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Southern paranormal cozy mystery with ghosts, witches and a murder or two.

Hope, Faith and Charity plan to open a Wiccan school and white witches’ potion shop in rural Sunflower County Mississippi. Sarah Booth Delaney and her partner in the Delaney Detective Agency, Tinkie Richmond, are paid to dig up some dirt on the three newcomers. The witches cast a spell to make Tinkie pregnant and Sarah Booth hook up with the hunky Sheriff Coleman. Someone is killed. Was the victim scared to death by the mysterious force in the apple orchard?

Charmed Bones is #18 in the series but it reads fine as a standalone. Reading the synopsis above, the plot sounds overblown but it is totally believable while immersed in the book. I found the quirky Southern characters were the best part of Charmed Bones. By the end of the book, all seemed like genuine friends that I wanted to spend more time with. Now I just have to decide to continue the series from here or start at #1. This entry deserves 4 stars!

Thanks to Minotaur and NetGalley for an advanced copy.

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One might think this is a Halloween tale full of witches and mysterious disappearances, but it is actually a case for Sarah Booth and Tinkie about a potential Wiccan School in Zinnia. While the community is upset about the possible school (which actually sounds pretty in-line with Montessori beliefs), the wife of a real estate developer hires Sarah Booth to find out why the witches are really in town.

What follows is a fascinating story about three sisters who are gorgeous Wiccan witches living at the manor house on an old dairy farm. Their eccentric landlord and partner in the school is a talented artist who lives on the third floor. It isn't long into the investigation before the first murder-by unknown poison-and unexplained horrors start happening. Monster sized claws at Sarah Booth's front door, a cape wearing stranger, and an evil presence make Sarah Booth scared as she plunges headfirst into the investigation with Tinkie and the animals at her side.

I loved the new characters introduced in this story, and hope some of them will be in the stories for good. One example is Budgie. He was a substitute teacher that Sarah Booth and Tinkie had in high school and was especially interested in Zinnia's history and history in general. He told fascinating stories to the class about houses with hidden passages or rooms that were used to hide people during conflicts. His interests made a huge impression on Sarah Booth, and when she needed someone to look for and explore hidden rooms or passages at the house where the witches lived, Budgie agreed to help. Currently working at a prison, he changed jobs and became a sheriff's deputy for Coleman. His knowledge of secret rooms helped solve this unusual case.

Carolyn Haines is an excellent story teller, and this book is no exception. Interesting characters that include Sarah Booth's cat Pluto, vivid descriptions, good friends, and romance all add up to possibly the best book about Sarah Booth's escapades. It will keep your interest right to the last word and leave you wanting more.

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I gave up at 49%. The story can't decide if it's a gothic mystery, a cozy mystery, women's fiction or a romance. I also remembered why I stopped reading this series - Jitty the ghost is annoying and the extreme emphasis on Sarah Booth getting married and pregnant. The latter was highly obnoxious earlier in the series and hasn't eased up 18 books into the series. There's also been darn little forward motion in her love life.

The mystery had potential and was the reason I read as far as I did. If only Haines could have figured out whether she was writing a cozy or gothic mystery.

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Life in Zinnia, Mississippi may never be the same. Three sexy, smart sisters have arrived in town planning to open a boarding school. And, oh by the way, they are witches and it’s a Wiccan school! When the body count starts to rise, Sarah Booths and Tinkie have their work cut out for them.

Get ready for an edge of your seat ride, this one will draw you in and send shivers down your spine. The best one yet!

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Charmed Bones by Carolyn Haines is the 18th book in the Sarah Booth Delaney series, and I loved it!! I love the whole series, please keep them coming. Not only is this book really funny at times, it can also be emotional because I feel like I know Sarah Booth and the other main characters in the book. As always Charmed Bones is a great mystery with romance thrown in, 3 men want Sarah Booth, has she finally made her choice? There are twists and turns around every corner. I found this book to be a quick read, with a well developed plot and characters. I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series. If you love cozy mysteries with a little bit of everything, I strongly recommend this book/series.

