Member Reviews

Another exceptional story in the Honey series. I loved the intriguing and complicated relationship that Sixx and Stellan had. This was a beautiful, emotional, and raw story told with exceptional details and so much depth. I felt the passion, heat, and all the feelings. So many feelings! Kristen Ashley always pulls me in and makes me feel invested. Loved it!!!

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I read Kristen Ashley to forget the reality – her particular style of writing romances does tend to suck me in, making me feel every feeling under the sky with physical intensity. 

Yet, this addition to The Honey Series – which has been off character for KA already – somehow missed the spot! Now; I am totally open about hot scenes between the MCs; whatever floats their boat; but this book had even me uncomfortable (personal opinion, for sure!).  

Stellan is a character that has been on the forefront in previous additions to the Honey Series, but almost always as a contender to the affections of ladies who are not his to have – so I have not really liked him and he still didn’t make any impression for at least 20% of the book! The way he handled the “game” was just irritating to me tbh; and I didn’t see how he could even begin to understand the demons that Sixx was dealing with.  

But he did grow on me, as their relationship grew for he slowly but surely did start to understand Sixx; and I myself grew to adore how he adored who Sixx was to him and as a woman.  

Sixx is a woman dealing with demons – and I do not say this lightly. But she is also strong, willful woman who has overcome a whole wacky childhood to become a self – sufficient woman who answers nor bows down to anyone!  

 But it was the plot that lacked the actual magic of KA – and it breaks my heart to say this, but this has to be my least favourite KA book of all. I am giving the rating I did, mostly because of who Stellan and Sixx were as characters rather than the story itself.

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An interesting take on BDSM…

This story was another unique entry in the world of BDSM romance. What I thought would happen, didn’t. What I hoped would happen, also didn’t. What did happen was an intriguing courtship where twists and turns were the norm of the day. Sixx and Stellan were another couple that bucked any and all seeming convention to pave their own path….

This story, this series, surprised me in so many different ways and challenged my thoughts on this unfamiliar lifestyle. A series worth experiencing… ~Diane, 3.5 stars

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This was arguably one of the hottest freaking books I have read. Always down for some BDSM, I was eager to jump into the world of The Honey. I'm even more eager to catch up. The Greatest Risk is my first Honey book and not my last. I swear the MM action in this book will have me coasting on cloud nine for months to come. Never have I wanted my own warrior...until this book. I'm trying to figure out how to explain my new "needs" to much husband. LOL.

Seriously all kidding aside, Mistress Sixx and Master Stellan are panty melting. Their tension and lust cause heart rate increases. But Mistress Sixx is my idol. I want to command that kind of naughty fun. I would probably lose my tongue on the floor. This book is hottttttttt!

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5 Stars

WOW! What an amazing finale to a great series. As with any romance from Kristen Ashley, Stellan and Sixx's journey to love captured my heart. A compelling story of two broken souls striving to heal one another, that was emotional, passion-filled, deliciously steamy and super kinky. Stellan was the perfect hero who never ceased in his quest to break through Sixx's walls and claim her heart. Sixx ~ a strong heroine whose experiences broke me. Another must read from one of my favorite authors, with memorable and loving characters that will stay with me, that I highly recommend.

Arc provided in exchange for an honest review.

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I really stink at following up here on NetGalley with my reviews and links, sorry about that.

Stellan, Sixx and a gladiator pit...ummm, yes please! Branch is still my favorite in the series but this one comes in a close second!

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I honestly wasn’t expecting to enjoy – LOVE – The Greatest Risk as much as I did. I love KA but the first Honey book just wasn’t for me and I had to DNF it. I thought I had given up on the series but I couldn’t resist the chance to read KA one more time – and I am SO glad that I read this one. I was swept away by Stellan and Sixx’s story. If you know KA, then you know her books are long-winded, but with TGR, I couldn’t stop flipping the pages to see what would happen next for this fascinating couple. This book won’t be for everyone – it’s erotica/BDSM, but if you’re looking for something that’s unique and outside the box, I highly recommend this one.

