because I found Grace to be a bit dense sometimes even though she is almost 30 years old.
Final Thought: Heart Land is positively endearing, and I think anyone from the heartland is going to be able to appreciate it. I especially recommend if you are a fan of Hallmark movies - if you hate them this might not be the book for you. Beautiful story, fast read, and a gorgeous cover make this a winner for me and I cannot WAIT to read more of Stuart's novels.

You know that old saying, life is what happens while you're busy making other plans? That's Grace's current situation. With her big dreams of a fashion career in NYC lying in tatters on the floor, she returns home to Iowa, and to a world she never thought she'd inhabit again. Between running into (quite literally) the one that got away, recovering from a broken dream, and figuring out how to build a new one, she has a lot of big decisions to make.
It was fun to follow Grace's journey. In the end, this story is built on three things: humor, faith, and love. Really enjoyed this story.
More detailed review posted as a guest post on Brooke Blogs... link below. (Also linking to another short blurb on my own blog.)
I received a complimentary copy of this title from Net Galley and the publisher in exchange for my honest opinions.

Grace is living her dream in New York. Working as an assistant to one of the top fashion houses, she is just biding her time until she can become a designer. All her hopes and dreams come crashing down, when she not only manages to impress the big boss, but she also gets fired. Embarrassed and running out of funds, Grace does the one thing she was hoping never to do. Move back home to Iowa with her Grandmother Gigi. Especially when it means seeing her her ex-boyfriend, Tucker again after she broke his heart.
I loved getting to know Grace and seeing how she interacted with Gigi, Tucker and the whole town. Even though she had hurt Tucker years ago, he didn’t really hold that heartbreak against her. They seemed to fall into an easy and loving relationship without a lot of extra effort. I enjoyed seeing their romance begin to blossom. I could relate to what Grace was going through. It’s never easy admitting defeat, trying to start over again, or figuring out if your dream is worth continuing. As the days pass and she seems to get her footing, opportunities arise that could help her design career. But will it be something she actually needs? Or is what she’s searching for right in front of her?
Heart Land was such a sweet story full of love, faith and truly finding yourself. I thought it was the perfect summer read. It reminded me of Sweet Home Alabama in way.
Everything moved at a nice pace and I enjoyed the bits of humor and banter sprinkled throughout the story. The small town drama was also kept to a minimum which I appreciated. This was my first time reading anything by Kimberly Stuart, but hopefully it won’t be the last time.
RATING: 4 out of 5.

Heart Land was a sweet and romantic story about second chances in life and in love. I was pleasantly surprised at how much I connected with the main character and I quickly came to love her personality as well as her grandmother's. The characters were well developed and the story was entertaining and full of romance. I was drawn in instantly and loved the pacing of the novel as well.
Heart Land was a really cute and fun read. It kept me guessing and was full of emotional roller coasters. The characters from Iowa were by far my favorite portion of the novel because I just loved the camaraderie and joy that they brought to the story. I would highly recommend this to readers who enjoy contemporary reads. Thank you to NetGalley and Atria for sending this novel in exchange for and honest review.
Rating 4/5

