Member Reviews

Absolutely love this book! Being from NC, this book has all the southern charm one would expect from a story set in Georgia. A close southern family, ghost and quirky characters. This is definitely a cozy read and keeps the reader entertained from start to finish. Grab a glass of sweet tea and enjoy!

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Southern Comfort is a mystery cozy featuring Quinn Bellandini who runs a family owned B&B. The story consists of a wide array of characters and suspects.

I enjoyed it at first, but got a little frustrated when it came to the portrayal of the police. I don’t enjoy a story that makes the cops bumbling idiots. In this case, I couldn’t see why Quinn would be a suspect in a murder where the blood on her clothing was on her back. If she was the murderer, it would be on her front. But hold up. I was wrong. The author explains why she is a suspect. More layers to this story than I expected. The victim was a bit of an ungrateful, entitled cad. He was not beyond getting physical. And more than once, he had been on the receiving end. Still the police have enough evidence to charge Quinn’s friend leaving it up to her to find the true murderer. Quinn plays private investigator as there isn’t enough money to hire a real one.

What I liked about it was the various locations Quinn went to and how she went about getting the information she needed. The romance subplot is not overwhelming, although, it felt high school to me. My first impression was that a woman of her age should have her act together by now. And yet, I also know that when thrust in certain situations, you do tend to revert to who you were. She still had unresolved issues.

I wish there could have been more time spent in the B&B with some quirky guests and their stories. Maybe in the next novel.

All in all, it’s a good who done it.

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Quinn Bellandini leads a pretty average life and her days are filled with running her families B&B with her sister (Delilah), grandfather and her dead great-uncle Frank. Set in the beautiful backdrop of Savannah, GA, as readers we get to stumble along with Quinn as she tries to figure out who stabbed her friend's (Drew) ill-tempered brother in the back. The author (Caroline Fardig) skillfully weaves an who-done-it where the reader, along with the heroine carefully fit together the pieces that tragically lead up to the victim's death. Like any good murder mystery, the cast of secondary characters included in this first entry could all be possible suspects and it was enjoyable to guess ahead (trying to zero in on the suspect). The author added some mild romantic elements with very little drama associated with it. The conflict that revolved around the romantic entanglements were too easily resolved and this element could have added another juicy layer to the mystery. Overall, a good read.

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Quinn and Delilah are sisters who run a B & B in the South when Quinn finds the chef/owner of the restaurant next door, murdered. Belieiveing that she is a suspect, Quinn, who has NO investigative background whatsoever, decides to do a little investigating on her own. As all of this is going on, Tucker Heyward, homecoming king from their high school days 15 years ago, comes back to town, and is determined to woo her.

I have to admit, I came into this book worried it would just be mediocre. It was a really good book! Downside? Quinn was NOT my favorite person. She so thoroughly bumbled the investigation at times, and her 15 year grudge, in defense of her sister, who was long over it, was a bit much. Beyond that though, the plot was interesting, the dynamic between Quinn and Tucker was believable, there was a dash of ghostly help, and who can turn down a story entrenched in southern hospitality?

Thank you Netgalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review

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As a huge fan of Fardig’s Java Jive series, I was excited to discover she had a new book in yet another new series out. I was even more excited when I realized it was equally as good!

Southern Discomfort focuses on sisters Quinn and Delilah as they attempt to sleuth their way through a murder mystery in order to clear not only Quinn’s dear friend of the crime, but herself as well. As they bumble their way through their investigation you can’t help but cheer them on. They’re just every day women doing slightly less every day things. Meanwhile their strong personalities and “take no crap” attitudes make them easy to root for.

I loved how Fardig weaved her story together. And I was actually surprised when the case was solved. Hadn’t even seen that big reveal coming.

Thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the review opportunity. I can’t wait for the next Southern B&B Mystery to come out!

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Funny and charming who done it. It was a quick read but sweet, and there was plenty of guessing as to who the criminal was, and thankfully it wasn’t the obvious answer.

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Great start in a new series! I loved the banter between the Bellandini sisters. Several giggle - worthy moments! Looking forward to the next installment in the series and "seeing" more of Uncle Frank.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of this book, which I voluntarily chose to review.

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I received this book as an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This was my first time reading anything by Author Caroline Fardig. Southern Discomfort is the first book in a new cozy mystery series. Now I must say, as a lover of cozy books and Hallmark's Mystery channel, I was super excited to dig into this new adventure.
This story is set in Savannah, Georgia ( which if you know anything about Savannah, then you know it is one of the most haunted cities in America.) The characters were very likable although Quinn frustrated me a little bit with her antics. The pacing in the book flowed very well. "Southern Discomfort" had all the elements needed to make it a wonderful cozy mystery! I cannot wait to read more from this author and I intend to read her Java Jive mystery series in the very near future. 4 stars.

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This book was okay. The mystery in the book was the part a enjoyed most. I found it well written. However, I felt so much relied on the mystery that the romance of the book fell flat. This cost this book 1 star for me. It was poorly developed and unbelievable. It felt rushed at the end. I had several suspects throughout the book and I did figure it out before it had gotten to the point in the book, however, I didn't find out so early in the book that it made it unenjoyable. Overall, I thought this book was worth reading for the mystery alone. I could have done without the goody-goody main character and her flat boyfriend-interest.

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*I received a free copy of this book which I voluntarily chose to write an honest review for.
What a great start to a new cozy series. Meet Quinn who runs a B&B with her sister and grandfather while their free spirit momma floats in and out. Quinn is just too sweet for her own good using impeccable southern manners and also believing the good in all. She goes to apologize to a friend only to find his brother dead instead. When the cops imply she's a suspect she begins a bumbling comical investigation that none the less pays off in the end. Great characters, nice setting, and a good mystery to follow so I recommend it to fans of cozy mysteries. I really enjoyed it so I give it 4/5 stars.

