Member Reviews

After reading and loving the first two books in Kristen Ashley’s Honey Series, I was eager to see where she’d go next with the series, especially when I discovered that she would be pairing Sixx and Stellan together. While Stellan was a familiar character, introduced as a possible love interest for Amelie in The Deep End, Sixx was more of a mystery, making the infamous Domme a refreshing, if unexpected match for Master Stellan. With The Greatest Risk, Kristen Ashley delves into the backstories of Sixx and Stellan, and, in doing so, creates a narrative that’s heartbreakingly beautiful, emotionally compelling, jaw-droppingly erotic, and hopelessly romantic. And I loved every minute of it.

After having witnessed Stellan pine after Amelie even while she built a relationship with Olly, it was unexpected and a bit gut-wrenching to discover that he himself was had captured the undivided attention of Sixx, a Domme who kept her long-held feelings close to heart. While Stellan might not have immediately acknowledged the attraction between him and the stubborn, guarded Domme, once he’s decided who and what he wants, he pursues her with a single-minded determination. What follows is a test of both faith and patience in which two dominants engage in a battle of wills, giving and taking control, while pushing their emotional and sexual boundaries. Sixx and Stellan set out to break down each other’s barriers, each attempting to burrow far enough under the other’s skin so as to leave a lasting imprint.

Being a Kristen Ashley book, my emotions were prepared to be put through the wringer even before getting started on The Greatest Risk. It’s a BDSM romance, which meant that it would undoubtedly be as steamy as it was boundary-pushing. Spoiler alert (not really): this book is STEAMY with a capital everything. The full effect of Stellan in no-holds-barred Dom mode? And Sixx submitting to said Dom mode? Prepare yourself for major swooning and some definite blushing. Make no mistake that this book is unapologetically depraved and downright filthy, but it’s also a mentally intense foray into the lives of two characters with a number of demons in their respective pasts. What makes the story that much more impactful is the rapid yet profound connection that develops between Sixx and Stellan, which only grows deeper with every chapter.

If you’re in the mood for a romance that’s both relentlessly erotic and heart-meltingly romantic that’s sure to tug on your heartstrings (who wouldn’t be?), The Greatest Risk is a guaranteed 5 Star read. Not only is it my new favorite book in the series, but the introduction of several new faces has made me excited for the future of the Honey Series.

*complimentary copy provided by publisher for an honest review

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In The Greatest Risk (Honey #3) by Kristen Ashley, The scene at The Honey Club has somehow grown stale for Domme Mistress Sixx. And she blames her never ending attraction to Stellan Lange, who is a Dom at the club. While she's just about ready to throw down the gauntlet and challenge him to see where their fiery chemistry takes them physically, Stellan surprises Sixx with his own plan for them to get to know each other--intimately. Their peers at The Honey probably think they're crazy to get involved, considering they are both well known dominants on the scene. But Sixx can only imagine how much fun and naughtiness they can get up to when they put their creative minds together. So long as it doesn't get too emotional and Stellan doesn't dig into her past. Then it's game over.

Stellan has been captivated for quite some time with Sixx, even if he tried to keep his interest under wraps until just the right moment. That time is now, with her at a standstill in her life at The Honey and in her career. Stellan loves a challenge and he's sure Sixx will be one of the biggest ones he's faced in his life--but will also be the most rewarding. But getting her to open up and share her background with him, her dreams and her fears, might prove to be too much for Stellan to overcome. He knows whether he goes too slow or too fast in getting to know her, Sixx is a flight risk. So he has to decide if he should just go all in and lay everything out on the table for her to decide, or should he take his time and hope his feisty woman will learn to trust him more and more.

Absolutely. Epic. But with two dynamic characters like Mistress Sixx and Master Stellan *finally* getting together, how could The Greatest Risk be anything but outrageous and erotic as all get out, right?

Kristen Ashley writes some of the best, most well-rounded, multidimensional characters I've read in contemporary/erotic romance. And she isn't afraid to get down to the nitty-gritty of what makes each character tick, exploring some darker themes like she did with both Sixx and Stellan. Learning their backgrounds tore my heart out and I will warn that it's not for the squeamish, dealing with suicide, murder, drugs, alcoholism and adultery. Let alone that this story was fairly hardcore erotica with BDSM, MM and MFM play involved. But there is just something so...tangible about the way Ashley conveys each emotion that captures my attention. It's rather methodical as she explains the hero or heroine's inner thought process and it always helps me connect more easily with them.

I was sincerely bowled over by who Stellan and Sixx were without their Dom/Domme personas. It was surprising, a bit sad in Sixx's case, hugely entertaining once they got together with their strong personalities, and just so, SO sexy it was ridiculous. I wasn't sure going into this book (which by the way is about 500 pages, so it's a time investment but totally worth it) how much I would like either main character or how two dominant people would match up romantically. It completely worked, though. Stellan was every bit as alpha, suave and protective as I knew he would be, but there was a wonderfully caring, funny side to him that I didn't see coming. And with Sixx, well, she was one badass woman who had pulled herself out of the hell that was her childhood to become something of a superhero in my eyes. They were a couple who just felt like they belonged together. I honestly couldn't imagine anyone else for either of them who would understand, challenge or be able to care for each other in the same intense way. *sigh*

Move over Christian Grey--Stellan Lange is the man every woman deserves in their lives. Just like every lucky man deserves a phenomenal woman like Sixx. Uber emotional and so hot & steamy my kindle was nearly on fire, Kristen Ashley did oh so right by her fans with The Greatest Risk.

