Member Reviews

A new author for me and absolutely loved this book. I found myself hooked in this book and couldn't wait to finish. When a promise that was made may be the the wrong promise. Will Phoebe realize before it is to late. Loved the characters and story line.

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Phoebe Yoder had a desire to learn all about and care for Alpacas. They are a wonder to her and consume all of her thoughts in her free-time. Instead of thinking about her own home and a marriage and family, Phoebe thinks of her alpacas. But tragedy strikes her family when her baby sister is kidnapped making Phoebe make an oath to God to marry Micah, who isn't even remotely her first choice and who couldn't possibly make her happy.

When Benjamin Miller meets Phoebe Yoder, he starts to imagine what life would be like with Phoebe permanently in it. He even thinks that starting an alpaca farm would be just prefect for him and Phoebe. But Phoebe has made her oath and making her see that she needs to be happy is quite a task. Is Benjamin up to that task? Only time and reading this book will tell.

THE PROMISE by Susan Lantz Simpson is a lovely story with humor, intrigue and faith, as well and romance. I truly enjoyed this book and will most definitely be reading more by this talented author.

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The Amish in this Southern Maryland community enjoy selling and browsing at the Amish Market. Those smiles of Sunshine turn to tears of rain though for the Yoder family though when the baby sister of the family is kidnapped by a mentally unstable woman after she has a miscarriage. She tells her husband the baby is an adopted replacement for their child and he believes it. Oldest daughter Phoebe blames herself for the kidnapping. She makes a "bargain" with God if the child is returned she will marry a man whom she feels her parents want her to marry but she doesn't want to. Phoebe wants to be courted and marry but not quite yet and definitely not to Micah. Newcomer in town, Ben has so many of the same interests she has including alpacas and is so nice and caring towards her unlike Micah. Her heart opens to Ben, but should she pursue it when she just doesn't feel worthy of his love? Really enjoyed this and I can't wait to read the next book in the series.
Pub Date 27 Mar 2018
I received a review copy from Kensington Books through NetGalley. Thank you. All opinions expressed are my own.

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The Promise by Susan Lantz Simpson is the first book in The Amish of Southern Maryland series. Phoebe Yoder is at the farmer’s market with her mother, Martha, Susannah and Naomi (her sisters). Phoebe stops to admire the alpacas leaving Martha with the younger girls. It is Phoebe’s dream to raise her own alpacas. When Phoebe returns, Susannah is on her own and Naomi has disappeared. Someone took advantage of the situation to snatch Naomi from the market. Phoebe feels responsible and makes a rash promise to God that she will marry Micah Graber (who she does not care for at all) and give up her dream of raising alpacas if He will return her baby sister. Benjamin Miller has recently returned to the area and is taken with Phoebe when he sees her at the market. It is also his dream to have an alpaca farm. Ben gets a chance to spend time with Phoebe when they help Dori Ryland with her alpacas. Ben can imagine a wonderful future with Phoebe, but she is unwilling to forgo the vow she made to God. Phoebe is willing to give up a happy life to honor the promise she made in haste. What will it take to convince her that God would not want her to make this sacrifice?

The Promise is nicely written and to have a steady pace. I did, though, to find too much repetition in the book. The promise Phoebe made, how unlikeable Micah Graber is, and her love of alpacas are some of things that are repeated. There are good themes or life lessons in the book. The main theme in the story is trusting in God. We need to trust that the good Lord will guide us. Other Christian elements are God’s expectation, forgiveness of self and others, and the power of prayer. Going after your dreams is another theme in the story. It is important to have obtainable goals or dreams. The author included some good information on alpacas. There fiber is so soft and wonderful to use in fiber projects (spinning, knitting, crocheting, weaving, etc.). Phoebe was a frustrating character. I did not understand why she would not talk to her parents (at least her mother). She is going to marry someone she dislikes because she made a promise. God would not want her to be unhappy. Ben is a great character and readers will be rooting for him. I also enjoyed Ben’s grandmother, Lena Kurtz. The ending will have you cheering. I give The Promise 3 out of 5 stars. There is an excerpt of the next book in the series at the end. The Promise is a sweet Amish story.

