Member Reviews

My thanks to Harper Collins U.K. for the opportunity to read and review this novel in advance of publication.

I have loved Karin Slaugher’s novels for some years including her series and more recent stand -alone novels. Once again she has written a novel that grabbed my attention from the outset and held it. Her characters are very vivid and while flawed (there were times I was yelling at Andy for some choices she made) very easy to care about. There were also quite relevant themes linked to aspects of business and politics.

So yes it certainly is bound to be topping bestseller lists. Given the plot I would recommend readers avoid spoilers. I would guarantee it will be a thrilling ride.

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With thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for the book in exchange for an honest review.
Pieces of Her is a masterclass in storytelling, written by Karin Slaughter. The book is a totally engrossing read, the best parts are the way the story goes backwards and forwards to 1986 and then 2018 and you suddenly realise what the book is about.
I will let the next reader find out for themselves.
Highly recommended.

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Andy (Andrea) sees her mother Laura commit a public act of violence and cannot reconcile this with the woman she knows. After further events, Andy goes on the run to find out exactly who her mother is.

Up to now, I've only read one Karin Slaughter book that I haven't liked (The Good Daughter). I love the Grant County series but unfortunately this one was more in the vein of TGD. I found it difficult to have any empathy with the main characters and, although the flashback chapters were more interesting than the contemporary ones, that's not saying much. Having read Pretty Girls by the author earlier this year, which is a nail-bitingly compulsive read, this one fell a little flat.

Thanks to NetGalley and publishers, HarperCollins UK, for the opportunity to review an ARC.

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A perfectly written book by Karin Slaughter.
A Daughter uncovering her mother's past, plenty of lies, secrets, twists and turns to keep you captivated.

Not my favourite from the author, but definitely worth a read.
Thank you netgalley, HarperCollins and Karin Slaughter for allowing me to read and review this book.

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I was really excited to start this book by Karin Slaughter, set in the 1980's and the present day told in two parts.

This tells the story of mother and daughter, Laura and Andrea, who whilst out together are caught up in a shooting in a coffee shop. Their whole life is turned upside down and Andrea soon realises her life as she knew it was a lie.
A bit of a slow starter it soon picked up pace and kept me reading until the end.
Thank you to the author, Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read in return for a review.

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I had high expectations of this book as l have always enjoyed this Author and l was not disappointed a real complex tale told in retrospect and present lots of characters needing concentration but great storyline and worthy of 5 star ⭐️

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I love Karin Slaughter and have read all her books. This book was slightly slow and repetitive in parts but a rollercoaster most of the way through. Took me a little longer than usual to get into than her other novels but once the pace picked up I was hooked and very much look forward to her next one. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the chance to review it.

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Wow! What an absolute gem of a book this is!

I have to admit to finding it a bit difficult to follow initially but I am so glad I persevered, because what a book it turned into.

It is very well written with a very clever plot. It is a thriller that will keep you turning the pages and make your heart beat just that bit faster. Suspenseful, intriguing and compelling.

Don't think about it, add it to your to be read list as soon as possible, you won't be disappointed!

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When I got this from NetGalley in exchange for a review, I was so unbelievably excited. Way too excited for a normal person. I **LOVE** Karin Slaughter! Her books are the highlight of my reading calendar.

I knew going in that I would love this book, however, I didn't realise I would love it this much! It is full of twists and turns, and suspense, and emotion. There's humour. There's 'eh?' moments. You can't put it down because something is always just about to happen!

In Pieces of her, we meet Andy: a thirty one year old sponger, living in her mum's garage, working a job she doesn't particularly like, and generally not having much direction in life. And then we have her mum Laura, who has survived cancer, got a professional, established career in speech therapy and wants more for her daughter than what she currently has. On Andy's thirty-first birthday Andy and Laura experience one of the worst things you could in today's world- a mad man shooting up the restaurant they are having birthday breakfast in. What happens next changes Andy's perception of her mother forever.

Karin's writing here is as excellent as usual, she weaves her words so we can get into the mind of the characters right from the start. We know what Andy is feeling when the gunman enters the breakfast diner and wreaks havoc on those innocent people, we can feel the pain Laura is feeling when Andy has to rescue her in her own home. The violence is graphic, the descriptions all to real. It is scary but thrilling and you just want to read a little bit more before sleep. Then a little bit more in your lunch break. When your boss has to remind you that there are still 4 working hours left in your day, you know it's good.

With The Good Daughter (Karin's last standalone) I wanted more once I'd finished - in a good way, I really wanted a series from it. I feel the same with this. Karin's standalone's are AMAZING, but as a series?? Yes please.😊

I would say this is my favourite read of 2018 so far. It's heart wrenching and it's raw.

Oh and Pieces of her is also being developed for television.... just, yeh, that! 😊

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Laura is the mother who will do anything at all for her daughter. The lengths she has gone to become more apparent as the book progresses and I found her character to be really psychologically interesting. I found that the sections of the book that explored her life were by far the most thrilling.

By contrast Andrea is the daughter who really doesn't know her mother at all. she is quite an immature character, drifting through life with no real ambition or purpose. She is reactive, rather than proactive, and this becomes all too apparent when she is forced to go on the run after "a very bad thing" happens to her and Laura. Whilst on the run she discovers more about her mother's past and her own childhood and this brings more danger into her life.