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A bold, provocative, erotic romance that pushes the boundaries of romance!! Kristen Ashley entices and lures her readers to a whole new side of romance, the world of BDSM. While this type of genre is not for all, Ashley still gives her readers that element of romance but with a heavy dose of steam, passion, and eroticism. Yes, this book is very long but Ashley does provide readers a better understanding of her characters and the demons they have. So if you are looking for a read that incorporates steam, passion, and raw emotions then this is the book for you.

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The Greatest Risk by Kristen Ashley is book three in her Honey series. A contemporary romance that can be read as a standalone though it does contain characters featured in the previous novels. So if you have not yet been to the Bee’s Honey, I’d recommend starting with book one, especially because you start learning about both the main characters, Stellan and Sixx from book one.
Sixx/Simone Marchesa, is a domme at the Bee’s Honey, and is also known as the Ice Princess. She has a reputation amongst the other members and is even revered. However, from the beginning of this novel, we begin to learn that there is a lot more to Sixx than what we learned in the previous books. Besides her occupation of being an investigator, she has a past that still haunts her today and one that she needs help sorting out emotionally and mentally. Luckily, she finds the one who can make her whole: Stellan Lange.
Stellan Lange has his own demons to slay. A rich businessman, when he sets out what he wants, he gets it, and he’s set his sights on Sixx. As a Dom, he needs a challenge and a woman who moves him and completes him in ways that only Sixx can.
I enjoyed Kristen Ashley’s third installment in her Honey series. For these two characters we got snippets of them within the first two books and learned enough about them to make them interesting especially Stellan. I wanted to see his happy ending and see who he ended up with especially after book one. Though because we learned about these characters a bit in the previous books, it also made it hard for me to understand the way this book started out. Without trying to give anything away, I felt Stellan and Sixx jumped in too fast and pushed too hard in the beginning. The author also explained the issue from book one about Stellan’s love interest, but as a reader, I wanted more, especially since we see that interest present in both books one and two.
Besides the above, I like Stellan and Sixx’s story. They both care deeply for those they consider friends and family, as well as are protective of those close relationships. I also liked seeing how the two characters develop and change due to their new relationship with each other. The chemistry and heat between them is perfect, though I for one would have loved to see more scenes with the two of them at the Honey or home, especially with Sixx as Mistress over Stellan. I felt a little of book two, hinted at it especially at the end and Stellan’s talk with Dillinger, and again in this book, but it is not really explored as much as I thought it would be.
Overall, The Greatest Risk by Kristen Ashley was a satisfying and enjoyable continuation to the series. Ms. Ashley does another great job of creating interesting and dynamic characters who compel you to read their stories from start to finish. I happily recommend.

(I voluntarily reviewed an advance review copy of this book I received for free from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for my open and honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.)

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❝The sensitive soul and the superhero both had stepped out of the shadow.❞

Mistress Sixx had grown skilled at keeping her emotions tightly locked up. She was detached during her scenes at the Honey, she didn't have friendships or love interests. Sixx lived in a small, empty, run-down apartment, making it easy to up and leave when she needed.

For the past several years she's had her eye on one man. One man she knew was out of her league and off limits. And that was the greatest risk for Mistress Sixx, giving her heart to someone, even if that someone was Stellan.

❝Stellan finds the one that's worth it, he'll break his back, sell his soul, work his fingers to the bone to win her and keep her.❞

Stellan was living his life trying not to be like his father. He was a very successful businessman. As a Dom, he spent a lot of time at the Honey. He'd spent years watching and waiting for the right time for him and Sixx. When that time came, he went all-in.

❝I want to be your lover. I want to be your Master. I want to know all your secrets. I want to unravel the mystery that's you and then help you keep it safe. I want you, and the way I want you is beside me, in bed, in play and in life.❞

You guys, I am so torn! I started out LOVING this book! It was a solid 4 (and that was only because some of the scenes and subject matter were not my cuppa). I loved the romance between Stellan and Sixx! I loved the demons they faced and how they did so at each other's sides! Sixx was IT for Stellan and he did everything in his power to prove to her he was IT for her too! It was beautiful, romantic and healing. Gah, then 80% mark hit and everything I had loved about this powerful story vanished! The story became centered around a Sixx's investigation and an MMF trio. Because I understood the reason for the investigation and its importance to Sixx's character, I kept reading, hoping for Stellan and Sixx to become the focus again. While the story does return to them, the chemistry and "feeling" changed for me.

This was still a beautiful story despite my frustration with the ending. I definitely recommend it to BDSM, MM, MMF and Kristen Ashley fans!

