Member Reviews

3.25 Stars. I’m a huge paranormal fan. I love all types of supernaturals but I hold a special place in my heart for vampires. Not the sparkly kind, but the ones with some grit. Whenever I see a new paranormal lesfic book it just makes me instantly happy. (Just like lesfic fantasy and sci-fi, there never seems to be enough) I really do appreciate when authors in lesfic write them. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the book I hoped for. It’s not bad, I would actually say slightly better than okay. It’s just that I wanted a great vampire book.
The first 1/3 of the book I really struggled with. It seems to only be about sex and blood. Nothing else was really happening and I was losing patience quickly. Luckily, the middle third picked up and I finally felt like I was getting into the story. Then the final third started to go down again. I guess my point is the main premise is there, the execution is just not coming all together. I can see potential in this as a series, but this first book didn’t really hit its mark.
I enjoyed Amelia, the human character. She was likeable and stood up for herself. I had trouble with Byron though. Byron is this “dapper” butch character who is supposed to be the biggest, baddest vamp ever. I love strong kick-ass women, but her character came across as almost whiney to me. I just didn’t get what was so great about Byron. I do have to say I really liked the secondary characters. I can easily see this being a series. You can actually guess which charters and couples could star in the next book like Alexis and Katie. I found myself more interested in their possible story than I did in the main couple.
My biggest disappointment really was the action or lack thereof. To make a really great paranormal book, it should be at least 50% action. This book felt like maybe 20% action? It just was not enough to sustain this length of book.
I definitely had issues with this, but it’s an okay story. The premise is there and I am holding out hope the next book will be much better. I already like the potential of a book staring almost any of the secondary characters. I just hope Frame will put some good action in book 2.
P.S. The short Dapper is a prequel to this book. It is when Amelia and Byron first meet. You don’t have to read it, but I was glad I did.

This was just like any other vampire story.... The story had too much detail and has too many sexscenes - it is more an erotic book than a romance novel and the plot gets kind of lost in between.

I absolutely loved this book! I really hope there will be more in the series - I want Alexis and Katie's story STAT (*please*).
Amelia is a tailor living in London, dating the enigmatic and handsome Byron for the past six months. To Amelia, Byron is an international banker. But in Byron's world, she's Principe, born-vampire, head of her clan. Byron whisks Amelia away to her family home for a vacation, desperate to show the first woman she has fallen for in centuries, just how much she feels for her. But hiding her true nature is difficult, and is made even more so as danger threatens their safety and peace. In order to protect Amelia, she must break both their hearts and send Amelia home. But danger still lurks and threatens Amelia's life, and Byron will do anything to protect her. Can Amelia trust Byron with her life? With her heart?
This book had a really great balance between the romance and the action. I didn't have to compromise on either and enjoyed this story thoroughly.
I loved all the love scenes - each was sensual in their own way and each showed a unique aspect of Amelia's and Byron's relationship and their emotions. I'm not a fan of endless sex scenes usually, but this was the perfect way to up the steamy factor in your novels and still keep it fresh and new, and adds a lot to the story and the characters.
The characters, wow, Jenny Frame is a master at creating unique and interesting characters. Amelia is instantly likeable. Byron is a little emotionally tortured and draws you in. All the secondary characters brought warmth to a high stakes fight for survival. I was not only fully invested in our leading ladies, but I found myself forming connections with all the secondary characters as well. I was thoroughly engaged in every single page of this book.
Jenny Frame is an extremely talented writer. Technically flawless, easy flow, instant connection to the characters. It's easy to get lost in the worlds she creates.
Whenever Amelia was called Miss Honey, all I could think of was Miss Honey in Matilda and that's all I could see for the rest of the book. Although, not a bad imagine to have ;)
I received an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is probably one of the few books that I am going to put on my did not finish reading list. It felt like this should have been book two in a series. There were so many things that I felt like I should have known or could have been made clearer with a book before it. The sex scenes I encountered I skipped over, and there was your usual power hungry vampire fanfare. I just couldn’t get into this. Not saying other people might not enjoy it but it wasn’t for me.

Jenny Frame is a very detailed, talented author. This story has a lot of detail and the storyline is about vampires.
Amelia is a well crafted character who has a high degree of self worth. She is open, vulnerable, strong, and talented and you can see how her character remains true to these traits throughout the story.
Byron is guarded and not well developed as other vampire stories I have read. So it was difficult to connect with this character. Or why Amelia would want to be with Byron. In fact, other than intense sex, which is most of the book, I can't see why Amelia would find Bryon worthy of her?
Great setting and interesting sub-characters that would make for a great spin offs.

Jenny Frame just knows how to craft an interesting plot with strong characters. This paranormal romance was another great and entertaining read by her. Apart from a prequel short story Dapper this is the first novel in the series and I'm totally hooked and so looking forward to the next book.

Byron Debrek, billionaire banker and head of the Debrek vampire clan, is in love with Amelia Honey, Savile Row tailor. Amelia has her misgivings about Byron because she keeps missing dates or having to dash out at short notice to see someone but Amelia doesn’t know that Byron is a vampire. They’re in love with each other but neither can say the words – Amelia because of the missed dates and secrecy and Byron because she can’t bear to see the look of disgust when her secret discovered.
I liked premise of the story which has a lot more to it than indicated above but I’m not so sure about the execution. There are some things missing in construct like why they’re all day-walkers but that might have been explained in ‘Dapper’ which is 0.5 in the series and I haven’t read it yet. It doesn’t bother me that they’re day-walkers but I would like to know why. Vampire themed books are quite often a vehicle for eroticism but this came across more as a love story. The chemistry between Byron and Amelia was more intermittent than constant.
Amelia Honey is a lovely character. She’s got great attitude, won’t allow Byron to treat her time as less valuable because she’s a tailor and has a lot of strength. Byron was more problematic. I hate her name because I was unable to see her as a woman and I’ve read books with woman characters with names like Graham, Michael and Kyle and didn’t have a fraction of the difficulty that I had with Byron. I think it’s also, in part, due to her characterisation. I couldn’t see her in my head and every time I read her name I had to stop, realign my thinking and continue. Even writing this is difficult because I want to use masculine pronouns.
In future instalments I wouldn’t mind reading about the other characters like Alexis, Katie, Bhal, Daisy and Victorija but it would mean getting beyond Byron.
Book received from Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

I like the world and can see a good series developing, but there needs to be more storylines and action to hold my interest. One vampire feud isn’t enough for a whole book. Bring on the fae, the witches, the werewolves, get Alexis and Katie together, bring in someone for Bhal and Sera.

That saying of “it is what it is” comes to mind, vampire erotica with a lot of repetitiveness that drove me bloody nuts, lots of sex with great characters and very little action, this got really cheesy in the last percentages and I have to be honest and say I wouldn’t recommend this book for someone who was after an action packed vampire book, it lagged in a lot of places and I found myself getting distracted easily, not one of the best vampire books I’ve read but not the worst either, just an average typical Frame book.

Just another lame vampire store. I couldn't get passed the first couple of chapters. No need to waste more time on this title. On to the next book for me.