“Undeniably mine,” he stated the answer she refused to say. Then he went in for the kill. “Forever, sweetheart.”

Sixx is known as the Ice Princess of The Honey. She’s a badass Mistress that doesn’t let anyone into her heart. She’s got demons and scars from her past, and she’s not about to let them hurt anyone she grows to care for, and certainly not the man she wants but can’t have. But when the man who will become her everything sets his sights on Sixx, there is no way to protect her heart from the onslaught that is Stellan Lange.

“Sweet pussy is worth any hassle. But to earn the attention of a queen . . .” He curled his hand around her jaw and used it to force her to look at him. The touch was dominant, but gentle, and achingly sweet, and when he caught her eyes, he concluded, speaking every word in a way each was laced with steel, “I. Will. Do. Anything.”

I love a good alpha male, and if there’s one thing KA is known for, it’s her alpha males. Now sometimes, they can get a little domineering and overbearing, but Stellan was absolute perfection. I adored Stellan and his determination to win the heart and love of the Ice Princess. He is kind and caring when it comes to Sixx’s heartbreaking backstory, but can be ruthless when it comes to protecting those he loves. He is the perfect Dom for Sixx, capable of handling her need to switch and submit. He’s all in for his queen right from the start, and I loved every minute of him building them the perfect life he knows they are meant to have.

“Be strong for the world, darling, if that’s what you need to be. But here, with me, you can be whatever you care to be.”

I went into The Greatest Risk essentially as a standalone, but I am definitely thinking about going back and trying this series from the beginning again. Sixx and Stellan’s romance held me captivated, their journey towards happiness as beautiful as it is heart-wrenching. My one complaint is that I do wish that the book could’ve explored more of Sixx and her being a switch. I felt like this aspect of her was a bit glossed over when it came to her and Stellan’s relationship, because with him, he was her Master, she was his sub and not a Mistress. But the chemistry itself in this book was a glorious thing. KA knows how to write steam, and she brings her A-game in TGR.

If you’re a fan of the author, I definitely urge you to read this book. I really enjoyed the way KA explored a BDSM relationship between two Doms. She gives her own unique take on the lifestyle, and I’m glad to have read it. I really hope we will be getting more Honey books after this!

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Finally Sixx and Stellan.

I loved many things about this book but there were also as many annoying parts for me as well.

"Stellan finds the one that's worth it, he'll break his back, sell his soul, work his fingers to the bone to win her and keep her."

I loved Stellan but Sixx. Argh! Couldn't see what was right in front of her.

Sixx's martyrness drove me nuts. Absolutely nuts.

... so she could take herself away and do it leaving them happy and whole just . . . without her.

Gah! kill me now. Make it stop. Make her stop. She was like this through 75% of the book.

I hate martyr herones and sadly this was Sixx for the majority of the story. :(

"You are scared freakin' shitless that Stellan's doing it for you, and it's not about a cush mansion and taking elegant cock among the strains of Mozart or however that dude keeps it tight when he does vanilla. It's that you finally got what you want, you have no idea how that feels, it's blowin' your badass mind, and instead of womaning up and getting your head straight, you're gearing up to run as fast as your stiletto boots will get you gone."

Thank goodness for Aryas and his truth talking otherwise Styxx would have been long gone in her own misery.

I do hope we get a spin off series or book with Diesel, Maddox and Molly, as they may have been the hottest thing about the story. Don't get me wrong Stellan and Sixx had many hot moments but Diesel, Maddox were HOT HOT!!

Loved it and was frustrated at the same time. :(

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I don't know about you, but I will read anything that Kristen Ashley writes. I know, I sound like a fangirl, that is completely okay because I am. I love her words and this series is one of my top.

This novel breaks down barriers of misconception and is the kind of novel that leaves you completely entrapped from start to finish.

PLus, it is pretty damn hot.

This book was out of the box, it was sultry and sexy.

Another reviewer said that his book highlights the struggle to be set free and how that plays out in the BDSM world. The is a perfect way to word it.