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It's passionate and powerful; suspenseful and seductive. Kristen Ashley's finale of the Honey series is an endless list of beautiful adjectives that add up to an explosive 5 star read. Sixx, a renowned Domme in the Honey Club, has had her eyes on Stellan for years. Ever the ice queen, Sixx has never approached or dared to risk anything more than a furtive glance. Her main concern? He's a Dom; and two dominant personalities combined with her dangerous past could never work. So she watches and waits as Stellan seems to move about life without her.

Stellan's eyed the beautifully intriguing Sixx for longer than she could imagine. After waiting years for her to make a move he decides that only another Dom is willing to crack the shell of this mysterious femma fatale. What Stellan hadn't planned on was not only culling the dominatrix but releasing the submissive inside. Our surprising little Sixx is a Switch; a rarity in the BDSM world. Now Stellan has to love the woman in control and woman who craves it. But is Sixx willing to take the greatest Risk?

In KA's distinctive voice, I found a new hero within Sixx. Much like past heroes in her romances, Sixx has the attitude of a hero who doesn't shy from what must be done yet doesn't find themselves worthy of happiness or true love. Sixx is a persona created by our heroine to handle the harsh reality of the world and to shield herself from that which cold break her heart. But KA's genius doesn't allow for Sixx to be unnecessary or a skin that must be shed to find the true woman underneath. No, both the woman and the warrior are parts of Sixx that Stellan (and Sixx and readers alike) has to learn to love. There's a beauty to her fragmented idea of self. Sixx doesn't need to be fixed, she needs to be discovered, by others and herself.

In addition to our final Honey couple, KA dives into more worlds of the exotic and risque. With a wondrous gift from Stellan we get privilege to a warrior's pit. And it Sixx's dangerous world we dive deeper into the other clubs of BDSM and meet one of the hottest trios to ever grace romance pages (Seriously it was some of the hottest scenes I've ever read...EVER). The raw emotion throughout the entire novel is the number one reason why this is an instant addition to my top reads. Grab a glass of wine and some tissues because its about to get messy at the Honey Club.

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ARC received via Netgalley for an honest review

I have been impatiently awaiting Stellan and Sixx's story from the minute I finished reading The Farthest Edge, and Ms Ashley has not disappointed.

I knew even before I started that their story was going to be a rough ride - and that Stellan and Sixx would love it that way, as I would too.

S & S are a fascinating couple, one that I have been curious about for a long time. There were times I wanted to shake some sense into her, to stop her from doing some silly things, however I also knew why she was doing what she was doing. A right conundrum!

Stellan.... le SIGH! That man is all that and a bag of chips! I love his persistence, he was sweeter than I thought he was going to be - though I guess I knew he was going to have to be all kinds of wonderful to win over Sixx.

Their journey together was both heartbreaking and beautiful.

I love love love that we got more of the Leigh and Olly (though, still can't connect with Leigh at all) and Branch and Evangeline and the sexploits of the Honey.

I did find myself skimming in the last 15% of the book - nothing to do with S & S, I just thought that there was too much time given to some very minor characters.

The Greatest Risk is a wonderful ending to the Honey series. Now I can't wait to see what Ms Ashley brings us next.

**is scheduled for blog post later today**

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“Be strong for the world, darling, it that’s what you need to be. But here, with me, you can be whatever you care to be.”

The Greatest Risk is an amazing conclusion of the fantastic Honey series. I have loved these amazing characters, loved their relationships and their development into couples and embracing their true submissive and dominant natures. And even when they’re both.

I have been anxiously awaiting Sixx and Stellan’s story. Wondered how the Domme and Dom would work together in a relationship. And I loved it.

Sixx and Stellan are two very strong, very domineering individuals. Both are fighting to be better than their upbringing. Both chose their own path, their own way to live life. And both have found their way through BDSM.

Sixx and Stellan are brilliant together. I love their interactions. That Stellan knows just how much to push Sixx in her submission, and I am awed at Sixx and her strength. I loved how they navigated their relationship—that they both had to give to get everything they never realized they wanted in and out of the bedroom. And whoa those between the sheets times were hot and sexy and panty melting.

Sixx’s growth and development and work through her past was true to her personality. I loved how Stellan supported her and never gave up, even when Sixx wanted to. Forcing Sixx to see the love and support that surrounded her . . . that her friends were truly her family.

The Greatest Risk was a fantastic story about love, life and finding your true self. Which, I believe is truly the most intimate part of the lifestyle. I’m sorry to see this amazing series end, it was such a fabulous journey.

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"But scars were forever, and hers were crippling."

Finally, the wait is over. I've been so intrigued to learn how the author was going to make this couple work. The previous books in the series allowed me to meet these characters along with many more that I want to spend more time with. But this couple especially had to be a very big literary challenge because of their particular kinks that logically don't work together. But we all know that the heart wants what the heart wants, right?

One of my very favorite things about KA's writing style is her dialogue. She just has this unique way of giving her characters a voice that can be heard through her words. I can 'hear' their tone and their emotions which gives their dialogue that extra something that is rare. She's especially good with affectionate nicknames between partners. When I 'hear' those sweet whispers and passionate gasps full of feeling I melt into a puddle of goo.

