Member Reviews

Hunger for you is a paranormal f/f romance featuring a mysterious vampire and the girl she’s head over heels for. Basically, it was everything I should have loved but alas, I didn’t. I originally didn’t finish and wasn’t giving feedback but after much consideration I gave it another try and managed to complete it.

We will start with the positive: I loved the plot and storyline was so intriguing, I liked how badass Amelia was regardless of being the only human, she did not back down. I admired her spirit and, I wouldn’t say no to a sequel.

However, Byron bored me to tears. I was just not here for her character and this really soured the romance for me. In the end I skimmed most of their romantic scenes just to get to the action! I did liked the side characters especially Alexis and Katie. Here’s hoping they all get books. Maybe I’ll enjoy them more.

Overall; if you’re looking for a romantic/action packed read, then this is the book for you. I myself, have turned off romance so maybe that contributed to my distaste.

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This book was so engaging I spent an entire afternoon reading it. The lead characters had fantastic chemistry, the sex scenes were sizzling hot, the supporting characters were equally interesting and the battle of the clans storyline was gripping. My only negative comment is that the story started rather abruptly six months after the two leads had already met - the meeting scene was only revealed towards the end and even so it was only a brief look into how they met. A more linear, chronological account might have improved the story. Having said that I look forward to reading the rest of the series and I hope the author gives Alexis and Katie their own story.

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This was a bit of a mess - but i read it all. This is the continuation of the short story "Dapper" and is Frame's take on vampires. I'll give her credit for mixing stuff up a bit and not following all the standard vampire tropes (there are still some) but I still found the story lacking in direction and action.

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Solid 3.5 stars.

Started off a little slow for me, I struggled to start it several times, but once I did, I enjoyed it. A lot of excitement and twists that have me eagerly awaiting the next in the series.

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I requested this book in error, and so still was prepared to review it. I couldn't get into this book, not even trying to make myself finish it.
This is not a strike against the author, just that my lack of interest in the subject matter.

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I loved reading it! This paranormal romance cries out for at least a sequel, if not a series. A family mystery of one protagonist remains to be solved. And the book is full of promising future protagonists who deserve their own happily ever after.

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This was an exceptional book. This completely took me off guard. Now I love paranormal books but this one was one of the best, if not the best I have read in a very long time.

It had a bit of everything. Yes, the obvious but also intrigue, mystery, history and a lot of important secondary characters that just enhanced the story. It is really well written and had me guessing til the end. I really really hope Frame has a follow up on the cards because there is no way she could end it where she did. It set me up to think of another incredible story. Can the good guys really win the day. Can the bad guy be converted?

It's set in London in my home town in the present day. And it's just the way I remember it.

If you want something different that will hold your attention then give this book ago. I highly recommend it and it is worth more than 5 stars. Enjoy!

*ARC provided by publisher via NetGalley*

I would like to apologise for not posting reviews but I have been in hospital for the last 8 weeks trying to save my leg. The hospital wi-fi was not very good, but I am going to catch up on all the books I have read in the next few days as I am unable to walk . I can not apologise enough Jane Shambler

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This was an amazing story, I loved the outside the box take on vampires. The romance was sweet and sexy. The chemistry was hot, and the love was real, and I look forward to reading more.

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href="" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="Hunger for You" src="" /></a><a href="">Hunger for You</a> by <a href="">Jenny Frame</a><br/>
My rating: <a href="">4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
I rec'd an ARC from NetGallley/Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.<br />A vampire romance that has angst, sex and a compelling storyline with leads Amelia and Byron (from "Dapper"). Nicely fleshed out characters that didn't quite follow the vampire norm making Ms. Frame's take on the genre interesting for me. Dare I hope this develops into a series?<br />I recommend this book with 4 stars.
<a href="">View all my reviews</a>

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Hunger For You by Jenny Frame is a wonderful paranormal tale about love conquering the darkest part of a person’s soul. Byron Debrek is the head of the oldest vampire clan in the world and the strongest vampire in existence. She falls for Amelia Honey who embodies all that is kind, innocent and nurturing. I can’t go further than that, as it would be one spoiler after another.

The story moves between Byron’s and Amelia’s point of view so I felt like I got to know them very well. The writing is solid and this book felt like a highly romanticized take on a vampire love story. Byron is all about control, brooding, and gallantry. She is definitely the picture perfect vampire.

The plot kept me on my toes. That isn’t to say that there weren’t things that I didn’t see coming. However, everything was revealed at the perfect time and in a fresh way.

The end of the book is set up so that this is the first in what I hope will at least be a three book series.

My only qualm with the book was that there were times when I felt like I was reading the same passages over again. It was as if exposition from the beginning of the book was cut and pasted into the second half of the book. It was as if the author wanted to make sure the reader was still following along. This is the only reason that I did not give the book a five star rating.

This was a very good read and I definitely recommend it.

I was provided with an ARC of this book via Netgalley from Bold Stokes Books in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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I absolutely love Jenny Frame as an author. I have read, and will read anything she writes. I have loved almost everything she has written, but this one is not my favorite. I am also a fan of paranormal romance, but this one just didn't do it for me. I wouldn't say this isn't a good book, it just didn't deliver. I will say I may have gone into this one with too high of expectations. I was excited she had written a vampire book and may have set myself up for failure. Expecting too much.

When I first began the book I debated on skipping this one. The beginning was a bit rough for me. I remember thinking this may be my first Frame book that I really do not like. I made myself continue and after you get through the beginning it gets better. Maybe around 40% or so… I really liked Amelia but Byron was not my favorite. By the end I thought it had recovered somewhat but it still wasn't on my Frame favorites list. Kind of hope book 2 is Alexis and Katie… I would read that book!

