Member Reviews

This is a stand alone novel from the brilliant Karin Slaughter. The narrative is told from two points of view, the mother and the daughter with the story shifting from present to past. This is an excellent read and fans of the author will not be disappointed. My thanks to NetGalley the publisher and the author for allowing me to read an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Completely fantastic story, gripping and compelling. I couldn't wait to get through this to find out what Lauras secret was, and that ending! Wow!

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Thoroughly enjoyed this book from start to finish. A real page turner. From the beginning I was captured by the characters and fitting them together. A brilliant exciting book

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Brilliant- read in just a couple of days and would thoroughly recommend. Thank you to netgalley and the author for the advance reading

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Karin Slaughter doesn’t disappoint with her latest thriller, loads of action and an underlying mystery full of intrigue. This is a gripping book which you’ll struggle to put down, it has you routing for the lead characters and suspicious of everyone.
Andy has recently returned from New York to stay with her mother, Laura who has just recovered from breast cancer. A seemingly routine trip to the mall finds them caught amidst a double murder and their own lives threatened. Laura manages to disarm the killer and save Andy’s life but how did Laura manage to react in the way she did and commit such an act of extreme violence as though it was second nature?
Who is the mysterious man Andy meets at the hospital whilst waiting for her mother to recover from surgery? Who is the man who breaks into their home when they return?
Events seem to spiral out of control and Andy is left reeling from discoveries she makes that questions all of her past. She becomes determined to find out what the truth is even if it means putting herself in danger.

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I received a free digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Another superb novel by one of my favourite authors Karin Slaughter. I have mainly read the series of novels she has written so was interested in seeing how a standalone novel would work. I wasn't disappointed by this thriller book.

Pieces of her tells the story of Andy (Andrea) who has just turned 31 and who after trying to find a career in New York has returned home to be with her mother as she goes through breast cancer treatment. Initially i thought this was going to be a 'coming of age' or family story, how wrong I was!

Whilst celebrating Andy's birthday in the local cafe with her mother someone starts shooting. Her mother steps in and saves Andy from certain death, but when the police arrive she asks her to say nothing.

From there you are on a wild road of red herrings, murky pasts and secrets that refuse to remain buried. From the shooting and the way Andy's mum deals with the killer, Andy learns her mother may have some secrets of her own. Andy is forced to flee in the night after her mother throws her out, given some clues about locations to visit and people to find, Andy learns her mother has lived a hard life before and only just survived. It then becomes Andy's turn to save her mum.

I don't want to give too many of the spoilers away, but I thoroughly enjoyed the pace of this novel, the twists and turns and the plot was refreshingly new too. A brilliant novel, will be recommending to my book clubs.

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An enjoyable if slightly confusing read. Seems very different to the authors usual style and is very complex in its plot. Perhaps not my favourite but worth a read nonetheless.

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My thanks to NetGalley and publisher HarperCollins UK for the ARC.

What a cracking thriller of a story! Excellent writing, great characters, believable dialogue, and intrigue heaped upon intrigue!

Andrea's (Andy) life just had no direction; living in shared rooms in New York, working 3 jobs to stay afloat and having failed to find work for her artistic talent, she learns that her mother, Laura, has cancer; she dumps her city life to move back home to live in the guest rooms above the garage, and care for her mother.
Laura is a well-respected speech therapist, divorced from Gordon, Andy's step-dad, living beside the ocean.

Six years later and Andy is still living with Laura, who has now recovered. She's working in Police Dispatch. It's her 31st birthday and, still in her uniform, she and Laura are having a birthday breakfast at a diner in the mall. Laura is trying to convince Andy that she could do anything and be anyone she wanted to - to the point where she thinks her daughter should move out now.
THEN.....all hell breaks loose. Bullets are fired, 2 people are dead, Laura protects Andy and, in the process, the gunman is spectacularly killed. Someone has been filming all this and the video is splashed across the news.

Thirty years ago in 1986 Martin Queller, CEO of Queller Healthcare, was shot in the head during a conference in Oslo. He had 3 children, Jane, Andrew and Jasper. Andrew's friend Nick Harp has been involved with Jane for 6 years. They were all at that conference, and all knew the murderer.
Nick Harp is a master manipulator and pulls Jane and Andrew into a world of domestic terrorism aimed at destroying key businesses.

The story is told between 1986 - through Jane, and 2018 through Andy.

Laura has ordered Andy to RUN, giving her details of a storage locker and instructions to head North West to Idaho - not to come home until Laura calls her.

Now, Andy has a direction to follow, but so many questions: did she really know anything about her mother? She is determined to find out and instead of doing exactly as Laura had asked, she follows her own route across the Country to find the answers.

This is an absorbing and complex plot. Expertly woven between the timelines, bringing the past into the present through Andy's search for the truth. Lots of twists, surprises and revelations along the way.

Excellent read!