I noticed that the author doesn't identify who is featured in The Greatest Risk in her synopsis so I'm reluctant to mention their names. I will just say that if you have read the other books in the series you will already know them. Here's a clue, she asks him, "You're criminally gorgeous, insanely wealthy, excruciatingly generous, irritatingly intelligent, and you can cook?" Yup, he's all that and so much more. "Not slick, sleek."

And her, she's so so broken. Damaged and full of scars inside and out. Her kink is a form of control that helps her to hide her scars. But he sees her. Somehow, the one that she can't stop wanting, but knows she can't have, sees beneath her facade. And he wants her anyway.

Holy hotness, Batman! The chemistry and explosive passion between these two is off the charts. She knows that she's too damaged to be in a relationship, but she wants him. He knows that if he pushes too hard she'll run. But pushing is in his nature, and he doesn't know how 'not' to get what he wants. That's how he built his empire, he goes after what he wants and makes it happen. He wants 'them' to happen and he won't stop until she gives in to him. The question is, can he get her to give him more than her body? Will he be able to claim her heart as well? He knows it's a gamble that might cost him his own heart, but she's worth the greatest risk.

Each book in this amazing series shows me something new that I've never been exposed to previously. The author has done her research and does an excellent job of educating her readers with her stories in this genre. Never having been inside a club like Honey myself, I can 'see' it as I read and she makes me feel like I'm there. I'm totally getting my voyeur on and I'm not ashamed to admit it. And yes, I'll most definitely be back for more when the next book in the series is available. The line forms here...

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**4.5 Stars**

The Greatest Risk was as complex as it was erotic, and beautifully showcased the intricacies of connection between two similarly different people. With the prior books focusing on alpha subs, Ashley switched it up for the finale and featured a Dom and Domme coming together to find love–giving more to the story than was expected. Sixx and Stellan’s journey was an elaborate and deep dive into their pasts, emotional hangups, and mental roadblocks as well as the beauty of their love, and it did not disappoint.

More than anything, I was surprised by the layers to these characters and the difficult journey they had to finding happiness. I knew to expect something equally beautiful as it was heartbreaking, but I wasn’t anticipating the degree to which these were explored. As products of their upbringings—with scars and baggage to prove it—both Sixx and Stellan shared similar threads of pain, but the complications arose with how that shaped them into adulthood. Because Sixx is a new character, one that was barely mentioned in prior books, we got to see her in the context of this story alone—something that really helped in only getting the pieces of her we needed as we needed them. I can’t say too much about her or I risk revealing things best found within the pages, but Ashley made her into a truly fantastic heroine. The beauty of this story, really, was how brilliantly she was revealed to us through her own narrations and through his. His ability to draw her out and instinctively know how best to care for her was simply beautiful in every sense of the word. One particular risk to exploring a heroine like this, however, is having the wall she created for herself extend itself into preventing readers from connecting with her, and that was something I did struggle with. Ashley’s skill for truly immersive writing—easily drawing tears or gut deep responses—is vast, and although I thoroughly enjoyed this story and both characters, it didn’t provoke a response from me like her work usually does, and I missed having that in a story such as this.

The Greatest Risk was the perfect end-cap to a thrilling series featuring the most erotic work of Kristen Ashley yet. But the series, and this book in particular, is about more than just the erotic nature: each book expertly explored the emotion behind each characters’ needs and wants for being in this world and the desire for their particular roles within it. When mixed with the love stories, each became truly powerful. I really, really enjoyed Sixx and Stellan’s complicated and intense story, and I’m very sad to see this series end.

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I have been enamoured with Kristen Ashley's writing since I first discovered her in 2013.  Since then I've read over 30 of her books.  I am a fan for life.  Her writing style is unique, her heroines strong, her men alpha, and it's always delicious.  The Greatest Risk was a little different for me.  I didn't immediately connect this time and I've struggled with why.

In the Honey series, KA takes us deep into the belly of the BDSM scene, centered around the club Honey and it's members.  The Greatest Risk centers around the story of Stellen Lange and Simone "Sixx" Marchesa both heavily in the lifestyle of bdsm, both Doms, both very strong personalities, both protective of their privacy.  The dynamic between the two was intriguing but not as engaging.  It took me a while to warm up to the idea of them as a couple. In fact I often felt "meh" about the relationship wondering why Stellan was so invested.  It just didn't make sense.  Let me try to explain.

The beginning of the story, Stellan convinces Sixx to give them a month together, where he will prove why she should be in a relationship with him.  Sounds good on the surface, however, this month includes living with him full time.  Not so strange coming from an "alpha" character of KA's.  However Sixx is an "alpha" herself.  The idea of forcing her into anything is like trying to fit a square in a circle.  KA does a fantastic job of letting us see inside Sixx's head.  She is badass.  She is damaged.  She is in charge.  Her life has taken her into some dark, twisted, scary places and she's survived beautifully.  Her edges are hard on purpose.  And I guess, for me, I just didn't see someone like Stellan falling for someone like her.

