Member Reviews

This is great cozy with lovable characters that are real. Lots of twists that help hide the villain in this story with a surprise ending or two!

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UNEASY PREY by Annette Dashofy
“Didn’t fall, I was pushed.” — and so begins a painful and frustrating search for those who take advantage of elders, “easy prey . . . or uneasy prey might be more accurate.” Lessons learned from this book include horse terms like “flake of hay” and “lunge her first to wear her down” — and important life lessons, don’t open doors to strangers, don’t judge hastily by appearances, and look out for each other.
I love that Zoe cares about everyone, even those who don’t seem to deserve it, and that everyone in her circle, especially Pete, looks out for everyone else. I did not like that the pushy reporter delayed calling 911; I would not want her to “have my six.” 
People I love, a most intriguing plot, and writing that flows to a gripping ending made this a most satisfying book. Here’s a favorite bit of description, “Without wind to swirl the stuff, the snowfall created a translucent screen.”
I’m sad that it’s over, though parts are still replaying in my mind, and I can hardly wait for the next one. All main points are resolved (important to me; I hate cliffhanger endings), but there are threads that will lead on.
Will Zoe and her mom learn to be nice to each other? Will the farm get fixed up enough to work for horses and for Zoe? Has Pete’s dad (like son, like father, “you dog, you”) found a happy new home and lady friend? I hope so. I LIKE these people and wish them well.
A part of me wants to move to Pennsylvania and keep horses. Thanks to this book, I can do so vicariously.

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Kindle Copy for Review from NetGalley and Henery Press

I received a free, advance copy and this is my unbiased and voluntary review.

A series of burglaries where the elderly are targeted takes on a new light when an old woman ends up dying from a fall down her basement steps. Her friend Zoe a paramedic arrives at the scene and tends to her but that she did not fall but was pushed. Before she dies she mentions that she was pushed and dill not fall. Zoe is not sure since the fall might have confused her friend’s memory.

Seems bogus utility workers find a way inside these old people and scope out the place before returning when they are not home. Soon it hits closer to Zoe as her former landlady is on the list. Will she be able to stop these criminals before someone else dies? All is not what it seems in this small town.

An enjoyable read with not what you initial thought would happen.

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Zoe is part of the ambulance crew and when they go out on a call, she recognizes the address. This elderly lady has fallen before and needed help. The problem this time is that she is beyond help. They try to keep her alive and she tells them she didn't fall, she was pushed. When she dies at the hospital it turns into murder. They also think they know who the killers are. They have some burglars that steal from old people that they haven't found yet. This might have been a burglary gone wrong.

Henery Press and Net Galley let me read this book for review (thank you). It will be published on March 27th.

This is a story of family needs and money. People get desperate and desperate people do bad things. It's sad when need exceeds love but it does happen. Zoe almost dies in this adventure. I never imagined the killer would turn out to be it was.

Zoe and Pete love each other but they are still working out where they will live. When a reporter is in town working on the story, she flirts with Pete. Zoe doesn't like that. With that in the background, a thirteen year old boy who keeps getting in trouble for fighting, and looking for the killer both of them have plenty to do.

It's a good mystery but the story is a bit sad. None of the people involved needed to die. Sometimes life isn't fair.

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