Member Reviews

This is a great debut mystery for the new Southern B&B series. I loved this book !
I hope this book is the first of a long series. Quinn Bellandini owns a bed and breakfast in Savannah along with her grandfather, "Papa Sal" and her sister Delilah.

It's not long before Quinn happens upon the dead brother of her good friend and restaurant owner Drew. Drew is arrested for the crime, and Quinn is sure he is innocent. Quinn takes it upon herself to find suspects for the police. Quinn and Delilah are new to investigating and make several funny blunders along the way.

This book was such fun with the Southern culture, the Southern location and characters. I couldn't put it down! I didn't guess the ending and enjoyed the well crafted sleuth. Great story! I received a copy of this book in exchange for my own opinion. I look forward to many more visits to this great cozy mystery series. Well Done to the author.

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Southern Discomfort by Caroline Fardig is the 1st book in A Southern B&B mystery series, and a great start. I have enjoyed Ms. Fardig books for years, especially the Java Jive Series, which made me sad when it ended. In this series Quinn and Delilah Bellandini are two sisters who run their grandfather's bed and breakfast in Savannah, Georgia. When Quinn and her friend find a body, they become suspects and Quinn is determined to get to the truth. I found this book to be a quick read, with well developed plot and and characters. I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series. If you love fun cozy mysteries like I do, than I recommend this book.

I received an ARC copy of this book from the author for an honest review.

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I loved this story! Quinn and her sister, Delilah decide to do some sleuthing when their friend gets arrested for murder. Confident that the police have the wrong guy, the sisters team up and successfully search for and find truth, in more ways than one. This is definitely a "chick book". It's light and fun and has a great satisfying ending. It was hard to put down - I highly recommend it for recreational reading!

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First I would like to thank Random House and Netgalley for allowing me to read and review this book.

Although I enjoyed the play between Quinn and her sister Delilah, I had trouble connecting to the characters until almost half way through the book. There were some interesting aspects of the story that will make me come back to read more books in this series, the neighbor love interest and the ghost.

All in all I did enjoy the story and I will look for more books from this author and in this series.

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Quinn Bellandini and her sister, Delilah, operate a B&B in Savannah. When she went to visit her friend, Drew, she found the dead body of his brother, Jason. Now Jason was not the most popular person in this tiwn, but police still feel there enough evidence to indict Drew. Quinn gets involved in clearing Drew's name, but her name ends up on the suspect as well. On the positive side, there are plenty of interesting chaacters, a number that were barely introduced which makes me hopeful for upcoming entries in this series. Also the plotting, story flow and dialog were all good. My only quibble would be the trope of the heroine disliking the guy who is obviously going to be the love interest. Awkward and overdone. But that slight misstep, didn't slow down the pace. It's a quick and fun read....and one I am hoping will have a sequel soon.

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Caroline Fardig, has made my favorite authors list with her upcoming release of Southern Discomfort.

You get an engaging mystery with elements of paranormal and romance and a surprising twist at the end, I was totally enthralled thought the story. The author really digs deep and shows you colorful fun love characters that you are rooting for way before the end and the story and the story setting is just fabulous.

I really enjoyed this story because this Quinn is not your typical mystery sleuth, she is thirsted into helping her close friend and herself from being convicted of murder. She first has to get up the courage and then she has to figure out what she has to do to in order to find the real killer since the cops are only looking surface deep in the investigation.

Will be posted on on 4/11/18 along with, facebook and twitter.

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I really enjoyed Southern Discomfort. Set in atmospheric Savannah, Georgia, it has everything a cozy mystery should -- great characters, a good mystery and even a mystery solving ghost. When a good friend of B&B owner Quinn Bellandini's is charged with the murder of his restaurant partner brother, he begs her to help him clear his name. What follows is a series of mishaps, warnings from police, and Quinn's realization that she is clueless at being a detective. The mystery is not clear-cut, and there are several layers to the story.

Southern Discomfort is the first in the Southern B&B Mystery series, but I hope it won't be the last. I liked seeing Quinn come into her own as the book progressed and look forward to more of her adventures.

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are solely my own.

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Quinn Bellandini has opted to help her grandfather by working with her sister Delilah running the family B&B in Savannah. She also has been told by Delilah and her grandfather that her deceased Uncle Frank is there to lend aid as well. So when she discovers the body of the brother of her friend Drew, she feels that she needs to prove his innocence (clearing her name as well - the police seem to think they were in it together).

The characters of Quinn and her family were fun and I look forward to more of her adventures, but some of the other characters need some additional dimension. The story was fun!

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I enjoyed reading this new series by Caroline Fardig. I have previously read her Java Jive series, which I really like. This new series does seem to have potential!