Stellan has it all, he's uber rich, handsome as hell, A type personality, doesn't take no for an answer.  All the things we love in a KA hero.  He's also a bit damaged.  His personality is a bit softer around the edges, not as controlling per se as Sixx, but definitely like his structure.  He wants what he wants and he gets it.  He also has family issues but they don't necessarily define who he is necessarily and he hasn't had to fight society to live.

Together, in my opinion, they didn't really fit.  Not until about three quarters of way in.  Not until breakthroughs started happening. Not until Sixx "allowed" herself to reconnect with her old ways.  Not until major drama ensued.  Only then was I able to see this couple differently.  Only then was rooting for their happiness, and understanding why the needed each other.

Now I've always been intrigued by the bdsm lifestyle, I don't always read erotica or books that include bdsm.  KA's imagination knows no bounds.  Holy smokes there were some hot scenes in this story and the visuals....whew I needed a fan and cold drink.  Did they lend to the story?  I'm not sure when the answer is yes vs. when it's overkill.  Yes the book is about the Club Honey and yes this is a bdsm club.  There HAS to be sex in the book.  Lots of sex isn't a bad thing, but it also doesn't "make" a relationship.  Maybe that's why it took me so long to recognize that Sixx and Stellan actually belonged together.  I needed more substance and not as much fluff.

All in, I really really enjoyed The Greatest Risk, despite my confusing ramblings.  It is a good story.  KA stays true what I consider her book style.  I loved seeing old favorites crossover from other series and make appearances.  It's like coming home when I read her books.  Nothing beats that warm, fuzzy feeling of snuggling up with a Kristen Ashley book.

* I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader’s Copy of this book *

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3.5 stars

This series is on the extreme end of the KA spectrum. It’s definitely not for everyone, and though I thought I would be finished with it after reading the first book, I couldn’t not read the rest of the series, so here I am having finished the third book and I’m feeling all sorts of conflicted. At it’s heart is a beautiful love story with great characters and a wonderful romance like only KA can write. But there’s just so much other unnecessary stuff that dragged that story out and brought it down a bit for me. So please excuse me and my excessive quoting while I purse my thoughts and feelings.

This book is the story of Stellan and Sixx. There has been a bit of a build-up for this one, in that we’ve seen Stellan in all of his confident, stand-off-ish Dom glory, and we’ve seen Sixx as a hot-in-demand Domme who seems goes through the motions but seems completely switched off to what she is doing. The King and Queen of the Honey (the exclusive sex club where they, and their friends, play), they know each other but haven’t had a whole lot to do with each other, but in the last book we learned that Stellan had feelings for Sixx, and I was really curious how their relationship was going to play out seeing as they are both so similar.

Two Doms finding their way together in life when sexually they didn’t quite fit would be one hell of a challenge.

Sixx has had a hard life. She’s been through traumatic times, has had to do the unthinkable to survive, and she has developed coping mechanisms to deal with it all. One of those was renaming herself Sixx – as if Sixx is a persona that she puts on to protect her inner, vulnerable self. Sixx is definitely still a part of who she is, but she’s the hard part, the brave part. The part that she shows to the outside world, while she keeps her softer side softly locked inside as Simone.

Sixx needed control just as much as she needed chaos. She couldn’t have one without the other because she was addicted to both, and her elaborate efforts to maintain a perfect balance kept the mess that was her from flying apart.

Stellan knows about Sixx’s past, and he knows how she copes with it. But that hasn’t turned him away. In fact, it only makes him want her more. He wants to crack Sixx’s shell, he wants to know her darkest secrets, he wants to heal her, to find a way to let Simone out, and he wants to make her his.

“He’ll go all in for you.” Aryas throwing that out there got her attention again, and she twisted toward him. He kept at her. “Stellan finds the one that’s worth it, he’ll break his back, sell his soul, work his fingers to the bone to win her and keep her.”

It’s a wonderful set up, with a great dynamic, and I loved watching it all play out.

“We’ll talk more Saturday evening,” he replied.
“And should I tell you to go fuck yourself, get up and walk out of here, and there is no Saturday evening?” she inquired.
“You have no intention of telling me to go fuck myself, sweetheart.”

“You trust me, Simone,” he urged gently. “And if you do, I swear to fuck I’ll make you happy that you did.”

Stellan reminds me so much of Connor Cobalt from the Addicted series by Krista & Becca Ritchie. Rich, entitled, cocky, confident and arrogant – but charmingly so. He is a true gentleman when he wants to be, but he’s also a filthy, kinky bastard, and it’s a delicious combination. He may appear cold on the outside, but in reality he is nothing but heat, with a huge heart (and he even calls her “darling”!). And there is something about him that is utterly irresistible.

“I don’t want to be your friend, Simone ... But he wasn’t done.
“I want to be your lover. I want to be your Master. I want to know all your secrets. I want to unravel the mystery that’s you and then help you keep it safe. I want you, and the way I want you is beside me, in bed, in play and in life.”

