Member Reviews

Piazza has done it again--taken a serious topic plauging the news and turned it into a fun contemporary with a thought-provoking spin. And I loved every moment of it!

There were so many beautiful moments of motherhood in here that were achingly adorable. I'm in love with Charlotte's kids. Does she need a babysitter? I volunteer. Family is just as poignant when dealing with her brother, who is strikingly less sweet and a lovely foil.

This was a juicy and fast read with a lot of suspense, a lot of drama, and a lot of plot points to keep the pace moving.

<spoiler>The ending. The ending. That darn ending. I predicted the ending ten pages before the ending, in case you were wondering, and I got really angry and I told myself to calm down because I must be wrong, but then I was right and I am angry! But I appreciate it. This was really the best possible ending.</spoiler>

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What a fun read! Charlotte is a great character; the story is fast-paced and realistic. I loved the ending, but I am sure it will generate some strong opinions on the author's decision as to where to end the tale.

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I have enjoyed everything by Jo Piazza that I have read so I was excited to get an email from the publisher with a widget of this book. I enjoyed it and the obviously a story of how difficult it is for a woman to run for public office is very timely. This is a quick, relatively light read and I will say I guessed the big surprise before it happened. I do think this book will struggle though because I suspect readers will not like the ending.

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Charlotte Walsh has made it. She is a Silicon Valley exec with a beautiful home, handsome and attentive husband and two beautiful daughters. But she's troubled by what she sees in American politics. She decides to move back to her hometown in Pennsylvania and run for Senate. She has no idea how this will shake her life to its very core.

I enjoyed the pace of this book and the characters. It was a very quick and interesting read. I did not expect some of the twists at the end. I was left a little cold by the ending, but I understand what the author was doing. Overall, a really good summer read.

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An overall okay read. It's definitely not anything that does a deep look into the subjects that it touches upon. It's a bit unsatisfying to read.

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This books speaks to women who through determination and drive seek to change and better themselves and those they surround themselves with.

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Very good book looking at us politics, campaigns and the media. The story about Charlotte hoping to win and all the background she is trying hard to hide from not only the public but her close and dear. Gutted at the ending.

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This was a fun and easy read. Bit of a behind the scenes look into the ugliness of a competitive election. It's a fluffy beach or airplane read though, no real examination of any of the issues it touched upon - marriage when both partners work for the same company and the woman is the boss, marriage after infidelity, impact of campaign year in the children and other family members. There were so many other possib!e side themes in this book that could have been explored a little more. And also - spoi!er alert - a deeply unsatjsfying ending.

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Fans of Jo Piazza’s other works (The Knock Off, Fitness Junkies, How to Be Married) will be entertained with her newest work: Charlotte Walsh Likes to Win. A compelling premise for our times - Charlotte Walsh is a powerful woman looking to run for Senate in the 2018 midterm elections. The story is about politics, but it is also about the struggle that women have navigating career and family and ambition. Many themes will resonate with female readers.

Hopefully others won’t consider it a huge spoiler to share that the ending is enigmatic, so if you are ISO a happily ever after, this may not be the book for you. If you are looking for a read that mirrors the complexities of our times with a layer of biting wit, check this one out when it hits the shelves in July.


“I laughed out loud reading Fitness Junkie, which serves a heaping helping of hilarious satire, profiling the step-counting, calorie-obsessed New Yorkers who fill the cronut-shaped holes in their souls with workouts.”
–Jill Kargman, creator and star of Odd Mom Out

“Fitness Junkie is a deliciously fun romp through the bizarre and cult-like workouts of the superrich, from naked yoga to clay diets to private island wellness retreats. Funny, frothy and delicious.”
–Jane Green, author of Falling

“I was thrown into the diet and exercising regimen of the 0.01% and was barely able to exhale. Fitness Junkie moves furiously through the torturous extremes women subject themselves to, all in the name of pleasing someone else. Sykes and Piazza work their magic through the eyes of a woman more like yourself. Read this and you will never eat cronuts with a side of guilt again.”
–Maureen Sherry, author of Opening Belle


Jo Piazza is an award-winning journalist and editor who has written for The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Daily News (New York), New York magazine, Glamour, Marie Claire, Elle, and Salon. She has appeared on CNN, NPR, Fox News, BBC, and MSNBC. Jo received a Masters in Journalism from Columbia, a Masters in Religious Studies from NYU, and a bachelor’s in economics from the University of Pennsylvania. The author of The Knock Off, How to Be Married, Fitness Junkies, and Charlotte Walsh Likes to Win, she currently lives in San Francisco with her husband, their giant dog, and a baby boy.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a copy of this book in exchanged for an unbiased review.

