Member Reviews
I did not read book one in the series, but book two was a good read. I was a little hesitant at first, but really got into it the more I read. Ilke is a professional skier who has to make several decisions after her life gets complicated. Nate the single father and altogether great guy has to learn how to deal with things that are not perfect and are not always what you had planned. The way these two get together and learn about and respect one another is by going through a very difficult experience. What they faced and the emotions that you go through during and after a miscarriage are all over and I can relate to on a personal level. I thought the book was great, as well as other Dani Collins books I have read.
This is Book Two in The Blue Spruce Lodge series by Dani Collins. Ilke, an Olympic skier, finds herself pregnant after a one-night stand with Nate. Her skiing suffers, and she has very disappointing results in the South Korean Olympics. She only discovers why her skiing is ‘off,’ after her disappointing Olympic finish.
Nate is a single dad who is recently divorced. He is the project manager for the lodge. His wife left him for another woman. This is all revealed in Book One of this series. When he finds out about the pregnancy, his reaction is less than ideal. Needless to say, Nate and Ilke finally reach a happier place, only to face a new challenge.
There are some delightful characters in this series, along with a few troublemakers. Nate’s son, Aiden, is precious. Trigg Johansson provides some worthwhile insights as well as some comic relief. Trigg’s mother, Vivien, is another interesting character. Normally, her personality type is very off-putting to me, but Vivien became a character that I enjoyed reading.
There are ups and downs in this book, and the lodge still has a way to go before it is complete, but the reader can see the lodge taking shape under the care of this remarkable team. Likewise, the relationship between Nate and Ilke is also a work in progress, but shows tremendous promise. I loved the way Ms. Collins ended this book. It was satisfying and unexpected.
I’m really looking forward to Book Three... I can’t wait to see what Trigg will face.
It was a little slow getting into this next in the Blue Spruce Lodge series mainly because I am not a fan of repetition. Once It got past the repetition of emotional elements, the story took off and many passionate encounters happen, twisting complicating circumstances for the characters of Ilke ands n Matt. Many questions needed to be addressed and answered with viable solutions found in order for Matt and Ilke to find their way together. I did love the ending!
“From the Top”, the second story in the “Blue Spruce Lodge” series, is another delightful insight into characters we already knew and loved from the first book, featuring Nate, a wonderful bachelor father, and driven skier Ilke. Dani Collin’s writing is superb and her characters fascinating, I’ll always read her books.
I loved the glimpses we’d had of Nate with his son in “On the Edge”, so I was eagerly waiting for his story. His love for his little boy, Aiden, is written in a touching, sweet way in this story too.
I preferred the first half of the romantic plot, when the main characters are dealing with the unexpected pregnancy, but I also liked the developing of Ilke’s character, an heroine who bears emotional scars that match Nate’s wariness and fears.
As the story progressed, I found myself more interested in Vivien and Marvin’s story (it was just lovely through and through, but did I detect a somewhat condescending tone sometimes towards the older couple?) and catching up with Rolf’s barking, German speaking (depicting a character turning into his native language is something powerfully realistic, I adore it) and his German words of endearment to Glory.
There’s a lot of family drama and tension and by the end, I was also completely hooked by Trigg’s surprises, and I cannot wait for his story.
From the Top, Dani Collins
Review from Jeannie Zelos book reviews
Genre: Romance, General Fiction( Adult)
I read the sample of book one and felt I enjoyed the authors writing style, so requested this. Really enjoyed it, might buy book one too when my TBR pile goes down.
It started well, and I thought I knew what was going to happen but...I was wrong. It took a different direction, and I really enjoyed being surprised. I loved Nate, such a great father to Aiden, but his reactions to Ilke's news wasn't great. Then again it was a shock, and Ilke's ideas about what to do were a bit different! I wasn't so sure I liked Ilke at first, she seemed very closed, very cold, but when I knew more about her upbringing my heart ached for her. What an awful thing for a child to have to deal with, and no-one to help her. Its not surprising she has the view that getting close to people hurts,m that you can't rely on anyone else.
Her and Nate are so opposite in so many ways and yet the chemistry between them sizzled, and slowly they were drawn together on a level about just the physical. Once more though the story held lots of surprises, plots took unexpected directions, things cropped up that I just didn't foresee. I love a story that does that, keeps me guessing what is coming next, keeps me reading to see if I'm right.
It wasn't quite a five star read, I'm not sure why, but it wasn't a can't-put-down read, more one that was interesting but still easy to pick up and put aside for later. Still an excellent story though, and the next one – if its Trigg's story – looks fantastic.
Stars: Four and a half, excellent read but not quite the magic five. Trigg next I hope ;-) as that looks to be really fun!
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