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The Promise Is a book of vows, promises to keep or not to keep, lessons on Grace, kidnapping, integrity and GOD. Naomi had a major tragedy in her life. When it happened she makes a vow to GOD for HIM to fix it. When things work out she feels like GOD wants her to hold up to her end of the bargain - but as we all know we are not under Law but under Grace - does she keep that vow or does she let her heart lead her - and where does that desire come from? Yup - GOD! This is a great book don't miss out

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Phoebe Yoder is a young woman from a large, loving Amish family. She longs to marry and raise children of her own. When her baby sister is kidnapped on market day, Phoebe feels responsible and promises God that if he brings the baby home, she will marry Micah Graber.

Micah Graber is an overbearing young Amish man who thinks the world revolves around him and his wishes. He has decided that Phoebe will be his wife even though she is not even fond of him, much less in love with him. He thinks he can order Phoebe to marry him. He is so irritating that they can’t even carry on a conversation without becoming angry.

Ben Miller has come home to help his aged grandparents on the farm after being away for several years. He is the complete opposite of Micah. He is kind and loving with a good sense of humor. He is very attracted to Phoebe, but Micah has told him and the whole community that he and Phoebe are to be married, so Ben keeps his distance.

I am a big fan of Amish novels and this is the best one I have read in a long time. I am looking forward to reading more books by Susan Lantz Simpson.

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I loved The Promise. Great story and interesting characters. Highly recommend.

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Phoebe Yoder is at market one Saturday. She is there with her mother and her sisters. She decides to take a walk with her sisters. She tells her 13 year old sister Martha to watch her younger sisters while she looks at the Alpacas. Phoebe finally returns only to find her younger sister crying. Martha went to hang out with her friends. Martha let her sister watch her baby sister Naomi. She tells Phoebe someone took Naomi.

Phoebe starts to panic they begin searching for Naomi. They even get the police involved. They can't find her anywhere. Phoebe makes a promise to GOD that she will marry Micah Graber if they find Naomi. She doesn't even like Micah he's rude, controlling, and possessive.Will they find Naomi or will Phoebe have to marry Micah? You will have to read the book to find out.

I absolutely loved this book. It held my interest from the beginning to the end. I recommend this to others it's such a wonderful book.

I was given a copy from Kensington Books through NetGalley. I wasn't required to write a review.

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In The Promise by Susan Lantz Simpson, we meet Phoebe who lives in Maryland with her family. She is a big help to her mother and younger siblings. The book opens with a normal Saturday trip to market to sell their wares to the locals and tourists. Phoebe, along with her 13 year-0ld sister Martha, takes their young sisters to look at the alpacas. Phoebe, who is very fascinated by the alpacas, leaves Martha to care for the younger siblings and accepts the offer of the farm owner to pet some of the friendlier alpacas.
When she turns around to check on her sisters, she discovers her youngest sister, Naomi, has been kidnapped. Grief stricken, she tries to find her. Ben, also an alpaca enthusiast, had been petting the alpacas when Phoebe discovered her missing sister. He quickly tries to assist in her.
Ben is a young man who just moved in with his grandparents to help out on the farm. Fascinated with the alpacas, he wants to convince his grandfather to let purchase a few for the farm. He quickly falls for the beautiful Phoebe and would do anything to help her find her sister and end her grief.
So grief stricken, Phoebe, strikes a deal with God to marry Micah Graber, in exchange for his sister’s safe return. Phoebe has no interest in Micah and he actually makes her skin crawl, but she would do anything to get her baby sister back.
This is the first book I have read by Simpson and I honestly couldn’t stop reading until the very end! I found the book well-written and the characters were easy to love or hate. I actually felt the emotions of Phoebe when Micah was being described.
I would recommend this book to anyone who loved Inspirational Fiction.

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What a sweet story of a young Amish family. I thoroughly enjoyed this read. It made me laugh and cry by taking you into the world of these sweet characters. Plan to read all day!

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Nineteen year old Phoebe wants to raise alpacas and takes every opportunity to learn about their sweet tender nature. Her mom, sisters and her attend a Saturday market in town and while learning about the alpacas her baby sister, Naomi, is kidnapped. Both her and her younger sister, Martha, feel responsible. Phoebe has struck a deal with God that if her sister is returned she will marry Micah Graber even if she doesn't love him and he does not share her dream of owning alpacas.

Ben has moved to the area to help his aging grandparents run their farm and is excited to learn about the alpacas at a neighboring farm. He hopes to be able to convince his grandfather to add the sweet animals to his menagerie of animals. Ben meets Phoebe at the alpaca exhibit at the market and falls in love. Can he help Phoebe during this difficult time and save her from making a lifelong mistake?

