Member Reviews

An honest review thanks to NetGalley. I had read this book awhile ago but apparently forgot to write a review. I just reread it today and am so glad that I did. The first novella was good but it was the middle and last story that drew my attention completely. These were great reads and the connection between the characters and the romance flew of the pages. This was a great read with three amazing novellas!

Overall, an entertaining and enjoyable read, I loved having 3 different authors stories together and these were closer in content that most anthologies I have read. I am happy to have found some new to me authors I look forward to reading more from all three authors.

This is a collection of three very different novellas - all linked by the idea of office romance. I'm just going to suspend my internal ethicist and go with the flow - it's fiction and it for fun.
Aurora Rey's offering takes place in New Orleans at a law firm and focuses on second chance romance for two women how had a brief (PG Rated) encounter in law school some years before. This one is focused on the relationship and there isn't much going on otherwise - but this is a novella and works well as its focus is on the rekindling of romance and the discovery that the characters aren't quite so polar opposite.
Julie Cannon's novella is more erotica and wasn't my cup of tea . It is an oddly structured novella where one part is told from one character's perspective, the second is a repeat of those events from the other's POV and then the last part is combined POV. The dynamic between Riley and Jess was just - odd and a bit unsettling. Normally, I have really enjoyed Cannon's books but this one just didn't work for me.
M Ullrich's story is probably my favourite of the three. This is the ice queen melts trope and actually has probably the most direct boss/employee relationship (intern reporting directly to the boss). I think in reality, Luca should have quit long before she managed to make an impression on Steph - but this is a romance. Even with the ice queen persona, I liked Stephanie quite a bit and actually found that she was better developed than the easier to like/relate to Luca. Ullrich writes a good romance and this one worked very well.

I like some of the novellas but wasn't really my thing. I really love the chemistry between Luca and stephanie though. It was well done.

this featured three novellas but only one of them I really loved. I typically love office romances but have never read a f/f one. Still enjoyed though.

I really liked this novellas, "For Your Eyes Only", it was my favorite one.
Between the three of them complement a good book with different stories about a powerful boss and a subordinate

Curiosity led me to read this collection and I found myself quite enjoying them.
Each story has that slight unbelievable element that is an unfortunate necessity of a short story, in that they are co-incidence driven where the main protagonist finds themselves acting against character. For all that, they were all well written, though the corporate boss (3rd story) was the most fun.
If you're after 'explicit' LGBT etc, then this won't be for you, but plaudits to the writers for writing as they have, as it would have been so easy to have fallen into that 'trap' and they resisted...kudos!

The Boss of Her is a romance collection of three short stories all featuring sapphic women (primarily lesbians, it seemed, though there were stories were labels were not used) who engaged in boss-subordinate relationships. The romance novel genre leaves gaps in the readers expectations and The Boss of Her does fall into those gaps. The characterization sometimes suffers for the plot and the devices can be cheesy or overdone. However, the three stories are enjoyable and will leave romance readers satisfied.

These were good novellas. As with any novella, you’re always left wanting more.....but that’s just the way it is. These three were entertaining. Highly recommend.

This is a collection of novella's that are quite good. The problem I find with novella's are that they end up too short. You are left wanting more.
I found all three very good but the one I loved the best was Aurora Rey Lead Council. This one felt complete and unrushed. I will admit it sounded familiar but for the life of me I can't put my finger on it. The other two I felt could have been longer as the endings felt rushed.
Yes, I would recommend this book. Enjoy!
*ARC provided by publisher via NetGalley*

This was a new type of book for me I don’t usually read novellas but these three I really enjoyed. They were fun and fresh, sweet romances. in fact they could easily have been full length books. The first story was my favourite.
I was given an advance copy by NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

The theme of this book attracted me straight away however the authors have not been my favourite is the past which made me pause questioning if I would enjoy the book. I'm glad I did because I really enjoyed all three stories, I actually could not pick a favourite. In fact I really felt all three could have been standalone books.

Three quick reads each with their own value. Enjoyed them all for the most part, but perhaps the first was my favorite.