And in the way of all KA alphas, he is a man who will let nothing stand in the way of getting what he wants, and his claiming of Sixx is fantastic! He’s strong and determined, but also sweet and soft when he needs to be. He is wonderful in the way he works to bring Sixx out of her shell, and I loved seeing it all happen.

“Sweet pussy is worth any hassle. But to earn the attention of a queen…” He curled his hand around her jaw and used it to force her to look at him. the touch was dominant, but gentle, and achingly sweet, and when he caught her eyes, he concluded, speaking every word in a way each was laced with steel, “I. Will. Do. Anything.”
“You have my attention,” she whispered.
“I have your utter devotion.”

And Sixx is a fascinating character. This blend of who she is as Sixx and who she is as Simone is really well written, and her progression from one becoming the other, and finding that balance of the real her was really beautifully done. I loved her strength, and I loved her vulnerability, and I loved the way she fought to find her true self – with Stellan by her side the whole way.

“Be strong for the world, darling, if that’s what you need to be. But here, with me, you can be whatever you care to be.”

The love story is so beautiful. Stellan and Sixx had an intriguing, passionate and intense relationship, and I loved seeing them find their way forward together.

We’re not two halves that make a whole. We’re two souls who share a vital understanding.

But then there is everything else. KA’s books are long, and we always expect that going in, but I usually happily lose myself in her stories, loving every moment of it. But this one felt long, and I found myself getting bored and skimming, especially because there was so much story that wasn’t a part of the story – a bit of a crime/mystery storyline that wasn’t needed (though I did appreciate the Creed and Sylvie cameo), but most of it kinky sex that didn’t even involve the hero or heroine.

The kink is seriously heavy, and the sexy time is extreme and descriptive, and while I enjoy reading smut as much as the next romance reader, I did find it a bit OTT in this one. I really liked the scenes with Stellan and Sixx - they were important to their relationship, their identities and who they were as a couple. There was so much emotion involved in each scene, and of course they were as hot as f*ck. But then there is all the other stuff - scenes of extreme kink – Dom and sub stuff and explicit m/m scenes full of dirty talk that did not involve either Stellan or Sixx (just one or both of them watching), and that had no bearing on the overall story and seemed to go on and on and on, all in filthy detail. I don’t mind a book being heavy on the smut, but it needs to progress the relationship and feel like a natural part of the story, and that just wasn’t there, so I just found it all a bit too much and ended up skimming parts of it which was a bit disappointing.

I think this book would have been a lot stronger without so much other dragging it down. Stellan and Sixx’s story is beautiful and passionate and emotional and intense, and there didn’t need to be that other stuff. For me, all it did was slow down the pacing, and I found it boring, and just too much.

So a bit of a mixed bag for me, but the love story was strong enough to pull it through, and I did enjoy it.

3.5 stars.

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One of the things l like most about this series is Kristen Ashley's expansive knowledge of the subject. I have read a lot of BSDM books and none of them have delved so deep in both the "play" aspect and the heavy amount of emotion connecting the Dom and sub. There are scenes that are filled with deliciously filthy play but, the main focus is how the characters are interacting on an emotional level. This is huge to me and helps take the book to the next level.

Stellan and Sixx are both characters that have intrigued me since they were first introduced. I was eager to get their stories be it together or separate. The emotional connection between these two was electric. I needed and wanted more from them and while they were the main focus of the book, for me everything else going on proved to be a big distraction. These two spent a lot of the story apart from each other with major events happening during those times and it really pulled the focus off them. When they were together I couldn't read the words fast enough though I was surprised that a lot of their "play" time seemed to be watered down in comparison to what we've gotten in the past.

Overall I enjoyed this book. It introduced some new characters that I hope we will hear from again. It revisited favorites from previous books and gave us a different perspective on them and their lives. I'm interested to see what else this series may hold.

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I've been looking forward to this book with intense anticipation. The Honey series has been Kristen Ashley most unique books yet. I'm impressed and applaud her for writing outside the box. Her outstanding talent guarantees a captivating and engaging story. A story that pushes the boundaries but still has the authors signature style and uniqueness.

Even though the BDSM genre is not one of my favorite genres, throughout the years I have read enough books to be able to discern great books with unique storylines, and fascinating characters. Kristen Ashley has come full circle with her third book in the Honey series.

I made the BIG mistake reading this book at work. I learned the hard way that a story this HOT, sizzling, and steamy should not be read outside of bed. 

Stellan and Sixx were a fascinating couple. After being introduced to both characters in book 1 & 2, it was exciting to know they finally would get their own story. I couldn't wait to find out how the author would spin a tale about two Doms finding their happily ever after.

As always KA didn't disappoint.

Stellan was as cool and amazing as I imagined. He was the BOMB. Smart, business savvy, surprisingly kind, loving, and hell bent on owning Sixx. He showed amazing control, understanding and intuition, which he needed in dealing with Sixx. Sixx on the other hand was one tough mistress. Her backstory was heartbreaking, and devastating. Her survival instincts and coping mechanism brought tears to my eyes. And together their journey was as beautiful as it was gripping.