I was very excited to read an Amish book set in Maryland as I have visited the area and that makes books even more interesting to me. I can recall the smells and feel the weather like I am right there with the characters.

Phoebe - You have a sweet love story going on in the background while a terrible tragedy is unfolding. Phoebe is trying to come to terms with her part in the kidnapping of her baby sister. She keeps herself busy with chores around the house to the point of exhaustion. You really get a sense of how strong the Amish are physically and mentally. I admire Phoebe's mental strength as I am not sure I could keep it together one little bit.

Micah - JERK. The nicest term I can use. I have never disliked an Amish character as much I do Micah. He is arrogant, cruel, and a bully. He treats others like the dirt on the bottom of his show. I cringed every time I read his name.

Martha - Phoebe's 13 year old sister who Phoebe asked to watch the younger two sisters and decided being with her friends was more important. You make think 13 years old is too young to be in charge of the younger siblings in such a public place but we have to remember that the Amish teach their children to responsible from a very young age. Martha is a very spoiled brat and tends to be extra whiney when she should be helping around the house. At one point I wanted to have Micah court her just to teach her a lesson but he was way too old for her. I do think she learned from mistake by the end of the book.

Ben - He is the main every little girl dreams of marrying one day. Patient, kind, soft spoken and caring. He would do anything to make Phoebe happy.

I can't wait for The Mending to be released in August of this year.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington for a copy of the book to read in exchange for my honest review in my own words.

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Very sweet book about forgiveness. Phoebe had such a hard time with guilt after her baby sister was kidnapped. Readers will be able to relate to how she pleaded and bargained with God for her sister's return. Micah was such a hateful bully that it was easy to dislike him. At times I felt the story was dragged out a bit. I enjoyed learning about alpacas and thought this added to the story. Loved how things were resolved at the end. Recommended.

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This was a wonderful story. I would have liked the female lead to be a bit stronger but she came thru in the end. A great picture of Amish life.

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I must admit that at first I was frustrated with Phoebe. She makes a promise to God when her youngest sister gets kidnapped, that if returned she would marry Micah, who she obviously doesn't want to marry. Young Ben, on the other hand, is sweet and kind, and they share an interest in alpacas. Micah is rude and mean spirited, and not very likeable. The farther I read the story, the harder it was to put down. The outcome was obvious, but the journey there was well written. Had to keep reminding myself that she was young, at only 19, so even though she was Amish that is still young. Would highly recommend this sweet story.

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Delightful! I so enjoyed this book that I couldn’t put this it down, and didn’t put it away until the last page was turned.
I can’t, or don’t want to, imagine the heartbreak of having a baby stolen from her family. This is what happens to the Yoder family, when their little Naomi is taken, and thus the Promise, or bargain with God.
There are also a few chuckles here, like when Micha is berating Phoebe!
“You wouldn’t let me take you home after the singing last Sunday. I figured you might be a little shy and prefer more privacy.” You figured wrong. “I-I…” Phoebe still stammered, unable to form a suitable reply. “Do you want to take a walk or sit on the porch?” “Nee!” I want to run back into my room and stuff myself under the bed.
There is also a serious side that most people have problems with, and that is forgiving oneself, and the author sure has us thinking about this throughout the book.
Looks like there is another book by this author coming soon, and I can’t wait.

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Kensington, and was not required to give a positive review.

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It may be early in the year still, but The Promise by Susan Lantz Simpson already promises to be one of the best books I read this year. It is my first time reading a novel of hers, but it surely won't be the last! Phoebe's anguish, and that of her families, when her baby sister goes missing at a farmers market, is devastating- a family's worst nightmare. She and her younger teenage sister both blame themselves for Naomi's disappearance. Naomi's disappearance causes Phoebe to make a "bargain" with God, a bargain her loved ones and friends assure her is not necessary or wise.
While Phoebe and her family pray for Naomi's return and await news from police, she seeks solace learning about the alpacas her English friend Dori raises. Phoebe is fascinated by these animals- as is Benjamin, a newcomer to her community in Maryland. Benjamin and Phoebe both dream of having their own alpacas one day. Phoebe balances helping her family, learning about the alpacas, and trying to avoid a very persistent Micah, who is determined and obsessed regarding asking Phoebe to marry him. This book will surely keep fellow readers turning the pages and not wanting to put it down! I was sad when it came to an end!

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