It seems to me that I can either spend a lot of time quilting, or a lot of time reading, never both. Recently I’ve been working to finish up several quilting projects (and start others), so my reading time has suffered. Sometimes I hit a reading slump, and it’s hard to get interested in something. Both of these have happened at once, so I haven’t read much for the past couple of weeks. But I did finally finish another off of my summer reading list.
Heart Land by Kimberly Stuart wasn’t what I expected. It’s my first book by this author, so I really didn’t have any way to gauge how the story might go.
Heart Land opens with up-and-coming fashion designer Grace Kleren on the eve of all her dreams coming true. She has a big presentation the next day, and she knows her boss is going to love her designs. When it doesn’t go like she hopes, Grace has a slight meltdown, and gets fired. She ends up having to leave New York, and return to her hometown in Iowa. But while she’s there she starts to realize all that she left behind—including her high school love, Tucker. Sewing with her grandma’s vintage fabric, Grace finds her footing again in the fashion world. When she has the chance to realize all her goals, will Grace leave it all behind again? And will she find what she really wants in the big city?
At first I really enjoyed this story. Grace is a great lead character, and I thought the plot was unique. I always love reading books that go into detail describing fashion. This one was beautifully written, and I could almost feel the luxurious fabrics in my hands! Gigi was a hilarious character, and the story was definitely made better by her and her sidekick, Goldie.
I was really loving this story, and couldn’t guess what was going to happen. I was excited to see how it would turn out. But the last several chapters just really fell flat for me. I was so disappointed in the ending. I thought the main plot was just left dangling with no clue about what the future might hold. I was also confused about the side story between Grace and Erin. I thought that could’ve been developed better.
Overall, this was a good book. It did have one of those happy, gushy endings that we all love to read, and it did really hold my attention for a while. But it felt like the ending was kind of rushed, and it left me wondering what’s next. It’s not a book that I would tell you to run and buy right now, but if you like this author already, you’ll probably enjoy this one.
I received a copy of this book through NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

I hate not loving books because I feel like I don’t do them enough justice when I’m not freaking out about them. I think I’ve been stuck in a “they’re okay” rut for a bit and sadly this book didn’t break it.
Heart Land is a very sweet country romance story about starting over and second chances. Tucker and Grace’s story is so freaking sweet. It’s lighthearted, romantic, cute and forgiving. I truly don’t know why I didn’t love it. It has the perfect ingredients but it fell a little short for me. I was able to put the book down at any moment which for me is a bad sign because it means I’m not caught up in it. It just felt a little bland for me, like it was missing something.
I didn’t fall in love with either of the main characters (although I did love Gigi a little because she’s so freaking sweet). They were just okay, they’re really not bad. Tucker is extremely caring and sweet, he has a heart of gold and is always wanting to make people happy. He is just so pure. Grace is an adequate heroine, she’s passionate and I loved that. I felt her personality a little weak, there’s nothing wrong with that, I just found that I don’t match with those characters.
Overall, this book is really good. If I had to describe it in two words they would be lighthearted and romantic. Kimberly Stuart is a really good romance writer, I truly recommend this book. If you’ve read it let me know your opinion because I’d love to read someone else’s imput on it.

I read Heart Land in a single sitting. I had a five hour train journey ahead of me between two cities, and I tuned out to the person listening to music way too loudly next to me, and fell into the world where there is a small town girl who has big city dreams – but a love interest who part of that small town to stay.
Heart Land was a simple, straight forward romance, and there is nothing wrong with that. It might not have been a mind-blowing experience for me. Yet, there is something lovely in a romance being sweet, simple and adorable as well!
I absolutely loved Gracie’s creativity, and how she can work with whatever is thrown her way. If there is a job to be done, she will do it. Deadlines? Easy-peasy. Limited material? Somehow, she will figure something out. I’m all for people who are passionate about what they do and strive to be ambitious within that field. I know nothing about fashion at all, but I was able to enjoy it and get swept up in the rush of the fashion industry too. Gracie is the kind of girl who makes her dreams come true based on determination and hard work.
I think the setting was done pretty well. The descriptions didn’t really come from describing the look of the city, but the atmosphere instead. The small town was established based on the speed of the gossip traveling, the number of lovely old ladies and how everyone knew everyone from birth to their current age. I felt like the city side of things could’ve been developed a bit more – we don’t really get to see the city lifestyle outside of the fashion industry. But that’s just a minor thing. A book can’t possibly have it all!
Tucker was just the sweetest, most kind-hearted and lovely country man I could ever meet. He was a true gentleman. He was in fact, maybe a little too good at times. He was a bit too perfect to be real but hey, I don’t mind that in a nice romance from time to time. I felt like Gracie was sometimes undeserving of his wonderfulness, but that’s okay as well. She was busy figuring out what she wanted. He was just living his life, so he didn’t really have much room to steer as wrong as she did.
The religious theme was interesting? I didn’t really expect to see it at all! Don’t fear about it being pushy or preachy or anything, because it really isn’t. It’s only mentioned briefly from time to time. I was surprised at it being mentioned at all, but I did like it. It was a nice minor inclusion, and kind of fits with this small town atmosphere. (I’m NOT saying religion is only for small towns, and not cities. Just to make that clear.)
The writing style was nice and descriptive, but not overly so. It was simple and straightforward, quite like the story. I liked it, because it matched and worked well here. This was a lovely train journey read!
Relevance to today: Relationships definitely aren’t easy, especially when there is one thing you want, and the other partner wants something else. You might be perfect for each other in every other way but want different things in your life. I think this book does a good job discussing what the possibilities are in that kind of situation and how it could affect the relationship you have.