What I found lacking, or just off, was the small amount of time Quinn actually spends working at the family B&B. At the beginning of the story, we hear all the details. Once the murder happens, it's as if the B&B hardly exists. Gone are any of her responsibilities & the guests. I would have liked to have seen more of that interwoven with the story.

All's well that ends well, especially with cozy mysteries, & this one holds true. I had no idea who the killer was until they were about to be revealed, which is quite appealing to me in a mystery.

Thank you NetGalley, Random House/Alibi, & Ms. Fardig~

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I first discovered this author through her Ellie Matthews series. Her new series Southern B&B mysteries is very different in that it is a cozy. I like her Ellie Matthews series better because it has more grit, but this one is an enjoyable read. Will defiantly give the next one a try because I want more info on Uncle Frank.
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I got this via Net Galley to read and review. I'm familiar with this author, and I was excited to find out that she had a new series. I really enjoyed her Java Jive series & her Lizzie Hart series! However, I didn't enjoy this one as much. It's still a good book, but not quite as fantastic as the other series. I'll still read other books in this series, if it continues, because I'm sure it'll get better. I adore her other books and I have high hopes that I'll end up loving this series as well!

Thanks again to Net Galley & all for the chance to read & review!

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A very light-hearted murder mystery. I found the first half of the book unfortunately predictable and a little slow, but the second half picked up and I was actually surprised by the final outcome. A good beach read or just when you need something light.

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This is a great book with a wonderful story and well developed characters. The story flowed very well and was very enjoyable. This book will keep you reading long into the night and you will not want to put this book down until you finish. This was such a great read and full of surprises. I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader’s copy of this book. The free book held no determination on my personal review.

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Princess Fuzzypants here:
Savannah seems to be the location of choice in the last two mysteries I have read. This one is a new series by an author I enjoy and it definitely has “legs”. Quinn and her sister run the family B & B. There is the grandfather who basically raised them when their hippie mother was MMIA- Mother Missing In Action. There is also the ghost of an uncle whom Quinn cannot see but there is hope for her by the end of the book.
A close friend is jailed for the murder of his chef brother whose body Quinn discovered. She thinks she is next on the arrest list so decides she should investigate since she believes the police are fixated on her friend and her. Those who have read previous reviews will know I am not a big fan of supposedly smart heroines doing stupid things. Quinn manages to avoid the trap in spite of being terribly ham-handed in her investigations. Despite many a stumble, including the near destruction of a potentially good romance, Quinn comes up with the answers- just in time for the true murderer to aim a gun at her.
I became quite fond of Quinn and most of the other characters. It is a good mystery with lots of twists. The reason behind the murder was a surprise even though the villain was a character of whom I was suspicious. It was doubly satisfying as it both caught me off guard despite having an inclination.
I give it four purrs and two paws up.

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Southern Discomfort is a cozy mystery filled with intrigue, tragedy and laughter. A new cozy mystery series for this author that’s off to a good start. This is a new author to me.
Quinn Bellandini and her family own and operate a B&B in Georgia, but when she visits a friend’s restaurant, she finds his brother has been stabbed to death in the kitchen when she literally trips and slides through the pool of blood. Now that she has blood on her, Quinn and the victim’s brother become the prime suspects. After much investigation, the police arrest the brother, but Quinn knows he not a killer. That’s when she and Delilah set out to prove it.
I have to admit that I found Delilah, Quinn’s sister, a more likeable character than Quinn, because she was level-headed and not indecisive like Quinn. Despite this flaw in her character, she was persistent in her endeavor to get to the truth.
Overall, a good story that kept me guessing until the end.
Southern Discomfort was given to me courtesy of Net Galley and the publisher. My review is based on my own opinions and beliefs.

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When I saw the details of this new series from Caroline Fardig had a Southern setting and a ghost I had to read it. I was not disappointed. Sisters Quinn and Delilah help their father run the family B&B in Savannah along with something extra in the form of their father's deceased brother - Uncle Frank, the ghost. I was hooked. The murdered man was the not so nice brother of a friend of Quinn and she happens to be in the right place at the right time to discover his corpse. Too bad the police zero in on his brother and Quinn as their prime suspects. While the police focus on them, the real killer will get away with it. Not if Quinn and his brother, Drew, have anything to say about it.
Quinn and her sister are a great pair and I have to say I like the character of Delilah a bit more than Quinn. Given that this is the first in the series, that may change with future books which I have no doubt I will want to read. This series has a bit of everything - mystery, family relationships, friendships, a little romance and the paranormal plus a great setting and they all make this a very satisfying mystery. Perfect for a quick getaway from the daily grind. More, please.
My thanks to the publisher Alibi and to NetGalley for giving me an advance copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you netgalley for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I love a good cozy mystery, and I don't read enough of them. This series (I assume it'll be a series!) takes place in Savannah, with Quinn being our hesitant protagonist. I love that Quinn isn't perfect in the slightest — she talks about her struggles as a teenager, she isn't always sassy and badass (whoops Sorry Quinn for using a swear word!) She also isn't already an amateur private eye; we see her first dive into searching for the real killer when her friend Drew is locked up for murdering his brother Jason.