I received this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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I loved it! I really loved the story line and the unique twist of adding witches. I have read all of the bones series and this is a great addition. I will definitely recommend to family and friends.

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Carolyn Haines never disappoints with her Sarah Booth Delaney series, and I have to admit that I anxiously await every summer for her newest book in the series to be released and then do a little dance for joy! I've read every book in the series (this is book 18), and I think Charmed Bones is my favorite one yet!

I was immediately drawn into the plot about three sexy, sister witches, Faith, Hope, and Charity (you have to love their names), who arrives in Sunflower County to set up a Wiccan boarding school, but I also happen to love stories that have a supernatural element to them! Also, I've always been fascinated by Wiccanism even though I was brought up Baptist, so I found the sisters entirely fascinating, which just made the story that much more of a compelling read!

Growing up in a small southern town, one that is pretty similar to Zinnia, I can recall from childhood being told that anyone who was a witch or practiced "witchcraft" was in league with the devil and practicing satan worship, and Haines cleverly intersperses this same type of closed-minded mentality regarding witches and witchcraft in her newest book since Zinnia is a conservative, small southern town that has a hard time accepting anything that isn't the "norm' (their idea of it, anyway)!

Certainly, witches in any small southern town are bound to set tongues wagging and lead to all kind of mayhem, which is exactly what happens in Charmed Bones! But not to worry because Sarah Booth and Tinky are quickly on the case to see if the sisters are good witches or bad witches...I just had to say that since I immediately thought of the Wizard of Oz, which Sarah Booth just happens to be watching in the book!! :)

Sarah Booth and Tinkie have their hands full this time around since not only do the townspeople protest Faith, Hope, and Charity's plans to open a Wiccan boarding school and live in their town, but the Anti-Satan League gets involved as well by demonstrating outside the sister's manor home...where they get an eyeful of the witches dancing seemingly naked under the moonlight! Talk about more drama and talk, and that only gives a nosy tabloid reporter from out town more gossip and lies to spread about the sisters!

If dealing with the protesters and witch haters weren't enough, the detective duo has to track down a missing teenage boy that everyone thinks the sisters have kidnapped and investigate some very suspicious murders that seem to point back to the sisters! At the same time, Tinkie and Sarah Booth are dealing with their own personal issues, and the witches may (or may not) be giving them a hand achieving their heart's desires. I, for one, cannot wait to see what happens with these two!

In Charmed Bones, Sarah Booth and Tinkie (and the rest of regular cast of characters including men, hounds, cats, horses, and Jitty, Sarah Booth's personal haint who plays dress-up this time around as famous tv show and movie witches) are at the top of their game! Although this is 18th in the series, and I highly recommend reading every book in the series, this book can definitely be read as a standalone since Haines has written it in such a way that it easily connects for anyone who hasn't read the series.

Charmed Bones was absolutely excellent with its suspense-filled story of murder, romance, spells, love potions, poisons, charms galore, and it had thrilling twists at the end that cannot be missed! I truly love Haines writing style and this cast of characters; I feel like after 18 books that I know each one personally. And Haines' writing style is witty, smart, and full of southern charm...just like her characters! Now I'm sitting here wondering how I can possibly wait until book 19 is published...4.5 Stars!

**Thank you, NetGalley, Minotaur Books, and Carolyn Haines for an ARC in exchange for my fair and honest review.**

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I've enjoyed this series however, I found this entry less than. There seemed to be a coldness to Sarah Booth that hasn't been in evidence in the other books. Her moods were inconsistent and I was really put off the story. The subject interested me, pre-conceived notions, but I spent most of my emotion being annoyed at SB.

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A cozy mystery filled with humor and magic.
The town has three new residents with the envision of forming a boarding school, that will teach the kids how to be environmentally conscious to help the planet. This would be a great thing if not for the fact that the three sisters are witches and the school will be based on the Wicca believe.
The town's drama queen, Kitten Fontana, will not allow it to happen. She turns the town's people against the witches and retain the service f our main character detective agency.
Things start to escalate and various ulterior motives may lead to Mayhem and Murder.
No one is safe, and an old manor is the center of all the action, with dark and creepy presence and a lot of secrets.
This is definitely a page turner with unsuspected twist.
Highly recommend it for any fan of mystery and thrillers or cozy-mysteries.

