Member Reviews

I wasn't sure about this book at first since I'm not a fan of romances written in first person. I'm so glad I stuck with it though. The perspective switches between Rian and Pierce often enough that you get a balanced story. I loved the humor here. It was funny, sexy and sweet.

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I loved this book! It was a funny and fast read for me. I have slowly but surely been making my way through Helena Hunting's backlog and I have yet to be disappointed.

This book was about Rian and Pierce. Rian and her sister (who are fraternal twins) are realtors trying to get their business off the ground and get into the flipping of houses. The biggest concern Rian and her sister have is that their father pulled off one of the biggest Ponzi schemes of all time and then disappeared on them on; if anyone finds out their last name then they will be sunk in the realtor business. They lost everything when their father and mother left them to their own devices.

Pierce is in the Hamptons taking some time off of work after he had a major oops at work that caused his family a lot of stress. He and his brother are also working on buying up properties and flipping house. He and Rian run into each at the grocery store after a case of mistaken identity; Pierce thinks Rian is her sister who hit his expensive car in the parking lot. Sparks fly right from the get go but Rian ignores them and tries to put Pierce out of her mind. Lots of random encounters later and you have some undeniably funny scenes, some drama and all around great reading.

I would definitely recommend this book and most of Helena's backlog.

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Rian and her twin sister, Marley are trying to get to a place financially where they can start flipping homes and making a real living, after their parents left them with a mountain of debt and a bad reputation. These sisters are realtors, who's market is The Hamptons. They are on the cusp of having the financing for their first flip when Marley's grocery store, parking lot, fender bender, costs them a pretty penny.

Marley hit and ran from sideswiping Pierces' car. When he notices Rian in the grocery store, he thinks he's found his culprit. The problem is, though not identical, Rian looks enough like her fraternal twin Marley for him to make the mistake. So their first meeting consists of him yelling at her and calling her "sweetheart", which she hates.

The sisters keep running into Pierce; at dinner with his sister, where Rian thinks he's on a date. At the rental they are meeting friends, were it turns out Pierce and his brother, Lawson, own. Then finally where it turns out they are the realtors Lawson has hired to find homes fro he and Pierce to flip/rent out.

Pierce is a Patent Attorney, who doesn't enjoy his work. He likes getting his hands dirty, and flipping homes provides him with that outlet. He is immediately supportive of Rian's desire to do the same. He's knows there's something she's holding back, that Rian is very guarded for some reason.

It takes some time, but Pierce finally convinces Rian that they have chemistry that's worth pursing. But Rian has secrets she's keeping. Secrets that keep her from fully trusting anyone other than Marley. When she jumps to some conclusions, Pierce will have to work overtime in order to convince her that what they have is worth fighting for.

This is the story of Amalie's (from Hooking Up) eldest brother.

I loved twins, Rian and Marley. So different, but so committed to each other. Their story was horrible, what their parents did to them. Although, I always want these types of characters to spew their truth and just get it out there, I can understand why Rian is so closed off about her family. No one would want people to know what happened and judge them based on their parents misdeeds, but people do.

Pierce was a great character, although I wasn't a fan of the younger brother, Lawson. I get that Lawson wanted to forge a new path. But he was very dismissive of Rian and her sister. He would get angry when they were doing the same thing he was and he never backed down from his opinion. It just didn't sit well with me.

I loved the idea of flipping in the Hamptons. I'm obsessed with HGTV and watch every show, wishing I had the DIY network. I would probably never watch anything else, if I did.

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Her Walls Have to be the First Flip

Did Rian's trust issues get old? Yup. Was I waiting for Pierce to reveal a terrible...something? Absolutely. Instead, a man with an openness to following his urges, confronts a woman who has learned the hard way that only some people get to steer their own baits, and even when folks look whole on the outside, careless, they can carry quite heavy burdens.

It's a standalone, and might lean a tad too heavily on secondary characters to emphasize the strength of the main characters', connection as well as some questionably-placed, street slang, but it's truly a minor issue for a consistent, well-crafted, grown folks' story.

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Such a fun, steamy romance! Loved it! Especially how independent Rian is in the face of Pierce's wealth, and how head over heels Pierce is for Rian. Their meet cute in the supermarket was the best-- laugh out loud funny!

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley and I am voluntarily reviewing it.

This was so darn funny. I laughed so hard at times especially the interaction between the siblings!!!! It was just hilarious. I really enjoyed this book. I really felt for Rian and Marley. They had to overcome so much. I felt there were times when I felt she should have revealed her background BUT I completely understood her hesitancy when the full revelation of her family history was revealed. This was a wonderful feel good romantic comedy. With all the flipping shows on television, this was a story that was long time coming to readers.

A MUST story to read.

