Member Reviews

I was really excited to read Undeadly because it sounded like some kind of awesome Harry Potter zombie/reaping book! Totally cool, right? As promised, Undeadly had some awesome story elements, but the book itself wasn't as great as I was hoping.

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I had initially marked this book as I will not give feedback, as I requested/DLs in 2012 and upon a review of my netgalley titles I was no longer interested in this title as my reading tastes have changed since then. In trying to improve my netgalley ratio I have learned that titles marked as not giving feedback do not count as a review. So writing this to thank you for the approval but I will not be reading or reviewing at this time. If that changes in the future I will leave a review on instagram, goodreads, storygraph, and amazon.

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I loved the world that Michele Vail created. It was so interesting! Zombies were a part of everyday life, and they were sort of mummy-ish. Unfortunately, I think the author assumed we knew more about Egyptology than what I actually did. I felt like I should have been taking notes because I forgot a lot of the information we were given at the beginning, and we weren't reminded of the facts throughout the book. I wish we would have gotten to learn more about Molly's world, but she got sent off to boarding school because, it turns out, she's super important. The boarding school part was fun, too, but I wish I would have gotten to see more of the Zombie business her family owned. Also, I was glad that romance didn't figure into the book too much, because her "boyfriend" -- well something weird happened there. I felt like I knew Molly well and understood her, but none of the other characters seemed very real to me. The answer to the mystery at the academy was WAY too obvious, and it made me think Molly was pretty dumb. The final action sequence fell kind of flat for me. I think it could have been more exciting. Overall, I liked reading about a strong heroine who was learning to kick butt. She didn't get overly wrapped up in boys, either. That was nice for a change. Also, there wasn't much of a love triangle, even though this was a paranormal romance. Refreshing.

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I started reading this book and it didn't catch my attention for a bit but sadly I ended up DNF this book. Sorry for the late review.

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*I didn't get around to reading and reviewing this title.*

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I wasn't sure how I felt about this book when I started it. The beginning didn't quite grab me like some books. However, I found myself drawn in and could not stop. I loved this book. This is probably the first time I would complain that the book just wasn't long enough. I kept looking at the page numbers as I got closer and closer to the end.
There was a moment when I wasn't sure the book would come to any conclusions but much of the story was wrapped up without feeling rushed. There was still a number of loose ends that will have to wait for book two but it wasn't done in a way that made me feel like it was unfair (okay maybe just a little but that's only because she introduced a new plot at the very end).
If you like fantasy or supernatural stories then I would recommend it. The character is likeable - vulnerable in a way that doesn't come across as whiney.

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