Member Reviews

I received an ARC of this book and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.
Werewolf and new PI Knox goes off for some wolf time, time to let his wolf run that is!, and stumbles upon a drug lab out in the country. He attempts to get closer but gets caught and is held hostage and used as a guinea pig for the new "designer" drug.
He does manage to get away and is found by Maggie, a nurse vacationing and camping. She finds the injured man, who was shot while escaping, and cares for his wounds. Knox is having hallucinations from the drug though so all she do is try to keep him calm.
When he is lucid again, he explains what happened to him and they plan on leaving to contact law enforcement. Later, when Knox is resting in the tent, they get company and he recognizes one of the voices as the man who held him and now he discovers that Maggie is the man's sister!
Can he trust her? Is she involved in the illegal manufacturing of drugs? Did she not feel the chemistry he felt??
Maggie is then taken by the brother who doesn't care who he uses to get rich and that is what this new designer drug will do! He has had many schemes, usually illegal, over the years.
Knowing his fellow PI's have different abilities, Knox tries to contact them psychically and though faint, it works. He needs help.
Can Maggie be saved? He is out to the test when Maggie is injected with the "drug".
The book was pretty good although it is a novella and novellas tend to skimp on the story. I thought Maggie and Know were good together though.

Knox is heading home, and stops when he finds something suspicious. Turns out it is a drug making operation, but instead of getting help he tries to find out if he can get a photo. When he gets caught and imprisoned, he is given a dose of the drug, which causes hallucinations and also heightened sexual desire. As a wolf, he changes and makes his escape, but not before being shot in the leg. Maggie, a nurse, is camping out enjoying the wilderness, when she finds a naked Knox passed out nearby. She dresses his wound, and helps him into the tent where they promptly have sex. A little fast, although they blame it on the drug. The story had potential, and I did like the characters. What I didn't like was how fast things happen, and her quick acceptance of him as a wolf. Typical speed with a novella, but still, a bit more detail would have made a more enjoyable book. Would still recommend though, especially if you've read others in the series.

This is a quick novella that has Knox, a werewolf shifter with Decorah Security, in the woods when he notices an odd smell that he grabs his camera to investigate further. Before long he realizes that he could have made a better choice.... Then he meets Maggie, a woman who stirs him to distraction, but whose role he is uncertain of.
This is a sexy quick read that fans of the genre will love. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, however I wish there had been more depth to it to further develop Maggie and Knox's relationship. Put this one on your TBR list. The author is on my must read authors' list.