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I received an advanced copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review. This was a fast and fun book. This is the story of Rian and Pierce. They meet because her twin sister, Marley, hit his car and then left the scene and he’s been looking for Marley ever since. Turns out they both end up flipping houses and sparks fly for Rian and Pierce. This is just a fun and hot book that I very much enjoyed reading. I did kinda see a bit if it coming, hence the 4 stars, not 5, but it was very enjoyable and I will definitely read more from her!

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Always a pleasure to read Ms Hunting! I loved Rian and Pierce, their chemistry was off the charts and their dialogue was witty and clever. Sparks everywhere! The writing in general was fast and flirty, funny and wildly entertaining. I felt like I was with friends :)
The length was bit much, and the dramatic conflict in the book was a bit scattered (something about his brother being offended that his real estate agents bought a house? Not sure what that was about... but it seemed unimportant enough that perhaps that whole thing could be edited out?) but whatever- I loved it. Lots of fun, pace was great and I fell head over heels for the characters!

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New to me author, and I have to say I liked the story! I wasn't aware this was the 3rd book in the series, I'll have to go and read the others now. Cute story about a guy trying to break away from what his father wants him to do in life and a girl trying to make something of herself after her father destroys her life. Loved the interactions between Rian and Pierce, Lawson is a jerk, and Marley full of fun. Would recommend!!

This review is based on a galley copy from netgalley, courtesy of the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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OH WHAT A FUN FLIPPING READ THIS WAS! I Flipping Love You had me in stitches! It was hilarious, too freaking cute for words, wonderfully sexy with sensational characters and a storyline I just FLIPPED for. I know that was corny but damn...I am IN LOVE with this book.

I just ADORE Helena Hunting's romances. But I Flipping Love You just made my heart pitter patter WAY more than her previous Shacking Up stories. This one made me giggle snort, sigh wistfully, fall in love, and made me want to LIVE inside the book. I had SO MUCH FUN reading it I just want to SCREAM it, LOUD AND PROUD from the rooftops until I am certain the whole world could hear me. This one is going to be HIGHLY memorable and I can't wait to read it again.


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This was the first time I have ever read a book by Helena Hunting and I’m kicking myself for waiting so long!!! I loved this book so much!!! The characters, the chemistry and their banter was everything I love in a book. We had several laugh out loud moments in this story that had me in stitches! From vagina’s not being for sale and poor Terry who couldn’t handle the Mexican food it was so hard to keep a straight face.

This story wasn’t just fun and games and we had some serious moments as well. I really liked Rian since she was sassy and no nonsense. Pierce wasn’t your typical rich playboy and he really surprised me with his actions throughout this story. The secondary characters were entertaining and I do hope we get a book about Marley, Rains fraternal twin sister.

As I stated before this was my first read by Helena Hunting and it left me full on satisfied and this is the perfect summer beach read! I will be checking out past and future books from this author. Well done!

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*dreamy sigh and googly eyes*

This book was so flipping cute. I have an newly found obsession with all things Helena Hunting, but most especially her Shacking Up series. It's the perfect blend of rom-com, steam, and feels. It's just one of those easy, feel-good sort of romances that will leave you with a big ole' goofy and satisfied grins on your face when you're finished. And it had quite possibly one of the best meet-cutes I've read in quite a while. I mean, how funny when the gorgeous man staring at you in the grocery aisle is actually mistaken you for your fraternal twin sister that scratched his car and drove off? Well, Rian doesn't find it very funny, but I did. And the sparks were immediate between her and Pierce!

We’re having a sleepover. We’re going to do this all night, and I’m going to cuddle you like a motherfucker after I finishing sexing every last orgasm out of you.”
“Okay.” I mean, what else can I really say to that?

I loved Pierce's slow and thorough persistence in going after skittish Rian. Rian is done with gorgeous man and their defined bodies. She needs a 9/10 match, and that seems to set her up with boring but safe man that she has zero chemistry with. And of course it would figure that Pierce's mere presence makes her entire body tingle. But he's everything that shouldn't give into. She's focusing on getting her life back together, her real estate endeavors with her sister, and the gorgeous man that tempts her beyond reason doesn't fit in that picture. Unfortunately for her, he refuses to take no for an answer.

Did you do that math in your head?”
“Yes.” He crowds me.
“You need to stop that.” I have to tip my head up so I can meet his serious gaze.
“I need to stop doing mental math?”
“In public places, yes.” I bite my cheek to keep my smile in check.
“Do I want to ask why?”
“Because I find it sexy, and it makes me want to do inappropriate things to you in this aisle.

Pierce was absolutely delicious. I loved his unrelenting pursuit of Rian almost as much as I loved to see her unsuccessfully fight the connection between them only to inevitably give in to the explosive fireworks. Pierce was the steady force to Rian's somewhat indecisive and skittish nature, and it was the perfect balance.

Everything about this book worked for me; the chemistry, the pacing, the character development. It was funny and steamy and absolute romcom perfection. I enjoyed it thoroughly and cannot recommend it enough. I'm also hoping to get a bit of redemption for Lawson with the next book, because he drove me crazy with his mood swings in this one and I'm itching for the details of why.