This isn't a world many understand and I love how this series shines a light on that. Sixx and Stellan needed this. The ending to book two showed me how much I needed this.

I have to say I absolutely LOVED Stellan in this. I know. I KNOW! But you need to understand that this book is maybe the best out of the trilogy.

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4.5 Stars

The Greatest Risk surpassed even my lofty expectations. With the release of The Greatest Risk Ms. Ashley concludes the honey series. Within these pages aside from witnessing the beautiful love story of Stellan and Sixx, we are introduced to new sexually charged characters. One wonders if and when we will see them again.

I will be honest, although Ms. Ashley is one of my favorite authors I did not enjoy the previous volumes in the honey series as much as I did many of her other works. BDSM while being a genre I have read and enjoy, also can at time push the limits of that with which I am comfortable or more importantly find believable. I struggled with some of the subject matter within the series and did feel that it took away from my enjoyment of the series. The Greatest Risk is well written and stands as my favorite in the series as the love story of Stellan and Sixx is filled with so much wonder tenderness, passion and emotion. Scenes with secondary characters did tear my focus in different directions and at times I struggled to continue. I found these scenes to be extremely explicit and lengthy, something rare for characters that were just being introduced to the series, and not the focus of the storyline.

Overall Ms. Ashley has once again created magic with her words and I have fallen in love with Stellan and Sixx. If you are a fan of her work you will enjoy The Greatest Risk. As stated previously issues with any secondary scenes are an issue of personal preference and we all have our own comfort levels. I know I will reread this release as I have all her prior works. Ms. Ashley has the gift to delight my soul with her work and for that I am eternally grateful. The pure hearts of her characters never fail to romance me until I fall in love with each and every one. For those who have read any of my previous reviews of Ms. Ashley’s work it may seem repetitive, but if you have not read the works of Kristen Ashley you are depriving yourself of reading Greatness no Grandness…. You get the idea. Stop depriving yourself and get ready to delight your heart and soul, uplift your spirits and visit this page for the suggested reading order of her backlist:

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Ok, I have to admit that since starting this series I have been DYING to get to this couple. I have been intrigued with both of these characters since they were introduced and I just knew they would be a delicious sort of magic together and after finishing this book I can assure you, indeed, they were. A damn delicious sort of magic I won’t soon forget.

I’ve learned after reading Kristen Ashley over the years that there truly isn’t anything she can’t write. She can do fun and quirky and she can do dark and sexy. But no matter what she writes, she delivers a deep level of emotion that touches you like no other and in this particular story that’s the element that really resonated with me.

Stellan and Sixx are a couple that share a level of intimate emotion in their journey that had me falling deeper in love with them with each page I read. Stellan is patient, understanding, sexy as hell, and beautifully educated in learning what Sixx needs, even if she doesn’t realize it’s what she needs. SIxx is strong, yet vulnerable, with so many layers to her personality. I loved reading these two. I loved reading the complexity of their relationship, the deep emotion involved, the heat and connection they share, all of it was sublime. *dreamy sigh*

While I’m so sad to see this series end, there was no better way to have finished it than with Stellan and Sixx.

Thank you, Ms. Ashley, for yet another incredible read!

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Kristen Ashley is no doubt my favorite author. Her descriptive writing style never fails to bring out every emotion in me and The Greatest Risk is no exception to that, as there were more than a few tears shed. I will admit, the Honey Series isn’t my favorite of Kristen Ashley’s because I am just not really into male subs, even alpha ones, and I am not really an erotica reader, though I do like some kinky fuckery in my books.

In some ways The Greatest Risk was my favorite of the series, but in some ways I struggled. Let me explain why. The Greatest Risk is the longest in the series. And while I LOVE that most of Kristen Ashley’s books are longer, this one FELT long. And while I love a hot and kinky sex scene, I felt like there were just so many in this it actually took away from what is probably my favorite story of the three. Especially the detailed sex scenes that were only observed by one of the couple. They were hot, but these scenes didn’t further the story in any way, if anything, they detracted from it.
“You’re criminally gorgeous, insanely wealthy, excruciatingly generous, irritatingly intelligent, and you can cook?”

