Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley and PolisBooks for letting me read this for an honest review!

I loved this book! Well written, action/crime/thriller, well paced, you never get tired and can't put it down! Good from start to finish, with flashbackks and all to really understand where the characters are coming from. You get attached to Pete!
It's really good without a dull moment! Like watching a movie!

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Pete Fernandez is a dry drunk, trying to hold onto his sobriety by his fingertips. He lives in New Jersey, but grew up in Miami. He fled Miami, trying to regain some kind of life; he was a reporter but now works as a private detective. He returns to Miami to try and solve the one case that has haunted him all his life, the murder of his high school crush, Patty Morales. She disappeared from the grounds of the high school while Pete was doing garbage pick-up. Pete found her body, years later, dumped outside her father's house. What does her death have to do with her father's involvement with La Iglesia de la Luz, a cult-like church? Is La Iglesia still around? And who is the young man Pete is looking for? The son of a popular gubernatorial candidate or a degenerate drug addict also involved with La Iglesia? This is a intricately plotted mystery with a whiz-bang ending. I am going to track down the first two books in the series.

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Let’s See, we have a former newspaper sportswriter who turns into a private investigator and to make things even more interesting an alcoholic. Throw in a stripper, the mob, several former girlfriends, one a former newspaper writer and partner private investigator, another a Latina lawyer, a dead former classmate and a few of her relatives, an almost retired FBI agent, a political couple who are are striving for a higher office, a religious cult and you have the makings of a fast moving, action packed murder mystery that twists, turns and leaves a trail of mayhem and murder.

The story moves from 1998 to 2017 from Miami to Spring Valley, New York to Key West and back and forth. The murder and mayhem continue in all locales. This is the third in the Pete Fernandez mysteries, but not having read the previous books I can attest that this book stands by itself.

Thank You NetGalley and Polis Books for an ARC.

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Quite a gripping mystery with several unexpected events. The main character developed as events unfolded and he acquires a renewed personal strength. Overall, a good read.

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Blackout is my first Pete Fernandez novel, and I enjoyed the whirlwind, action-packed pace that started at the beginning of the book and did not let up until the story was finished. Reading Blackout was like hopping on a roller coaster ride or watching a Mission Impossible movie – there are so many twists and turns and never a dull moment in between. As soon as one villain is vanquished, another appears as Pete travels across Florida trying to solve a cold case from his past that puts him in the path of a dangerous and enigmatic cult leader. An entertaining read!

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Pete is still battling demons: internal and external and those two demons are like watching two channel simultaneously on TV as you wait for an (infrequent) lull in one to focus on the other. Going back 20 years adds greater depth to our protagonist leading to an excellent read.

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Excellent addition to the series. We learn more about Pete’s past and what makes him tick. Fast paced and interesting read. CAN NOT WAIT to see what’s next for Pete.

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Pete Fernandez is one of crime fictions greatest characters. I don't say this lightly. This genre has always been a favorite of mine and this character is one of those people who are damaged and sometimes difficult to understand, and yet you are drawn to them immediately. He's real and so are his struggles and that is the strength of this series. It looks as if things have come to an abrupt end for Pete this time, but I hope I'm wrong because I've grown attached to Pete over the last few books. Another exceptional chapter in what is one of the best crime thriller series I've had the pleasure of reading.

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