There's an added supernatural element to these books as her sister and grandfather talk to the ghost of Uncle Frank. Quinn is highly skeptical of this. She's also highly skeptical of the guy who just moved back home and lives next door...

There's a good cast here, and I'm excited to see the rest of the series!

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Southern Discomfort by Caroline Fardig is the debut novel in A Southern B&B Mystery. Quinn Bellandini with the assistance of her grandfather and sister run the Bellandini Bed and Breakfast in Savannah, Georgia. Quinn whips up delectable delights for the guests as well as helping with the cleaning chores. One night Quinn stops by Green, the restaurant co-owned by Drew and Jason Green, to speak with Drew. The back door is open, and Jason is on the floor with knife stabbed into his chest. After falling in the blood and contaminating the crime scene, Quinn manages to call 911. Detectives Flynn and King are assigned the case. Detective Flynn is accusatory and believes Quinn aided Drew in bumping off his brother. Drew is arrested, and the police quit investigating the crime. Quinn knows Drew is innocent and sets out to pursue the truth with the aid of her sister, Delilah. Who disliked the unpleasant Jason Green enough to slay him in his own restaurant? That is just what Quinn intends to find out in Southern Discomfort.

Southern Discomfort is a new series for Caroline Fardig who is the author of A Java Jive Mysteries. I was never able to get drawn into the story. I felt the author failed to properly set the stage for her readers with the setting or with the characters. We are given few details on the main characters or the B&B. We are given lovely descriptions of Savannah (I would love to visit). The main problem was Quinn. I kept hoping she would grow on me, but she did not (I did plot some good ways for the author to do her in). She had a chip on her shoulder (regarding Tucker and incident that occurred in high school), judgmental, naïve at times, loses her temper frequently and easily, and wishy washy (she is a contradiction). I found myself cringing at some of Quinn’s comments. Sal, Quinn’s grandfather had a good attitude and his magic act sounded entertaining (also unique for a B&B). Delilah seemed grounded and more realistic. I enjoyed her interactions with Uncle Fred, the resident ghost (Sal’s as well). I would have enjoyed Southern Discomfort more if Delilah had been the main character with Quinn as her sidekick. There was a hint of a ghost in the story, but it was in the background. I wanted more of Uncle Fred (the resident ghost). He provided some good insight into the mystery. Solving the crime is not one that can completely be solved because readers are not given all the details until right before the reveal. Those people who read a significant amount of mysteries will have no problem predicting what will occur (two little nuggets of information give it away). There was a lack of action in the book (there was Quinn asking questions and I wanted something more). I felt too much time was devoted to Quinn thinking and speculating about the mystery and Tucker. Let us not forget the cliché nasty detective (Detective Flynn). The reason for Quinn returning to the restaurant and discovering the body was slim and farfetched. I think there should have been less focus on Tucker and the romance between him and Quinn. As you can tell, I was not the right audience for Southern Discomfort (my mother, though, found it funny—as you can tell we have different reading tastes). To see if Southern Discomfort is the right fit for you, download a sample from your favorite retailer. Happy Reading!

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This book was fantastic! It was full of secrets, heartache, misdirection, a ghost, and, of course, murder! I love Quinn and Delilah, sisters who are opposites, but have each other's back no matter what. There was an intriguing love match and I can't wait to see where a certain relationship goes (no spoilers).

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I absolutely love Caroline Fardig and this book is a perfect example of why. Can we talk about character building and settings? This book has heavy amounts of both. I just met these characters, yet I feel like I have known them for years. And can you get any better than a Southern B&B...especially when you throw in the fun twist of ghosts! This book is a bit slow to start, but it is the first in a new series, so there has to be some build up and introductions. But once the mayhem starts, it is green lights till the end, and a fast ride it is. I was blindsided by the ending, which almost never happens. Overall, this book was a fun read that kept me reading long into the night because I couldn't put it down! I simply can't wait to get my hands on book number two...hopefully the wait isn't too long.

Thanks Caroline Fardig for another great cozy mystery series to read!

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