Let me start by saying I freaking LOVE Stellan, he’s a little too good to be true, but aren’t most of KA’s men? Here is the thing though. Stellan is a Dom. Sixx is a Domme. But Sixx is actually a switch, she just never found anyone that made her want to submit. She has been crazy about Stellan for years, but he never made a move, nor did she. Until he finally did.
“He’ll go all in for you.” Aryas throwing that out there got her attention again, and she twisted toward him. He kept at her. “Stellan finds the one that’s worth it, he’ll break his back, sell his soul, work his fingers to the bone to win her and keep her.”

Sixx had a rough life and never allowed herself to get close to anyone, thinking she would be a danger to them. Thinking her upbringing and family background make her unworthy. But Stellan has his mind made up, and nothing will change it, and he wants Sixx. He knows she is close to running, so he makes a deal: she moves in for one month.
“I want to be your lover. I want to be your Master. I want to know all your secrets. I want to unravel the mystery that’s you and then help you keep it safe. I want you, and the way I want you is beside me, in bed, in play and in life.”

I absolutely loved the way Sixx’s story played out. Sixx was the super-hero that Simone invented to protect herself, and watching Sixx morph back into Simone was a beautiful thing. But she was SO resistant, for SO long.
“I can give you beauty,” he clipped irritably.
“What I don’t understand, baby,” she whispered, “is why you think I deserve it.” She was lucky she called him baby. But not that lucky.
“If you ask me that question in a month, darling,” he drawled, “I’ll walk away from you, and you’ll never see me again. That is my vow to you, Simone. By the end of the month, I’ll make you understand. Now I’m done talking. Sit beside me, fucking cuddle into me, and relax in front of the goddamned fire.”

This book took a different turn than the others in the series. Very little actually took place at The Bee’s Honey, and although there are definitely plenty of scenes with male subs, the actual main couple in this book ends up being a male Dom and female sub. But when they go to the gladiator pit and other clubs we see a LOT of m/m action and m-m-f.

At times I felt like I was watching this story unfold rather than experiencing it, but I think that is more the result of the third person style of this series than anything else, but it was either that or two much sex that made me feel like I didn’t quite connect as deeply as I normally do until about the 70% mark.

~~Quote Graphic~~


•This one shakes it up and has more of a traditional Male Dom/female sub relationship.
•Sixx is a badass and I loved her.
•Stellan is swoony and almost too good to be true.
•The sex in this actually got me hot and bothered at parts.
•Sixx’s story and sketchpads were pretty deep, and I’m glad she shared it with us.
•I loved the side characters of M and Susan.
•A little mystery and excitement towards the end.
•Some surprise cameos.


•A little too long.
•I know it’s an erotic romance, but there was just too much sex that went on for too long, especially the sex that was not our main characters and only one of them was observing.
•3rd person

The Down & Dirty:
The character growth of Sixx/Simone was by far my favorite thing about The Greatest Risk. I loved how tough and vulnerable she was at the same time. This may be my favorite story of the three but I found that the copious amounts of sex, especially with couples that aren’t the main ones got a little old and took away from the story. This was a long book and seemed to take forever to read, and while I usually love Kristen Ashley’s longer books, this one seemed a tad bit too long. Still, I absolutely loved Stellan and Sixx's story.

Rating: 4 Stars, 5+ Heat

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I'm sad to say that this one was ok, but whatever I read from Kristen Ashley has something good!I enjoyed the beginning and the characters were really good but I had a problem with the story and how it was developed!I hope the others will love it more than I did!

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5 Flaming Hot Stars

I love this series that is a bit of a departure for this author. It is BDSM and much more erotic stories.

The Greatest Risk is book 3 in The Honey Series. Each of these books can be read as standalone, but do have interconnected characters.