Heart Land is a tender, sweet, loving, heart touching story. One that you will remember for quite a while. It is one of love that was lost and now that may have a second chance. It is a wonderful gift given to us the readers - from the author - it is a story of choices - will she make the right decision? Will they listen to what the LORD has for them? This book basically boils down to is where is home? Is home where the money is or where your heart is? Where is home for Grace? Where is your home?

Summer is the perfect time to spread out a blanket on the beach and pick up a fluffy, feel-good romance. HEART LAND by Kimberly Stuart is the book you need this summer. Think, Sweet Home Alabama: The Midwest Version. So basically, Sweet Home Iowa. As an Iowan myself, I jumped at the chance to read a book about Iowans, set in Iowa, and written by an Iowan. Go Hawkeyes.
Ok. So I LOVE books that are set in Iowa or have characters from Iowa. But they always seem to follow this kind of narrative: Main Character is made for more than their small town. They move to the Big City where they are finally able to blossom and grow. Personal growth stories are always great to read, but this kind has always left a bad taste in my mouth. What’s wrong with small towns? What’s wrong with staying in your small town? Some people may need to go to the Big City, I’m not denying that. But not everyone does. Some of us can flourish just fine in our small towns. And I’m over-the-moon that HEART LAND doesn’t fall into this type of story.
I think this is also part of the reason why I didn’t find Grace all that relatable for the first few chapters. Her feelings of superiority over her hometown and her classmates who stayed there were upsetting at first. Stuart made me love Grace, her passion, and, ultimately, her love for Silver Creek.
Now can we talk about how dreamy Tucker is?! I’m not gonna lie, in Sweet Home Alabama, I was all for Patrick Dempsey over Josh Lucas (sorry.) In HEART LAND, there’s not really a prominent triangle but Tucker plays the Josh Lucas character and he wins. He just wins.
The faith factor was also an unexpected and not completely unwelcome aspect to HEART LAND. Tucker and Gigi are both devoutly religious, to the point where Grace teases them about praying and church. Grace’s journey back to Christianity and finding faith in her life again is another part of the journey she goes down during her time in Silver Creek. If you’re looking for a Christian book that isn’t preachy, HEART LAND is perfect. And if religion is something you’d rather not read about, it’s a small enough part of the story that you should still be able to read with no problem.

