Member Reviews

Pieces of her, I’d describe as an unputdownable action thriller. Andrea - Andy - is a 30 something woman who seems to have no direction in life. Andy had moved back in with her mother - Laura - while she (her mum) recovered from cancer. On Andy’s birthday her mum takes her to lunch where a gunman starts shooting in the cafe. Laura’s only concern - saving Andy - she takes on the gunman and kills him saving her daughter and others in the cafe. Laura then goes from overprotective mother to telling Andy she has to move out that night and make something of her life. That night everything changes for Andy she is told to run, to go to a storage locker and run and wait for her mum to call to tell her it’s safe to come home.
Andy runs and soon discovers not all is what it seems when it comes to Laura, who is she?
An amazing read that is hard to put down!

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Always an entertaining read with, as usual, an excellent plot and well thought out characters.
One to keep you awake at night.
Many thanks.

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I must say I am a huge fan of Karin Slaughter, whether it's a part of her series of books or a standalone I am normally thoroughly absorbed with her books...until now! For some reason this book just rubbed me up the wrong way! The synopsis kind of gives you the idea as follows:-

"What if the person you thought you knew best turns out to be someone you never knew at all . . . ?

Andrea knows everything about her mother, Laura. She knows she’s spent her whole life in the small beachside town of Belle Isle; she knows she’s never wanted anything more than to live a quiet life as a pillar of the community; she knows she’s never kept a secret in her life. Because we all know our mothers, don’t we?

But all that changes when a trip to the mall explodes into violence and Andrea suddenly sees a completely different side to Laura"

Well all I can say is that by the end of the third chapter I wanted to slap the hell out of the character Andrea. She made me feel like she was a slightly spoiled and at times slow on the uptake woman. The idea behind the story was good and as the story unfolds flipping between the current time with Andrea and the past with her Mum I could see that the idea was a great one...for me it just wasn't executed not because of the writing, but because I just didn't particularly like any of the characters, To be fair the last quarter of the book was more well paced and things unfolded in a way that made you want to read more.

Sadly for me the dislike of the main characters was the first hurdle and I just couldn't gel quite as well with the story and writing as well as I usually would with this author. Overall an okay book, but not one I would return to unless I literally had nothing left to read!

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Could not put this down. I was hooked from start to finish. This is everything you would want from a thriller; fast paced and twists and turns aplenty! Bring on the second in the series! A very strong 4 stars ****

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I usually love Karin Slaughter books, but despite many attempts I just couldn't get into this one. I struggled with the long chapters and even though some sections did get my heart racing overall I wasn't invested enough to continue. DNF at 30%

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Another brilliantly written, cleverly plotted thriller by Karin Slaughter. Very brutal and gory in parts but gripping, taut and such a page turner of a book. Great characters and full of twists.

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A gritty, gruelling story about a mother and daughter with plenty of secrets. This is a standalone but could easily become a series.

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Karin slaughter always delivers and ‘Pieces of Her’ is no different. An phenomenal story and excellent characters as always!

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Wow! A great book.
I did find it was quite wordy which isn’t my favourite thing in a thriller. I prefer short punchy chapters but overall was a great book.

I’m looking forward to reading future books from this author also.

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This is my first Karin Slaughter book, and I discovered, after reading this, she's a really busy lass! I chose one of three I had on my Kindle…it's a bit of a lucky dip, I reckon, when an author has written so many books. Did I choose the best one as an introduction? Will it encourage me to read more of this prolific writer? It seems I did choose well.

This is a fast-paced, psychological, crime thriller and gripping from the start with the tragically violent shooting in a café in which mother and daughter, Laura and Andrea, are caught. The event leads to an unfurling Andrea could never have imagined, leaving her to question just about every part of her mother's life. Laura's past explodes into the present like a grenade.

The characterisation is strong: characters to love, characters to hate, characters to pity, characters to admire. I have to admit Andrea is a tad irritating at the start: she's a bit…bland. Aimless, ambitionless, living in her mother's, Laura's, garage. At 31, she really makes you want to shake some life into her. But the attack in the café forces a turn of events that alters Andrea big time. Talk about character development!

Slaughter writes an exhilarating, addictive, suspenseful and unputdownable thriller. I'm already on my next one by this author!

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Karin Slaughter is a consistently great writer, and whilst this book wasn’t one of my favourites of hers, it was certainly far from a disappointment.
The storyline twists and turns while being delivered over two different time frames, that of Andy, and then her mother’s life years ago.
I thought the characters were well written and believable, which helps you engage with the story.
Overall this was an enjoyable read that I would recommend.
Thanks to NetGalley, Harper Collins UK and Karin Slaughter for allowing me to read this book in return for an honest review.

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I've been a fan of Karin Slaughter's writing for a long time now, and theres something about the way she puts a story together that always hits exactly right for me. Until now.

This book just didn't have that usual sense of suspense and intrigue that I had been expecting, leaving me a little disappointed. That's not to say it was a bad book by any means - it was enjoyable enough and I followed the plot easily enough but I wasn't excited about it. I wasn't anxiously awaiting the next time I could sit down and read it. So in comparison to what I've experienced of the author so far, it was a let down.

Hopefully I'll have more luck with the next one and this was just a one-off.

Big thank you to netgalley and the publisher for the review copy!

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I absolutely loved Pretty Girls and The Good Daughter and it is no surprise that Pieces Of Her is another great standalone by Karin Slaughter. Its starts with a bang and although it slows down a bit after, I thoroughly enjoyed the story and build up. I had a few light bulb moments where things started clicking in my head before anything was revealed, which I always love. A clever story where everything was brought together nicely.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for a copy of this ebook in exchange for my honest review.

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I enjoy Karin Slaughter books and this was a great read. A very different storyline which had me hooked. Andrea is out for lunch with her mother when a local boy comes into the diner shooting and threatening people. Andrea's mother confronts the boy and the result shocks her. This leads Andrea on a journey of discovery, who is her mother?

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I could not finish this book. I was just incredibly bored and never wanted to pick it up. Its a shame because I have loved a lot of Karin Slaughter's previous books but this just didn't do it for me. I got halfway through and admitted defeat which is unusual for me as I am completist (when it comes to books)! I usually always finish a book even if I'm not enjoying it. Really sorry but I just can't give it any more than 1 star.

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I usually love Karin Slaughter books but unfortunately this one just didn't do it for me. I couldn't get in to the story and found it difficult to keep up with.

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Unfortunately I really struggled with this book. All the jumping from present to last was too much for me. I was unable to relate to any of the characters and despite much effort I had to give up.

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It was ok. Not her best. She has moments of brilliance but can be very up and down. On the whole it was enjoyable.

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I'm a huge fan of Karin Slaughter and was very much looking forward to reading this book. I did however struggle at times and found it hard to connect with the central characters. Overall a good read but not her best best work by far.

Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for an advance copy of this title in exchange for an unbiased review.

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I received a digital arc of this from netgalley in exchange for an honest review. It has been sat on my kindle for ages because it is such a long book and I knew I needed to set time aside to get into it. It wasn't badly written but there was just something about the way it was written that didn't suit me. I don't know what it was. The whole plot line didn't really excite me either. There were just too many characters and aliases for me I think. I will give this author another go though and try one of her other books but I guess not everyone loves every author.

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