“Because Sixx was used to taking risks. She did not calculate them. She did not move through them cautiously. She met them head on.”

I really loved how vulnerable the heroine, Simone/Mistress Sixx, was even while she was such a strong, take charge domme.

Stellan Lange is an ultimate KA alpha hero. Swoony, protective, caring and as sweet on the inside as he is hard and tough on the outside!!

“You’re criminally gorgeous, insanely wealthy, excruciatingly generous, irritatingly intelligent, and you can cook?”

I just adored this off the charts HOT and KINKY story!! Along with the steam is a beautiful story of character growth, redemption and hope. Stellan has to work hard to help Simone realize what an amazing person she was underneath her invisible scars.

I so enjoyed the glimpses we get of the characters from the previous Honey series stories. I really don’t want this series to end and hope maybe a novella or two might be down the road.

-5 Stars!!-

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Mistress Sixx is unshakeable. She’s tough, unemotional and doesn’t have to rely on anyone for validation. Subs line up for her at the Honey and that’s the only happiness that she will ever have.

Because she’ll never possess what she truly wants.

Watching the man she loves fall for another inflicts a kind of pain that even she can’t bear. And even when Amélie doesn’t return his devotion, the adrenaline rush of danger can’t soothe her broken heart.

Now that he’s available and haunting the hallowed halls of the Honey, she must keep him from finding out just how much she yearns for him. Because she knows deep down in her soul that only one man would ever know her as Simone Marchesa.

“Trust me.”
She felt her lips part.
She trusted no one.
No one but herself.
And Aryas.
And sometimes Carlo, but he could be a prankster, and it chapped her ass whenever he was.
But maybe two hours ago Stellan was a remote Dom who shared an acquaintance with her as well as membership at the same sex club.
That was all. And now he was …
Stellan’s face changed.
And she stopped breathing.
Good Lord.
How could he get more handsome?
She had no idea.
But she’d just witnessed it happening.
“Just trust me, Simone,” he urged gently. “And if you do, I swear to fuck I’ll make you happy that you did.”

Stellan Lange seems to have it all. Wicked good looks, money and power – he’s the walking American dream. Only a select few have had the opportunity to see behind his cleverly constructed façade. They know how much he desires a Queen to stand by his side and share all that he is. And he wants to Simone to wear his crown.

But she’s never bent her knee for anyone and he’s just the master to teach her to surrender to love.

“Why are you calling me Sixx?” she whispered.
“Because Sixx is the coward full of bullshit and bravado that hides Simone, who lives down deep. And that’s who I have right now. But Simone is the real survivor. She’s the one who keeps you living and breathing, who you’re fucking terrified to let free, thinking you’re protecting her, not having that first idea you’re suffocating her. And if you don’t stop, and soon, she’ll be lost. Gone for eternity. And you’ll be stuck in this half-life you’re leading, a junkie hooked on adrenaline for the sole purpose of proving to yourself you’re still breathing, but any promise of anything even remotely worth having will be forever dead.”

No one can write an unrequited love story quite like Kristen Ashley and The Greatest Risk is the newest jewel in her crown! It starts out with heartbreak and then ends in celebration. The pages in between are filled with a hypnotic brand of passion that you will feel all the way in your bones.

With the delicious pull of strength and submission, Stellan and Simone forge a love story for the modern age. And it’s simply unforgettable….

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Two people with a very dominant side, can they be in a true BDSM relationship? The Greatest Risk tells the story of Sixx and Stellan, two dominants we’ve met in the previous books. Both have pasts that have shaped them, and both have their own ideas about the two of them. Which dominant will come out on top?

“At his side he’d take her to the highest peak. And once he got her there, she’d never, not fucking ever, look back down. She’d been held down long enough.”

Sixx is going through the motions of life. She sees her friends at The Honey being happy with their partners, and that leaves her feeling unsettled. For some time now, she knows Stellan means more to her then he should, but she doesn’t make a move on him, not wanting him to see the real her. But what she doesn’t know, is that Stellan sees her, and wants her. He sees not only her dominant side, but also her more vulnerable submissive side. Sixx doesn’t make it easy for Stellan, although they have a sizzling chemistry, Stellan needs to work hard for Sixx’s heart and trust.

