Member Reviews

Southern Discomfort is set in the lovely town of Savanna, Georgia.
With a family of two sisters, their New York transplanted Papa and their hippy mom, running a delightful southern Bed and Breakfast.
Their ghost Uncle Frank has a hard time keeping the family on the straight and narrow!
It's the joys of life, confusion of murder and stopping around that makes Southern Discomfort such an enjoyable read.
Caroline Fardig has written an entertaining book! It's the perfect weekend read!

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Southern Discomfort by Caroline Fardig is an exciting first in a new series.
Some of my favorite authors have series about B & B's and this book had all the elements I enjoy.
I am thrilled to add Caroline to my list of favorite authors.

Quinn and Delilah Bellandini are sisters that run the family bed and breakfast. Even though life at the B & B isn't always glamorous, Quinn and D are exactly where they want to be.

When Quinn pays an after hours visit to her friend and chef Drew Green, she has no idea that she will stumble upon a murder and become part of an investigation that puts her at the top of the suspect list.
The victim is Drew's brother, a nasty piece of work who doesn't have a kind word for anyone. Quinn knows she isn't the murderer and she is sure that neither is Drew.
Quinn believes she is making innocent inquiries, but when she finds herself in harms way, she realizes she may be out of her element.

AS a first in a new series, Southern Discomfort is a hit. The characters are well thought out and their personalities work well together.
I am looking forward to the next book in the series.

I volunteered to read an ARC of this book made available by the publisher and NetGalley.

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First- I have NO idea why the cover looks like the book is October/Halloween related, as it isn't! I'm not sure how it got thru the editing process, but definitely a pet peeve, as it might turn readers away from a fun read! This is a cozy mystery book, with plenty of viable suspects to keep you guessing, a little chick lit high school drama resolved romance to make you smile, and a relatable bond between sisters to keep you turning pages to see what happens to them next! it's a super quick read, as I finished it in under 2 hours! This is a fun series, and I hope to see more books featuring Quinn and Delilah! At only $4.99 for the ebook, this one is also a bargain, so don't miss it! Plus you get some yummie scone recipes too!

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A cute and enjoyable cozy mystery. I would be happier without the inclusion of Uncle Frank's ghost. This series does have potential. A light, fast-paced tale.

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<i>Southern Discomfort</i> is a super cute, fun cozy mystery that ticks all the right boxes. Set in Savannah, the author takes the the city’s reputation as one of nation’s the most haunted places in stride by introducing a clever paranormal element to the book that enhances the storyline. Everything is in perfect balance with this story between the bits of paranormal, romance, humor, mystery, and the main protagonist herself. Sometimes cozy mysteries overdo one aspect of the story but this was just right.

The characters are enjoyable. I really liked Quinn, the protagonist. Her use of Southern-isms warmed my Kentucky-girl heart and her polite put-downs made me smile. I even laughed aloud at some points! The sisterhood between her and Delilah is very sweet. And for the bakers out there, the end of the book includes a couple of recipes mentioned in the story.

I think my one criticism would be the book cover itself is pretty subpar considering it’s from a publishing house. If my first impression had been the cover, and not the description, I probably wouldn’t have chosen it. I’ve never read anything by Fardig before but I’m looking forward to in the Southern B&B Mystery series. I even signed up to the mailing list so I don’t miss it!

Note: I received a free Kindle edition of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I would like to thank NetGalley, the publisher Random House - Alibi, and the author Caroline Fardig for the opportunity to do so.

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I'm a fan of other series by this author, and I wasn't disappointed at all in her new one. The mystery was suspenseful, with twists that were surprising. The characters are likeable and quirky, a great cozy mystery combination. I can't wait to hear more from Uncle Frank on future visits.

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Southern Discomfort features Quinn Bellandini and her sister, Delilah, who help run the family B&B in Savannah, GA. As someone who lived in Savannah for many years, I couldn’t wait to read the book. The book did not disappoint! The author expertly captures the charm of this lovely Southern city and creates some very interesting, relatable and colorful characters. When Quinn and Delilah stumble upon the body of a local restaurant owner, they quickly soar to the top of the suspect list along with the restaurant’s co-owner, Drew. However, the decedent had plenty of enemies and the sisters become determined to find the culprit. Southern Discomfort is the first in a new series and I am eagerly anticipating the next installment of A Southern B&B Mystery! . I voluntarily read an advanced reader copy provided to me by the publisher through NetGalley. This did not affect my rating. I have provided an unbiased and honest review.

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I love this series already and hope that it continues. Quinn is a great strong character, who knows when to use her no nonsense persona at the right time. After stumbling upon a murder, Quinn finds herself trying to clear not only her name but her friends as well. She is devoted to finding the real murderer and seeks out the help of her sister, Delilah, and gains a few "unclear" (at the time they are revealed) hints regarding the murderer from an unexpected source.
There were moments when I thought I had it all figured out who the real murderer was, but than a new piece of information would be revealed and I would find myself finding a new suspect. I love when there are twists in a book that keep you guessing and never really knowing who or what it is until the very end. I highly recommend this book!

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This was a fun read, the story and characters kept my attention and left me missing them when I needed to take a break. Quinn is a great character and her antics were both interesting and amusing to read. The story flowed well and the plot was well defined.