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I was cautiously optimistic about HUNGER FOR YOU, as I haven't had great luck with Frame's books in the past but was super excited for lesbian vampires. I'm disappointed but not terribly surprised that I ended up unable to finish and DNF'd at 22%.
The central issue I have with the story is that it starts six months into the relationship and I'm completely unsure why the two heroines fell in love. I read in another review that there's a prequel novella, and perhaps if I had read that, my opinion would be different.
The book starts with the two of them in Amelia's uncle's tailor shop, where she works and where Byron has been shopping for decades. They're about to go on a vacation to Italy, which is where Byron intends to finally tell Amelia that Byron's a vampire. This is all fine... if it was like 30% into the book. As it stands, I was confused where the plot was hiding, where the chemistry was, etc. The book picks up at around 10% of the way in, with the introduction of a rival vampire clan, but the half of the narrative that follows the central couple plods along awkwardly.
I'm sure the book improves after the point that I stopped reading, but I gave a month of my reading life to trying to get through this and at some point, you have to throw in the metaphorical towel. I will say that it reads like a lot of the vampire romance that came out after Twilight, just chock full of queer women. If that sounds like something you'd like to read, you may want to check this out. I have no complaints about the sex, the representation I read, etc. It's just that the storytelling itself didn't work for me.

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I love all of Jenny Frame’s books and this is no exception. The book has a romantic paranormal theme. It has been many months since I have read a book in this category so I was looking forward to it. From the way the book is listed, I believe this is part of a new series entitled “Amelia and Byron”.

Byron Debrek is the “Principe” or head of an ancient vampire dynasty. She is single and not looking for love - that is until she meets Amelia Honey. Amelia is a tailor who lives with her two uncles. Byron comes into her shop and is drawn to Amelia. She is also attracted to him and they begin to date. Of course, Amelia does not know that Byron is a vampire. This book deals with how their romance develops, how Amelia learns about Byron being a vampire, and how it affects their relationship.

We are introduced to many characters in this book. They fall into the categories of vampires, humans, or witches. I look forward to the next book to see which characters Ms. Frame will develop further.

I felt that the plot was very smooth and flowed quickly. After the first chapter I was hooked and did not want to stop reading. Unfortunately, I will have to wait and hope that Ms. Frame adds to the series soon.

I highly recommend this book for anyone who likes paranormal fiction. It is also a good romance.

If someone has not tried a paranormal book, this might be a good one to try. I rate this book 5 out of 5 stars.

I was given this ARC in return for a fair and honest review.

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I like a lesfic vampire tale, and I really enjoyed this one. Good chemistry between the leads Byron and Amelia, a fantastic supporting cast and wonderful ‘baddie’ in Victorija. Lots of sex scenes in this book, not particularly vanilla, so be aware. A good place to end the story for this book, but plenty left to tell. Can’t wait for the next one!

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This book is Ms. Frame’s return to the paranormal realm after a while in other sub-genres, which I was quite looking forward to. The plot was well rendered, Amelia was a complex, attractive character and Byron (who I anticipated loving) proved to be a highly annoying woman who was entirely too self-absorbed. It was fine, but did not have sufficient action to merit a series.

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I want to know if this is going to be a series, because I hope so! This first book (hopefully first book) would lend itself well to being the start of a series.

Jenny Frame has done well with her Royale series, and I feel like this is just putting those into the vampire world. There is still quite the hierarchy with the Principe and such, so if you like those books then I'm sure you'll like this as well.

I do have one specific critique that I didn't understand. Byron is said to have died at 18. That must mean that she looks super young, and yet it isn't mentioned once. Especially if she is known around the world, isn't it weird that she is this billionaire banker whose running things at 18? Maybe I'm the only one who looked really young at 18...

Overall an entertaining read.

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In ‘Hunger for You’ Jenny Frame has written the most intense, emotionally charged love story between two women. Byron Debrek is the head of her vampire clan and lives a controlled life, forever afraid to let go incase the world sees the real her. When she meets Amelia Honey, a Savile Row tailor, she is torn between keeping this control and opening up to the one woman who fuels a hunger in her that cannot be satisfied by any other. Byron knows that if Amelia gets close to her she will be in danger from a rival clan and she will do anything to keep Amelia safe. This rivalry lends so much tension and threat to the story and introduces us to a world of vampires, fae, witches and the like.

Byron is a stylish butch and head of a multi-billion dollar banking dynasty as well as Principe of her clan. I loved her. She was kind, thoughtful and put everyone else before herself. Amelia was strong and more capable than she ever imagined she would be. Their passion and powerful connection made the sex scenes amongst the best I’ve ever read. They are guaranteed to get the reader all hot and bothered. Jenny Frame writes brilliant love scenes in all of her books and makes me believe the characters crave each other. She made me crave more of Byron and Amelia. The world she has set up in this book is so well imagined and there is so much more to the story. I didn’t want it to end and I found myself trying to drag out the last chapter as long as I possibly could. Five Stars and highly recommended.

I was given this ARC by Bold Strokes Books and Netgalley in return for an honest review.

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Good read. I enjoyed the story line and characters. I am looking forward to reading more from this author. Characters were engaging and likable with great chemistry. The author kept my attention from the first pate to the end. I would recommend.

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An honest review thanks to NetGalley. Wow. I liked this book; I love supernatural, and Frame did a great job introducing her vampires, their backstories, and their world. I loved Byron and the story that takes place between her and Amelia. There did seem to be some unfinished parts of the plot at the end; I am hoping Frame writes a second novel. The secondary characters were also very compelling; I will be excited to see if this new world is expanded to reading the story about other characters.

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