“They were real. They were happening. She was in love with him. He was in love with her. They had a future. And it was freaking her out.”

Sixx is not your normal sweet, bubbly character. Her past has taught her some hard life-lessons, and in her field of work she comes across some pretty bad stuff. I feel bad for what she had to go through, but I love how she came out of it, as a badass who takes what she wants, how she wants it. But that’s her outside-appearance. Inside it’s a different story. I love that Stellan sees the real Sixx and gives her what she truly needs. Stellan himself remains a bit of a mystery to me, he’s almost too perfect, too much in tune with Sixx and the other important persons in his life. For me, Stellan is Sixx’s Prince Charming, but with a much kinkier and darker side. I love Sixx and Stellan together.

The Greatest Risk is already the third (and last) book in the ‘Honey Series’ and brings the reader back to the world of Alpha men, female Dominants and a very kinky club. The story of Sixx and Stellan is no different, it’s hot, and everything you can imagine, happens. For me personally, the sex in this book was a wee bit too much. Yes, it was hot and all (two male dominants going at it, hot!), but is also was kind of distracting. But overall, I love this story; Stellan and Sixx are equals who both deserve to be loved.

“I just wanted to tell you I hope you know how much I love you.” She didn’t smile. She didn’t simper. She didn’t whimper. She pulled her man’s mouth to hers and kissed him.”

4.5 stars

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I will be the first to admit, my first foray into this series didn’t really go well- at all- much to my extreme disappointment. I heard great things about the second book in the series though, so when I was given the opportunity to read The Greatest Risk I decided to give the series another chance. I am so glad that I did!

This series is set in the world of the exclusive Bee’s Honey club so of course the theme of sexual exploration is a big part of the story. But The Greatest Risk is about so much more than that! It’s about trust, finding self-worth, and breaking free from the prison of the past to find a future that you never dreamed of.

Sixx and Stellan are a Mistress and Master at the Honey, and both have very strong personalities. Sixx has been attracted to him for years but has always found one excuse or another to avoid acting on it. She has many acquaintances in her life, but her only true friend is Aryas, another Master at the club. Aryas sees a bit too much for her comfort level at times and he pushes her to take a chance on actually being happy for a change, but Sixx isn’t wired that way.

Her childhood gave her a different frame of reference on life than most, and her existence to this point has been all about just that- existing. She keeps people at arm’s length with the Sixx persona in effort to protect herself and those around her. Stellan is a force to be reckoned with though. He is not a man to back down from pursuing what he wants, and he definitely wants Sixx. But he is also smart enough to realize that he has to make his approach carefully because he will only have one shot at making her his own. He does the research and quietly observes for months, and when he finally makes his move, he is able to catch the notoriously wary woman off guard in a good way and leaves her stunned at her own reaction to both his proposal and his over-the-top gift to her.

And so begins the war of wills! Stellan goes all in with his quest to find Simone, the real heart of Sixx that she has buried beneath her carefully crafted walls, but he has his work cut out for him. She has lived a life that has taught her love isn’t safe if it exists at all, and for every step forward that they take, they also take 3 steps back. Add in that they are both tops although it becomes obvious that she is a switch only when it comes to him, and Stellan definitely needs to be creative when it comes to truly fulfilling her needs. Her MO is to run scared every time things get too real though, and it happens pretty often! Fortunately Stellan recognizes the signs, and I loved the way that he handles her freak out moments. He finds just the right mix of straight talk, strength, dominance, and acceptance to pull her out of her own head when she needs it, and he also gives her the quiet and space she needs to process it all too when he sees right through to the heart of the issues that are weighing her down.

“Sixx is the coward full of bullshit and bravado that hides Simone, who lives down deep. And that’s who I have right now. But Simone is the real survivor. She’s the one who keeps you living and breathing, who you’re fucking terrified to let free, thinking you’re protecting her, not having that first idea you’re suffocating her. And if you don’t stop, and soon, she’ll be lost. Gone for eternity.”