A Karin Slaughter book usually grabs me from the first sentence, squeezes my heart, constricts my lungs and ratchets up my stress levels until I almost can't take any more. Reading her books is akin to riding the most exhilarating rollercoaster known to humankind. This book did grab me at certain points, but there were also a lot of slow sections and I'm surprised to note that this took me 4 days to read. I would still recommend it though, because it's Karin Slaughter!

Thanks go to the publishers and net galley for the advanced copy in return for an honest review.

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As always, Karin delivers a masterpiece! I wa hooked from the first page ‘til the last! My only compliant is, Karin needs to write more quickly...I need another book, soon!

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Another standalone from Karin Slaughter so although it’s very different from the series, it gives her a chance to explore less criminal issues and more human and Psychological ones.

This one gets inside the head of a mother and her daughter. When, following a shooting at a local restaurant, the mother reacts in a way no one expects least of all her daughter, there’s a lot of questions to be asked. Who is this woman? Who is her mother really and what made her into that woman she kept hidden from her family?

Imagine if you were that daughter. What would you do, how would you feel etc? Well there’s a lot of insight and consequences wrapped up in this exploration of the question. Less thriller as you might expect from Karin and more Psychological thriller

The scene setting is not really a focal point of this novel apart from the fact that this has to take place in a fairly small seaside town in America. Somewhere without a real name or identity so the action can unfold. Somewhere you might return to to be with your mother, and then to find answers. An outsider in a small town.

Fast paced and nicely done. the last third of the book is payback indeed.

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Having read The Good Daughter by Karin Slaughter I was looking forward to this book and think it's even better which I wasn't sure it could be, really glad to have got that wrong. Andy (Andrea) is the only daughter of Laura and looks to Gordon her step Dad and her Mum's ex as her real Dad as he is the only father she has ever know. She returned home from New York which had never really worked for her to help look after Laura when she was diagnosed with Cancer, that's what I thought cheery start but don't be fooled it is anything but what you'd expect because the drama starts very quickly when a gun man lets loose his load where mother and daughter are have a spot of lunch on Andy's birthday. So obviously this is a birthday that will never be forgotten and a life that will never be the same. In order to protect her 31yro girl Laura steps in between the gunman and Andy and ends up killing the Gunman. Then things escalate very quickly as the body count increases and the clueless Andy has to learn more about life in a week than the whole of her previous 31 years. That also includes who she is and well you need to read it because this is one of the best thrillers to come out so far this year in my opinion that is. I'm very grateful to NetGalley for my copy and whatever they are charging on release it more than worth it. This thriller will keep you going right up to the last page and it will be impossible to predict even for those that cheat and jump to the end because without the rest of the story you will not have a clue what is going on as it twists and turns doubles back and then takes a new path. Don't take my word for it you really need to read it and every page., Well that's my thoughts anyway.

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A great read with lots of twists and turns. It tells the story in two parts what was going on in the eighties and also current day. The only reason I gave this four and not five stars is that I found it a bit slow to get into at first. This is the first book of Karin’s I’ve read but I’ve just bought the good daughter to read next.

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Karin Slaughter does it again. Always brilliantly written, this is one of my favourite books this year. I loved reading about the mother\daughter relationship.

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Im used to Karin’s books being rather more sinister like Pretty Girls or The Good Daughter, you won’t find that with Pieces of Her. It’s more of a thriller that swings from past to present telling an intricately weaved story of a mother and daughter relationship

The alternating chapters from the past and present let you slowly piece together the story and its eventual outcome. .

Pieces of Her is a slow burn but is still a page turner.. . Just when you think the chapter might be dragging on too long, Karin changes the direction of the story and the characters involved so you never can predict the next twist.

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I spent the majority of this book confused and lost. I'm usually fine with flashbacks but in this case it made me confused, there was so many characters and stories to keep track of.
The last 20% was probably the best part. Everything coming together and started making sense for me.

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Bring a big fan of Karin Slaughter, I was very excited to receive ‘pieces of her’ and I was not disappointed.

This is a thriller about the relationship between a mother and daughter and how much you really know about a person.
Laura and her daughter Andrea have a very close mother/ daughter relationship, but are also very independent women.
An incident takes place during a birthday celebration that leave one of the pair frozen in fear, and the other deals with the incident with calmness, defusing a dangerous situation with the authority and precision as someone who was military trained. This leads the other to wander how much she really knows about the other.
A fast paced and exciting book, which kept me hooked all along. A brilliant stand alone novel.

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What an amazing convoluted book ; I just loved it. The past aligning with the present made it possible to make initial guesses of what had happened but the story itself developed in a way that new aspects kept arriving which made me rethink time and time again. The characters are so well described that they are real people covering the full gamut of society from ultra rich to relatively poor, strong characters and weak ones all intermixed with a highly emotional charged story. A fantastic author with the ability to string along until the ver6 end of the book.
L intermixed

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What an absolute pleasure it was to read 'Pieces of Her'. A race against time,a conspiracy plot,a family drama or a daughter trying to understand her mother,the story was all of these and more.
This is one of the best Karin Slaughter stories I have ever read ,it is involving,emotive and resonant.
Andrea(Andy)has her turned upside down when her mother and her are involved in public incident. The witnesses who filmed it send it into a viral frenzy that alerts people who have been searching for Laura,Andrea's mother,for thirty years.
Neatly moving back and forth between Andrea and Laura's stories,between past and present,each woman is piecing together who they were and who are they are becoming.
Many thanks to Netgalley and Hodder for allowing me to read this in return for an honest review.

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