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Great start to a new mystery series! Delilah and Quinn are two sisters who are running the family B & B with their Grandpa when their friend, Drew’s brother, is killed and Drew and Quinn are suspects. I really enjoyed getting to know these characters, and Grandpa Sal added the perfect touch! I can’t wait for the next books in this series!

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The 1st book in the Southern B&B mystery series. Quinn and Delilah run their grandfather’s B&B in Savannah. In this first book, Quinn stumbles upon a local restaurant owner’s dead body. The dead man’s brother is a friend of Quinn’s, and the prime suspect in the murder. Quinn decides to do some amateur sleuthing to prove her friend’s innocence and catch the killer.

A charming cozy mystery set in one of my favorite Southern towns. Colorful characters, including a helpful spirit. A solid mystery with a little humor and romance. I look forward to reading more of this series.

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If you like a sweet cozy novel, you'll love this book.
Quinn and Delilah run the family B&B in Savannah. They've lived their lives there and love it. Everything's great until Quinn sets out to visit a friend and unexpectedly finds her friend's brother's dead body. Her friend is arrested and Quinn & Delilah set out to find the real killer.
I've read other books by Caroline Fardig and always enjoy her writing.

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Southern Discomfort by Caroline Fardig is the first book in the Southern B&B Mystery series. I absolutely loved the Southern setting. Savannah, Georgia comes to life in this charming B&B with the Bellandini sisters, Papa Sal, and others. This colorful cast of characters, featuring Quinn and her sister Delilah, must figure out who killed a local restaurant owner. His brother (and Quinn’s friend) has been arrested for the crime, but Quinn knows he’s innocent…and she isn’t about to stand by while he sits in jail.

The mystery had a great twist at the end. The characters really brought this story together. I loved the touch of paranormal hinted at as well. I thought I had things figured out, but I didn’t. That’s always the sign of a good mystery. I enjoyed this one and overall rate it 4 out of 5 stars. I will read the next in this series.

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I am looking forward to the next book in the series. The main character seems a bit clueless with men, for her age. I'm interested in reading more about the main character's sister. Love the city and reading about it.

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I think I am a country girl at heart and this title caught my attention. This was my first time reading this author and I was not disappointed. A wonderful and quirky book. From start to finish it took me 8 hours because I couldn't stop reading it. I loved this book and the title. I can not wait to read another book by Caroline Fardig.

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Set in Savannah, Georgia, this new cozy mystery series featuring two sisters living with their magician grandfather and possible the ghost of Great Uncle Frank while running a B&B had great appeal.

For the most part, I had a good time with this one. There were many things I loved. Quinn and her sister have been raised by their grandmother and former circus magician, Italian grandfather with their hippy mom in and out of the picture. They still live in the big house where they grew up and it’s now a B&B. Quinn does the books and cooks the most delicious meals- I mean, I was so hungry reading about them and grateful the recipes are included in the back- while Delilah and Papa Sal have their own responsibilities. The ghost of Uncle Frank is a subtle aspect that Delilah and Papa Sal believe in, but not Quinn. Quinn and her girl band together since high school and just a bunch of friends enjoying doing sets at the local bars, now. There’s the hint and then start of a romance. I also loved the setting of Savannah.

I did have a few niggles. They weren't big, but I suppose they will sound that way when I describe them.
At first, I was okay with Quinn's snarly issues with Tucker moving back across the street, but it got old. She is under the impression that he was just a dumb jock and bullied her sister back in high school (15 years ago, no less) though Delilah and everyone else tells her that he didn't and she's got him wrong. He is so sweet and patient through her rudeness though I was glad he didn’t let it slide completely. It was a big relief when she finally got a clue.
I also struggled with how several of the characters seemed to be overdrawn or at least, they seen this way because I was getting it all from Quinn's perspective. The police detectives played obvious good cop/bad cop, the murder victims wife was a drastic mean girl (though I had my suspicions why and I was totally right about that), Tucker's ex was a nut job, and even Quinn went all Kojak on people to get them to tell her what she wanted to know.

The mystery had a nice twist at the end and I was totally off in my guess. I thought it was fun to see Quinn and Delilah trying their hand at detecting particularly when it came to the 'hot fish' episode and with the bookie and the food reviewer. And, though I quibbled about the way Quinn went about her solo detecting work with some folk, I also thought it was more authentic that she made these blunders since this was her first effort. I knew what was going on with Drew blowing hot and cold while Quinn was busting butt to get them out of trouble and I wanted to give him a swift kick to let her in on his secret. Delilah and Quinn's band mates helped keep it real for Quinn and I loved this, too.

So, this was a fun, light cozy. I'll definitely be watching for the next installment in the series and have no trouble recommending it to others.

I rec'd this book from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.

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The first in a new series by the author. I had read her Java Jive series and found them entertaining. This one not so much. Perhaps it was because I chose it for light reading after finishing a deeply moving, well written book. It definitely is light and almost juvenile. The action is only moderately interesting and the character development was lacking. 2.5* rounded to 3.
Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for an eARC of this book.

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I enjoy this author's Java Jive series.
This one is similarly entertaining.
No one wants to be the person who stumbles across a murder victim. They certainly don't want to be considered a suspect.
The in and outs of solving the murder are quite interesting.
A fun read.

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Savannah, Georgia is a great setting for this historical B&B story. Sisters Quinn and Delilah run their grandfather's operation and are vested in the community. When Quinn's friend and restauranteur Drew's brother is suspected of murder, he thinks they should look into it. I enjoyed all the bits of southern charm and family dynamics in the beginning to this new series.

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