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I am a big fan of this author. But in particular it was the Java Jive series that captured my interest. So it was with anticipation I started this book. The book was different with more grit and less of the underlining humor of the Java Jive books. The mystery was more serious. The twists seemed more surprising.. The guilty character was unexpected. I thought the book was great! The B&B was an interesting setting. The mom seemed quite quirky and Uncle Frank was a fun additional. I liked that the sisters did not see eye to eye but backed up each other. But a shy one that wears leather just was totally fun. There were many things to like in this book. I look forward to reading more from this author.

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Southern Discomfort is the first book in Caroline Fardig’s A Southern B&B Mystery series and is a fun and easy read. This is a clean book and is full of humor and Southern charm. Suspects abound and the twists and turns kept me guessing until the reveal. The mystery is well plotted and the characters are well developed and likeable. I’m looking forward to reading future books in this series.

Quinn Bellandini and her sister, Delilah, help run their grandfather, Papa Sal’s B&B in Savannah, Georgia. Quinn is a member of an all-girl band since high school with her friends, Rhetta Turner, Callie Drayton, Pepper Fox called Sister Wildfire and Delilah performs at the community theater. Feeling guilty for a lie she told her friend, Drew Green, earlier that day, Quinn drops by the local restaurant, Green, which is owned by Drew and his brother, Jason, to apologize and stumbles upon Jason’s body. Quinn and Drew are suspects and Drew thinks they should investigate to clear their names; Quinn, however, isn’t sure she’s cut out for interviewing potential suspects or investigating. She has an alibi, her high school nemesis, Tucker Heyward, who heard her singing and playing her guitar at the B&B that evening. Jason wasn’t a nice person and was mean and hurtful to people and in Quinn’s mind, there isn’t a shortage of viable suspects. Drew, whose chef’s knife is the murder weapon and who admitted to having a knockdown, drag-out fight with Jason in their backyard the evening of his death, is arrested. Quinn contacts her mother’s cousin, Deacon Palmer, to represent Drew in his legal battle. Quinn is a traditional Southern girl, who is polite, a talented cook for the B&B, and she always tries to honor her promises, but is out of her comfort zone questioning people and investigating, so when Delilah offers to help her, they join forces to identify the killer.

I received an Advance Reader Copy of this book from NetGalley and voluntarily reviewed it.

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I received a copy of Southern Discomfort by Caroline Fardig from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I was intrigued by the summary and really wanted to like this novel, but it was a chore at times to keep reading because I just did not connect with the main character, Quinn. The storyline was decent and it had flashes where I was engrossed, I just spent more time hoping that a piano would fall on the main character than being fully captivated.

I would try reading another book by Caroline Fardig to see if the series would improve with a different lead character, but I wouldn't recommend this novel.

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I liked the story. However I really didn't like Quinn. She's way too judgey and uptight. Also I'm familiar with Caroline's work, particularly the Java Jive series which I LOVED, but this book seemed very sophmoric, something that a new writer would produce. It didn't have the flow that her other books seem to have.
I gave it 4 stars because I did enjoy the story and the ending was a surprise.

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I really enjoyed this first book in the Southern B&B Mysteries! The characters are likeable. Fiercely loyal Quinn is realistic about her skills - and limitations - when it comes to investigating a neighbor's murder. Her sister, Delilah, is smart, sassy, and supportive of her younger sister. Tucker, Delilah's childhood friend and once-again neighbor, is smart, kind, and misunderstood. Quinn and Delilah run the family's Savannah B&B with their grandfather, Papa Sal, and their free spirit mother, Dixie, popping in from time to time. This story is peppered with humor and Southern charm. The mystery surrounding the murder victim is quite involved, providing several strong suspects. I didn't guess the culprit until the end, which made for a suspenseful read. This was my first book by Caroline Fardig, but it won't be my last! I'm already eagerly awaiting the second Southern B&B Mystery.

I received a free advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Southern Discomfort is a new cozy mystery series set in Savannah where two sisters, along with their grandfather, run the family B n B. Add an old friend/ new love across the street, and of course a murder and you’ve got a good plot. A little slow at times, but a good read and a promising start to the series.

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A decent start to a new series, has some kinks to work out. I'm hopefully the series and the characters will continue to develop through the series.

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Ok, so I really wanted to like this book--I love cozy mysteries and I love Savannah--where the book takes place--but I could not stand the main character Quinn. She was so immature and narcissistic I just couldn't enjoy the book. Quinn seemed more like she was in high school than a thirtysomethibng woman who ran a business. I honestly couldn't read the whole book. After chapter 5 I skimmed my way through and finished the last two chapters. Would not recommend.

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Southern Discomfort is a satisfyingly delicious. A first book in a new cozy mystery series, author Caroline Fardig introduces us to the Quinn Belladini, her sister Delilah, grandfather Papa Sal, the hottie (newly returned home) boy next door Tucker, and other Savannah, Georgia locals.

Being a traditional Southern girl, Quinn Bellandini is polite to a fault, can cook up a storm, and holds herself to the promises she makes to friends and family. When her friend Drew Green is suspected of killing his brother, and Quinn finds herself a "Person of interest" and suspected accomplice, she commits to helping clear her falsely accused friend and herself. Not being much of a sleuth, or smooth talker, Quinn gains the aid of her sister and they're off and hunting a killer.

In the midst of it all of it, Quinn finds that lies, (unknown) truths, and misunderstandings have her questioning her beliefs and herself. But being the Southern girl her grandma raised, she follows through on her promise and finds herself having to figure out her feelings for Tucker, be they love or hate.

I had the opportunity to read an ARC of this first book in a new series and I can't wait to see where Quinn and her friends go from here.

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