There were a few times I wanted to shake some sense into Sixx. She had my stomach in knots, with her unrelenting need to protect Stellan from herself. I understood were she was coming from, but it was a source of frustration that fortunately worked itself out in the end.

The Greatest Risk was a wonderful ending to a fantastic series. Did I like it as much as book 1 & 2? Not quite. But it was utterly satisfying, and delivered a wonderful happy ending to a couple that deserved it very much. There was a smorgasbord of sizzling scenes throughout the book. All kinds of arrangements that ignited the pages that they were written on. And again I was reminded why I loved this series so much, and it also evoked in me the desire to read Branch and Olly's stories again (I'm clearly in love with KA's alpha subs).

So, for all of you who enjoy a naughty and steamy book, that steps outside the box and explores a Dom relationship, this is the book for you. Enjoy the sexual tension and sexual exploits to your heart's desire - you won't be disappointed.

This review will be live on the blog on April 26th

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Sixx and Stellan. Domme and Dom. One with a past that she doesn't want to reveal. The other looking to tear her down and build her back up again into the woman she deserves to be.

Kristen Ashley blew me away with The Greatest Risk. I was so enthralled with this story that I know this review is going to be one of the harder ones for me to write, for me to put into words what I really felt throughout this story.

Mistress Sixx was an enigma from the beginning of this series. As her past is revealed and her present is being scrutinized, I was stunned, heart-broken and mesmerized by her. She was a strong, hard woman, kept everyone at arms-length and made sure that no one would ever best her again. She knew to stay away from Stellan even though she wanted him like no other man. He would be the one, besides Aryas, who would see through her and bring her to her knees. She can't show him that side of her but she also cannot keep her eyes off of him as he plays in The Honey Pot.

Master Stellan knows what he wants, goes after what he wants. He too has a past that he doesn't care to talk much about, a family that doesn't deserve what he had to give them. The Honey Pot is his playground but it is becoming less and less appealing lately. Until she walks back into the club after a long absence. Now, to make her see what she was leaving behind by running, who she can be, what she really wants. Time to make her his and give her everything she deserves.

The transformation of Mistress Sixx into Simone was amazing. Watching Stellan bring her out of herself and into his world, giving her everything that she ever desired in a man, watching her open up to him, was awesome. And, the way Kristen Ashley went about doing it … truly impressive. This woman has a way with words, a way with bringing in sub-characters to really enhance the story that always draws me in. The Greatest Risk was exquisitely written, it was fascinating and it definitely makes my Best of list in 2018.

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I've read upwards of 60 something Kristen Ashley books, many of them I've reread several times. There's probably not an author around whose stories I'm more passionate about, one who has me craving the giddy deliciousness that comes with every new release. But of all of the KA books I've read, there's probably not one that will be as difficult for me to describe my thoughts and feelings on as The Greatest Risk. But, nevertheless, here I go...

Kristen Ashley takes us back to the titillating BDSM world of the Honey in The Greatest Risk, this time with the complicated dynamic between Stellan Lange and Simone "Sixx" Marchesa. I have to say, Stellan and Sixx were not characters that I easily related to. My first instinct is to attribute that to their lifestyle, their relationship taking root in the kinky sex club where they both "play" as doms. While I'm utterly fascinated by this world of domination and submission, of voyeuristic sex and sensual fantasies, I still remain an outsider, a reader with so many questions about how this all works. So like I said, my initial feeling on why I didn't thoroughly connect with them, I blamed on the fact that they exist in this world that I just don't relate to, don't understand, even if I am completely riveted by it. But that really can't be it because I didn't struggle with connecting with Amelie and Olivier or Evangeline and Branch. I really got them in a way that I just never got Stellan and Sixx. 

So then I thought maybe it was because these characters don't let anyone get close enough to really get them. Sixx is a character that won't let ANYONE in. She's emotionally scarred by tragedy in her past. She's a badass in her job and in her play at the Honey. She's likeable and she's strong and I felt for her. She's just not warm and fuzzy. Perhaps she held me at arms length the same way she does Stellan and her friends. And Stellan being this strong observant type who lords over everyone in the club as he does in his mansion and his office, who's proper and fancy and well dressed, who takes care of everyone and treats his woman like a queen... he's all these things that add up to this fantastic hero. But he remained untouchable to me. He's just not a character that I felt that inexplicable thing for that I did for the Tys and Tates and Tacks and Raids of the KA world. There was just something MONUMENTAL missing in my connection with these characters and also in the connection I needed to see grow between them. It was expressed to me that these characters are made for each other. They obviously come to mean a lot to each other. They're clearly sexually compatible even though that relationship must evolve and adapt because two doms coming together shouldn't make sense, but it does. There are scenes I heard about, that were glossed over but didn't actually play out for the reader that might have helped me believe more in this attraction turned love story. But whatever that missing link was, it evaded me and it left me on the outside looking in, instead of being completely swept away in the immersive reading experience that KA notoriously creates. 