I really enjoyed those short stories - some more some less and for some I wished they would be longer.... all in all I really liked this collection.

ARC received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
This was a mixed bag for me, I liked one, thought one was average, and didn’t warm to the other.
The first story is Lead Counsel by Aurora Rey, I don’t think I’ve read anything by her before, but I will now. This was by far the strongest story, and I wish it wasn’t a novella. I enjoyed both MC’s and the plot was interesting, there was also no stupidly interspersed drama. I would have liked more time with these characters, still what was there didn’t feel forced or rushed.
Second is Julie Cannon’s For Your Eyes Only, which had an out there premise featuring a stripper and a woman who’s wound so tight she has to keep paying her to dance for her. I didn’t really get a handle on either character and the reveal at the end was rushed and unrealistic. No way do I see that relationship lasting.
The last was M. Ullrich’s Opportunity of a Lifetime and I just couldn’t warm to it. Didn’t like either character, the plot wasn’t terribly interesting and the contrived drama was way over the top.
All in all I’m happy I tried this because I found a new author, but overall, it was an average read.

Three great writers tell three feel-good tales to warm the heart. Julie Cannon’s ‘For Your Eyes Only’ is the story of Riley, an ultra controlled and buttoned-up woman who finds herself profoundly affected by a woman hired to strip at her friend’s birthday party. I found it very emotional and uplifting. I liked Riley a lot and willed her on as she began to see that life could be different if only you let it.
‘Lead Counsel’ by Aurora Rey was a lovely surprise as there were some characters I already knew from ‘Crescent City Confidential’. I appreciate when authors bring in characters from other stories they have written. It helps build a world for the reader. Parker and Elise have history and for Elise it’s not a great memory. Can they get over it? Finding out was interesting and beautifully done.
My favourite of the three stories was ‘Opportunity of a Lifetime’ by M Ullrich. I adore Ice Queen stories so much and this was an excellent example. Stephanie Austin comes across as cold and distant and is furious when Luca is assigned to her as an assistant. Can Luca make her see there is more to life than work? Will she let her guard down? When she does – oh boy!!! I do love seeing an ice queen melt and this one was particularly delicious.
I wholeheartedly recommend this collection.
I was given this ARC in return for an honest review.

I really enjoyed reading this boxset of books. I especially liked the first two stories in this boxset as this is my type of genre which the three book is a good book it’s just wasn’t for me. All three authors have done such a fantastic job with their stories and I did enjoy reading them. I especially liked the characters in all three stories and how they interacted with each other and with other characters throughout the stories. I will be definitely looking for more books by these authors in the future and I would definitely recommend this boxset of books to everyone

Three great reads by three great authors. I found each story very likeable but my only wish was that they could have been longer. If I had to choose my favourite I won't be able to as each story is truly no better then the other. The characters of each novella were all the kind of people you could see yourself wanting to know more. Very enjoyable read.

I found this book on NetGalley and it was my first time reading any of the authors. I’m normally not a fan of the novella, but the F/F and boss/subordinate themes appealed to me. I’m also happy to report that the stories didn’t feel like novellas, since they were well written and we got a lot of character development and backstory.
The first story, Lead Counsel by Aurora Rey was my favorite. I felt it was the strongest in terms of story line, believability, and the connection between Elisa and Parker felt sustainable long term.
For Your Eyes Only by Julie Cannon was also well written, though we received far less background information. I’m not entirely sure even where the story was set, besides a generic city. I found the stripper/professional pairing to be new and exciting, though the reveal of Jess/Dana to be an employee was a bit forced. I did, however, appreciate that there was a layer of management between Jess/Dana and Riley, so the boss/subordinate didn’t seem to be TOO improper.
Which means that the third story, Opportunity of a Lifetime was my least favorite. Honestly, I felt Stephanie was an inconsistent yo-yo and I mostly wanted to thump her in the center of her forehead. I never connected with Luca, either, and thought they both deserved a different relationship. I did, however, appreciate the ending.
Overall, I enjoyed this anthology and will keep an eye out for more books by these authors! If you’re looking for some F/F boss/subordinate action, go ahead and give this a read! You’ll love it!