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3.5 stars

Things never are dull in the small town of Zinnia, Mississippi, especially when PIs Sarah Booth and Tinkie have a case to solve. This time, the conservative town is aflutter when a trio of witch sisters wants to open a Wiccan school for children, and various parties want to hire the Delaney Detective Agency either to shut down the effort or dig up dirt on the major players. When the owner of the property on which the school is to be established mysteriously dies, Sarah Booth and Tinkie’s case becomes more dangerous and puzzling.

The usual cast of characters, from Sarah Booth and Tinkie to journalist friend Cici to pet “investigators” Sweetie Pie and Pluto, all contribute to the action. Personal stories, like Tinkie wanting a baby and Sarah Booth’s love life, complicate the investigation. It seems a bit odd that Sarah Booth, who communicates regularly with a ghost and who believes in her friend Madame Tomeeka’s gift of prophecy, has a hard time accepting even the possibility of witch magic being real when the witch sisters promise to help Tinkie with her infertility. But she is determined that her friend should not again be hurt. After some frustration, there is a bit of progress in Sarah Booth’s relationship with Coleman. (Spoiler tags) Once again, though, I suspect Haines is giving us hints this won’t last. Coleman hides important information from Sarah Booth, and she sees this as his not trusting or believing in her. She turns to Harold, who consistently is there for her and trusts her, when matters are most crucial. Then there’s that thumb tingle...(End spoiler tags)

All in all, a fun and satisfying addition to the series. The story also introduces some intriguing new characters to Zinnia from whom I hope to see more appearances. So is the witch magic real or not...

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Three sisters arrive in Zinnia, Mississippi to open, of all things, a Wiccan school. Needless to say not everyone is happy about this. Sarah Booth and TInkie are drawn into the fray and many strange things begin to happen. There are so many twists and turns I never saw the ending coming. I thoroughly enjoyed Charmed Bones.

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Charmed Bones by Carolyn Haines is a stellar addition to the series.
Sarah Booth of the Delaney Detective Agency, along with her partner Tinkie, are hired to locate a missing hooligan.
No one is to upset when Corey Fontana goes missing except for his mother.
The investigation leads the detectives to an old dairy farm, which is soon becoming a Wiccan Boarding School, owned and operated by 3 sisters, with strong abilities.
The small town is against this type of school and soon enough, Sarah Booth and Tinkie find themselves caught up in a rather odd mystery.

I was hooked on the book from the beginning and was kept guessing until the end. The story was well written and I enjoyed the plot and the mystery. I am looking forward to what will happen next to the cast of colorful characters in this fun series.

I volunteered to read and review a copy of this book provided by the publisher and NetGalley.

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A Wiccan boarding school? In Zinnia, Mississippi? I've only read a couple of books in this long running series but was able to quickly pick up the thread of events with Sarah Booth, Tinkie, Coleman, and the rest of the gang. This is a good one for cozy readers who like the South and a touch of the paranormal. The murder that sets things off also leads to some creepy activity around town. As veteran readers of the genre know, real estate can really set things off! Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. A quick, enjoyable read.

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A big thank you to NetGalley and St Martin's Press for the ARC.I am voluntarily reviewing this book.First time reading this author. I recognize her name but I have never read her. It is obvious that this is part of a series, it reads okay as. a stand alone. There is obvious history and events that you have no knowledge of from previous books. Sarah has an amazingly good relationship with her previous loves. This is crazy complicated cozy mystery. Wow!! I am still slightly confused. Fun though and we'll worth the read. I give it a 4. I think most murder mystery readers will get a kick out of this book. Enjoy!!