Heart Land's description was accurate and misleading all at the same time. I won't go into details on what was misleading because that will probably be too much information/spoilers. But I will say that I hate when this happens--when I read a book and realize the description wasn't entirely accurate. Just tell me the truth without trying to doctor it up. If there are details you don't want to put into the description then leave them out entirely without misleading me.
Grace has been living in New York and working at Milano for 6 years I believe. That's a long time to be doing a job without promoting even if one has been all but promised to you. And it is kind of a long time to be stuck in the denial stages about certain events of your past.
Grace wasn't always the easiest character for me to read. I didn't relate to her in many areas. I've never been hugely fashionable. I don't fault those who are, but that's not me. I wear what I like and what I feel good in, but I'm never going to pay $700 on a handbag or a pair of shoes. I'm way too practical for that. I don't care how good they look, how nicely crafted, or what designer dreamed them up. And the issue that I usually take with fashionistas is their tendency to judge others for not being up to their standards. As an adult (no longer in high school), I am so far beyond carrying about the clothes that others are wearing or what they think about the clothes that I wear. When you're in high school there's so much conformity and it is so important (or at least you think so) to wear the "in" thing, but after that you're thrown into a melting pot of people with completely different tastes. And everyone likes different styles and we're all okay with that. Until you stumble upon someone so absorbed with fashion that they feel the need to judge and look down upon what everyone else is wearing. It annoys me. So this part of Grace's character annoyed me as well.
Another way that I don't relate is that I don't like the city. I grew up small town. But it isn't just that, so many people in such a small space drives me nuts. I even dislike traveling to major touristy places because I dread being surrounded by so many people. Grace's love for New York wasn't something that I understood or something I could commiserate with her. But her biggest reasons for wanting to be in New York were more about running away rather than running to anything.
I hated her boss even early on. I liked Tucker, but I felt like too much of the blame for their relationship issues both now and in the past were placed on Grace. He could have made some different decisions then and now. I loved Gigi with everything in me. And most of the characters of Grace's hometown. However, I felt like Grace was really gullible and the conflict could have been seen from space. I wish there would have been more action of her part to salvage things when they went back there at the end, but legally I guess I understand that probably nothing could have been done. Some of how things wrapped up was just a little too easy for story purposes and not entirely believable to me.
Favorite quote:
-"First of all, do not self-pity. It's unattractive in strong women,"...
I was completely and utterly surprised to find a spiritual message in this book as it wasn't marked as Christian nor was that in the description. But I was beyond happy to see it included. The entire book wasn't about this message so you could still enjoy the book even if that's not your thing. There's something so appealing to me about a story with a moral that isn't preached at you. However, I did find Grace's lessons a little easily learned in the telling of them rather than showing her faith journey.
Heart Land was a fun and quick read for me, but it wasn't without flaws. I found the description misleading. I didn't connect to the main character as much as I would have liked. But I can't say that I was surprised given the fashion stuff was a major part of the description. I enjoyed the Christian aspects thrown in. And I loved Tucker's generosity and personality even if I wish he'd done a bit more to step up when the conflict arose. All in, Heart Land gets 3.5 Stars. Have you read Heart Land? What did you think? Let me know!

Grace Klaren can't believe she is back in Iowa! She worked so hard in the fashion world and made her way to a new life in New York City and now it's all gone. She started at the bottom of the fashion ladder and worked her way up with years of hard work. Does she get rewarded for that? Nope, she finds herself unemployed with the bills that are piling up and she can't pay them! She figures she just needs to regroup and returns back home to Iowa to her grandmother who raised her. I really like Grace as she is strong and brave and doesn't let anything hold her back. She's a fighter and keeps on keeping on no matter how hard life may seem at that moment. HEART LAND is a wonderful story of second chances in love and in careers.
When Grace gets home, she is embarrassed and ashamed of how her life has ended up. She quickly runs in to Tucker, her high school boyfriend, thanks to her grandmother Gigi. While helping Gigi at a local flea market, selling dresses that Gigi made, they come up with a great plan. With the help of the the ladies in town, they develop a new fashion line that becomes an overnight sensation. HEART LAND is filled with life lessons as well as how a town gets behind one of its own and does anything to help. Kimberly Stuart really knows how to write about family drama, heartbreak, and forgiveness. I have never read anything by her before but now I can not wait to read more by this wonderful and heart tugging author. I have many of her older books to read and that makes me so happy.
HEART LAND finds Grace trying to decide if she wants to stay in Silver Creek, Iowa or find a way to get back to New York City. She is torn and struggling, not just with this decision but also about her past and letting go of it. All of Kimberly's characters feel genuine and relatable and put your emotions on one heck of a roller coaster ride. As you are reading, you will find yourself cheering for all of them, praying they can work out their problems and be happy once again. Once I started reading HEART LAND, it was very hard to stop! The twists and turns made it impossible to put down, as I had to know what was going to happen to Grace and where she was going to end up.