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Andy has always believed her mother Laura to be a dependable part of her life, until they are caught up in a shooting in their local mall. Andy is drawn into a race against time to uncover the secrets Laura has fought to keep hidden before anyone else gets hurt.
A well developed, gripping read.

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Another great book from Karin slaughter . I’ve read most of her previous books and this one is just as good , full of suspense and a rollercoaster of a ride . Do you really know your own mother ? Maybe they are have secrets that they don’t want to tell

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Andy's mother Laura is a dependable part of her life - until a chance act of violence exposes the lies their life is built on. Gripping and unfolds in a very satisfying way. This is the second Karin Slaughter i've read and i'm moving her on to my 'Must Read' list.

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I've always enjoyed Karin Slaughter's Sara Linton series. This however is a stand alone. The characters are well developed and there are complicated twists and turns with an unexpected twist at the end.
The book moves through two separate time lines which confused me at first, but it worked once I got used to it.
Andrea discovers that her mother has secrets which change her whole understanding of herself and her relationship with her mother.
She had lived a very different life in the past and the book untwists the loss and cover ups until in the end Andrea finds out the truth.
As expected from this author there are crimes throughout the book, lies and twists and turns. The book is a good read and I can highly recommend it.

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I don’t think this is the best book Karin Slaughter has written, but it is easy to read and moves along at a fast pace. At first Andy (Andrea) comes across as a bit of a loser, and a loner, she is thirty-one and has never really had a proper job, and is paying back huge student debt. She lived for a while in New York, staying in awful accommodation and holding down three lowly jobs just to survive. Her mother Laura phones to let her know she has breast cancer, and she goes straight home to help, and stays on when her mother recovers. Their story begins with them meeting for coffee after Andy gets off her night-shift as a police dispatcher. Laura wants to tell her she must move out of the family home, that day. Andy is very confused, but before they can talk it through they get involved in a bizarre and violent incident that happens right beside them, and which they get involved in. Suddenly Andy’s life has swirled out of control, and on her mother’s orders sets off in a race across the country, trying to avoid police and bad guys, searching for a woman who might be able to explain to her what is going on.

There is another story trail, which is closely linked, you realise quite quickly despite a red herring or two, that this is Laura’ s story before Andy was born. This is, at the start, the violent side of the story. Laura, and the group she is a part of but not a truly committed member, get involved in several unspeakable crimes. You can see from the start that they will inevitably be caught. About two-thirds through the book the two stories collide in a rush of violence.

There is resolution of a kind by the end of the book. Andy has, in a sense ‘grown up’, she no longer acts like a sulky teenager. But resolution has come at a cost, to both of them. The book is fast-paced, and is a page-turner, you have to read what happens next, especially when their lives seem to be spinning out of control.

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This was a good read but rather long winded and confusing at times. I liked the plot and got into the storyline more as things unfolded. The character descriptions were well written.

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I was sent this book by mistake I think as I requested the latest one. I tried to get into this book I enjoyed the up to date side but going backwards I found it quite hard to follow and found it a different pace of reading which makes me start to think about other things it just didn't draw me in.

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Thank you @netgalley, Karin slaughter, and HarperCollins UK for the arc of Pieces of you.
I think this is a review of two halves. This book is set in 1986 and 2018. I liked the 2018 paragraphs, pace was fast and and interesting. I was curious to see what was going on. The 1986 section however just seemed confusing to me, I felt for a lot of it that I had missed something. The books alternates between 1986 and 2018, the hard part was each section was about an hour long if not longer, therefore when reading the 86 paragraphs I just felt confused.
I did feel it all came together in the end, but really this is a book I could have put away at any point and not given it another thought.
#karinslaughter #piecesofher #mystery #thriller

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I usually enjoy Karin Slaughter's crime novels but this one didn't capture my attention. I felt the plot overreached a little. I am sure that her fans will still enjoy it though.

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This is my first Karin Slaughter book I have read so wasn’t sure what to expect but I quite enjoyed it. It was fast paced with plenty of action but you have to feel for Andy, finding out things from her mother’s past she has kept hidden. I did think it was quite slow when reading about the mums back story and I nearly gave up but I persevered and I’m glad I did as it ended being a good read. I will look to reading more of Karin’s books.

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I really enjoy Karin Slaughter’s writing style and I am enjoying the standalone nature instead of the series.

The book gripped me from the start and not knowing who Laura was or what she had done drove me to reading almost every spare minute!

I think this book is different from others because the main protagonist isn’t really involved.m, she’s just been taken along for the ride and although she annoyed me at points, you are reminded what she’s been through and I forgave her!

The writing is slick and funny in parts which is all I need :)

You will not want to put this down!

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Another intricately written book by this amazing author. I am a huge fan of Karin slaughter and this did not disappoint. Who is Laura? Can Andy figure it all out before it’s too late? I loved every page of this book and how the various characters were all linked from the first page to the last and how ultimately a Mother’s love for her child can never be matched

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