Member Reviews

I enjoy books by this author & this stand alone did not disappoint. A gripping thrilling read. I would recommend this to anyone.

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Clever and enjoyable sums up this read. Havent read any of Karin Slaughter in a long while but have been reminded how enthralling her books are as found this one very hard to put down and now looking forward to re-reading her back catalogue.

Thank you Netgalley for this advance review copy in return for an honest review.

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This is a standalone tiriller from Karin Slaughter and I could not put it down!
After a shocking incident in a local diner, Andy sees her mum kill a man. She then forces Andy to go on the run, where Andy tries to piece together the pieces of the mum she knows, with what her eyes have seen.
Andy was hard to relate to. She is described as 31 years old, with an unfinished degree, living aimlessly. But she acts like a teenager, living like a slob and being quite clueless!
The back story of her mother's past was fascinating and riveting.
Great book.

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"You’ve known her your whole life…
Andrea Oliver knows everything about her mother Laura. She knows she's always lived in the small town of Belle Isle; she knows she’s a pillar of the community; she knows she's never kept a secret in her life.
but she’s hiding something…
Then one day, a trip to the mall explodes into a shocking act of violence and Andy suddenly sees a completely different side to Laura."

This book had me hooked right from the beginning. It was full of intrigue and I loved the way the daughter suddenly realises her mother isn't the person she thought she was.
I liked the way the story switched between the past and present, and I thought the way the overall story unfolded was clever. It felt like secrets were slowly revealed and as the reader you can start to piece events together.
As characters from the past started appearing in present events I found myself racing through to see how it ends. Having not read much by Karin Slaughter before it's definitely encouraged me to read some more.
Thankyou to netgalley and harpercollinsuk for my copy in exchange for my honest review.

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I loved Andys part of the stor but the 1986 part was slow and not enjoyable. I love Karin Slaughters books but I found this one unconvincing and I struggled to make it to the end.

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I thoroughly enjoyed Pieces of Her by Karin Slaughter, I like this authors style of writing.
A clever book written in the past and present day to enable you to get the whole story of Laura Oliver’s life. Not everything is as it seems. Andrea lives an easy life with her Mum, when one day, everything changes. Andrea finally has to stand on her own two feet and fight to get to the truth. The author does well at writing characters you can love and equally hate.
I highly recommend this book.

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This is the first book I have read from this author so I didn’t really had any preconceived ideas or know what to expect. I’m so glad I read it! Whilst it’s a slow burner, taking its time to unfold, it is worth it. A really well crafted read that I raced through.

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I had read this a little while ago, and when it became available on netgalley, I had to request it for a re-review.

Andrea Cooper’s Mother, Laura who is well known locally and as speech therapist is respected and liked…

Then one day, while,having lunch a violent encounter changes everything….with Andrea in danger, Laura turns into someone else… could she do the things she did, how did she know how to ?

From then Andrea realises she doesn’t know her mother at all……

This is a slow burn of a book, with many secrets and lies to gradually uncover and is an interesting and intriguing read….

Thankyou to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this for free and this is my honest and unbiased review

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Karin slaughter is an author i enjoy, pieces of her was fast paced and an easy read that you will fly through. I loved how it switched between past and present with plenty of twists.

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This is not a book with a surprising twist at the end, there are many of them all the way through. It is an intense and complex reading experience, the reader is hooked on the uncertainties and, at times, feels as uncertain as Andrea does as she contemplates the fact that she actually doesn't know who her mother really is. All that she has taken for granted falls away from her as reality spirals into unreality.

There are points when it seems that good cannot triumph over evil - or at least that those who have at least some shred of decency will not be able to withstand those who lost their humanity. At those times the reader may find themselves to be tense and anxious, being so drawn into this confusing world where the past and the present clash so discordantly. One thing is certain, the reader will still be hoping for a positive outcome and finding it hard to put the book down.

I have never read anything by this author before but from this book, I would judge that the good things I have heard about her work are well founded.

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Pieces of Her Karin Slaughter a four-star read that will surprise you. I am surmised by how much I struggled with this one, I nearly gave it three stars but pushed it over as there were a couple of zinger moments. I have enjoyed this author work so much before I was expecting too much maybe from this one, so do give it a go and see for yourself. The characters are fascinating and will keep you captivated, it has a great story and plenty to keep you guessing, I don’t know what it was missing for me.

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Gripping story of a shy young woman finding out that her life and her mother's are based on lies, murder and urban terrorism and her journey tori d the truth. Ano t her cracking story from a wonderful author.

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Fast paced thriller, really enjoyed the pace of this. The flashbacks were well timed and kept the suspense ramped. There were no big surprises but I liked the complexity of the characters and the overall story was interesting.
I'm enjoying this author's standalone work very much.

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Action packed from start to finish, I really enjoyed Andreas character becoming stronger as she seeks to find out who her mum actually is and why she's suddenly capable of murder as she'll do anything no matter what to protect Andrea
Both have strong characters and we go back to see how Laura became who she was. A really enjoyable book that drew me in from page one.

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Characteristically addictive incorporating many of Slaughter's trademark twists and subplots. Credible protagonists and terrifying antagonists with plenty of intriguing minor characters to compliment the storyline.

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Talk about gripping! Pieces of Her holds onto the reader so tight I was worried it would never let go. Clever, crafty and charismatic, the characters are brilliantly drawn. Despite Laura's obvious flaws, I had enormous sympathy for her. I particularly enjoyed Andy having two parents who loved and cared for her. It made the whole thing more feel and gave it a level of tender emotion in stark juxtaposition to the casual disregard for life demonstrated by others. Slowly but surely the layers of Laura's life are peeled away until we see the woman hiding beneath. This was absolutely absorbing and endlessly engaging. A 5 star read that I would recommend to everyone. Karin Slaughter is a master of her craft.

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As a big fan of Karin slaughter I couldn't wait for this book. Unfortunately I was a bit disappointed with the story and it took me a couple of attempts to finish. The writing was amazing as always but I miss her Grant country stories where we could connect with the characters.

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Karin Slaughter has never disappointed me and this book is no different! An amazing story that whips along at a such a rate that you don’t notice it’s gone dark outside and your legs have gone to sleep from not moving all day. Always a 5 star read....

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Pieces of Her is a standalone book by Karin Slaughter. An author I like a lot. That said, this is a strange one. On the one hand this book is very readable in a way that hooks you in but in a way that makes you think 'is this really what is going on?' Not necessarily a good thing. I know there has been very mixed reviews and I can understand why.

Andy is a young woman in her early thirties. Someone that at her age should perhaps have a better idea of where she is going in life - maybe. Am I being harsh? Whilst at lunch with her mother, Laura, in a shopping mall, a gunman comes in and shoots at two women at the next table, then turns his gun on Andy's mum. Laura amazingly seems to take the situation under control which is no understatement when everyone is shocked. Andy can't believe how her mum reacts and is left bewildered as events unfurl at speed.

Cut to later and things get worse as Andy has to literally go on the run. Pieces of Her cuts between two timelines as we're fed pieces of the story in small morsels. What works? Parts of the story are enthralling and keep the pages turning but parts of it really stretch plausibility to the max. And that's where I'm torn. Andy for me was a pathetic character who just couldn't handle anything, Laura fared slightly better. Getting on with characters is not a deal breaker with me but there wasn't much to like here at all.

Overall, Pieces of Her can be forgiven. Because when all is said and done, I couldn't put the book down, plausibility or not. And it's Slaughter. Enough said.

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My first encounter with Karin Slaughter for some time. A slightly confusing story line as it continually jumps backwards and forwards in time. Despite this it managed to keep my interest through to the surprising end.

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