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This is everything you would expect from a Helena Hunting story. There are so many laughs and swoons and heart palpitations, you will forget everything else and just lose yourself in this story. I loved the characters and their banter and chemistry was amazing! I absolutely love the Shacking Up books and I can't wait to read more from Helena!

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I fell in love with Rian and Pierce and they had me laughing and crying. They were so likeable and their back and forth banter was too funny. Their attraction was strong but muted by the fact that they became real estate rivals. Well written and entertaining. I read a reader copy and voluntarily chose to write a review.

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This review will be brief and straight to the point. Rian and Pierce, the main couple, were great together. I especially loved Rian’s humorous inner monologues, feistiness, and her witty back and forth banter with Pierce. Since both of them preferred relationship type intimacy, I was pleased as punch they weren’t stereotypical looking for love in all the wrong kinds of places type characters. No, both had been celibate awhile but had some baggage they had to deal with before they could completely move on with their future.

It was especially sweet how hard and fast Pierce fell for Rian. Make no mistake though, their spontaneous, can’t keep their hands to themselves smexy scenes were off the charts graphically steamy with lusty language to boot. There is a brief OW cameo/reference, but nothing to worry about, folks. Pierce is not pining over that failed long term relationship. No, he’s got a perfectly clear conscious and realizes he dodged a bullet by not marrying that woman.

There is a knucklehead moment near the end that pops up, which causes some brief relationship angst. Of course, these two meant to be together lovebirds work it all out and get their romantic HEA.

Title: I Flipping Love You, Series: Shacking Up (Book 3), Author: Helena Hunting: Pages: 320, stand-alone but part of a series, good guy hero, a knucklehead moment, HEA, both betrayed in the past, very steamy scenes with lusty language, loved how he fell for her and wouldn’t give up.

Book 1 - Shacking Up
Book 2 - Getting Down
Book 3 - Hooking Up
Book 4 - I Flipping Love You

(I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I was not given any payment or compensation for this review, nor is there any affiliation or relationship between this reviewer and the author/publisher/NetGalley.)

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I'm on an HGTV binge and watching the Property Brothers and their house flips, and this fell into my lap perfectly.

Rian Sutter and her sister have been through hell and back, and managed to pick up the pieces and work towards their dream, their grandmother's home. But when her sister dings a very expensive car in the grocery store parking lot, they have no choice but to spare a few $$ to have it fixed.

Pierce Whitfield wants out of his law firm and into flipping houses for a living. He wants to follow his passion. To his occupational dream enters a passion of a different kind. Rian Sutter is everything he didn't know he wants. 

Rian and her sister's lives are now woven into Pierce's and their relationship turns from flirty to physical to hopelessly in love, and I enjoyed every single minute reading it.

There's humor, and lust, and sexiness and emotion, but it's all wrapped up in a fun to read story.

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I Flipping Love You by Helena Hunting was a great little read!

Not going to lie – I’m quite surprised by how much I enjoyed this book. I thought it was funny, well written, and evenly paced. I truly could not put it down. Their meet-cute hooked me straight away and the momentum only built from there. The story's progression really allowed me to grow to love the characters, their story, and their journey towards the coveted HEA. The characters were very consistent and reliable and the hero gave me all the heart eyes! I loved Pierce’s good-guy nature, and admired his persistence which never came off as irritating. Rian was very dynamic – I loved her independent attitude. If I had a complaint it would be that aside from their first time together, the sex scenes were pretty tame or they faded to black and happened off the page. I'm not familiar with HH's style however, I was disappointed because that first scene was fire and I was really looking forward to more of their dirty banter.

I’d definitely recommend I Flipping Love You to any romance reader looking for something quick and fun. It's the perfect summer read.

(blog post to be live on 6/6/18)

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This was a fun book to get lost in for a while. The hero and heroine bickered a lot and the dialogue was at times funny, but I didn't quite buy into their chemistry. I didn't like the siblings at all (his brother, her sister). They seemed selfish and immature. Not a book I'll be re-reading, but amusing for a quick read.

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QueenZany 5 Star Review
I Flipping Love You
Helena Hunting

I Flipping Love You is a take no prisoner, laugh out loud unapologetic romantic satire of the year!
So, jump into the sexy ride to OMG Land!!! Giggle, laugh and drool all at the same time because it's so worth it! Heck yes and give me some more!

GoodReads Review

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I really enjoyed this book! It was the first book I’ve read by this author but it definitely won’t be the last. I loved Rian and Pierce, they had amazing chemistry and were so much fun to read. Rian was great, so scared to let people in but absolutely irresistibly drawn to Pierce. Then there was Pierce…holy hotness!! I loved Pierce! I loved how determined he was, how hell bent on getting through Rian’s walls. This was an amazing book about two wonderful people falling in love and it was an incredibly fun ride. I can’t wait ti see who’s next!! I received an ARC of this book from the publisher through Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.

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