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Super fun book that really had me think! I read it in about 2 days and I feel like many people would enjoy it!

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Women from all walks of life, not just politics, can relate to this book and the things Charlotte has to deal with. Good pacing; some things were a bit much with no follow up (I wanted Roz’s story even though it obviously would not move the rest of the story along), but I never wanted to stop reading. And the ending!

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was an ok read. I really wanted to like it, but I couldn’t get into it. Unfortunately, I didn’t finish it about halfway through.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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How did Jo Piazza manage to write a book (probably completed months ago) that screams our daily headlines?
How can a novel contain so many elements:

DIRTY Political campaigns
Feminist issues
Poverty in former manufacturing areas
Problems in a marriage
Use of Social Media in the campaign process
Gap between the super-rich and the poor
Prejudice against women in office
Working motherhood

And yet, be compulsively readable? Is having it all, having nothing? Just a book that makes the reader think at each turn of the page.

Charlotte Walsh is a modern heroine, perfectly placed to represent women in today's world. I would like to see someone with her strength and brilliance actually run for political office.

I am ready to see this on film, since it the perfect novel to be made into a movie during the coming campaign season I have mentally cast all the roles, the truest compliment since I very rarely see books that have been filmed...I will make an exception this time.

I cannot wait to recommend this to my reading groups and women's study seminars. A rich and timely novel that is a smooth read, and full of rich material for meaningful discussions.

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4.5⭐️— Charlotte Walsh Likes to Win by Jo Piazza

Thank you to Netgalley, Simon and Schuster and the author for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Charlotte Walsh is running for political office in her home state of Pennsylvania. To do this she uproots her husband and three daughters from Cali to Pennsylvania. Between this, her husband becoming Mr. Mom, and the stress of a campaign, Charlotte’s already fragile marriage trembled under the pressure. Can Charlotte win? Can woman have it all?

I have previously read Fitness Junkie and The Knockoff coauthored by Piazza (and Lucy Sykes) and enjoyed them both. This book was much different in a good way. It took me longer to get through, a mixture of busy nights and work stress made me not want to read a serious topic, but I really enjoyed this book. I gave it a 4.5 Bc I think some of the pacing could have been faster, but it wasn’t so slow that I lost interest. And when Charlotte’s secret comes out, it’s a doozy. And the ending! Ahhh that ending. Piazza left me shrieking and messaging a fellow bookstagrammer to make sure I wasn’t crazy!

With likable characters and a topic that is hot in our political climate and life in general, Charlotte Walsh Likes to Win is a must read!

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Unfortunately, I didn’t get very far into this novel before deciding it is not for me. In the current American political climate, I was hoping for something less literal and more nuanced and hopeful.

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After reading Charlotte Walsh Likes to Win, I can assure you that I will never run for any type of political office. Not that I was planning on it, but still......

Charlotte Walsh Likes to Win follows Charlotte Walsh as she moves back to Pennsylvania and runs for state senate. A nasty, dirty campaign ensues. While Charlotte Walsh is certainly a liberal candidate, I believe that people from both sides of the aisle can appreciate the hardships she and her family endure while on the campaign trail. Typical of Jo Piazza's books, this story can be a bit over-the-top at times, but is overall a great read.

I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion.

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This was my first No Piazza book, so I was ecstatic when I was approved for an e-copy arc via Netgalley. This book is the political and a times satirical book we need based off the current political climate we are currently enduring. Charlotte was a relatable character and provokes the common question, can women really have it all? Again" thank you Netgalley & Simon & Schuster for an advanced e-copy in return for an honest review.

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This book is for leftist women. I had hope when the description said that women on both sides of the aisle could enjoy it, but I was disappointed. The book tries to stay center and focuses on the struggles a woman faces trying to succeed in politics, but it clearly isn’t trying to sell to Republican women.

Every time you start to forget that Charlotte is a Democrat, the author slams it back in your face to subtly shame you for believing in different politics. Mean tweets from Republicanesque twitter handles. Pushing for “reasonable” gun control. Purporting that her protesters were paid when several news agencies reported the Trump protesters were paid. A white nationalist terrorist even though that overwhelmingly is not the usual ideology to carry out terror attacks in this country (or abroad). A group of hooded KKK members marched against her on election night (when was the last time America had a hooded KKK march? Why would they march on election night? Wouldn’t it be more effective to march the night before?).

Try to be less obvious in your dislike of the president. The evil incumbent is a 70-something on his third wife, 20 years his junior? Give Tug a fourth wife, or just a string of girlfriends, but change it up.

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I gave up on this after a few pages--the writing style was too self-aware.

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