But with that said, (and here's where it gets weird) I was still really into this story. How does THAT even happen?? I imagine reading this book is similar to going to a football game where you really don't care about either team. You have no emotional investment in who wins, what their record is, what the matchup might mean to these players, but you still have awesome seats at a freaking football game and the beer is flowing and the food is good and the quarterback is hot and it's exciting and sexy and it's entertaining so you're going to watch and you're going to have a great time even though you never really get to know the players in the way you wish you could. It's a wild feeling, reading this book and it's really hard for me to explain. I enjoyed this book A LOT. It is HOT AS HELL. It's loaded with a good dose of suspense courtesy of Sixx's career path.  It's super super super steamy. We're treated to a few cameo appearances by some KA characters of yesteryear that I've missed. And the story is an intriguing, refreshing one. I just missed the romance. I missed the undeniable chemistry that is typically this delicious palpable thing in KA novels. But still, I'm glad I came to the game. It was fun. I got a little tipsy. Most of the food was good. I got a little sweaty and had to fan myself watching some of the dudes throw down together (winks!) And while this particular matchup might not be one that stands out when I think back on all the games I've been to, it had some seriously memorable plays and I'm glad I went.

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WOW! Talk about hot and sexy with a side of emotional heartache. What a ride. I loved every moment of it. I wish there were more books

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4.25 stars

Can a woman's dream man be the key to finally feeling worthy of love? It's not as easy as you'd think. With a balance of scorchingly hot chemistry, Alpha bossiness, and emotionally tender moments, this is story is my favorite book in the series thus far.

What has made the author's series stand out from other Dom/Sub books, particularly with her history for legendary Alphas, is that the Doms haven't been the Alphas. Until now. This is Stellan and Sixx's story, which is a surprising in itself. I have to admit, I was worried about this pairing given Stellan's past interest in Amélie. I never want a love story based on a second choice. So I'm glad that Sixx tackled this issue early on and Stellan's response was good enough to appease me. But even without that response, his actions speak loud and clear. Sixx is 100% who he wants, and he spends an inordinate amount of time proving that.

"You sit here as mine, Simone."

Sixx/Simone had a rough childhood, and through experiences with the family she thought would love and protect her, developed the belief that love would never be in the cards for her. And given the risky life she's come to lead, was never willing to give anyone a chance. But that set path is thrown off kilter when the man she has lusted for, finally gives her the attention she has craved. Questions now is, can she give him more than that sexual gratification?

"Thank you," she whispered.
"For what?" he asked.
"For thinking I deserve you."

Stellan has his work cut out for him with Sixx, or Simone, as he prefers to call her. While there were times I wanted to shake some sense into Simone, so that she'd finally open up to Stellan and be honest with her thoughts and fears, Stellan handled things perfectly.
He gave her space when she needed it, particularly with her drawings.
He pushed when Simone got caught up with her personal demons/insecurities.
He listened when she finally did open it.
And when he did all of these things, it was hard for Simone to ignore. That gave them the first shot at a real future.

"I need to build a foundation for her that she believes in. That she knows in her heart will never crack."

Other than cracking Simone's protective shell, this story has a side plot involving Simone's career, which can be dangerous at times. Stellan, being the Alpha that he is, didn't always like this career path, and in my opinion, took the wrong approach to address it. Lucky for him, things didn't blow up like they could have. With Simone's career and being in Phoenix, one KA couple immediately came to mind. So, you know I freaked out when they were mentioned.

If you know me, you know one of my all-time favorite couples are Tucker and Sylvie Creed. When they not only got a mention, but play a small role in the story, I totally squealed (I may be old, but not above squealing, lol).

As with the other books in this series, I was impressed with the level of detail the author provided in the erotic scenes. The scenes involving Sixx and Stellan were very very hot!! Seriously. May not want to read this in public.

My only real criticism of the story is why such lengthy scenes involving a MMF couple were included. I get why they were part of the plot, tying to Simone's job. However, I didn't think they needed two full chapters of their role playing. Although the dynamics between Maddox, Molly and Diesel were interesting and likely worthy of their own novella, I thought the inclusion of their escapades took the focus off Simome and Stellan for too long. Ultimately, there is a tie in that brings the story to conclusion, so that did help.

If you are a fan of this series, and a loyal KA reader like myself, this book will be just what you need.

Final note: loved that this story included a shout-out to Tiffany Reisz, the queen of BDSM (in my opinion.

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The greatest Risk is BDSM with a sweet bite. Kristen Ashley shows us the beauty in pain and an internal struggle needing to be set free. Sixx is a woman that is a two sided coin wrapped in vulnerability and strength. She finds herself at the hands of a dom willing to go to any length to show her she’s worth it.

Stellan, a dom with a sweet understanding of life and its erotic intricacies, has a predilection for domineering debauchery that will help a troubled female dom learn to switch into to a submissive that is understanding of herself and let the past remain where it needs to be.

As always, KA showers us with a family feel and a deep love of friendships. It’s her hallmark. Add a bit of leather, and you have an erotic read perfectly played for fans of the genre.

Another 5 star read.

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