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Carolyn Haines has been writing her Sarah Booth Delaney series for years. I am pretty sure that this is book number 18. The first novel in the series, Them Bones, was original and charming. Part of the charm has to do with the presence of Sarah Booth's "haint,"Jitty. She is a ghost from plantation days. Don't let that put you off the book; Jitty is a fun character and somewhat of a truth teller/foil for Sarah Booth. The many residents of Zinnia, MS also come to life in the series. There is Sarah Booth's partner, Tinkie, along with many love interests for Sarah Booth over the course of the novels. These are character with whom I love to catch up.
The latest book has to do with witch sisters who want to set up a very ecologically conscious school. There is plenty of skulduddgery, attempted murder and mayhem. While this was not my favorite book in the series, it was still a fun read. Readers might want to start from the beginning and watch how the characters' lives develop.

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Charmed Bones by Carolyn Haines is the first Sarah Booth Delaney Mystery I have ever read, and first I have read from this author. I was drawn to it for the cover and I could not resist the plot. I am a fan of paranormal cozies and love ones with witches in them, this mystery was different than the cozies I normally read. While this was a very good read it had more sexual tension than I normally see in cozies, just letting you know if you are someone who prefers more of a tame cozy. I very much enjoyed the idea of a Wiccan Boarding School, and the fact that main characters Sarah and her partner Tinkie are PI's with no nonsense attitudes and who feel the fear and do things anyway. They have a complex relationship and a strong friendship. But they also have strong and stubborn ways about them that make them quite likeable. This book had lots of elements I enjoyed, especially a live in ghost who manifests as movie characters throughout the book providing a bit of comic relief. This book may not be for everyone but I could not put it down. This one is May 15th and is published by Minotaur Books.

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This is the latest edition in the Sarah Booth Delaney series. A group of wic can sisters have come to Zinnia and are planning to start a Wiccan school. Sarah Booth and Tinkie are hired to investigate why the sisters are really in town. The sisters are using an old dairy for their school with a recluse artist living on the third floor. The artist ends up dead from an unknown cause. This book had everything. The mystery was well done. I was kept guessing until the end and was a little creeped out towards the end of the book. I love Sarah Booth and Coleman's relationship. I think they are a good match for each other. I hope to see some of the characters that were introduced in this book come back in future books. Can't wait for the next book.

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Cozy at home, Sarah Booth Delaney is not happy to called out to the Sunflower County Board of Education meeting by Tinkie. It seems that three sisters are applying for state recognition for a boarding school they're opening. The reason people are upset? It's going to be a Wiccan school.

The Harrington sisters have bought a load of property from Trevor Musgrove, a local artist who will be allowed to live on the property until his death. And this isn't a problem until people start dying and the sisters get blamed.

A decent story. The ending was a bit overwrought but I don't think that regular reader's in this series will mind at all.

Three stars
This book comes out May 15th
ARC kindly provided by NetGalley

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Not sure why the publisher is choosing a May release date. With the extra supernatural elements to this story, a Sept. or October release seems more appropriate. Besides the usual ghost, Jitty, we have witches and magic in this one.

The mystery aspect of Charmed was good and unexpectedly complicated, however, it didn't really get going until about 65%. I'm also really tired of Jitty and her role. In this story, Sarah Boothe seemed a little mentally challenged. For some reason she starts confusing Jitty scenes with reality which made no sense, since she'd never had a problem before.

The pregnancy obsession has just gotten out of hand in this series. For 17 books, we've heard Jitty obsess about Sarah Boothe's womb. Sarah Boothe is now talking about it a lot, Tinkie has her own issues with pregnancy that is a big part of this story. It was just too much and distracted from the mystery for me.

Strong mystery which starts late, but too much pregnancy/relationship crap for me.

I got my copy from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

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This was the,first book of the series that I have read. Maybe I would of had enjoyed it more if I had read previous installments. I didn't much like Sarah Booth, and I couldn't understand why all those men wanted to be in a relationship with her, or why that was an important part of the story. As for the mystery, there were too many people involved each with their own motive and goals for me to believe the story. Just didn't work well for me.

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