These two people truly are the other half of each other and Amelie’s description of them seems very fitting.

“You were meant for each other. No less equal than a partner who fits the unique puzzle that is the two of you, forming the perfect picture. But a different kind of equal, not two halves that make a whole. Two like-minded souls who share a vital understanding.”

Despite the fact she is absolutely terrified of the prospect of finding true happiness only to have it ripped away from her, she slowly finds herself starting to believe in it. At times the journey was a bit frustrating for everyone – including me- but it is a journey that I thoroughly enjoyed and that is still forefront in my mind even a few days after finishing the book. This story definitely had some elements that I never would have dreamed up, but even though it surprised me from time to time there was nothing that sent me running screaming in the other direction. Familiar faces from other stories both within the series and from other series make appearances and made me smile. The narrative contained some of the lightness, camaraderie and sassy attitude of the Rock Chick series that I love so much to offset the heavier, sometimes darker and more emotional moments too.

So suffice it to say I am thrilled that I gave this series another shot because Simone and Stellan’s journey was well worth it!

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QueenZany 5 Star Review
The Greatest Risk
Kristen Ashley

The Greatest Risk is an exquisite kaleidoscope of sensuality, seduction and raw vulnerability! Sixx and Stellan story seemed to intoxicate my soul. So, seamlessly it like a drug induced coma I was in. Where every word, phrase, sentenced spilled into the next one with such fluidity and grace. Only to punctuate brilliancy of Kristen Ashley writing capacity.
By bringing us into this new realm of ravishing need and desire!

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WELL. This was one hot-as-hell, erotic, steamy and down-and-dirty story. If you are into BDSM books, then you will find yourself very surprised at the places that Kristen Ashley takes you in Stellan and Sixx's story.

This is one hefty book and is a thoroughly enjoyable ride into the world of BDSM clubs where there are no judgments and everything is kept safe and sane. This book can be read as a standalone - I did not read the second book in this series and yet I never felt lost reading this story. Sixx is a Domme at The Honey and has long been attracted to the very aloof and very handsome Stellan, another Dom at the club. He has never made a move on Sixx nor has he ever shown any interest in her. It turns out that he was actually biding his time and planning to make his move, in a very big way.

Sixx had a hard life and has always felt like she didn't really fit in with the others at the club. But she doesn't see how beautiful and sexy she really is. And Stellan has his own defenses up.

“You haven’t cornered the market on demons, Sixx. Stellan’s got his own, just like you. And he might also want someone in his life to help him beat them back.”

Sixx is convinced to give Stellan a chance. But this is not a conventional romance. After all, we are talking heavy-duty BDSM here. Stella goes all out to win over Sixx (Simone) and their "first date" is one of THE hottest scenes I've ever read.

“So this is just an infatuation?”

“We’ve known each other for years, but Tuesday evening was our first date.”

Both her brows stretched high. “And you gave her a person . . . on your first date?”

“I like to make an impression.”

There's nothing quite like a Kristen Ashley Alpha and Stellan is unforgettable. From his devotion to Simone, to his dominant ways and his gorgeous Phoenix mansion, he's got it all. But will it be enough to convince Simone to let him love her?

“He’ll go all in for you.” Aryas throwing that out there got her attention again, and she twisted toward him. He kept at her. “Stellan finds the one that’s worth it, he’ll break his back, sell his soul, work his fingers to the bone to win her and keep her.”

There is a nice dose of suspense thrown in here due to Simone's line of work. And there are appearances by some old favorites from past KA books. But what I loved most about this book were the absolutely explosive BDSM scenes. This story is very provocative and won't be everyone's cup of tea. But if you are in the mood for a very adult and very sexy story, then you will LOVE 'The Greatest Risk'.

“Just trust me, Simone,” he urged gently. “And if you do, I swear to fuck I’ll make you happy that you did.”

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